public ActionResult About() { FacebookWebAuthorizer fwa = new FacebookWebAuthorizer(new PraLoupFacebookApplication(), HttpContext); fwa.Permissions = new string[]{"publish_stream"}; fwa.ReturnUrlPath = HttpContext.Request.Url.ToString(); if (fwa.Authorize()) { var oAuth = new OAuthHandler(); //Get the access token and secret. oAuth.Token = FacebookWebContext.Current.AccessToken; Friends f = new Friends(oAuth); FriendsLists fl = new FriendsLists(oAuth); } return View(); }
public ActionResult Login() { if (!FacebookWebContext.Current.IsAuthenticated()) { return View(); } else { try { Register(); } catch (Exception) { return View(); } FacebookWebAuthorizer fwa = new FacebookWebAuthorizer(new PraLoupFacebookApplication(), HttpContext); fwa.Permissions = new string[] { "publish_stream", "user_about_me", "read_friendlists","user_photos","friends_photos" }; fwa.ReturnUrlPath = returnUrl; fwa.CancelUrlPath = returnUrl; if (fwa.Authorize()) { string url = null; if (FacebookWebContext.Current.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer != null) { url = FacebookWebContext.Current.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return RedirectToAction("Create", "Promotion", new { area = "Business" }); } else { return Redirect(url); } } return View(); } }