public static string GetTeens(int num) { string teens; switch (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 1)) { default: teens = ""; break; case 1: teens = "eleven"; break; case 2: teens = "twelve"; break; case 3: teens = "thirteen"; break; case 4: teens = "fourteen"; break; case 5: teens = "fifteen"; break; case 6: teens = "sixteen"; break; case 7: teens = "seventeen"; break; case 8: teens = "eighteen"; break; case 9: teens = "nineteen"; break; } return(teens); }
public static string GetOnes(int num) { string ones; switch (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 1)) { default: ones = "ERROR!!"; break; case 0: ones = ""; break; case 1: ones = "one"; break; case 2: ones = "two"; break; case 3: ones = "three"; break; case 4: ones = "four"; break; case 5: ones = "five"; break; case 6: ones = "six"; break; case 7: ones = "seven"; break; case 8: ones = "eight"; break; case 9: ones = "nine"; break; } return(ones); }
public static string GetHundreds(int num) { string hundreds; switch (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 100)) { default: hundreds = ""; break; case 1: hundreds = "one hundred"; break; case 2: hundreds = "two hundred"; break; case 3: hundreds = "three hundred"; break; case 4: hundreds = "four hundred"; break; case 5: hundreds = "five hundred"; break; case 6: hundreds = "six hundred"; break; case 7: hundreds = "seven hundred"; break; case 8: hundreds = "eight hundred"; break; case 9: hundreds = "nine hundred"; break; } if (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 10) != 0 || CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 1) != 0) { hundreds += " and "; } return(hundreds); }
public static void RunTen() { Console.WriteLine("\n05.10. Write a program that applies bonus points to given scores in the range [1…9] by the following rules:"); Console.WriteLine("- If the score is between 1 and 3, the program multiplies it by 10."); Console.WriteLine("- If the score is between 4 and 6, the program multiplies it by 100."); Console.WriteLine("- If the score is between 7 and 9, the program multiplies it by 1000."); Console.WriteLine("- If the score is 0 or more than 9, the program prints an error message.\n"); int score = CodeSnippets.GetInt(); int orgScore = score; if (score < 1 || score > 9) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR!!"); } else if (score == 1 || score == 2 || score == 3) { score *= 10; } else if (score == 4 || score == 5 || score == 6) { score *= 100; } else if (score == 7 || score == 8 || score == 9) { score *= 1000; } Console.WriteLine("Score of {0} plus bonus points is {1}", orgScore, score); Console.WriteLine("\nCOMPLETE\n"); }
public static void RunEleven() { Console.WriteLine("\n05.11. * Write a program that converts a number in the range [0…999] to words, corresponding to the English pronunciation. Examples:"); Console.WriteLine("- 0 --> \"Zero\""); Console.WriteLine("- 12 --> \"Twelve\""); Console.WriteLine("- 98 --> \"Ninety eight\""); Console.WriteLine("- 273 --> \"Two hundred seventy three\""); Console.WriteLine("- 400 --> \"Four hundred\""); Console.WriteLine("- 501 --> \"Five hundred and one\""); Console.WriteLine("- 711 --> \"Seven hundred and eleven\"\n"); //could work this out better so that if hundreds place, ones are chosen followed by " hundred", rather than making each their own case. Would then be easier to add further numbers ie thousands. while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Enter int bewteen 0 and 999"); int n = CodeSnippets.GetInt(); while (n < 0 || n > 999) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid int chosen"); n = CodeSnippets.GetInt(); } string result = ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); switch (n) { default: if (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(n, 100) != 0) { sb.Append(GetHundreds(n)); } if (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(n, 10) != 0) { if (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(n, 10) == 1) { sb.Append(GetTeens(n)); } else { sb.Append(GetTens(n)); } } if (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(n, 10) != 1) { sb.Append(GetOnes(n)); } result = sb.ToString(); break; case 0: result = "zero"; break; } Console.WriteLine(result.First().ToString().ToUpper() + result.Substring(1)); Console.WriteLine("\nCOMPLETE\n"); } }
public static string GetTens(int num) { string tens; switch (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 10)) { default: tens = ""; break; case 0: tens = " and "; break; case 1: if (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 1) == 0) { tens = "ten"; } else { tens = GetTeens(CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 1)); } tens = "ten"; break; case 2: tens = "twenty"; break; case 3: tens = "thirty"; break; case 4: tens = "forty"; break; case 5: tens = "fifty"; break; case 6: tens = "sixty"; break; case 7: tens = "seventy"; break; case 8: tens = "eighty"; break; case 9: tens = "ninty"; break; } if (CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 10) != 1 || CodeSnippets.GetPlaceValue(num, 1) != 0) { tens += " "; } return(tens); }
public static void RunEight() { Console.WriteLine("\n05.8. Write a program that, depending on the user’s choice, inputs int, double or string variable. If the"); Console.WriteLine("variable is int or double, the program increases it by 1. If the variable is a string, the program appends \" * \" at the end."); Console.WriteLine("Print the result at the console. Use switch statement.\n"); Console.WriteLine("Input an int (indicates what type the input is: 0 = int; 1 = double; 2 = string."); int type = CodeSnippets.GetInt(); string result = ""; switch (type) { default: Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a valid option", type); break; case 0: type++; result = type.ToString(); break; case 1: type++; result = type.ToString(); break; case 2: result = type.ToString() + "*"; break; } Console.WriteLine(result); Console.WriteLine("\n...Not sure if this is what the question is asking for but..."); Console.WriteLine("\nCOMPLETE\n"); }