public static void API( string endpoint, HttpMethod method, FacebookDelegate callback) { if (method != HttpMethod.GET) throw new NotImplementedException(); Task.Run(async () => { FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(_fbSessionClient.CurrentAccessTokenData.AccessToken); FBResult fbResult = null; try { var apiCall = await fb.GetTaskAsync(endpoint, null); if (apiCall != null) { fbResult = new FBResult(); fbResult.Text = apiCall.ToString(); fbResult.Json = apiCall as JsonObject; } } catch (Exception ex) { fbResult = new FBResult(); fbResult.Error = ex.Message; } if (callback != null) { Utils.RunOnUnityAppThread(() => { callback(fbResult); }); } }); }
internal static void Request( string url, HttpMethod method, WWWForm query = null, FacebookDelegate callback = null) { FBComponentFactory.AddComponent<AsyncRequestString>() .SetUrl(url) .SetMethod(method) .SetQuery(query) .SetCallback(callback); }
internal static void Request( string url, HttpMethod method, Dictionary<string, string> formData = null, FacebookDelegate callback = null) { FBComponentFactory.AddComponent<AsyncRequestString>() .SetUrl(url) .SetMethod(method) .SetFormData(formData) .SetCallback(callback); }
public virtual void API( string query, HttpMethod method, Dictionary<string, string> formData = null, FacebookDelegate callback = null) { Dictionary<string, string> inputFormData; // Copy the formData by value so it's not vulnerable to scene changes and object deletions inputFormData = (formData != null) ? CopyByValue(formData) : new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (!inputFormData.ContainsKey(AccessTokenKey) && !query.Contains("access_token=")) { inputFormData[AccessTokenKey] = AccessToken; } AsyncRequestString.Request(GetGraphUrl(query), method, inputFormData, callback); }
public override void API( string query, HttpMethod method, Dictionary<string, string> formData = null, FacebookDelegate callback = null) { if (query.StartsWith("me")) { FbDebug.Warn(" does not work within the Unity Editor"); } if (!query.Contains("access_token=") && (formData == null || !formData.ContainsKey("access_token"))) { FbDebug.Warn("Without an access_token param explicitly passed in formData, some API graph calls will 404 error in the Unity Editor."); } fb.API(query, method, formData, callback); }
public void API( string query, HttpMethod method, Facebook.APIDelegate callback = null, Dictionary<string, string> formData = null, Facebook.ErrorDelegate errorCallback = null) { FbDebug.Log("Calling API"); if (!query.StartsWith("/")) { query = "/" + query; } string url = IntegratedPluginCanvasLocation.GraphUrl + query; // Copy the formData by value so it's not vulnerable to scene changes and object deletions Dictionary<string, string> inputFormData = (formData != null) ? CopyByValue(formData) : new Dictionary<string, string>(1); if (!inputFormData.ContainsKey(AccessTokenKey)) { inputFormData[AccessTokenKey] = AccessToken; } StartCoroutine(graphAPI(url, method, callback, inputFormData, errorCallback)); }
public static void API( string endpoint, HttpMethod method, FacebookDelegate callback) { if (_web == null) throw new MissingScaffoldingException(); if (!IsLoggedIn) { // Already in use if (callback != null) callback(new FBResult() { Error = "Not logged in" }); return; } if (method != HttpMethod.GET) throw new NotImplementedException(); Task.Run(async () => { FBResult fbResult = null; try { var apiCall = await _client.GetTaskAsync(endpoint, null); if (apiCall != null) { fbResult = new FBResult(); fbResult.Text = apiCall.ToString(); fbResult.Json = apiCall as JsonObject; } } catch (Exception ex) { fbResult = new FBResult(); fbResult.Error = ex.Message; } if (callback != null) { Utils.RunOnUnityAppThread(() => { callback(fbResult); }); } }); }
public static void API( string endpoint, HttpMethod method, FacebookDelegate callback, object parameters = null) { #if NETFX_CORE if (_web == null) throw new MissingPlatformException(); if (!IsLoggedIn) { // Already in use if (callback != null) callback(new FBResult() { Error = "Not logged in" }); return; } Task.Run(async () => { FBResult fbResult = null; try { object apiCall; if (method == HttpMethod.GET) { apiCall = await _client.GetTaskAsync(endpoint, parameters); } else if (method == HttpMethod.POST) { apiCall = await _client.PostTaskAsync(endpoint, parameters); } else { apiCall = await _client.DeleteTaskAsync(endpoint); } if (apiCall != null) { fbResult = new FBResult(); fbResult.Text = apiCall.ToString(); fbResult.Json = apiCall as JsonObject; } } catch (Exception ex) { fbResult = new FBResult(); fbResult.Error = ex.Message; } if (callback != null) { Dispatcher.InvokeOnAppThread(() => { callback(fbResult); }); } }); #else throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(""); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Makes a request to the Facebook server. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpMethod">Http method. (GET/POST/DELETE)</param> /// <param name="path">The resource path or the resource url.</param> /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param> /// <param name="resultType">The type of deserialize object into.</param> /// <returns>The json result.</returns> protected virtual object Api(HttpMethod httpMethod, string path, object parameters, Type resultType) { Stream input; bool containsEtag; IList<int> batchEtags; var httpHelper = PrepareRequest(httpMethod, path, parameters, resultType, out input, out containsEtag, out batchEtags); if (input != null) { try { using (var stream = httpHelper.OpenWrite()) { // write input to requestStream var buffer = new byte[BufferSize]; while (true) { int bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); input.Flush(); if (bytesRead <= 0) break; stream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); stream.Flush(); } } } catch (WebExceptionWrapper ex) { if (ex.GetResponse() == null) throw; } finally { input.Dispose(); } } Stream responseStream = null; object result = null; bool read = false; try { responseStream = httpHelper.OpenRead(); read = true; } catch (WebExceptionWrapper ex) { var response = ex.GetResponse(); if (response == null) throw; if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotModified) { var jsonObject = new JsonObject(); var headers = new JsonObject(); foreach (var headerName in response.Headers.AllKeys) headers[headerName] = response.Headers[headerName]; jsonObject["headers"] = headers; result = jsonObject; } else { responseStream = httpHelper.OpenRead(); read = true; } } finally { if (read) { string responseString; using (var stream = responseStream) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { responseString = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } result = ProcessResponse(httpHelper, responseString, resultType, containsEtag, batchEtags); } } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FacebookBatchParameter"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpMethod"> /// The http method. /// </param> /// <param name="path"> /// The resource path. /// </param> /// <param name="parameters"> /// The parameters. /// </param> public FacebookBatchParameter(HttpMethod httpMethod, string path, object parameters) { HttpMethod = httpMethod; Path = path; Parameters = parameters; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FacebookBatchParameter"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpMethod"> /// The http method. /// </param> /// <param name="path"> /// The resource path. /// </param> public FacebookBatchParameter(HttpMethod httpMethod, string path) : this(httpMethod, path, null) { }
protected virtual void ApiAsync(HttpMethod httpMethod, string path, object parameters, Type resultType, object userState) { Stream input; bool containsEtag; IList<int> batchEtags = null; var httpHelper = PrepareRequest(httpMethod, path, parameters, resultType, out input, out containsEtag, out batchEtags); _httpWebRequest = httpHelper.HttpWebRequest; #if FLUENTHTTP_CORE_TPL if (HttpWebRequestWrapperCreated != null) HttpWebRequestWrapperCreated(this, new HttpWebRequestCreatedEventArgs(userState, httpHelper.HttpWebRequest)); #endif var uploadProgressChanged = UploadProgressChanged; bool notifyUploadProgressChanged = uploadProgressChanged != null && httpHelper.HttpWebRequest.Method == "POST"; httpHelper.OpenReadCompleted += (o, e) => { FacebookApiEventArgs args; if (e.Cancelled) { args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(e.Error, true, userState, null); } else if (e.Error == null) { string responseString = null; try { using (var stream = e.Result) { #if NETFX_CORE bool compressed = false; var contentEncoding = httpHelper.HttpWebResponse.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("Content-Encoding") ? httpHelper.HttpWebResponse.Headers["Content-Encoding"] : null; if (contentEncoding != null) { if (contentEncoding.IndexOf("gzip") != -1) { using (var uncompressedStream = new System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(stream, System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress)) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(uncompressedStream)) { responseString = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } compressed = true; } else if (contentEncoding.IndexOf("deflate") != -1) { using (var uncompressedStream = new System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream(stream, System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress)) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(uncompressedStream)) { responseString = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } compressed = true; } } if (!compressed) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { responseString = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } #else var response = httpHelper.HttpWebResponse; if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotModified) { var jsonObject = new JsonObject(); var headers = new JsonObject(); foreach (var headerName in response.Headers.AllKeys) headers[headerName] = response.Headers[headerName]; jsonObject["headers"] = headers; args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(null, false, userState, jsonObject); OnCompleted(httpMethod, args); return; } using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { responseString = reader.ReadToEnd(); } #endif } try { object result = ProcessResponse(httpHelper, responseString, resultType, containsEtag, batchEtags); args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(null, false, userState, result); } catch (Exception ex) { args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(ex, false, userState, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { args = httpHelper.HttpWebRequest.IsCancelled ? new FacebookApiEventArgs(ex, true, userState, null) : new FacebookApiEventArgs(ex, false, userState, null); } } else { var webEx = e.Error as WebExceptionWrapper; if (webEx == null) { args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(e.Error, httpHelper.HttpWebRequest.IsCancelled, userState, null); } else { if (webEx.GetResponse() == null) { args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(webEx, false, userState, null); } else { var response = httpHelper.HttpWebResponse; if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotModified) { var jsonObject = new JsonObject(); var headers = new JsonObject(); foreach (var headerName in response.Headers.AllKeys) headers[headerName] = response.Headers[headerName]; jsonObject["headers"] = headers; args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(null, false, userState, jsonObject); } else { httpHelper.OpenReadAsync(); return; } } } } OnCompleted(httpMethod, args); }; if (input == null) { httpHelper.OpenReadAsync(); } else { // we have a request body so write httpHelper.OpenWriteCompleted += (o, e) => { FacebookApiEventArgs args; if (e.Cancelled) { input.Dispose(); args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(e.Error, true, userState, null); } else if (e.Error == null) { try { using (var stream = e.Result) { // write input to requestStream var buffer = new byte[BufferSize]; int nread; if (notifyUploadProgressChanged) { long totalBytesToSend = input.Length; long bytesSent = 0; while ((nread = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { stream.Write(buffer, 0, nread); stream.Flush(); // notify upload progress changed bytesSent += nread; OnUploadProgressChanged(new FacebookUploadProgressChangedEventArgs(0, 0, bytesSent, totalBytesToSend, ((int)(bytesSent * 100 / totalBytesToSend)), userState)); } } else { while ((nread = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { stream.Write(buffer, 0, nread); stream.Flush(); } } } httpHelper.OpenReadAsync(); return; } catch (Exception ex) { args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(ex, httpHelper.HttpWebRequest.IsCancelled, userState, null); } finally { input.Dispose(); } } else { input.Dispose(); var webExceptionWrapper = e.Error as WebExceptionWrapper; if (webExceptionWrapper != null) { var ex = webExceptionWrapper; if (ex.GetResponse() != null) { httpHelper.OpenReadAsync(); return; } } args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(e.Error, false, userState, null); } OnCompleted(httpMethod, args); }; httpHelper.OpenWriteAsync(); } }
protected internal override void ApiAsync(string path, IDictionary<string, object> parameters, HttpMethod httpMethod, object userToken) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void ItShouldReturnTheEquivalentString(HttpMethod httpMethod, string strHttpMethod) { var result = FacebookUtils.ConvertToString(httpMethod); Assert.Equal(strHttpMethod, result); }
private IEnumerator graphAPI( string url, HttpMethod method, Facebook.APIDelegate callback = null, Dictionary<string, string> formData = null, Facebook.ErrorDelegate errorCallback = null) { WWW www; if (method == HttpMethod.GET) { string query = (url.Contains("?")) ? "&" : "?"; if (formData != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in formData) { query += string.Format("{0}={1}&", Uri.EscapeDataString(pair.Key), Uri.EscapeDataString(pair.Value)); } } www = new WWW(url + query); } else //POST { WWWForm query = new WWWForm(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in formData) { query.AddField(pair.Key, pair.Value); } www = new WWW(url, query); } FbDebug.Log("Fetching from " + www.url); yield return www; if (www.error != null) { if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(www.error); } else { FbDebug.Error("Web Error: " + www.error); } } else { if (callback != null) { callback(www.text); } else { FbDebug.Log(www.text); } } www.Dispose(); formData.Clear(); }
private HttpHelper PrepareRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, string path, object parameters, Type resultType, out Stream input, out bool containsEtag, out IList<int> batchEtags) { input = null; containsEtag = false; batchEtags = null; IDictionary<string, FacebookMediaObject> mediaObjects; IDictionary<string, FacebookMediaStream> mediaStreams; IDictionary<string, object> parametersWithoutMediaObjects = ToDictionary(parameters, out mediaObjects, out mediaStreams) ?? new Dictionary<string, object>(); if (!parametersWithoutMediaObjects.ContainsKey("access_token") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessToken)) parametersWithoutMediaObjects["access_token"] = AccessToken; if (!parametersWithoutMediaObjects.ContainsKey("return_ssl_resources") && IsSecureConnection) parametersWithoutMediaObjects["return_ssl_resources"] = true; string etag = null; if (parametersWithoutMediaObjects.ContainsKey(ETagKey)) { etag = (string)parametersWithoutMediaObjects[ETagKey]; parametersWithoutMediaObjects.Remove(ETagKey); containsEtag = true; } Uri uri; bool isLegacyRestApi = false; path = ParseUrlQueryString(path, parametersWithoutMediaObjects, false, out uri, out isLegacyRestApi); if (parametersWithoutMediaObjects.ContainsKey("format")) parametersWithoutMediaObjects["format"] = "json-strings"; string restMethod = null; if (parametersWithoutMediaObjects.ContainsKey("method")) { restMethod = (string)parametersWithoutMediaObjects["method"]; if (restMethod.Equals("DELETE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) throw new ArgumentException("Parameter cannot contain method=delete. Use Delete or DeleteAsync or DeleteTaskAsync methods instead.", "parameters"); parametersWithoutMediaObjects.Remove("method"); isLegacyRestApi = true; } else if (isLegacyRestApi) { throw new ArgumentException("Parameters should contain rest 'method' name", "parameters"); } UriBuilder uriBuilder; if (uri == null) { uriBuilder = new UriBuilder { Scheme = "https" }; if (isLegacyRestApi) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(restMethod)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Legacy rest api 'method' in parameters is null or empty."); path = string.Concat("method/", restMethod); parametersWithoutMediaObjects["format"] = "json-strings"; if (restMethod.Equals("video.upload")) uriBuilder.Host = UseFacebookBeta ? "" : ""; else if (LegacyRestApiReadOnlyCalls.Contains(restMethod)) uriBuilder.Host = UseFacebookBeta ? "" : ""; else uriBuilder.Host = UseFacebookBeta ? "" : ""; } else { if (parametersWithoutMediaObjects.ContainsKey("batch")) { var processBatchResponse = !parametersWithoutMediaObjects.ContainsKey("_process_batch_response_") || (bool)parametersWithoutMediaObjects["_process_batch_response_"]; if (processBatchResponse) { batchEtags = new List<int>(); var batch = parametersWithoutMediaObjects["batch"] as IList<object>; if (batch != null) { int i; for (i = 0; i < batch.Count; i++) { var batchParameter = batch[i] as IDictionary<string, object>; if (batchParameter != null) { IDictionary<string, object> headers = null; if (batchParameter.ContainsKey("headers")) headers = (IDictionary<string, object>)batchParameter["headers"]; bool containsBatchEtag = batchParameter.ContainsKey(ETagKey); if (containsBatchEtag) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)batchParameter[ETagKey])) { batchEtags.Add(i); batchParameter.Remove(ETagKey); continue; } else if (headers == null) { headers = new Dictionary<string, object>(); batchParameter["headers"] = headers; } } if (containsBatchEtag) { if (!headers.ContainsKey("If-None-Match")) headers["If-None-Match"] = string.Concat('"', batchParameter[ETagKey], '"'); batchParameter.Remove(ETagKey); batchEtags.Add(i); } else { if (headers != null && headers.ContainsKey("If-None-Match")) batchEtags.Add(i); } } } } } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } if (httpMethod == HttpMethod.Post && path.EndsWith("/videos")) uriBuilder.Host = UseFacebookBeta ? "" : ""; else uriBuilder.Host = UseFacebookBeta ? "" : ""; } } else { uriBuilder = new UriBuilder { Host = uri.Host, Scheme = uri.Scheme }; } uriBuilder.Path = path; string contentType = null; var queryString = new StringBuilder(); SerializeParameters(parametersWithoutMediaObjects); if (parametersWithoutMediaObjects.ContainsKey("access_token")) { var accessToken = parametersWithoutMediaObjects["access_token"]; if (accessToken != null && (!(accessToken is string) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)accessToken)))) queryString.AppendFormat("access_token={0}&", accessToken); parametersWithoutMediaObjects.Remove("access_token"); } if (httpMethod != HttpMethod.Post) { if (containsEtag && httpMethod != HttpMethod.Get) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} is only supported for http get method.", ETagKey), "httpMethod"); // for GET,DELETE if (mediaObjects.Count > 0 && mediaStreams.Count > 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Attachments (FacebookMediaObject/FacebookMediaStream) are valid only in POST requests."); #if SILVERLIGHT && !WINDOWS_PHONE if (httpMethod == HttpMethod.Delete) queryString.Append("method=delete&"); #endif foreach (var kvp in parametersWithoutMediaObjects) queryString.AppendFormat("{0}={1}&", HttpHelper.UrlEncode(kvp.Key), HttpHelper.UrlEncode(BuildHttpQuery(kvp.Value, HttpHelper.UrlEncode))); } else { if (mediaObjects.Count == 0 && mediaStreams.Count == 0) { contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kvp in parametersWithoutMediaObjects) sb.AppendFormat("{0}={1}&", HttpHelper.UrlEncode(kvp.Key), HttpHelper.UrlEncode(BuildHttpQuery(kvp.Value, HttpHelper.UrlEncode))); if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Length--; input = sb.Length == 0 ? null : new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString())); } else { string boundary = Boundary == null ? DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) // for unit testing : Boundary(); contentType = string.Concat("multipart/form-data; boundary=", boundary); var streams = new List<Stream>(); var indexOfDisposableStreams = new List<int>(); // Build up the post message header var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kvp in parametersWithoutMediaObjects) { sb.Append(MultiPartFormPrefix).Append(boundary).Append(MultiPartNewLine); sb.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"").Append(kvp.Key).Append("\""); sb.Append(MultiPartNewLine).Append(MultiPartNewLine); sb.Append(BuildHttpQuery(kvp.Value, HttpHelper.UrlEncode)); sb.Append(MultiPartNewLine); } indexOfDisposableStreams.Add(streams.Count); streams.Add(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()))); foreach (var facebookMediaObject in mediaObjects) { var sbMediaObject = new StringBuilder(); var mediaObject = facebookMediaObject.Value; if (mediaObject.ContentType == null || mediaObject.GetValue() == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaObject.FileName)) throw new InvalidOperationException(AttachmentMustHavePropertiesSetError); sbMediaObject.Append(MultiPartFormPrefix).Append(boundary).Append(MultiPartNewLine); sbMediaObject.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"").Append(facebookMediaObject.Key).Append("\"; filename=\"").Append(mediaObject.FileName).Append("\"").Append(MultiPartNewLine); sbMediaObject.Append("Content-Type: ").Append(mediaObject.ContentType).Append(MultiPartNewLine).Append(MultiPartNewLine); indexOfDisposableStreams.Add(streams.Count); streams.Add(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sbMediaObject.ToString()))); byte[] fileData = mediaObject.GetValue(); if (fileData == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(AttachmentValueIsNull); indexOfDisposableStreams.Add(streams.Count); streams.Add(new MemoryStream(fileData)); indexOfDisposableStreams.Add(streams.Count); streams.Add(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MultiPartNewLine))); } foreach (var facebookMediaStream in mediaStreams) { var sbMediaStream = new StringBuilder(); var mediaStream = facebookMediaStream.Value; if (mediaStream.ContentType == null || mediaStream.GetValue() == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaStream.FileName)) throw new InvalidOperationException(AttachmentMustHavePropertiesSetError); sbMediaStream.Append(MultiPartFormPrefix).Append(boundary).Append(MultiPartNewLine); sbMediaStream.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"").Append(facebookMediaStream.Key).Append("\"; filename=\"").Append(mediaStream.FileName).Append("\"").Append(MultiPartNewLine); sbMediaStream.Append("Content-Type: ").Append(mediaStream.ContentType).Append(MultiPartNewLine).Append(MultiPartNewLine); indexOfDisposableStreams.Add(streams.Count); streams.Add(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sbMediaStream.ToString()))); var stream = mediaStream.GetValue(); if (stream == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(AttachmentValueIsNull); streams.Add(stream); indexOfDisposableStreams.Add(streams.Count); streams.Add(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MultiPartNewLine))); } indexOfDisposableStreams.Add(streams.Count); streams.Add(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Concat(MultiPartNewLine, MultiPartFormPrefix, boundary, MultiPartFormPrefix, MultiPartNewLine)))); input = new CombinationStream(streams, indexOfDisposableStreams); } } if (queryString.Length > 0) queryString.Length--; uriBuilder.Query = queryString.ToString(); var request = HttpWebRequestFactory == null ? new HttpWebRequestWrapper((HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uriBuilder.Uri)) : HttpWebRequestFactory(uriBuilder.Uri); switch (httpMethod) { case HttpMethod.Get: request.Method = "GET"; break; case HttpMethod.Delete: #if !(SILVERLIGHT && !WINDOWS_PHONE) request.Method = "DELETE"; request.TrySetContentLength(0); break; #endif case HttpMethod.Post: request.Method = "POST"; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("httpMethod"); } request.ContentType = contentType; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(etag)) request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.IfNoneMatch] = string.Concat('"', etag, '"'); #if !(SILVERLIGHT || NETFX_CORE) request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false; #endif #if NETFX_CORE request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding] = "gzip,deflate"; #endif if (input != null) request.TrySetContentLength(input.Length); request.TrySetUserAgent("Facebook C# SDK"); return new HttpHelper(request); }
public static void API( string query, HttpMethod method, FacebookDelegate<IGraphResult> callback, WWWForm formData) { FacebookImpl.API(query, method, formData, callback); }
public static void API( string query, HttpMethod method, FacebookDelegate<IGraphResult> callback = null, Dictionary<string, string> formData = null) { FacebookImpl.API(query, method, formData, callback); }
/// <summary> /// For platforms that do not support dynamic cast it to either IDictionary<string, object> if json object or IList<object> if array. /// For primitive types cast it to bool, string, dobule or long depending on the type. /// Reference: /// </summary> public static void API( string endpoint, HttpMethod method, FacebookDelegate callback, object parameters = null) { #if NETFX_CORE Task.Run(async () => { FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(_fbSessionClient.CurrentAccessTokenData.AccessToken); FBResult fbResult = null; try { object apiCall; if (method == HttpMethod.GET) { apiCall = await fb.GetTaskAsync(endpoint, parameters); } else if (method == HttpMethod.POST) { apiCall = await fb.PostTaskAsync(endpoint, parameters); } else { apiCall = await fb.DeleteTaskAsync(endpoint); } if (apiCall != null) { fbResult = new FBResult(); fbResult.Text = apiCall.ToString(); fbResult.Json = apiCall as JsonObject; } } catch (Exception ex) { fbResult = new FBResult(); fbResult.Error = ex.Message; } if (callback != null) { Dispatcher.InvokeOnAppThread(() => { callback(fbResult); }); } }); #else throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(""); #endif }
public virtual void API( string query, HttpMethod method, WWWForm formData, FacebookDelegate callback = null) { if (formData == null) { formData = new WWWForm(); } formData.AddField(AccessTokenKey, AccessToken); AsyncRequestString.Request(GetGraphUrl(query), method, formData, callback); }
private void OnCompleted(HttpMethod httpMethod, FacebookApiEventArgs args) { switch (httpMethod) { case HttpMethod.Get: OnGetCompleted(args); break; case HttpMethod.Post: OnPostCompleted(args); break; case HttpMethod.Delete: OnDeleteCompleted(args); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("httpMethod"); } }
internal AsyncRequestString SetMethod(HttpMethod method) { this.method = method; return this; }
protected internal override object Api(string path, IDictionary<string, object> parameters, HttpMethod httpMethod, Type resultType) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void API( string query, HttpMethod method, Facebook.APIDelegate callback = null, Dictionary<string, string> formData = null, Facebook.ErrorDelegate errorCallback = null) { string[] dictKeys = null; string[] dictVals = null; if(formData != null && formData.Count > 0) { dictKeys = new string[formData.Count]; dictVals = new string[formData.Count]; int idx = 0; foreach( KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in formData ) { dictKeys[idx] = kvp.Key; dictVals[idx] = System.String.Copy(kvp.Value); idx++; } } iosCallFbApi(GetCallbackHandle(callback), query, method!=null?method.ToString():null, dictKeys, dictVals, formData!=null?formData.Count:0); }
private FacebookApiEventArgs GetApiEventArgs(AsyncCompletedEventArgs e, string json, out HttpMethod httpMethod) { var state = (WebClientStateContainer)e.UserState; httpMethod = state.Method; var cancelled = e.Cancelled; var userState = state.UserState; var error = e.Error; // Check for Graph Exception var webException = error as WebExceptionWrapper; if (webException != null) { error = ExceptionFactory.GetGraphException(webException); } if (error == null) { error = ExceptionFactory.CheckForRestException(DomainMaps, state.RequestUri, json) ?? error; } var args = new FacebookApiEventArgs(error, cancelled, userState, json); return args; }