public void StretchRealFile () { string path = "/home/lewing/Desktop/img_0081.jpg"; FilterRequest req = new FilterRequest (path); FilterSet set = new FilterSet (); set.Add (new AutoStretch ()); set.Add (new UniqueNameFilter (Path.GetDirectoryName (path))); set.Convert (req); req.Preserve (req.Current); }
public void StretchRealFile() { string path = "/home/lewing/Desktop/img_0081.jpg"; FilterRequest req = new FilterRequest(path); FilterSet set = new FilterSet(); set.Add(new AutoStretch()); set.Add(new UniqueNameFilter(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))); set.Convert(req); req.Preserve(req.Current); }
protected virtual void SendImage (Photo photo, Stream stream) { string path = photo.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath; FileInfo file_info = new FileInfo(path); if (!file_info.Exists) { SendError (stream, "404 The file is not on the disk"); return; } FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); filters.Add (new ResizeFilter (1600)); using (FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (photo.DefaultVersion.Uri)) { filters.Convert (request); file_info = new FileInfo (request.Current.LocalPath); SendFile (file_info, photo, stream); } if (stats != null) stats.PhotoViews++; }
public void ProcessImage(int image_num, FilterSet filter_set) { IPhoto photo = Collection [image_num]; string path; ScaleRequest req; req = requests [0]; MakeDir (SubdirPath (req.Name)); path = SubdirPath (req.Name, ImageName (image_num)); using (FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (photo.DefaultVersion.Uri)) { filter_set.Convert (request); if (request.Current.LocalPath == path) request.Preserve (request.Current); else System.IO.File.Copy (request.Current.LocalPath, path, true); if (photo != null && photo is Photo && App.Instance.Database != null) App.Instance.Database.Exports.Create ((photo as Photo).Id, (photo as Photo).DefaultVersionId, ExportStore.FolderExportType, // FIXME this is wrong, the final path is the one // after the Xfer. new SafeUri (path).ToString ()); for (int i = 1; i < requests.Length; i++) { req = requests [i]; if (scale && req.AvoidScale (Size)) continue; FilterSet req_set = new FilterSet (); req_set.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint)Math.Max (req.Width, req.Height))); bool sharpen; try { sharpen = Preferences.Get<bool> (FolderExport.SHARPEN_KEY); } catch (NullReferenceException) { sharpen = true; Preferences.Set (FolderExport.SHARPEN_KEY, true); } if (sharpen) { if (req.Name == "lq") req_set.Add (new SharpFilter (0.1, 2, 4)); if (req.Name == "thumbs") req_set.Add (new SharpFilter (0.1, 2, 5)); } using (FilterRequest tmp_req = new FilterRequest (photo.DefaultVersion.Uri)) { req_set.Convert (tmp_req); MakeDir (SubdirPath (req.Name)); path = SubdirPath (req.Name, ImageName (image_num)); System.IO.File.Copy (tmp_req.Current.LocalPath, path, true); } } } }
void zip() { System.Uri dest = new System.Uri (uri_chooser.Uri); Crc32 crc = new Crc32 (); string filedest = dest.LocalPath + "/" + filename.Text; Log.DebugFormat ("Creating zip file {0}", filedest); ZipOutputStream s = new ZipOutputStream (File.Create(filedest)); if (scale_check.Active) Log.DebugFormat ("Scaling to {0}", scale_size.ValueAsInt); ProgressDialog progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Exporting files"), ProgressDialog.CancelButtonType.Stop, photos.Length, zipdiag); //Pack up for (int i = 0; i < photos.Length; i ++) { if (progress_dialog.Update (String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Preparing photo \"{0}\""), photos[i].Name))) { progress_dialog.Destroy (); return; } string f = null; // FIXME: embed in a try/catch if (scale_check.Active) { FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint) scale_size.ValueAsInt)); FilterRequest freq = new FilterRequest (photos [i].DefaultVersion.Uri); filters.Convert (freq); f = freq.Current.LocalPath; } else { f = photos [i].DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath; } FileStream fs = File.OpenRead (f); byte [] buffer = new byte [fs.Length]; fs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (System.IO.Path.GetFileName (photos [i].DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath)); entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now; entry.Size = fs.Length; fs.Close (); crc.Reset (); crc.Update (buffer); entry.Crc = crc.Value; s.PutNextEntry (entry); s.Write (buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } s.Finish (); s.Close (); if (progress_dialog != null) progress_dialog.Destroy (); }
void create_mosaics() { //Prepare the query Db db = App.Instance.Database; FSpot.PhotoQuery mini_query = new FSpot.PhotoQuery (db.Photos); Photo [] photos; if (tags_radio.Active) { //Build tag array List<Tag> taglist = new List<Tag> (); foreach (string tag_name in miniatures_tags.GetTypedTagNames ()) { Tag t = db.Tags.GetTagByName (tag_name); if (t != null) taglist.Add(t); } mini_query.Terms = FSpot.OrTerm.FromTags (taglist.ToArray ()); photos = mini_query.Photos; } else { photos = App.Instance.Organizer.Query.Photos; } if (photos.Length == 0) { //There is no photo for the selected tags! :( InfoDialog (Catalog.GetString ("No photos for the selection"), Catalog.GetString ("The tags selected provided no pictures. Please select different tags"), Gtk.MessageType.Error); return; } //Create minis ProgressDialog progress_dialog = null; progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Creating miniatures"), ProgressDialog.CancelButtonType.Stop, photos.Length, metapixel_dialog); minidir_tmp = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName (); System.IO.File.Delete (minidir_tmp); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (minidir_tmp); minidir_tmp += "/"; //Call MetaPixel to create the minis foreach (Photo p in photos) { if (progress_dialog.Update (String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Preparing photo \"{0}\""), p.Name))) { progress_dialog.Destroy (); DeleteTmp (); return; } //FIXME should switch to retry/skip if (!GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (p.DefaultVersion.Uri).Exists) { Log.WarningFormat (String.Format ("Couldn't access photo {0} while creating miniatures", p.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath)); continue; } //FIXME Check if the picture's format is supproted (jpg, gif) FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); FilterRequest freq = new FilterRequest (p.DefaultVersion.Uri); filters.Convert (freq); //We use photo id for minis, instead of photo names, to avoid duplicates string minifile = minidir_tmp + p.Id.ToString() + System.IO.Path.GetExtension (p.DefaultVersion.Uri.ToString ()); string prepare_command = String.Format ("--prepare -w {0} -h {1} {2} {3} {4}tables.mxt", icon_x_size.Text, //Minis width icon_y_size.Text, //Minis height GLib.Shell.Quote (freq.Current.LocalPath), //Source image GLib.Shell.Quote (minifile), //Dest image minidir_tmp); //Table file Log.Debug ("Executing: metapixel " + prepare_command); System.Diagnostics.Process mp_prep = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ("metapixel", prepare_command); mp_prep.WaitForExit (); if (!System.IO.File.Exists (minifile)) { Log.DebugFormat ("No mini? No party! {0}", minifile); continue; } } //Finished preparing! if (progress_dialog != null) progress_dialog.Destroy (); progress_dialog = null; progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Creating photomosaics"), ProgressDialog.CancelButtonType.Stop, App.Instance.Organizer.SelectedPhotos ().Length, metapixel_dialog); //Now create the mosaics! uint error_count = 0; foreach (Photo p in App.Instance.Organizer.SelectedPhotos ()) { if (progress_dialog.Update (String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Processing \"{0}\""), p.Name))) { progress_dialog.Destroy (); DeleteTmp (); return; } //FIXME should switch to retry/skip if (!GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (p.DefaultVersion.Uri).Exists) { Log.WarningFormat (String.Format ("Couldn't access photo {0} while creating mosaics", p.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath)); error_count ++; continue; } //FIXME Check if the picture's format is supproted (jpg, gif) FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); FilterRequest freq = new FilterRequest (p.DefaultVersion.Uri); filters.Convert (freq); string name = GetVersionName (p); System.Uri mosaic = GetUriForVersionName (p, name); string mosaic_command = String.Format ("--metapixel -l {0} {1} {2}", minidir_tmp, GLib.Shell.Quote (freq.Current.LocalPath), GLib.Shell.Quote (mosaic.LocalPath)); Log.Debug ("Executing: metapixel " + mosaic_command); System.Diagnostics.Process mp_exe = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ("metapixel", mosaic_command); mp_exe.WaitForExit (); if (!GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (mosaic).Exists) { Log.Warning ("Error in processing image " + p.Name); error_count ++; continue; } p.DefaultVersionId = p.AddVersion (mosaic, name, true); p.Changes.DataChanged = true; Core.Database.Photos.Commit (p); } //Finished creating mosaics if (progress_dialog != null) progress_dialog.Destroy (); string final_message = "Your mosaics have been generated as new versions of the pictures you selected"; if (error_count > 0) final_message += String.Format (".\n{0} images out of {1} had errors", error_count, App.Instance.Organizer.SelectedPhotos ().Length); InfoDialog (Catalog.GetString ("PhotoMosaics generated!"), Catalog.GetString (final_message), (error_count == 0 ? Gtk.MessageType.Info : Gtk.MessageType.Warning)); DeleteTmp (); }
public SendEmail (IBrowsableCollection selection, Window parent_window) : base ("mail_dialog.ui", "mail_dialog") { this.selection = selection; this.parent_window = parent_window; foreach (var p in selection.Items) { if (FileFactory.NewForUri (p.DefaultVersion.Uri).QueryInfo ("standard::content-type", FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null).ContentType != "image/jpeg") force_original = true; } if (force_original) { original_size.Active = true; tiny_size.Sensitive = false; small_size.Sensitive = false; medium_size.Sensitive = false; large_size.Sensitive = false; x_large_size.Sensitive = false; } else switch (Preferences.Get<int> (Preferences.EXPORT_EMAIL_SIZE)) { case 0 : original_size.Active = true; break; case 1 : tiny_size.Active = true; break; case 2 : small_size.Active = true; break; case 3 : medium_size.Active = true; break; case 4 : large_size.Active = true; break; case 5 : x_large_size.Active = true; break; default: break; } tray_scrolled.Add (new TrayView (selection)); Modal = false; // Calculate total original filesize foreach (var photo in selection.Items) { try { Orig_Photo_Size += FileFactory.NewForUri (photo.DefaultVersion.Uri).QueryInfo ("standard::size", FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null).Size; } catch { } } for (int k = 0; k < avg_scale_ref.Length; k++) avg_scale[k] = avg_scale_ref[k]; // Calculate approximate size shrinking, use first photo, and shrink to medium size as base. var scalephoto = selection [0]; if (scalephoto != null && !force_original) { // Get first photos file size long orig_size = FileFactory.NewForUri (scalephoto.DefaultVersion.Uri).QueryInfo ("standard::size", FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null).Size; FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint)(sizes [3]))); long new_size; using (FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (scalephoto.DefaultVersion.Uri)) { filters.Convert (request); new_size = FileFactory.NewForUri (request.Current).QueryInfo ("standard::size", FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null).Size; } if (orig_size > 0) { // Get the factor (scale) between original and resized medium size. scale_percentage = 1 - ( (float) (orig_size - new_size) / orig_size); // What is the relation between the estimated medium scale factor, and reality? double scale_scale = scale_percentage / avg_scale_ref[3]; //System.Console.WriteLine ("scale_percentage {0}, ref {1}, relative {2}", // scale_percentage, avg_scale_ref[3], scale_scale ); // Re-Calculate the proper relation per size for (int k = 0; k < avg_scale_ref.Length; k++) { avg_scale[k] = avg_scale_ref[k] * scale_scale; // System.Console.WriteLine ("avg_scale[{0}]={1} (was {2})", // k, avg_scale[k], avg_scale_ref[k] ); } } } NumberOfPictures.Text = selection.Count.ToString(); TotalOriginalSize.Text = GLib.Format.SizeForDisplay (Orig_Photo_Size); UpdateEstimatedSize(); ShowAll (); //LoadHistory (); Response += HandleResponse; }
private void HandleResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args) { int size = 0; bool UserCancelled = false; // Lets remove the mail "create mail" dialog Destroy(); if (args.ResponseId != Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { return; } ProgressDialog progress_dialog = null; progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Preparing email"), ProgressDialog.CancelButtonType.Stop, selection.Count, parent_window); size = GetScaleSize(); // Which size should we scale to. 0 --> Original // evaluate mailto command and define attachment args for cli System.Text.StringBuilder attach_arg = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); switch (Preferences.Get<string> (Preferences.GNOME_MAILTO_COMMAND)) { case "thunderbird %s": case "mozilla-thunderbird %s": case "seamonkey -mail -compose %s": case "icedove %s": attach_arg.Append(","); break; case "kmail %s": attach_arg.Append(" --attach "); break; default://evolution falls into default, since it supports mailto uri correctly attach_arg.Append("&attach="); break; } // Create a tmp directory. tmp_mail_dir = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName (); // Create a tmp file System.IO.File.Delete (tmp_mail_dir); // Delete above tmp file System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (tmp_mail_dir); // Create a directory with above tmp name System.Text.StringBuilder mail_attach = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); if (size != 0) filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint) size)); filters.Add (new UniqueNameFilter (new SafeUri (tmp_mail_dir))); for (int i = 0; i < selection.Count; i++) { var photo = selection [i]; if ( (photo != null) && (!UserCancelled) ) { if (progress_dialog != null) UserCancelled = progress_dialog.Update (String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Exporting picture \"{0}\""), photo.Name)); if (UserCancelled) break; try { // Prepare a tmp_mail file name FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (photo.DefaultVersion.Uri); filters.Convert (request); request.Preserve(request.Current); mail_attach.Append(((i == 0 && attach_arg.ToString () == ",") ? "" : attach_arg.ToString()) + request.Current.ToString ()); } catch (Exception e) { Hyena.Log.ErrorFormat ("Error preparing {0}: {1}", selection[i].Name, e.Message); HigMessageDialog md = new HigMessageDialog (parent_window, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close, Catalog.GetString("Error processing image"), String.Format(Catalog.GetString("An error occured while processing \"{0}\": {1}"), selection[i].Name, e.Message)); md.Run(); md.Destroy(); UserCancelled = true; } } } // foreach if (progress_dialog != null) progress_dialog.Destroy (); // No need to keep this window if (UserCancelled) return; // Send the mail :) string mail_subject = Catalog.GetString("My Photos"); switch (Preferences.Get<string> (Preferences.GNOME_MAILTO_COMMAND)) { // openSuSE case "thunderbird %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("thunderbird", " -compose \"subject=" + mail_subject + ",attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "icedove %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("icedove", " -compose \"subject=" + mail_subject + ",attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "mozilla-thunderbird %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mozilla-thunderbird", " -compose \"subject=" + mail_subject + ",attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "seamonkey -mail -compose %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("seamonkey", " -mail -compose \"subject=" + mail_subject + ",attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "kmail %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("kmail", " --composer --subject \"" + mail_subject + "\"" + mail_attach); break; case "evolution %s": //evo doesn't urldecode the subject GtkBeans.Global.ShowUri (Screen, "mailto:?subject=" + mail_subject + mail_attach); break; default: GtkBeans.Global.ShowUri (Screen, "mailto:?subject=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(mail_subject) + mail_attach); break; } }
public SendEmail (IBrowsableCollection selection) : base ("mail_dialog") { this.selection = selection; for (int i = 0; i < selection.Count; i++) { Photo p = selection[i] as Photo; if (Gnome.Vfs.MimeType.GetMimeTypeForUri (p.DefaultVersionUri.ToString ()) != "image/jpeg") force_original = true; } if (force_original) { original_size.Active = true; tiny_size.Sensitive = false; small_size.Sensitive = false; medium_size.Sensitive = false; large_size.Sensitive = false; x_large_size.Sensitive = false; } else switch (Preferences.Get<int> (Preferences.EXPORT_EMAIL_SIZE)) { case 0 : original_size.Active = true; break; case 1 : tiny_size.Active = true; break; case 2 : small_size.Active = true; break; case 3 : medium_size.Active = true; break; case 4 : large_size.Active = true; break; case 5 : x_large_size.Active = true; break; default: break; } rotate_check.Active = Preferences.Get<bool> (Preferences.EXPORT_EMAIL_ROTATE); rotate_check.Sensitive = original_size.Active && tiny_size.Sensitive; tray_scrolled.Add (new TrayView (selection)); Dialog.Modal = false; // Calculate total original filesize for (int i = 0; i < selection.Count; i++) { Photo photo = selection[i] as Photo; try { Orig_Photo_Size += (new Gnome.Vfs.FileInfo (photo.DefaultVersionUri.ToString ())).Size; } catch { } } for (int k = 0; k < avg_scale_ref.Length; k++) avg_scale[k] = avg_scale_ref[k]; // Calculate approximate size shrinking, use first photo, and shrink to medium size as base. Photo scalephoto = selection [0] as Photo; if (scalephoto != null && !force_original) { // Get first photos file size long orig_size = (new Gnome.Vfs.FileInfo (scalephoto.DefaultVersionUri.ToString ())).Size; FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint)(sizes [3]))); long new_size; using (FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (scalephoto.DefaultVersionUri)) { filters.Convert (request); new_size = (new Gnome.Vfs.FileInfo (request.Current.ToString ())).Size; } if (orig_size > 0) { // Get the factor (scale) between original and resized medium size. scale_percentage = 1 - ( (float) (orig_size - new_size) / orig_size); // What is the relation between the estimated medium scale factor, and reality? double scale_scale = scale_percentage / avg_scale_ref[3]; //System.Console.WriteLine ("scale_percentage {0}, ref {1}, relative {2}", // scale_percentage, avg_scale_ref[3], scale_scale ); // Re-Calculate the proper relation per size for (int k = 0; k < avg_scale_ref.Length; k++) { avg_scale[k] = avg_scale_ref[k] * scale_scale; // System.Console.WriteLine ("avg_scale[{0}]={1} (was {2})", // k, avg_scale[k], avg_scale_ref[k] ); } } } NumberOfPictures.Text = selection.Count.ToString(); TotalOriginalSize.Text = SizeUtil.ToHumanReadable (Orig_Photo_Size); UpdateEstimatedSize(); Dialog.ShowAll (); //LoadHistory (); Dialog.Response += HandleResponse; }
void Upload() { IPhoto [] items = dialog.Items; string [] captions = dialog.Captions; dialog.StoreCaption (); long sent_bytes = 0; FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint) size)); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { try { IPhoto item = items [i]; FileInfo file_info; Log.DebugFormat ("uploading {0}", i); progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Uploading picture \"{0}\" ({1} of {2})"), item.Name, i + 1, items.Length); progress_dialog.ProgressText = string.Empty; progress_dialog.Fraction = i / (double) items.Length; FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (item.DefaultVersion.Uri); filters.Convert (request); file_info = new FileInfo (request.Current.LocalPath); album.Upload (captions [i] ?? "", request.Current.LocalPath); sent_bytes += file_info.Length; } catch (Exception e) { progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Error Uploading To Facebook: {0}"), e.Message); progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Error"); Log.DebugException (e); if (progress_dialog.PerformRetrySkip ()) i--; } } progress_dialog.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Done Sending Photos"); progress_dialog.Fraction = 1.0; progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Upload Complete"); progress_dialog.ButtonLabel = Gtk.Stock.Ok; var li = new LinkButton ("", Catalog.GetString ("Visit F-Spot group on Facebook")); progress_dialog.VBoxPackEnd (li); li.ShowAll (); }
private void Upload () { album.UploadProgress += HandleUploadProgress; sent_bytes = 0; approx_size = 0; System.Console.WriteLine ("Starting Upload to Picasa"); FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); if (scale) filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint)size)); if (rotate) filters.Add (new OrientationFilter ()); Array.Sort (items, new DateComparer ()); while (photo_index < items.Length) { try { IBrowsableItem item = items[photo_index]; FileInfo file_info; Console.WriteLine ("uploading {0}", photo_index); progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Uploading picture \"{0}\" ({1} of {2})"), item.Name, photo_index+1, items.Length); photo_index++; PicasaPicture picture; using (FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (item.DefaultVersionUri)) { filters.Convert (request); file_info = new FileInfo (request.Current.LocalPath); if (approx_size == 0) //first image approx_size = file_info.Length * items.Length; else approx_size = sent_bytes * items.Length / (photo_index - 1); picture = album.UploadPicture (request.Current.LocalPath, Path.ChangeExtension (item.Name, "jpg"), item.Description); sent_bytes += file_info.Length; } if (Core.Database != null && item is Photo) Core.Database.Exports.Create ((item as Photo).Id, (item as Photo).DefaultVersionId, ExportStore.PicasaExportType, picture.Link); //tagging if (item.Tags != null && export_tag) foreach (Tag tag in item.Tags) picture.AddTag (tag.Name); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException te) { Log.Exception (te); System.Threading.Thread.ResetAbort (); } catch (System.Exception e) { progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Error Uploading To Gallery: {0}"), e.Message); progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Error"); System.Console.WriteLine (e); if (progress_dialog.PerformRetrySkip ()) photo_index--; } } progress_dialog.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Done Sending Photos"); progress_dialog.Fraction = 1.0; progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Upload Complete"); progress_dialog.ButtonLabel = Gtk.Stock.Ok; if (browser) { GnomeUtil.UrlShow (album.Link); } }
void Upload() { Album album = null; IBrowsableItem [] items = dialog.Items; string [] captions = dialog.Captions; dialog.StoreCaption (); if (dialog.CreateAlbum) { string name = dialog.AlbumName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) { HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Album must have a name"), Catalog.GetString ("Please name your album or choose an existing album.")); mbox.Run (); mbox.Destroy (); return; } string description = dialog.AlbumDescription; string location = dialog.AlbumLocation; try { album = dialog.Account.Facebook.CreateAlbum (name, description, location); } catch (FacebookException fe) { HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Creating a new album failed"), String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("An error occurred creating a new album.\n\n{0}"), fe.Message)); mbox.Run (); mbox.Destroy (); return; } } else { album = dialog.ActiveAlbum; } long sent_bytes = 0; FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint) size)); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { try { IBrowsableItem item = items [i]; FileInfo file_info; Console.WriteLine ("uploading {0}", i); progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Uploading picture \"{0}\" ({1} of {2})"), item.Name, i + 1, items.Length); progress_dialog.ProgressText = string.Empty; progress_dialog.Fraction = i / (double) items.Length; FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (item.DefaultVersionUri); filters.Convert (request); file_info = new FileInfo (request.Current.LocalPath); album.Upload (captions [i] ?? "", request.Current.LocalPath); sent_bytes += file_info.Length; } catch (Exception e) { progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Error Uploading To Facebook: {0}"), e.Message); progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Error"); Console.WriteLine (e); if (progress_dialog.PerformRetrySkip ()) i--; } } progress_dialog.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Done Sending Photos"); progress_dialog.Fraction = 1.0; progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Upload Complete"); progress_dialog.ButtonLabel = Gtk.Stock.Ok; var li = new LinkButton ("", Catalog.GetString ("Visit F-Spot group on Facebook")); progress_dialog.VBoxPackEnd (li); li.ShowAll (); }
private void HandleResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args) { long new_size = 0; // long orig_size = 0; long actual_total_size = 0; int size = 0; System.IO.FileInfo file_info; bool UserCancelled = false; bool rotate = true; // Lets remove the mail "create mail" dialog Dialog.Destroy(); if (args.ResponseId != Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { return; } ProgressDialog progress_dialog = null; actual_total_size = 0; progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Preparing email"), ProgressDialog.CancelButtonType.Stop, selection.Items.Length, parent_window); size = GetScaleSize(); // Which size should we scale to. 0 --> Original // evaluate mailto command and define attachment args for cli System.Text.StringBuilder attach_arg = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); switch (Preferences.Get (Preferences.GNOME_MAILTO_COMMAND) as string) { case "thunderbird %s": case "mozilla-thunderbird %s": case "seamonkey -mail -compose %s": case "icedove %s": attach_arg.Append(","); break; case "kmail %s": attach_arg.Append(" --attach "); break; default: //evolution falls into default, since it supports mailto uri correctly attach_arg.Append("&attach="); break; } rotate = rotate_check.Active; // Should we automatically rotate original photos. Preferences.Set (Preferences.EXPORT_EMAIL_ROTATE, rotate); // Initiate storage for temporary files to be deleted later tmp_paths = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); // Create a tmp directory. tmp_mail_dir = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName (); // Create a tmp file System.IO.File.Delete (tmp_mail_dir); // Delete above tmp file System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (tmp_mail_dir); // Create a directory with above tmp name System.Text.StringBuilder mail_attach = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); if (size != 0) filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint) size)); else if (rotate) filters.Add (new OrientationFilter ()); filters.Add (new UniqueNameFilter (tmp_mail_dir)); foreach (Photo photo in selection.Items) { if ( (photo != null) && (!UserCancelled) ) { if (progress_dialog != null) UserCancelled = progress_dialog.Update (String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Exporting picture \"{0}\""), photo.Name)); if (UserCancelled) break; file_info = new System.IO.FileInfo (photo.GetVersionPath(photo.DefaultVersionId)); // orig_size = file_info.Length; // Prepare a tmp_mail file name FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (photo.DefaultVersionUri); filters.Convert (request); request.Preserve(request.Current); mail_attach.Append(attach_arg.ToString() + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode (request.Current.ToString())); // Mark the path for deletion tmp_paths.Add (request.Current.LocalPath); // Update the running total of the actual file sizes. file_info = new System.IO.FileInfo (request.Current.LocalPath); new_size = file_info.Length; actual_total_size += new_size; // Update dialog to indicate Actual size! // This is currently disabled, since the dialog box is not visible at this stage. // string approxresult = SizeUtil.ToHumanReadable (actual_total_size); // ActualMailSize.Text = approxresult; //System.Console.WriteLine ("Orig file size {0}, New file size {1}, % {4}, Scaled to size {2}, new name {3}", //orig_size, new_size, size, tmp_path, 1 - ((orig_size-new_size)/orig_size)); } } // foreach if (progress_dialog != null) progress_dialog.Destroy (); // No need to keep this window if (UserCancelled) DeleteTempFile(); else { // Send the mail :) switch (Preferences.Get (Preferences.GNOME_MAILTO_COMMAND) as string) { // openSuSE case "thunderbird %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("thunderbird", " -compose \"subject=my photos,attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "icedove %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("thunderbird", " -compose \"subject=my photos,attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "mozilla-thunderbird %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mozilla-thunderbird", " -compose \"subject=my photos,attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "seamonkey -mail -compose %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("seamonkey", " -mail -compose \"subject=my photos,attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "kmail %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("kmail", " --composer --subject \"my photos\"" + mail_attach); break; default: GnomeUtil.UrlShow (parent_window,"mailto:?subject=my%20photos" + mail_attach); break; } // Check if we have any temporary files to be deleted if (tmp_paths.Count > 0) { // Fetch timeout value from preferences. In seconds. Needs to be multiplied with 1000 to get msec uint delete_timeout; delete_timeout = (uint) ( (int) Preferences.Get (Preferences.EXPORT_EMAIL_DELETE_TIMEOUT_SEC) ); delete_timeout = delete_timeout * 1000; // to get milliseconds. // Start a timer and when it occurs, delete the temp files. GLib.Timeout.Add (delete_timeout, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (DeleteTempFile)); } } }
public void ProcessImage(int image_num, Filters.FilterSet filter_set) { IBrowsableItem photo = collection [image_num]; string photo_path = photo.DefaultVersionUri.LocalPath; string path; ScaleRequest req; req = requests [0]; MakeDir(SubdirPath(req.Name)); path = SubdirPath(req.Name, ImageName(image_num)); using (Filters.FilterRequest request = new Filters.FilterRequest(photo.DefaultVersionUri)) { filter_set.Convert(request); if (request.Current.LocalPath == path) { request.Preserve(request.Current); } else { File.Copy(request.Current.LocalPath, path, true); } if (photo != null && photo is Photo && Core.Database != null) { Core.Database.Exports.Create((photo as Photo).Id, (photo as Photo).DefaultVersionId, ExportStore.FolderExportType, // FIXME this is wrong, the final path is the one // after the Xfer. UriList.PathToFileUriEscaped(path).ToString()); } using (Exif.ExifData data = new Exif.ExifData(photo_path)) { for (int i = 1; i < requests.Length; i++) { req = requests [i]; if (scale && req.AvoidScale(size)) { continue; } Filters.FilterSet req_set = new Filters.FilterSet(); req_set.Add(new Filters.ResizeFilter((uint)Math.Max(req.Width, req.Height))); if ((bool)Preferences.Get(Preferences.EXPORT_FOLDER_SHARPEN)) { if (req.Name == "lq") { req_set.Add(new Filters.SharpFilter(0.1, 2, 4)); } if (req.Name == "thumbs") { req_set.Add(new Filters.SharpFilter(0.1, 2, 5)); } } using (Filters.FilterRequest tmp_req = new Filters.FilterRequest(photo.DefaultVersionUri)) { req_set.Convert(tmp_req); MakeDir(SubdirPath(req.Name)); path = SubdirPath(req.Name, ImageName(image_num)); System.IO.File.Copy(tmp_req.Current.LocalPath, path, true); } } } } }
public void ProcessImage (int image_num, Filters.FilterSet filter_set) { IBrowsableItem photo = collection [image_num]; string photo_path = photo.DefaultVersionUri.LocalPath; string path; ScaleRequest req; req = requests [0]; MakeDir (SubdirPath (req.Name)); path = SubdirPath (req.Name, ImageName (image_num)); using (Filters.FilterRequest request = new Filters.FilterRequest (photo.DefaultVersionUri)) { filter_set.Convert (request); if (request.Current.LocalPath == path) request.Preserve(request.Current); else File.Copy (request.Current.LocalPath, path, true); if (photo != null && photo is Photo && Core.Database != null) { Core.Database.Exports.Create ((photo as Photo).Id, (photo as Photo).DefaultVersionId, ExportStore.FolderExportType, // FIXME this is wrong, the final path is the one // after the Xfer. UriList.PathToFileUriEscaped (path).ToString ()); } using (Exif.ExifData data = new Exif.ExifData (photo_path)) { for (int i = 1; i < requests.Length; i++) { req = requests [i]; if (scale && req.AvoidScale (size)) continue; Filters.FilterSet req_set = new Filters.FilterSet (); req_set.Add (new Filters.ResizeFilter ((uint)Math.Max (req.Width, req.Height))); if ((bool)Preferences.Get (Preferences.EXPORT_FOLDER_SHARPEN)) { if (req.Name == "lq") req_set.Add (new Filters.SharpFilter (0.1, 2, 4)); if (req.Name == "thumbs") req_set.Add (new Filters.SharpFilter (0.1, 2, 5)); } using (Filters.FilterRequest tmp_req = new Filters.FilterRequest (photo.DefaultVersionUri)) { req_set.Convert (tmp_req); MakeDir (SubdirPath (req.Name)); path = SubdirPath (req.Name, ImageName (image_num)); System.IO.File.Copy (tmp_req.Current.LocalPath, path, true); } } } } }
private void Upload() { account.Gallery.Progress = new ProgressItem (); account.Gallery.Progress.Changed += HandleProgressChanged; Log.Debug ("Starting upload"); FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); if (account.Version == GalleryVersion.Version1) filters.Add (new WhiteListFilter (new string []{".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif"})); if (scale) filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint)size)); while (photo_index < items.Length) { IPhoto item = items [photo_index]; Log.DebugFormat ("uploading {0}", photo_index); progress_dialog.Message = System.String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Uploading picture \"{0}\""), item.Name); progress_dialog.Fraction = photo_index / (double)items.Length; photo_index++; progress_dialog.ProgressText = System.String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("{0} of {1}"), photo_index, items.Length); FilterRequest req = new FilterRequest (item.DefaultVersion.Uri); filters.Convert (req); try { int id = album.Add (item, req.Current.LocalPath); if (item != null && item is Photo && App.Instance.Database != null && id != 0) App.Instance.Database.Exports.Create ((item as Photo).Id, (item as Photo).DefaultVersionId, ExportStore.Gallery2ExportType, String.Format("{0}:{1}",album.Gallery.Uri.ToString (), id.ToString ())); } catch (System.Exception e) { progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Error uploading picture \"{0}\" to Gallery: {1}"), item.Name, e.Message); progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Error"); Log.Exception (e); if (progress_dialog.PerformRetrySkip ()) photo_index--; } } progress_dialog.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Done Sending Photos"); progress_dialog.Fraction = 1.0; progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Upload Complete"); progress_dialog.ButtonLabel = Gtk.Stock.Ok; if (browser) GtkBeans.Global.ShowUri (export_dialog.Screen, album.GetUrl()); }
private void HandleResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args) { int size = 0; bool UserCancelled = false; bool rotate = true; // Lets remove the mail "create mail" dialog Dialog.Destroy(); if (args.ResponseId != Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { return; } ProgressDialog progress_dialog = null; progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Preparing email"), ProgressDialog.CancelButtonType.Stop, selection.Count, parent_window); size = GetScaleSize(); // Which size should we scale to. 0 --> Original // evaluate mailto command and define attachment args for cli System.Text.StringBuilder attach_arg = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); switch (Preferences.Get<string> (Preferences.GNOME_MAILTO_COMMAND)) { case "thunderbird %s": case "mozilla-thunderbird %s": case "seamonkey -mail -compose %s": case "icedove %s": attach_arg.Append(","); break; case "kmail %s": attach_arg.Append(" --attach "); break; default: //evolution falls into default, since it supports mailto uri correctly attach_arg.Append("&attach="); break; } rotate = rotate_check.Active; // Should we automatically rotate original photos. Preferences.Set (Preferences.EXPORT_EMAIL_ROTATE, rotate); // Initiate storage for temporary files to be deleted later tmp_paths = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); // Create a tmp directory. tmp_mail_dir = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName (); // Create a tmp file System.IO.File.Delete (tmp_mail_dir); // Delete above tmp file System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (tmp_mail_dir); // Create a directory with above tmp name System.Text.StringBuilder mail_attach = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); if (size != 0) filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint) size)); else if (rotate) filters.Add (new OrientationFilter ()); filters.Add (new UniqueNameFilter (tmp_mail_dir)); for (int i = 0; i < selection.Count; i++) { Photo photo = selection [i] as Photo; if ( (photo != null) && (!UserCancelled) ) { if (progress_dialog != null) UserCancelled = progress_dialog.Update (String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Exporting picture \"{0}\""), photo.Name)); if (UserCancelled) break; try { // Prepare a tmp_mail file name FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (photo.DefaultVersionUri); filters.Convert (request); request.Preserve(request.Current); mail_attach.Append(attach_arg.ToString() + request.Current.ToString ()); // Mark the path for deletion tmp_paths.Add (request.Current.LocalPath); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error preparing {0}: {1}", selection[photo_index].Name, e.Message); HigMessageDialog md = new HigMessageDialog (parent_window, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close, Catalog.GetString("Error processing image"), String.Format(Catalog.GetString("An error occured while processing \"{0}\": {1}"), selection[photo_index].Name, e.Message)); md.Run(); md.Destroy(); UserCancelled = true; } } } // foreach if (progress_dialog != null) progress_dialog.Destroy (); // No need to keep this window if (UserCancelled) DeleteTempFile(); else { // Send the mail :) string mail_subject = Catalog.GetString("my photos"); switch (Preferences.Get<string> (Preferences.GNOME_MAILTO_COMMAND)) { // openSuSE case "thunderbird %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("thunderbird", " -compose \"subject=" + mail_subject + ",attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "icedove %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("icedove", " -compose \"subject=" + mail_subject + ",attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "mozilla-thunderbird %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mozilla-thunderbird", " -compose \"subject=" + mail_subject + ",attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "seamonkey -mail -compose %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("seamonkey", " -mail -compose \"subject=" + mail_subject + ",attachment='" + mail_attach + "'\""); break; case "kmail %s": System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("kmail", " --composer --subject \"" + mail_subject + "\"" + mail_attach); break; default: GnomeUtil.UrlShow ("mailto:?subject=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(mail_subject) + mail_attach); break; } // Check if we have any temporary files to be deleted if (tmp_paths.Count > 0) { // Fetch timeout value from preferences. In seconds. Needs to be multiplied with 1000 to get msec uint delete_timeout; delete_timeout = (uint) (Preferences.Get<int> (Preferences.EXPORT_EMAIL_DELETE_TIMEOUT_SEC)); delete_timeout = delete_timeout * 1000; // to get milliseconds. // Start a timer and when it occurs, delete the temp files. GLib.Timeout.Add (delete_timeout, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (DeleteTempFile)); } } }
void CreatePhotoWall() { dir_tmp = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName (); System.IO.File.Delete (dir_tmp); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (dir_tmp); dir_tmp += "/"; //Prepare the pictures ProgressDialog progress_dialog = null; progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Preparing selected pictures"), ProgressDialog.CancelButtonType.Stop, App.Instance.Organizer.SelectedPhotos ().Length, picturetile_dialog); FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); uint counter = 0; List<Tag> all_tags = new List<Tag> (); foreach (Photo p in App.Instance.Organizer.SelectedPhotos ()) { if (progress_dialog.Update (String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Processing \"{0}\""), p.Name))) { progress_dialog.Destroy (); DeleteTmp (); return; } //Store photo tags, to attach them later on import foreach (Tag tag in p.Tags) { if (! all_tags.Contains (tag)) all_tags.Add (tag); } //FIXME should switch to retry/skip if (!GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (p.DefaultVersion.Uri).Exists) { Log.WarningFormat ("Couldn't access photo {0} while creating mosaics", p.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath); continue; } using (FilterRequest freq = new FilterRequest (p.DefaultVersion.Uri)) { filters.Convert (freq); File.Copy (freq.Current.LocalPath, String.Format ("{0}{1}.jpg", dir_tmp, counter ++)); } } if (progress_dialog != null) progress_dialog.Destroy (); photo_tags = all_tags.ToArray (); string uniform = ""; if (uniform_images.Active) uniform = "--uniform"; string output_format = "jpeg"; if (tiff_radio.Active) output_format = "tiff"; string scale = String.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0,4}", (double) image_scale.Value / (double) 100); destfile_tmp = String.Format ("{0}.{1}", System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName (), output_format); //Execute picturetile string picturetile_command = String.Format ("--size {0}x{1} " + "--directory {2} " + "--scale {3} " + "--margin {4} " + "--border {5} " + "--background {6} " + "--pages {7} " + "{8} " + "{9}", x_max_size.Text, y_max_size.Text, dir_tmp, scale, space_between_images.Text, outside_border.Text, colors [background_color.Active], pages.Text, uniform, destfile_tmp); Log.Debug ("Executing: " + picturetile_command); System.Diagnostics.Process pt_exe = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ("", picturetile_command); pt_exe.WaitForExit (); // Handle multiple files generation (pages). // If the user wants 2 pages (images), and the output filename is out.jpg, picturetile will create // /tmp/out1.jpg and /tmp/out2.jpg. System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (destfile_tmp)); string filemask = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (destfile_tmp) + "*" + System.IO.Path.GetExtension (destfile_tmp); FileInfo [] fi = di.GetFiles (filemask); // Move generated files to f-spot photodir string [] photo_import_list = new string [fi.Length]; counter = 0; foreach (FileInfo f in fi) { string orig = System.IO.Path.Combine (f.DirectoryName, f.Name); photo_import_list [counter ++] = MoveFile (orig); } //Add the pic(s) to F-Spot! Db db = App.Instance.Database; ImportCommand command = new ImportCommand (null); if (command.ImportFromPaths (db.Photos, photo_import_list, photo_tags) > 0) { InfoDialog (Catalog.GetString ("PhotoWall generated!"), Catalog.GetString ("Your photo wall have been generated and imported in F-Spot. Select the last roll to see it"), Gtk.MessageType.Info); } else { InfoDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Error importing photowall"), Catalog.GetString ("An error occurred while importing the newly generated photowall to F-Spot"), Gtk.MessageType.Error); } DeleteTmp (); }
private void Upload() { sent_bytes = 0; approx_size = 0; System.Uri album_uri = null; Log.Debug ("Starting Upload to Smugmug, album " + album.Title + " - " + album.AlbumID); FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); if (scale) filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint)size)); while (photo_index < items.Length) { try { IPhoto item = items[photo_index]; FileInfo file_info; Log.Debug ("uploading " + photo_index); progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Uploading picture \"{0}\" ({1} of {2})"), item.Name, photo_index+1, items.Length); progress_dialog.ProgressText = string.Empty; progress_dialog.Fraction = ((photo_index) / (double) items.Length); photo_index++; FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (item.DefaultVersion.Uri); filters.Convert (request); file_info = new FileInfo (request.Current.LocalPath); if (approx_size == 0) //first image approx_size = file_info.Length * items.Length; else approx_size = sent_bytes * items.Length / (photo_index - 1); int image_id = account.SmugMug.Upload (request.Current.LocalPath, album.AlbumID); if (App.Instance.Database != null && item is Photo && image_id >= 0) App.Instance.Database.Exports.Create ((item as Photo).Id, (item as Photo).DefaultVersionId, ExportStore.SmugMugExportType, account.SmugMug.GetAlbumUrl (image_id).ToString ()); sent_bytes += file_info.Length; if (album_uri == null) album_uri = account.SmugMug.GetAlbumUrl (image_id); } catch (System.Exception e) { progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Error Uploading To Gallery: {0}"), e.Message); progress_dialog.ProgressText = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Error"); Log.DebugException (e); if (progress_dialog.PerformRetrySkip ()) { photo_index--; if (photo_index == 0) approx_size = 0; } } } progress_dialog.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Done Sending Photos"); progress_dialog.Fraction = 1.0; progress_dialog.ProgressText = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Upload Complete"); progress_dialog.ButtonLabel = Gtk.Stock.Ok; if (browser && album_uri != null) { GtkBeans.Global.ShowUri (Dialog.Screen, album_uri.ToString ()); } }
private void Upload () { Album album = null; if (create_album_radiobutton.Active) { string name = album_name_entry.Text; if (name.Length == 0) { HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (Dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Album must have a name"), Catalog.GetString ("Please name your album or choose an existing album.")); mbox.Run (); mbox.Destroy (); return; } string description = album_description_entry.Text; string location = album_location_entry.Text; try { album = account.Facebook.CreateAlbum (name, description, location); } catch (FacebookException fe) { HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (Dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Creating a new album failed"), String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("An error occurred creating a new album.\n\n{0}"), fe.Message)); mbox.Run (); mbox.Destroy (); return; } } else { AlbumStore store = (AlbumStore) existing_album_combobox.Model; album = store.Albums [existing_album_combobox.Active]; } long sent_bytes = 0; FilterSet filters = new FilterSet (); filters.Add (new JpegFilter ()); filters.Add (new ResizeFilter ((uint) size)); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { try { IBrowsableItem item = items [i]; FileInfo file_info; Console.WriteLine ("uploading {0}", i); progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Uploading picture \"{0}\" ({1} of {2})"), item.Name, i + 1, items.Length); progress_dialog.ProgressText = string.Empty; progress_dialog.Fraction = i / (double) items.Length; FilterRequest request = new FilterRequest (item.DefaultVersionUri); filters.Convert (request); file_info = new FileInfo (request.Current.LocalPath); Mono.Facebook.Photo photo = album.Upload (captions [i] ?? "", request.Current.LocalPath); sent_bytes += file_info.Length; } catch (Exception e) { progress_dialog.Message = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Error Uploading To Facebook: {0}"), e.Message); progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Error"); Console.WriteLine (e); if (progress_dialog.PerformRetrySkip ()) i--; } } progress_dialog.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Done Sending Photos"); progress_dialog.Fraction = 1.0; progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Upload Complete"); progress_dialog.ButtonLabel = Gtk.Stock.Ok; Dialog.Destroy (); }