コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns XML string with all occurences of Active element "Column".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">index of data source in FEplugin data sources table</param>
        /// <returns>XML string</returns>
        public static string getList(int index)
            string resultString = ""; // result XML string
            string ErrStr       = ""; // error reports

            // loading DTD to resultString
            try { resultString = XMLHelper.loadDTD(); }
            catch (Exception e)
#if (LADENI)
                MessageBox.Show("error while loading DTD: " + e.Message);

            // root element
            resultString += "<active_list>";

            // processing of each box Column

            #region   searching a processing of each boxes Column (DataMiningCommon.Column)

            IBoxModule[] AttrBoxes = BoxesHelper.ListBoxesWithID(CFEsourcesTab.Sources[index] as CFEsource, "DataMiningCommon.Column");

            // processing of each box Column
            foreach (IBoxModule ABox in AttrBoxes)
                    Rec_column rColumn = new Rec_column(); // zaznam o novem sloupci

                    // searching ID
                    rColumn.id = "column" + ABox.ProjectIdentifier.ToString();

                    // searching data source name (database)
                    IBoxModule[] db_names = BoxesHelper.ListAncestBoxesWithID(ABox, "DataMiningCommon.Database");
                    if (db_names.GetLength(0) != 1)  // searched more than one data source or neither one
                        throw new System.Exception("found " + db_names.GetLength(0).ToString() + " databases");
                    rColumn.db_name = (db_names[0].GetPropertyOther("DatabaseName") as StringT).stringValue;

                    // searching data matrix name
                    IBoxModule[] matrix_names = BoxesHelper.ListAncestBoxesWithID(ABox, "DataMiningCommon.DataMatrix");
                    if (matrix_names.GetLength(0) != 1)  // searched more than one data source or neither one
                        throw new System.Exception("found " + matrix_names.GetLength(0).ToString() + " data matrixes");
                    rColumn.matrix_name = (matrix_names[0].GetPropertyOther("Name") as StringT).stringValue;

                    // searching name of column
                    rColumn.column_name = ABox.GetPropertyString("Name");

                    // searching type of values
                    rColumn.value_type = ABox.GetPropertyString("ValueSubType");

                    // searching Min
                    rColumn.min = ABox.GetPropertyString("ValueMin");

                    // searching Max
                    rColumn.max = ABox.GetPropertyString("ValueMax");

                    // searching Avg
                    rColumn.avg = ABox.GetPropertyString("ValueAverage");

                    // adding item to XML
                    resultString += rColumn.ToXML();
                catch (System.Exception e)
                    ErrStr += "Box ProjectIdentifier=" + ABox.ProjectIdentifier.ToString() + ": " + e.Message + "\n";


            resultString += "</active_list>";

#if (LADENI)
            // Kody - storing output to file "XMLColumnExample.xml" in directory
            XMLHelper.saveXMLexample(resultString, "../XML/XMLColumnExample.xml");

            if (ErrStr != "")
                MessageBox.Show("Chyby pri generating seznamu Boolskych cedent:\n" + ErrStr);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns XML string with all occurences of Active element "SD-4FFT hypothesis".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">index of data source in FEplugin data sources table</param>
        /// <returns>XML string</returns>
        public static string getList(int index)
            string resultString = ""; // result XML string

            // loading DTD to resultString
            try { resultString = XMLHelper.loadDTD(); }
            catch (Exception e)
#if (LADENI)
                MessageBox.Show("error while loading DTD: " + e.Message);

            // root element
            resultString += "<active_list>";

            string PropName = "Hypotheses";  // name of property which contain a list of hypotheses
            // searching all boxes SD-4FT-uloh
            IBoxModule[] TaskBoxes = BoxesHelper.ListBoxesWithID(CFEsourcesTab.Sources[index] as CFEsource, "LISpMinerTasks.SDFFTTask");

            // processing of each box - searching all 4ft-hypotheses
            string ErrStr = "";             // error report

            string matrix_name = "unknown"; // analyzed data matrix name
            string db_name     = "unknown"; // analyzed database name
            string task_name   = "unknown"; // task name - given with user name of box FFTTast

            // creating delegate of quantifier function - "sum of value"
            ContingencyTable.QuantifierValue <FourFoldContingencyTable> sum_delegat = new ContingencyTable.QuantifierValue <FourFoldContingencyTable>(FourFoldContingencyTable.GetSumOfValues);

            #region Loop - processing of each SD-4ft-Task from array TaskBoxes

            foreach (IBoxModule box in TaskBoxes)
                    // searching data source name (database)
                    IBoxModule[] db_names = BoxesHelper.ListAncestBoxesWithID(box, "DataMiningCommon.Database");
                    if (db_names.GetLength(0) != 1)  // searched more than one data source or neither one
                        throw new System.Exception("found " + db_names.GetLength(0).ToString() + " databases");
                    db_name = (db_names[0].GetPropertyOther("DatabaseName") as StringT).stringValue;

                    // searching data matrix name
                    IBoxModule[] matrix_names = BoxesHelper.ListAncestBoxesWithID(box, "DataMiningCommon.DataMatrix");
                    if (matrix_names.GetLength(0) != 1)  // searched more than one data source or neither one
                        throw new System.Exception("found " + matrix_names.GetLength(0).ToString() + " data matrixes");
                    matrix_name = (matrix_names[0].GetPropertyOther("Name") as StringT).stringValue;

                    // searching task name
                    task_name = box.UserName;

                    // searching the list of all hypotheses in this task
                    HypothesesT        HypT    = box.GetPropertyOther(PropName) as HypothesesT;
                    HypothesisStruct[] HypList = HypT.hypothesesValue.Clone() as HypothesisStruct[];

                    // records for storing the results
                    Rec_hyp_sd4ft rHyp  = new Rec_hyp_sd4ft(); // hypothesis
                    Rec_ti_cedent rAnt  = new Rec_ti_cedent(); // antecedent
                    Rec_ti_cedent rSuc  = new Rec_ti_cedent(); // succedent
                    Rec_ti_cedent rCon  = new Rec_ti_cedent(); // condition
                    Rec_ti_cedent rSet1 = new Rec_ti_cedent(); // set 1
                    Rec_ti_cedent rSet2 = new Rec_ti_cedent(); // set 2

                    #region Loop - processing of each hypotheses of one SDFFTTask box
                    // Loop over all hypotheses
                    for (int i = 0; i < HypList.GetLength(0); i++)
                        #region element hyp_sd4ft

                        rHyp.id          = "hypsd4ft" + box.ProjectIdentifier.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString();
                        rHyp.db_name     = db_name;
                        rHyp.matrix_name = matrix_name;
                        rHyp.task_name   = task_name;
                        rHyp.antecedent  = "ant" + rHyp.id;
                        rHyp.succedent   = "suc" + rHyp.id;
                        rHyp.condition   = "con" + rHyp.id;
                        rHyp.set1        = "set1" + rHyp.id;
                        rHyp.set2        = "set2" + rHyp.id;
                        FourFoldContingencyTable FFT1 = new FourFoldContingencyTable(HypList[i].quantifierSetting.firstContingencyTableRows);
                        FourFoldContingencyTable FFT2 = new FourFoldContingencyTable(HypList[i].quantifierSetting.secondContingencyTableRows);
                        rHyp.a = FFT1.A.ToString();
                        rHyp.b = FFT1.B.ToString();
                        rHyp.c = FFT1.C.ToString();
                        rHyp.d = FFT1.D.ToString();
                        rHyp.e = FFT2.A.ToString();
                        rHyp.f = FFT2.B.ToString();
                        rHyp.g = FFT2.C.ToString();
                        rHyp.h = FFT2.D.ToString();

                        // values of quantifiers - first set
                        double conf1 = FourFoldContingencyTable.FoundedImplicationValue(FFT1);              // Founded implication (a/a+b)
                        rHyp.conf1 = conf1.ToString();
                        double d_conf1 = FourFoldContingencyTable.DoubleFoundedImplicationValue(FFT1);      // Double Founded implication (a/a+b+c)
                        rHyp.d_conf1 = d_conf1.ToString();
                        double e_conf1 = FourFoldContingencyTable.FoundedEquivalenceValue(FFT1);            // Founded Equivalence (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)  ??? BUG ve Ferdovi
                        rHyp.e_conf1  = e_conf1.ToString();
                        rHyp.support1 = FourFoldContingencyTable.BaseCeilValue(FFT1).ToString();            //???  Support (a/a+b+c+d)
                        // helping variable
                        double avg_diff1 = FourFoldContingencyTable.AboveAverageImplicationValue(FFT1) - 1; // Averafe difference ((a*(a+b+c+d))/((a+b)*(a+c)) -1)
                        rHyp.avg_diff1 = avg_diff1.ToString();
                        rHyp.fisher1   = FFT1.FisherValue().ToString();
                        rHyp.chi_sq1   = FFT1.ChiSquareValue().ToString();

                        // values of quantifiers - second set
                        double conf2 = FourFoldContingencyTable.FoundedImplicationValue(FFT2);              // Founded implication (a/a+b)
                        rHyp.conf2 = conf2.ToString();
                        double d_conf2 = FourFoldContingencyTable.DoubleFoundedImplicationValue(FFT2);      // Double Founded implication (a/a+b+c)
                        rHyp.d_conf2 = d_conf2.ToString();
                        double e_conf2 = FourFoldContingencyTable.FoundedEquivalenceValue(FFT2);            // Founded Equivalence (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)  ??? BUG ve Ferdovi
                        rHyp.e_conf2  = e_conf2.ToString();
                        rHyp.support2 = FourFoldContingencyTable.BaseCeilValue(FFT2).ToString();            //???  Support (a/a+b+c+d)
                        // helping variable
                        double avg_diff2 = FourFoldContingencyTable.AboveAverageImplicationValue(FFT2) - 1; // Averafe difference ((a*(a+b+c+d))/((a+b)*(a+c)) -1)
                        rHyp.avg_diff2 = avg_diff2.ToString();
                        rHyp.fisher2   = FFT2.FisherValue().ToString();
                        rHyp.chi_sq2   = FFT2.ChiSquareValue().ToString();

                        // values of quantifiers - diffrent of first and second set
                        rHyp.dr_sum = FourFoldContingencyTable.Value <FourFoldContingencyTable>(sum_delegat, FFT1, FFT2, OperationModeEnum.DifferencesOfRelativeFrequencies).ToString();
                        double df_conf = FourFoldContingencyTable.Combine(conf1, conf2, OperationModeEnum.DifferenceOfQuantifierValues);
                        rHyp.df_conf = df_conf.ToString();
                        double df_dfui = FourFoldContingencyTable.Combine(d_conf1, d_conf2, OperationModeEnum.DifferenceOfQuantifierValues);
                        rHyp.df_dfui = df_dfui.ToString();
                        double df_fue = FourFoldContingencyTable.Combine(e_conf1, e_conf2, OperationModeEnum.DifferenceOfQuantifierValues);
                        rHyp.df_fue = df_fue.ToString();
                        double df_avg = FourFoldContingencyTable.Combine(avg_diff1, avg_diff2, OperationModeEnum.DifferenceOfQuantifierValues);
                        rHyp.df_avg = df_avg.ToString();


                        #region element ti_cedent (Antecedent)

                        rAnt.id   = rHyp.antecedent;
                        rAnt.type = "Antecedent";
                        // literals
                        int litCounter = 0;  // counter of literals of this hypotheses
                        List <Rec_ti_literal> Lit_a = new List <Rec_ti_literal>();
                        foreach (BooleanLiteralStruct lit in HypList[i].booleanLiterals)
                            if (lit.cedentType == CedentEnum.Antecedent)
                                Rec_ti_literal l = new Rec_ti_literal();
                                l.id = "tiLit" + rHyp.id + "_" + litCounter.ToString();
                                if (lit.negation)
                                    l.quant = "¬";
                                l.quant += lit.literalName;
                                int counter = 0;
                                foreach (string s in lit.categoriesNames)
                                    if (counter > 0)
                                        l.value += ",";
                                    l.value += s;


                        #region element ti_cedent (Succedent)

                        rSuc.id   = rHyp.succedent;
                        rSuc.type = "Succedent";
                        // literals
                        List <Rec_ti_literal> Lit_s = new List <Rec_ti_literal>();
                        foreach (BooleanLiteralStruct lit in HypList[i].booleanLiterals)
                            if (lit.cedentType == CedentEnum.Succedent)
                                Rec_ti_literal l = new Rec_ti_literal();
                                l.id = "tiLit" + rHyp.id + "_" + litCounter.ToString();
                                if (lit.negation)
                                    l.quant = "¬";
                                l.quant += lit.literalName;
                                int counter = 0;
                                foreach (string s in lit.categoriesNames)
                                    if (counter > 0)
                                        l.value += ",";
                                    l.value += s;


                        #region element ti_cedent (Condition)

                        rCon.id   = rHyp.condition;
                        rCon.type = "Condition";
                        // literals
                        List <Rec_ti_literal> Lit_c = new List <Rec_ti_literal>();
                        foreach (BooleanLiteralStruct lit in HypList[i].booleanLiterals)
                            if (lit.cedentType == CedentEnum.Condition)
                                Rec_ti_literal l = new Rec_ti_literal();
                                l.id = "tiLit" + rHyp.id + "_" + litCounter.ToString();
                                if (lit.negation)
                                    l.quant = "¬";
                                l.quant += lit.literalName;
                                int counter = 0;
                                foreach (string s in lit.categoriesNames)
                                    if (counter > 0)
                                        l.value += ",";
                                    l.value += s;


                        #region element ti_cedent (First Set)

                        rSet1.id   = rHyp.set1;
                        rSet1.type = "First Set";
                        // literals
                        List <Rec_ti_literal> Lit_s1 = new List <Rec_ti_literal>();
                        foreach (BooleanLiteralStruct lit in HypList[i].booleanLiterals)
                            if (lit.cedentType == CedentEnum.FirstSet)
                                Rec_ti_literal l = new Rec_ti_literal();
                                l.id = "tiLit" + rHyp.id + "_" + litCounter.ToString();
                                if (lit.negation)
                                    l.quant = "¬";
                                l.quant += lit.literalName;
                                int counter = 0;
                                foreach (string s in lit.categoriesNames)
                                    if (counter > 0)
                                        l.value += ",";
                                    l.value += s;


                        #region element ti_cedent (Second Set)

                        rSet2.id   = rHyp.set2;
                        rSet2.type = "Second Set";
                        // literals
                        List <Rec_ti_literal> Lit_s2 = new List <Rec_ti_literal>();
                        foreach (BooleanLiteralStruct lit in HypList[i].booleanLiterals)
                            if (lit.cedentType == CedentEnum.SecondSet)
                                Rec_ti_literal l = new Rec_ti_literal();
                                l.id = "tiLit" + rHyp.id + "_" + litCounter.ToString();
                                if (lit.negation)
                                    l.quant = "¬";
                                l.quant += lit.literalName;
                                int counter = 0;
                                foreach (string s in lit.categoriesNames)
                                    if (counter > 0)
                                        l.value += ",";
                                    l.value += s;


                        #region Generating of one hypotheses to XML string

                        string oneHypString = "";
                        // generating hypotheses to XML
                        oneHypString += rHyp.ToXML();
                        // generating Antecedent to XML
                        oneHypString += rAnt.ToXML(Lit_a);
                        // generating Succedent to XML
                        oneHypString += rSuc.ToXML(Lit_s);
                        // generating Condition to XML
                        oneHypString += rCon.ToXML(Lit_c);
                        // generating First Set to XML
                        oneHypString += rSet1.ToXML(Lit_s1);
                        // generating Second Set to XML
                        oneHypString += rSet2.ToXML(Lit_s2);

                        resultString += oneHypString;

                catch (System.Exception e)
                    ErrStr += "Box ProjectIdentifier=" + box.ProjectIdentifier.ToString() + ": " + e.Message + "\n";

            // root element
            resultString += "</active_list>";

#if (LADENI)
            // generating of error message:
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrStr))  // LADICI
                MessageBox.Show("Pri nacitani SD4FT hypotheses doslo k chybam:\n" + ErrStr, "Chyba", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // LADICI - Kody - storing output to file "XMLsd4fthypExample.xml" in directory
            XMLHelper.saveXMLexample(resultString, "../XML/XMLsd4fthypExample.xml");

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns XML string with all occurences of Active element "CF cedent".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">index of data source in FEplugin data sources table</param>
        /// <returns>XML string</returns>
        public static string getList(int index)
            string resultString = ""; // result XML string
            string ErrStr       = ""; // error reports
            int    counterID    = 0;

            // loading DTD to resultString
            try { resultString = XMLHelper.loadDTD(); }
            catch (Exception e)
#if (LADENI)
                MessageBox.Show("error while loading DTD: " + e.Message);

            // root element
            resultString += "<active_list>";

            string[] BoxTypes = { "LISpMinerTasks.CFTask", "LISpMinerTasks.SDCFTask" }; // typy boxes (uloh), pro ktere se hledaji CFske cedents

            // searching all boxes of tasks
            IBoxModule[] TaskBoxes = BoxesHelper.ListBoxesWithID(CFEsourcesTab.Sources[index] as CFEsource, BoxTypes);

            #region Loop - processing of each task found

            foreach (IBoxModule box in TaskBoxes)
                Rec_CF_cedent rCFCedent = new Rec_CF_cedent();
                counterID = 0;

                    // setting ID
                    rCFCedent.id = "cfcdnt" + box.ProjectIdentifier.ToString() + "_";

                    // searching data source name (database)
                    IBoxModule[] db_names = BoxesHelper.ListAncestBoxesWithID(box, "DataMiningCommon.Database");
                    if (db_names.GetLength(0) != 1)  // searched more than one data source or neither one
                        throw new System.Exception("found " + db_names.GetLength(0).ToString() + " databases");
                    rCFCedent.db_name = db_names[0].GetPropertyString("DatabaseName");

                    // searching data matrix name
                    IBoxModule[] matrix_names = BoxesHelper.ListAncestBoxesWithID(box, "DataMiningCommon.DataMatrix");
                    if (matrix_names.GetLength(0) != 1)  // searched more than one data source or neither one
                        throw new System.Exception("found " + matrix_names.GetLength(0).ToString() + " data matrixes");
                    rCFCedent.matrix_name = matrix_names[0].GetPropertyString("Name");

                    // searching task name
                    rCFCedent.task_name = box.UserName;

                    // processing of several type of Task
                    string id = rCFCedent.id;
                    switch (box.MadeInCreator.Identifier) // all available task types
                    case "LISpMinerTasks.CFTask":
                        rCFCedent.task_type = "CF Task";

                        // Antecedent
                        rCFCedent.id = id + counterID.ToString();
                        // Kodym - choose one of following possibilities (ZJISTI)
                        //rCFCedent.cedent_type = CedentEnum.Antecedent.ToString();
                        rCFCedent.cedent_type = "Attributes";
                        resultString         += getOneItemXML(box, rCFCedent, "AntecedentSetting");

                    case "LISpMinerTasks.SDCFTask":
                        rCFCedent.task_type = "SD-CF Task";

                        // Anecedent
                        rCFCedent.id = id + counterID.ToString();
                        // Kodym - choose one of following possibilities (ZJISTI)
                        //rCFCedent.cedent_type = CedentEnum.Antecedent.ToString();
                        rCFCedent.cedent_type = "Attributes";
                        resultString         += getOneItemXML(box, rCFCedent, "AntecedentSetting");
                catch (System.Exception e)
                    ErrStr += "Box ProjectIdentifier=" + box.ProjectIdentifier.ToString() + ": " + e.Message + "\n";


            // root element
            resultString += "</active_list>";

#if (LADENI)
            // Kody - storing output to file "XMLCF_cedentExample.xml" in directory
            XMLHelper.saveXMLexample(resultString, "../XML/XMLCF_cedentExample.xml");

            if (ErrStr != "") // LADICI
                MessageBox.Show("Chyby pri generating seznamu CF cedent:\n" + ErrStr);
