コード例 #1
		public override bool MoveAlbum (Album album, string end_name)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);

			client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "move-album");
			client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]", "2.10");
			client.Add ("g2_form[set_albumName]", album.Name);
			client.Add ("g2_form[set_destalbumName]", end_name);
			AddG2Specific (client);

			return ParseMoveAlbum (client.Submit (uri));
コード例 #2
		public override int AddItem (Album album,
				     string path,
				     string filename,
				     string caption,
				     string description,
				     bool autorotate)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);

			client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "add-item");
			client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]", "2.10");
			client.Add ("g2_form[set_albumName]", album.Name);
			client.Add ("g2_form[caption]", caption);
			client.Add ("g2_form[userfile_name]", filename);
			client.Add ("g2_form[force_filename]", filename);
			client.Add ("g2_form[auto_rotate]", autorotate ? "yes" : "no");
			client.Add ("g2_form[extrafield.Description]", description);
			client.Add ("g2_userfile", new FileInfo (path));
			client.expect_continue = expect_continue;
			AddG2Specific (client);

			return ParseAddItem (client.Submit (uri, Progress));
コード例 #3
		public override ArrayList FetchAlbumsPrune ()
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);
			client.Add ("cmd", "fetch-albums-prune");
			client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.3");
			client.Add ("check_writable", "no");
			ArrayList a = ParseFetchAlbums (client.Submit (uri));
			return a;
コード例 #4
		public override void Login (string username, string passwd)
			Console.WriteLine ("Gallery2: Attempting to login");
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);

			client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "login");
			client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]", "2.10");
			client.Add ("g2_form[uname]", username);
			client.Add ("g2_form[password]", passwd);
			AddG2Specific (client);

			ParseLogin (client.Submit (uri));
コード例 #5
		public override Album AlbumProperties (string album)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);
			client.Add ("cmd", "album-properties");
			client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.3");
			client.Add ("set_albumName", album);

			return ParseAlbumProperties (client.Submit (uri));

		public override bool NewAlbum (string parent_name,
				      string name,
				      string title,
				      string description)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);
			client.Multipart = true;
			client.Add ("cmd", "new-album");
			client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.8");
			client.Add ("set_albumName", parent_name);
			client.Add ("newAlbumName", name);
			client.Add ("newAlbumTitle", title);
			client.Add ("newAlbumDesc", description);

			return ParseNewAlbum (client.Submit (uri));
コード例 #6
		public override ArrayList FetchAlbumImages (Album album, bool include_ablums)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);
			client.Add ("cmd", "fetch-album-images");
			client.Add ("protocol_version","2.3");
			client.Add ("set_albumName", album.Name);
			client.Add ("albums_too", include_ablums ? "yes" : "no");

			album.Images = ParseFetchAlbumImages (client.Submit (uri), album);
			return album.Images;
コード例 #7
		public override bool MoveAlbum (Album album, string end_name)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);

			client.Add ("cmd", "move-album");
			client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.7");
			client.Add ("set_albumName", album.Name);
			client.Add ("set_destalbumName", end_name);

			return ParseMoveAlbum (client.Submit (uri));
コード例 #8
		public override int AddItem (Album album,
				     string path,
				     string filename,
				     string caption,
				     string description,
				     bool autorotate)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);

			client.Add ("cmd", "add-item");
			client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.9");
			client.Add ("set_albumName", album.Name);
			client.Add ("caption", caption);
			client.Add ("userfile_name", filename);
			client.Add ("force_filename", filename);
			client.Add ("auto_rotate", autorotate ? "yes" : "no");
			client.Add ("userfile", new FileInfo (path));
			client.Add ("extrafield.Description", description);
			client.expect_continue = expect_continue;

			return ParseAddItem (client.Submit (uri, Progress));
コード例 #9
		public override void Login (string username, string passwd)
			//Console.WriteLine ("Gallery1: Attempting to login");
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);

			client.Add ("cmd", "login");
			client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.3");
			client.Add ("uname", username);
			client.Add ("password", passwd);

			ParseLogin (client.Submit (uri));
コード例 #10
		public override ArrayList FetchAlbums ()
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);

			client.Add ("cmd", "fetch-albums");
			client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.3");

			return ParseFetchAlbums (client.Submit (uri));
コード例 #11
		public static GalleryVersion DetectGalleryVersion (string url)
			//Figure out if the url is for G1 or G2
			Console.WriteLine ("Detecting Gallery version");

			GalleryVersion version;

			if (url.EndsWith (Gallery1.script_name)) {
				version = GalleryVersion.Version1;
			} else if (url.EndsWith (Gallery2.script_name)) {
				version = GalleryVersion.Version2;
			} else {
				//check what script is available on the server

				FormClient client = new FormClient ();

				try {
					client.Submit (new Uri (Gallery.FixUrl (url, Gallery1.script_name)));
					version =  GalleryVersion.Version1;

				} catch (System.Net.WebException) {
					try {
						client.Submit (new Uri (Gallery.FixUrl (url, Gallery2.script_name)));
						version =  GalleryVersion.Version2;

					} catch (System.Net.WebException) {
						//Uh oh, neither version detected
						version = GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown;

			Console.WriteLine ("Detected: " + version.ToString());
			return version;
コード例 #12
		private void AddG2Specific (FormClient client)
			if (AuthToken != null && AuthToken != String.Empty)
				client.Add("g2_authToken", AuthToken);
			client.Add("g2_controller", "remote.GalleryRemote");
コード例 #13
		public override ArrayList FetchAlbumsPrune ()
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);
			client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "fetch-albums-prune");
			client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]", "2.10");
			client.Add ("g2_form[check_writable]", "no");
			AddG2Specific (client);

			ArrayList a = ParseFetchAlbums (client.Submit (uri));
			return a;
コード例 #14
		public override ArrayList FetchAlbumImages (Album album, bool include_ablums)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);
			client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "fetch-album-images");
			client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]","2.10");
			client.Add ("g2_form[set_albumName]", album.Name);
			client.Add ("g2_form[albums_too]", include_ablums ? "yes" : "no");
			AddG2Specific (client);

			album.Images = ParseFetchAlbumImages (client.Submit (uri), album);
			return album.Images;
コード例 #15
		public override Album AlbumProperties (string album)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);
			client.Add ("cmd", "album-properties");
			client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.3");
			client.Add ("set_albumName", album);

			return ParseAlbumProperties (client.Submit (uri));

		public override bool NewAlbum (string parent_name,
				      string name,
				      string title,
				      string description)
			FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies);
			client.Multipart = true;
			client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "new-album");
			client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]", "2.10");
			client.Add ("g2_form[set_albumName]", parent_name);
			client.Add ("g2_form[newAlbumName]", name);
			client.Add ("g2_form[newAlbumTitle]", title);
			client.Add ("g2_form[newAlbumDesc]", description);
			AddG2Specific (client);

			return ParseNewAlbum (client.Submit (uri));