コード例 #1
        public ActionResult AddTrack(TrackModel model)
            var newTrack = new Track

                                   trackId = model.Id,
                                   trackName = model.trackName,
                                   location = model.location,
                                   fastestLap = model.fastestLap,
                                   fastestLapHolder = model.fastestLapHolder,
                                   pastWinner = model.pastWinner,
                                   trackImageUrl = model.imageUrl



            return Redirect("/");
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult _EditTrackDetails(FormCollection collection)
            /* This method determines which track the user wants to edit, populates a model and then send it on to the view */

            var trackName = collection["lstTrack"];

            /* Getting all the track information based on the selection made */
            var track = (db.Tracks.Where(t => t.trackName == trackName)).Single();
            var editTrack = new TrackModel
                                    trackName = track.trackName,
                                    Id = track.trackId,
                                    fastestLap = track.fastestLap,
                                    fastestLapHolder = track.fastestLapHolder,
                                    location = track.location,
                                    pastWinner = track.pastWinner,
                                    imageUrl = track.trackImageUrl

            return PartialView("_EditTrackDetails", editTrack);
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult AddTrack()
            var trackModel = new TrackModel();

            return View(trackModel);
コード例 #4
        public ActionResult Index()
            /* This method will pass two models to the view Index to use in the sidebar */

            var drivers = (db.Drivers.Select(driver => new DriverModel
                firstName = driver.firstName,
                lastName = driver.lastName,
                age = Convert.ToString(driver.age),
                weight = driver.weight,
                height = driver.height,
                nationality = driver.nationality,
                championshipsWon = driver.championshipsWon,
                profileImage = driver.profileImageUrl,
                championshipPoints = driver.championshipPoints,
                teamName = driver.Team.teamName
            })).OrderByDescending(d => d.championshipPoints);

            /* Selecting all the teams from the DB and ordering it by the championship points */
            var constructors =
            (db.Teams.Select(team => new TeamModel
                                             teamName = team.teamName,
                                             championshipPoints = team.championshipPoints
                                         })).OrderByDescending(t => t.championshipPoints);

            /* Select the next race date from the database */
            var currentDate = @DateTime.Now;

            /* Selecting all the races from the RaceCalendar table and ordering them so that the first race of the season is on top */
            var allRaces = db.RaceCalendars.Select(t => t).OrderBy(t => t.startDate);
            var nextRaceIndex = 0;
            var startDate = new DateTime();
            var endDate = new DateTime();

            foreach (var raceCalendar in allRaces)
                var result = DateTime.Compare(raceCalendar.startDate, currentDate);

                if(result > 0)
                    /* The start date from the database is AFTER The current Date */
                    nextRaceIndex = raceCalendar.raceId;
                    startDate = raceCalendar.startDate;
                    endDate = raceCalendar.endDate;

                    /* Jumping out of the for loop because we got the upcoming race so we can discard the rest of the data */


            /* Creating a blank track model*/
            var trackModel = new TrackModel();

            var raceInformation = db.Tracks.Where(track => track.raceId == nextRaceIndex);
            foreach (var track in raceInformation)
                /* There will only be one track in the loop */
                trackModel.trackName = track.trackName;
                trackModel.location = track.location;
                trackModel.fastestLap = track.fastestLap;
                trackModel.fastestLapHolder = track.fastestLapHolder;
                trackModel.imageUrl = track.trackImageUrl;
                trackModel.pastWinner = track.pastWinner;

            /* Coverting the LINQ to a list of tracks */
            var nextTrack = new List<TrackModel>();

            /* Converting the LINQ to a list of drivers */
            List<DriverModel> allDrivers = drivers.ToList();

            /* Converting the LINQ to a list of teams */
            List<TeamModel> allTeams = constructors.ToList();

            var model = new StandingsViewModel()
                                               DriverModel = allDrivers,
                                               TeamModel = allTeams,
                                               TrackModels = nextTrack,
                                               StartDate = startDate,
                                               EndDate = endDate

            return View(model);