static void doPrint() { try { print_receipt.printerResolution = new PrinterResolution(); GF.printError("INIT PRINT DOCUMENT FOR 'SHOP RECEIPT' ..."); if (GF.Settings("receipt_printer") == "") { GF.Error("ไม่พบ PRINTER สำหรับออกใบเสร็จ !!"); GF.closeLoading(); } else if (GF.Settings("receipt_printer") == "ไม่มี") { GF.Error("ไม่สามารถพิมพ์ใบเสร็จได้ จนกว่าจะตั้งค่า PRINTER สำหรับออกใบเสร็จ !!"); GF.closeLoading(); return; } else { print_receipt.printerName = GF.Settings("receipt_printer"); GF.printError("PRINTER : " + print_receipt.printerName); } initPrintDocument(); } catch (Exception e) { GF.printError(e.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString()); GF.Error(e.Message, "PRINTER ERROR !!"); GF.closeLoading(); } }
static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { try { GF.closeLoading(); Exception ex = (Exception)e.Exception; GF.printError("********** THREAD FATAL ERROR **********"); GF.printError("[" + ex.TargetSite.ToString() + "]"); GF.printError(ex.ToString() + "\r\n"); GF.printError("FILE : " + new StackTrace(ex, true).GetFrame(0).GetFileName()); GF.printError("LINE : " + new StackTrace(ex, true).GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber()); GF.printError("STACK-TRACE : \r\n" + ex.StackTrace.ToString() + "\r\n"); waitHandle.WaitOne(); } finally { foreach (Process theProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")) { theProcess.Kill(); } if (currentProcess != null) { foreach (Process theProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("FAMS")) { theProcess.Kill(); } } System.Environment.Exit(0); } }
public static void checkPaperSource(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument pd) { GF.printError("********** PAPER SOURCE **********"); foreach (System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSource source in pd.PrinterSettings.PaperSources) { GF.printError("**** [" + source.RawKind.ToString() + "][" + source.Kind.ToString() + "] " + source.SourceName); } }
public static void checkPaperSize(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument pd) { GF.printError("********** PAPER SIZE **********"); foreach (System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize size in pd.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes) { GF.printError("**** [" + size.RawKind.ToString() + "][" + size.Kind.ToString() + "] " + size.Width.ToString() + "x" + size.Height.ToString()); } }
public void calculateExpiryDate() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(start_date.Text.Replace(" ", "").Replace("/", "").Trim())) { expiry_date.Text = "-"; return; } if (start_date.Text.Trim().Length < 10) { expiry_date.Text = "-"; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(age.Text.Trim())) { expiry_date.Text = "-"; return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(age.Text.Trim()) <= 0) { expiry_date.Text = "-"; return; } int months = Convert.ToInt32(age.Text.Trim()); string[] tmpDate = start_date.Text.Split('/'); if (!DateTime.TryParse(((Convert.ToInt32(tmpDate[2]) - 543)).ToString("0000") + "-" + Convert.ToInt32(tmpDate[1]).ToString("00") + "-" + Convert.ToInt32(tmpDate[0]).ToString("00"), out var DateStart)) { string errTxt = "วัน เดือน ปี ไม่อยู่ในรูปแบบที่ถูกต้อง !\r\nค่าปัจจุบัน : " + start_date; GF.printError("***" + errTxt + "*** (DateTime.TryParse @ member_pt.calculateExpiryDate)"); //GF.submitErrorLog(); GF.Error(errTxt); return; } DateTime DateEnd = DateStart.AddMonths(months).AddDays(-1); expiry_date.Text = DateEnd.Day.ToString("00") + "/" + DateEnd.Month.ToString("00") + "/" + (DateEnd.Year + 543).ToString("0000"); }
static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { try { GF.closeLoading(); Exception ex = (Exception)e.ExceptionObject; GF.printError("********** FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION ERROR *********"); GF.printError("[" + ex.TargetSite.ToString() + "]"); GF.printError(ex.ToString() + "\r\n"); GF.printError("FILE : " + new StackTrace(ex, true).GetFrame(0).GetFileName()); GF.printError("LINE : " + new StackTrace(ex, true).GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber()); GF.printError("STACK-TRACE : \r\n" + ex.StackTrace.ToString() + "\r\n"); waitHandle.WaitOne(); /*MessageBox.Show("Whoops! Please contact the developers with the following" + " information:\n\n" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace, + "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);*/ } finally { foreach (Process theProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")) { theProcess.Kill(); } if (currentProcess != null) { foreach (Process theProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("FAMS")) { theProcess.Kill(); } } System.Environment.Exit(0); } }
static void initPrintDocument() { using (pd = new PrintDocument()) { pd.DocumentName = "ใบเสร็จค่าสินค้า"; pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = printerName; GF.checkPaperSize(pd); GF.checkPaperSource(pd); GF.printError("THIS RAW KIND : " + rawKind); GF.printError("THIS PAPER SIZE : " + paperSize); if (rawKind != 0) { pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.RawKind = rawKind; } if (paperSize != null) { pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = paperSize; } GF.printError(pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width.ToString() + " x " + pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height.ToString()); GF.printError("PD RAW KIND : " + pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.RawKind); GF.printError("PD PAPER SIZE : " + pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize); if (printerResolution != null) { pd.DefaultPageSettings.PrinterResolution = printerResolution; } pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0); pd.PrintPage += (sender, e) => { int FontSize = 8; string FontName = "Calibri"; regular = new Font(FontName, FontSize); boldUnderline = new Font(FontName, FontSize, (FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Underline)); bold = new Font(FontName, FontSize, FontStyle.Bold); brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); alignRight = new StringFormat(); alignRight.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; int width = e.MarginBounds.Width; string vat = ""; string net_price_before_vat = ""; string vat_amount = ""; string total_amount = ""; string cashier_name = ""; Dictionary <string, string> values = new() { { "bill_id", bill_id }, { "issue_vat", (hasVat ? "1" : "0") } }; Dictionary <string, object> Obj = DB.Post("Shop/getBillHeader/", values); int top = 10; if (Obj != null) { if (Obj.ContainsKey("result")) { Dictionary <string, object> item = GF.ToType <Dictionary <string, object> >(Obj["result"]); if (item.Keys.Count > 0) { bill_no = item["bill_no"].ToString(); print_bill_header.draw(e, item["branch_id"].ToString(), out top); top += 65; e.Graphics.DrawString("ใบเสร็จรับเงิน / ใบกำกับภาษีอย่างย่อ", boldUnderline, brush, new PointF((float)(((width - GF.margin_right) / 2) - (e.Graphics.MeasureString("ใบเสร็จรับเงิน / ใบกำกับภาษีอย่างย่อ", boldUnderline).Width / 2)), top)); top += 25; e.Graphics.DrawString("หมายเลขใบเสร็จ", bold, brush, new PointF((e.MarginBounds.Width) - e.Graphics.MeasureString(": " + bill_no, regular).Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("หมายเลขใบเสร็จ", bold).Width - GF.margin_right + GF.margin_left, top)); e.Graphics.DrawString(": " + bill_no, regular, brush, new RectangleF(GF.margin_left, top, e.MarginBounds.Width - GF.margin_right, 15), alignRight); top += 20; e.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่", bold, brush, new PointF((e.MarginBounds.Width) - e.Graphics.MeasureString(": " + GF.formatDBDateTime(item["bill_datetime"].ToString()), regular).Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("วันที่", bold).Width - GF.margin_right + GF.margin_left, top)); e.Graphics.DrawString(": " + GF.formatDBDateTime(item["bill_datetime"].ToString()), regular, brush, new RectangleF(GF.margin_left, top, e.MarginBounds.Width - GF.margin_right, 15), alignRight); vat = item["vat"].ToString(); vat_amount = item["vat_amount"].ToString(); net_price_before_vat = item["net_price_before_vat"].ToString(); total_amount = item["total_price"].ToString(); cashier_name = item["receive_by"].ToString(); } } } string seps = ""; while (e.Graphics.MeasureString(seps, regular).Width < e.MarginBounds.Width) { seps += "-"; } /*top += 25; * e.Graphics.DrawString(seps, regular, brush, new PointF(left, top));*/ values = new() { { "bill_no", bill_no } }; Obj = DB.Post("Shop/getDataByBillNo/", values); if (Obj != null) { if (Obj.ContainsKey("result")) { Dictionary <string, object> item = GF.ToType <Dictionary <string, object> >(Obj["result"]); if (item.Keys.Count > 0) { string Product_Data = item["product_data"].ToString(); string[] tmp_data = Product_Data.Split(new string[] { "!!" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string product in tmp_data) { string[] Item = product.Split(new string[] { "##" }, StringSplitOptions.None); top += 20; string item_name = Item[3].ToString() + " x " + Item[0].ToString() + " @" + Item[1].ToString() + ".00"; e.Graphics.DrawString(item_name, regular, brush, new RectangleF(GF.margin_left, top, e.MarginBounds.Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString(item_name, regular).Width - GF.margin_right, 15)); e.Graphics.DrawString(GF.formatNumber(Item[4].ToString()) + ".00", regular, brush, new RectangleF(GF.margin_left, top, e.MarginBounds.Width - GF.margin_right, 15), alignRight); } //======================================= SUB TOTAL ======================================// top += 20; e.Graphics.DrawString("ราคารวมก่อนภาษี", bold, brush, new PointF((e.MarginBounds.Width) - e.Graphics.MeasureString(": " + net_price_before_vat, bold).Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("ราคารวมก่อนภาษี :", bold).Width - GF.margin_right + GF.margin_left, top)); e.Graphics.DrawString(": " + net_price_before_vat, bold, brush, new RectangleF(GF.margin_left, top, e.MarginBounds.Width - GF.margin_right, 15), alignRight); top += 20; e.Graphics.DrawString("ภาษี " + string.Format("{0:f2}", Convert.ToDouble(vat)) + "%", bold, brush, new PointF((e.MarginBounds.Width) - e.Graphics.MeasureString(": " + vat_amount, bold).Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("ภาษี " + string.Format("{0:f2}", Convert.ToDouble(vat)) + "% : ", bold).Width - GF.margin_right + GF.margin_left, top)); e.Graphics.DrawString(": " + vat_amount, bold, brush, new RectangleF(GF.margin_left, top, e.MarginBounds.Width - GF.margin_right, 15), alignRight); top += 20; e.Graphics.DrawString("รวมเป็นเงิน", bold, brush, new PointF((e.MarginBounds.Width) - e.Graphics.MeasureString(": " + GF.formatNumber(total_amount) + ".00", bold).Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("รวมเป็นเงิน :", bold).Width - GF.margin_right + GF.margin_left, top)); e.Graphics.DrawString(": " + GF.formatNumber(total_amount) + ".00", bold, brush, new RectangleF(GF.margin_left, top, e.MarginBounds.Width - GF.margin_right, 15), alignRight); top += 15; e.Graphics.DrawString(seps, regular, brush, new PointF(GF.margin_left, top)); //======================================= PAYMENT ======================================// string Payment_Data = item["payment_data"].ToString(); tmp_data = Payment_Data.Split(new string[] { "!!" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string payment in tmp_data) { string[] Item = payment.Split(new string[] { "##" }, StringSplitOptions.None); top += 20; if (Item[0].ToString() == "0") { // CASH e.Graphics.DrawString("เงินสด", bold, brush, new PointF((e.MarginBounds.Width) - e.Graphics.MeasureString(": " + GF.formatNumber(Item[1].ToString()) + ".00", bold).Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("เงินสด", bold).Width - GF.margin_right + GF.margin_left, top)); } else if (Item[0].ToString() == "1") { // CARD string last4Digits = Item[2].ToString().Substring(Item[2].ToString().Length - 4, 4); e.Graphics.DrawString("บัตร XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-" + last4Digits, bold, brush, new PointF((e.MarginBounds.Width) - e.Graphics.MeasureString(": " + GF.formatNumber(Item[1].ToString()) + ".00", bold).Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("บัตร XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-" + last4Digits, bold).Width - GF.margin_right + GF.margin_left, top)); } e.Graphics.DrawString(": " + GF.formatNumber(Item[1].ToString()) + ".00", bold, brush, new RectangleF(GF.margin_left, top, e.MarginBounds.Width - GF.margin_right, 15), alignRight); } } } } top += (13 * 3); e.Graphics.DrawString("ผู้รับเงิน : " + cashier_name, bold, brush, new PointF((float)(((width - GF.margin_right) / 2) - (e.Graphics.MeasureString("ผู้รับเงิน : " + cashier_name, bold).Width / 2)), top)); top += (20); string print_datetime = GF.NOW(); e.Graphics.DrawString("พิมพ์เมื่อ : " + print_datetime, bold, brush, new PointF((float)(((width - GF.margin_right) / 2) - (e.Graphics.MeasureString("พิมพ์เมื่อ : " + print_datetime, bold).Width / 2)), top)); top += (13 * 2); CreateBarcode(bill_no, e, top); e.Graphics.Dispose(); }; pd.EndPrint += (sender, e) => { if (e.PrintAction == PrintAction.PrintToPrinter) { if (PPD != null && !PPD.IsDisposed) { PPD.Close(); } Sender.Activate(); GF.closeLoading(); } }; GF.closeLoading(); using (PPD = new PrintPreviewDialog()) { ((Form)PPD).FormClosed += (ss, ee) => { Sender.Activate(); }; ((Form)PPD).TopMost = true; ((Form)PPD).WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; ((Form)PPD).FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; PPD.Document = pd; PPD.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1; PPD.PrintPreviewControl.UseAntiAlias = true; PPD.Document.OriginAtMargins = false; if (isPreview) { PPD.ShowDialog(); } else { pd.Print(); } } }
static void Main() { try { waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); foreach (Process theProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")) { theProcess.Kill(); } if (Process.GetProcessesByName("FAMS").Length > 1) { foreach (Process theProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("FAMS")) { theProcess.Kill(); } } #if !DEBUG //if (!IsRunningAsAdministrator()) { Restart(); return; } #endif using (Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rkey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Control Panel\International", true)) { rkey.SetValue("sShortDate", "dd/MM/yyyy"); rkey.Close(); } AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); Application.ApplicationExit += (ss, ee) => { foreach (Process theProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")) { theProcess.Kill(); } foreach (Process theProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("FAMS")) { theProcess.Kill(); } }; Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); /*GF.Settings("Reset(); * GF.Settings("Save();*/ Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("FAMS_Settings", true); if (key == null) { key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("FAMS_Settings"); key.SetValue("host_url", ""); key.SetValue("branch_id", ""); key.SetValue("tmp_path", "C:\\FAMS\\TMP\\"); key.SetValue("member_prefix", ""); key.SetValue("localCardPath", "C:\\FAMS\\MEMBERCARD\\"); key.SetValue("card_printer", ""); key.SetValue("receipt_printer", ""); key.SetValue("vat", ""); key.SetValue("emp_card", "C:\\FAMS\\EMPCARD\\"); } else { if (key.GetValue("host_url") == null) { key.SetValue("host_url", ""); } if (key.GetValue("branch_id") == null) { key.SetValue("branch_id", ""); } if (key.GetValue("tmp_path") == null) { key.SetValue("tmp_path", "C:\\FAMS\\TMP\\"); } if (key.GetValue("member_prefix") == null) { key.SetValue("member_prefix", ""); } if (key.GetValue("localCardPath") == null) { key.SetValue("localCardPath", "C:\\FAMS\\MEMBERCARD\\"); } if (key.GetValue("card_printer") == null) { key.SetValue("card_printer", ""); } if (key.GetValue("receipt_printer") == null) { key.SetValue("receipt_printer", ""); } if (key.GetValue("vat") == null) { key.SetValue("vat", ""); } if (key.GetValue("emp_card") == null) { key.SetValue("emp_card", "C:\\FAMS\\EMPCARD\\"); } } //key.SetValue("host_url", ""); key.SetValue("host_url", ""); bool nullConfig = false; foreach (string valueName in key.GetValueNames()) { Console.WriteLine(valueName + " = " + key.GetValue(valueName)); } foreach (string valueName in key.GetValueNames()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((key.GetValue(valueName) ?? "").ToString())) { nullConfig = true; break; } } key.Close(); key.Dispose(); GF.cultureList = new List <string>(); CultureInfo[] cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures); foreach (CultureInfo culture in cultures) { var region = new RegionInfo(culture.LCID); if (!(GF.cultureList.Contains(region.EnglishName))) { GF.cultureList.Add(region.EnglishName); } } string tmp_path = GF.Settings("tmp_path"); if (!Directory.Exists(tmp_path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tmp_path); } else { var di = new DirectoryInfo(tmp_path); foreach (var file in di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { file.Attributes &= ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly; } } var downloadedMessageInfo = new DirectoryInfo(tmp_path); foreach (FileInfo file in downloadedMessageInfo.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in downloadedMessageInfo.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } GF.CreateDirectoryWithEveryonePermission(tmp_path); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB"); if (nullConfig) { Console.WriteLine("!! NULL CONFIG !!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("^^ HAS CONFIG ^^"); } Global.Capture.StartupCheck(); if (DB.IsServerAlive()) { if (DB.IsDBAlive()) { if (nullConfig) { Application.Run(new init_config()); } else { Application.Run(new Login()); } } } return; } catch (Win32Exception e) { GF.printError("********** APPLICATION EXIT WITH CODE (" + e.ErrorCode + ") **********"); GF.printError(e.Message + "\r\n"); GF.printError("FILE : " + new StackTrace(e, true).GetFrame(0).GetFileName()); GF.printError("LINE : " + new StackTrace(e, true).GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber()); GF.printError("STACK-TRACE : \r\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString() + "\r\n"); if (currentProcess != null) { currentProcess.Kill(); } System.Environment.Exit(0); } }