コード例 #1
ファイル: Write.cs プロジェクト: madforumz/XbxEditor
 private EntryData GetNewEntryData(Folder root, string Name)
     if (m.CheckFileName(Name))
         EntryData EData = new EntryData();
         object[] ourObject = CheckIfBlocksNeeded(root);
         //If we need to create a new entry...
         if (!(bool)ourObject[0])
             //Create our new entrydata that will serve as the EData for the new folder
             Int32 timeStamp = m.FatTimeInt(DateTime.Now);
             byte[] ourArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(timeStamp);
             byte[] CD = new byte[] { ourArray[2], ourArray[3] };
             byte[] CT = new byte[] { ourArray[0], ourArray[1] };
             EData.CreationDate = BitConverter.ToUInt16(CD, 0);
             EData.CreationTime = BitConverter.ToUInt16(CT, 0);
             EData.FileName = Name;
             EData.FileNameSize = (byte)Name.Length;
             EData.Flags = 0x10;
             EData.Size = 0x0;
             //Uint for our blocks..
             uint[] Blocks = new FATStuff(root).GetFreeBlocks(1, ((EntryData)ourObject[1]).StartingCluster, 0, false);
             //Set our starting cluster using the "GetFreeBlocks" method - tell it we need one block, and the starting block is the block of the previous entry
             EData.StartingCluster = Blocks[0];
             //If we're using a block that we just created (the current block for the parent folder
             //has free space
             EData.EntryOffset = ((EntryData)ourObject[1]).EntryOffset;
             //Create a new folder
             Folder f = new Folder(ourDrive, root.PartInfo);
             f.EData = EData;
             f.BlocksOccupied = Blocks;
             WriteFATChain(f.BlocksOccupied, f);
         //We are using a deleted entry
             Int32 timeStamp = m.FatTimeInt(DateTime.Now);
             byte[] ourArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(timeStamp);
             byte[] CD = new byte[] { ourArray[0], ourArray[1] };
             byte[] CT = new byte[] { ourArray[2], ourArray[3] };
             EData.CreationDate = BitConverter.ToUInt16(CD, 0);
             EData.CreationTime = BitConverter.ToUInt16(CT, 0);
             EData.FileName = Name;
             EData.FileNameSize = (byte)Name.Length;
             EData.Flags = 0x10;
             EData.Size = 0x0;
             EData.StartingCluster = new FATStuff(root).GetFreeBlocks(1, ((EntryData)ourObject[1]).StartingCluster, 0, false)[0];
             EData.EntryOffset = ((EntryData)ourObject[1]).EntryOffset;
             Folder f = new Folder(ourDrive, root.PartInfo);
             f.EData = EData;
             WriteFATChain(f.BlocksOccupied, f);
         return EData;
     throw new Exception("File name not valid");
コード例 #2
ファイル: Write.cs プロジェクト: madforumz/XbxEditor
        private object[] CheckIfBlocksNeeded(Folder f)
            //Create our object array that will hold our Bool and Entry for if
            //we need an open block, and if there's a deleted file

            //Create our entry reader so that we can get a return of entries...
            Entries e = new Entries(f);
            //Get our entries in the last block
            EntryData[] eData = e.GetEntries(f.BlocksOccupied[f.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1]);
            //Files span upon multiple blocks... Here we go to the last block that it occupies
            //(the most recent block created), and check if it has any open entries

            //Check for deleted entries
            foreach (EntryData E in eData)
                if (E.FileNameSize == (byte)Info.FileFlags.Deleted)
                    return new object[] { true, E };
            //We didn't find a deleted entry, but we have room in the last block of the folder
            //for a new entry
            if (eData.Length < 100)
                EntryData newEntry = new EntryData();
                newEntry.EntryOffset = eData[eData.Length - 1].EntryOffset + 0x40;
                newEntry.StartingCluster = eData[eData.Length - 1].StartingCluster;
                return new object[] { false, newEntry };
            //We don't have any deleted entries, and don't have enough room in the last block,
            //so let's create a new block, add it to the FAT chain, etc.

            //Get our new block...
            uint nextBlock = new FATStuff(f).GetFreeBlocks(1, f.BlocksOccupied[f.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1], 0, false)[0];
            //Write the fat chain
            WriteFATChain(new uint[] { f.BlocksOccupied[f.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1], nextBlock}, f);
            //Create our new entrydata
            EntryData EntryNew = new EntryData();
            EntryNew.EntryOffset = m.GetBlockOffset(nextBlock, f);
            return new object[] { false, EntryNew };
コード例 #3
ファイル: Write.cs プロジェクト: madforumz/XbxEditor
 public bool OverWriteFile(File FileToOverwrite, string FilePath, ref int Progress, ref int BlocksToWrite)
     FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader br = null;
     //Do a try...
         //Create our new fatstuff to get our free blocks
         FATStuff fs = new FATStuff(FileToOverwrite);
         //Get our blocks needed
         int BlocksNeeded = (int)(m.UpToNearestCluster(new System.IO.FileInfo(FilePath).Length, FileToOverwrite.PartInfo.ClusterSize) / FileToOverwrite.PartInfo.ClusterSize);
         //Create our block array for the blocks we do have
         uint[] BlocksWeHave = FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied;
         //If we have more blocks than we need already...
         if ((int)FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length > BlocksNeeded)
             //Get our blocks that we're going to clear...
             List<uint> BlocksList = FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.ToList<uint>();
             //Remove the blocks we need from the list of blocks to overwrite
             BlocksList.RemoveRange(0x0, (int)((int)FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length - BlocksNeeded));
             uint[] BlocksToFree = BlocksList.ToArray();
             //Clears the blocks.
             ClearFATChain(BlocksToFree, FileToOverwrite);
             //Make the final block in the series the ending block by writing 0xFFFF to it
             uint EndBlock = FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied[(FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1) - BlocksNeeded];
             if (FileToOverwrite.PartInfo.EntrySize == Info.PartitionBit.FATX16)
                 WriteBlock(EndBlock, new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF }, FileToOverwrite);
                 WriteBlock(EndBlock, new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, FileToOverwrite);
             BlocksList = FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.ToList<uint>();
             BlocksList.RemoveRange(0x0, (FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1) - BlocksNeeded);
             BlocksWeHave = BlocksList.ToArray();
         else if ((int)FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length < BlocksNeeded)
             //Get the number of blocks we REALLY need
             int RealBlocksNeeded = BlocksNeeded - FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length;
             //Write out the FAT chain from that last block
             List<uint> bl = new List<uint>();
             bl.Add(FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied[FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1]);
             uint[] newBlocks = new FATStuff(FileToOverwrite).GetFreeBlocks(RealBlocksNeeded, bl[0], 0, false);
             //Set the BlocksWeHave
             BlocksWeHave = bl.ToArray();
         //Create our binary reader to read our file
         br = new FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader(new System.IO.FileStream(FilePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open));
         for (int i = 0; i < BlocksWeHave.Length; i++)
             WriteToCluster(m.GetBlockOffset(BlocksWeHave[i], FileToOverwrite), br.ReadBytes(0x200));
         return true;
     catch (Exception e)
         catch { }
         throw e;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Write.cs プロジェクト: madforumz/XbxEditor
 public bool WriteNewFile(Folder Root, string FilePath, ref int Progress, ref int BlocksToWrite)
     FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader br = null;
     //Do a try...
         //Get our entry
         EntryData EData = GetNewEntryData(Root, new System.IO.FileInfo(FilePath).Name);
         //Create our entry in the folder
         //Create our new fatstuff to get our free blocks
         FATStuff fs = new FATStuff(Root);
         //Get our free blocks
         uint[] blocks = fs.GetFreeBlocks((int)(m.UpToNearestCluster(new System.IO.FileInfo(FilePath).Length, Root.PartInfo.ClusterSize) / Root.PartInfo.ClusterSize), EData.StartingCluster, 0, false);
         //Make a new list for the blocks...
         List<uint> COCKS = blocks.ToList<uint>();
         //Insert the beginning block at the 0 index
         COCKS.Insert(0, EData.StartingCluster);
         //Make the cocks an array
         blocks = COCKS.ToArray();
         //Write the FAT chain
         WriteFATChain(blocks, Root);
         //Create our binary reader to read our file
         br = new FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader(new System.IO.FileStream(FilePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open));
         for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++)
             WriteToCluster(m.GetBlockOffset(blocks[i], Root), br.ReadBytes(0x200));
         return true;
     catch(Exception e)
         catch { }
         throw e;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Read.cs プロジェクト: madforumz/XbxEditor
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the readable partitions as folders on the drive
        /// </summary>
        public Folder[] Get(FATXDrive xDrive)
            List<Folder> PIList = new List<Folder>();
            if (xDrive.DriveType == Info.DriveType.HDD | xDrive.DriveType == Info.DriveType.Backup)
                foreach (Info.HDDFATX.Partitions e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Info.HDDFATX.Partitions)))
                    if (e == Info.HDDFATX.Partitions.Data | e == Info.HDDFATX.Partitions.Compatibility)
                        FATStuff FS = new FATStuff(xDrive, e);
                        if (FS.Magic() == "XTAF")
                            PartitionInfo PI = new PartitionInfo();
                            PI.ClusterSize = FS.ClusterSize();
                            PI.DataOffset = FS.DataOffset();
                            PI.FATCopies = FS.FATCopies();
                            PI.FATOffset = FS.FATOffset;
                            PI.FATSize = FS.FATSize();
                            PI.ID = FS.PartitionID();
                            PI.Magic = FS.Magic();
                            PI.Name = e.ToString();
                            PI.Offset = (long)e;
                            PI.SectorsPerCluster = FS.SectorsPerCluster();
                            PI.EntrySize = FS.bit;
                            PI.Size = FS.PartitionSize();
                            Folder f = new Folder(xDrive, PI);
                            f.EData.StartingCluster = 0;

                if (PIList.Count == 0)
                    FATStuff FS = new FATStuff(xDrive, (long)0);
                    if (FS.Magic() == "XTAF")
                        PartitionInfo PI = new PartitionInfo();
                        PI.ClusterSize = FS.ClusterSize();
                        PI.DataOffset = FS.DataOffset();
                        PI.FATCopies = FS.FATCopies();
                        PI.FATOffset = FS.FATOffset;
                        PI.FATSize = FS.FATSize();
                        PI.ID = FS.PartitionID();
                        PI.Magic = FS.Magic();
                        PI.Name = "Root";
                        PI.Offset = 0x0;
                        PI.SectorsPerCluster = FS.SectorsPerCluster();
                        PI.EntrySize = FS.bit;
                        PI.Size = xDrive.DriveSize;
                        Folder f = new Folder(xDrive, PI);
            else if (xDrive.DriveType == Info.DriveType.USB)
                foreach (Info.USBOffsets e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Info.USBOffsets)))
                    FATStuff FS = new FATStuff(xDrive, (long)e);
                    if (FS.Magic() == "XTAF")
                        PartitionInfo PI = new PartitionInfo();
                        PI.ClusterSize = FS.ClusterSize();
                        PI.DataOffset = FS.DataOffset();
                        PI.FATCopies = FS.FATCopies();
                        PI.FATOffset = FS.FATOffset;
                        PI.FATSize = FS.FATSize();
                        PI.ID = FS.PartitionID();
                        PI.Magic = FS.Magic();
                        PI.Name = e.ToString();
                        PI.Offset = (long)e;
                        PI.SectorsPerCluster = FS.SectorsPerCluster();
                        PI.EntrySize = FS.bit;
                        PI.Size = FS.PartitionSize();
                        Folder f = new Folder(xDrive, PI);
                        f.EData.StartingCluster = 0;
            else if (PIList.Count == 0)
                if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No partitions were found.  Would you like to use the Manual Partition tool to set the offset yourself?", "No Partitions Found", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                    PartitionInfo PI = new PartitionInfo();
                    Manual_Partition mp = new Manual_Partition(ref PI);
                    if (mp.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                        PI = mp.ReturnInfo;
                        FATStuff FS = new FATStuff(xDrive, PI.Offset);
                        if (FS.Magic() == "XTAF")
                            PI.ClusterSize = FS.ClusterSize();
                            PI.DataOffset = FS.DataOffset();
                            PI.FATCopies = FS.FATCopies();
                            PI.FATOffset = FS.FATOffset;
                            PI.FATSize = FS.FATSize();
                            PI.ID = FS.PartitionID();
                            PI.Magic = FS.Magic();
                            PI.Name = "Root";
                            PI.SectorsPerCluster = FS.SectorsPerCluster();
                            PI.EntrySize = FS.bit;
                            PI.Size = FS.PartitionSize();
                            Folder f = new Folder(xDrive, PI);
                            f.EData.StartingCluster = 0;
            return PIList.ToArray();