private List<Field> GetReturnColumnsFromProcedure(Procedure proc) { List<Field> Back = new List<Field>(); if (proc == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(proc.Schema) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(proc.Name)) { return Back; } using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(String.Format("{0}.{1}", proc.Schema, proc.Name), Executor.Connection)) { command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; try { command.Connection.Open(); SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters(command); SqlDataAdapter Daa = new SqlDataAdapter(); Daa.SelectCommand = command; DataSet ds = new DataSet("buff"); Daa.GetFillParameters(); Daa.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source, "buff"); foreach (DataTable tab in ds.Tables) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab.Columns) { if (SqlVsCSharp.ContainsKey(col.DataType.ToString())) { Field aux = new Field() { Name = col.Caption, Type = col.DataType.ToString(), CSharpType = SqlVsCSharp[col.DataType.ToString()] }; if (!Back.Exists(x => x.Name.Equals(col.Caption, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { Back.Add(aux); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { command.Connection.Close(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception thrown when trying to pull the return data of the Stored Procedure", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } command.Connection.Close(); } return Back; }
public int LoadTables(bool FullLoad = false) { string sql; List<Table> Tables = new List<Table>(); sql = @" SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(, 'dbo') as 'Schema', as TableId, as TableName, cols.colid as ColumnId, as ColumnName, type_name(cols.xusertype) as ColumnType, isnull(cols.prec, 0) as Precision, isnull(cols.Scale, 0) as Scale, isnull(cols.isnullable, 1) as Nullable, isnull(cols.iscomputed, 0) as Calculated, isnull(comm.text, '') as DefaultValue, case when pk.xtype is null then '0' else '1' end as PKey, case when fk.fkey is null then '0' else '1' end as FKey, isnull(fk.rkeyid, 0) as ReferenceID, isnull(, '') as ReferenceTable, isnull(, '') as ReferenceFieldName, isnull(cols2.colid, 0) as ReferenceFieldId, '' as IndexName,--isnull(, '') as IndexName, isnull(COLUMNPROPERTY(,,'IsIdentity'), 0) IsIdentity, IDENT_SEED( + '.' + as Seed, IDENT_INCR( + '.' + as Increment FROM sysobjects sobj INNER JOIN syscolumns cols ON = LEFT JOIN sysforeignkeys fk ON fk.fkeyid = AND fk.fkey = cols.colid LEFT JOIN syscolumns cols2 ON = fk.rkeyid AND cols2.colid = fk.rkey LEFT JOIN sysobjects fk2 ON fk.rkeyid = LEFT JOIN syscomments comm ON cols.cdefault = OR ( = and cols.colid = comm.number) LEFT JOIN sysindexkeys ik ON = AND ik.colid = cols.colid LEFT JOIN sysindexes indx ON = AND indx.indid = ik.indid LEFT JOIN sysobjects pk ON = AND pk.parent_obj = AND pk.xtype = 'PK' LEFT JOIN Sys.Objects ObjAux ON = ObjAux.object_id LEFT JOIN Sys.Schemas sch ON ObjAux.schema_id = sch.schema_id WHERE sobj.xtype = 'U' and <> 'sysdiagrams' --and = 709577566 order by ISNULL(, 'dbo'),, cols.colid"; //DbObjects.RemoveAll(X => X.Kind == ObjectType.Table); //Get the schema for the tables DataTable Info = new DataTable(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Connection); try { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = cmd; da.SelectCommand.Connection.Open(); da.Fill(Info); da.SelectCommand.Connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { cmd.Connection.Close(); return 0; } cmd.Dispose(); if (Tables != null) Tables.Clear(); else Tables = new List<Table>(); Table CurObj = null; string curtable = ""; int i, rowcount = Info.Rows.Count; for (i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { if (!curtable.Equals(Info.Rows[i]["TableName"].ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { CurObj = new Table() { Name = Info.Rows[i]["TableName"].ToString(), Comment = "", Id = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["TableId"]), Schema = Info.Rows[i]["Schema"].ToString() }; curtable = CurObj.Name; Tables.Add(CurObj); } ISqlChild Exists; Exists = CurObj.Childs.Where(X => X.Id == Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["ColumnId"])).FirstOrDefault(); if (Exists != null && Exists.Id > 0) { if (!Exists.IsPrimaryKey) Exists.IsPrimaryKey = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["PKey"]) == 1; } else { Field Field = new Field() { Comment = "", Computed = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["Calculated"]) == 1, DefaultValue = Info.Rows[i]["DefaultValue"].ToString(), Id = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["ColumnId"]), ForeignKey = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["ReferenceFieldId"]), IsForeignKey = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["ReferenceFieldId"]) > 0, IsIdentity = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["IsIdentity"]) == 1, IsPrimaryKey = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["PKey"]) == 1, Name = Info.Rows[i]["ColumnName"].ToString(), Nullable = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["Nullable"]) == 1, Parent = CurObj, Precision = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["Precision"]), Type = Info.Rows[i]["ColumnType"].ToString() }; if (Field.IsForeignKey) { Field.ReferenceChildName = Info.Rows[i]["ReferenceFieldName"].ToString(); Field.ReferenceParentName = Info.Rows[i]["ReferenceTable"].ToString(); } if (Field.IsIdentity) { Field.Increment = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["Increment"]); Field.Seed = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["Seed"]); } else { Field.Increment = 0; Field.Seed = 0; } CurObj.Childs.Add(Field); } } if (FullLoad) { foreach (ISqlObject Table in Tables) { Table.LoadScript(null); } } DbObjects.AddRange(Tables); return Tables.Count; }
public int LoadViews(bool FullLoad = false) { List<View> Views = new List<View>(); string sql; sql = @" SELECT ISNULL(, 'dbo') as 'Schema', as ViewId, as ViewName, as FieldName, type_name(cols.xusertype) as Type, isnull(cols.prec, 0) as Length, isnull(cols.Scale, 0) as Scale, isnull(cols.isnullable, 1) as Nullable, isnull(cols.iscomputed, 0) as Calculated FROM sysobjects sobj INNER JOIN syscolumns cols ON LEFT JOIN Sys.Objects ObjAux ON = ObjAux.object_id LEFT JOIN Sys.Schemas sch ON ObjAux.schema_id = sch.schema_id WHERE sobj.xtype = 'V' ORDER BY, cols.colid"; DataTable Info = new DataTable(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Connection); try { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = cmd; da.SelectCommand.Connection.Open(); da.Fill(Info); da.SelectCommand.Connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { cmd.Connection.Close(); return 0; } cmd.Dispose(); //DbObjects.RemoveAll(X => X.Kind == ObjectType.View); View CurObj = null; string curview = ""; int i, rowcount = Info.Rows.Count; for (i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { if (!curview.Equals(Info.Rows[i]["ViewName"].ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {//agregar solo el campo CurObj = new View() { Name = Info.Rows[i]["ViewName"].ToString(), Id = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["ViewId"]), Schema = Info.Rows[i]["Schema"].ToString(), Comment = "" }; curview = CurObj.Name; Views.Add(CurObj); } Field Field = new Field() { Comment = "", Computed = false, DefaultValue = "", ForeignKey = 0, Id = 0, IdentityScript = "", Increment = 0, IsForeignKey = false, IsIdentity = false, IsPrimaryKey = false, Name = Info.Rows[i]["FieldName"].ToString(), Nullable = true, Parent = CurObj, Precision = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["Length"]), ReferenceChild = null, ReferenceChildName = "", ReferenceParent = null, ReferenceParentName = "", Seed = 0, Type = Info.Rows[i]["Type"].ToString() }; CurObj.Childs.Add(Field); } if (FullLoad) { cmd.Connection.Open(); try { foreach (ISqlObject View in Views) { View.LoadScript(cmd); } } catch (Exception) { ; } finally { cmd.Connection.Close(); } } DbObjects.AddRange(Views); return Views.Count; }
public int LoadTableFunctions(bool FullLoad = false) { List<TableFunction> Functions = new List<TableFunction>(); string sql = @" SELECT ISNULL(, 'dbo') as 'Schema', as FunctionId, as FunctionName, as ParamName, type_name(cols.xusertype) as Type, isnull(cols.prec, 0) as Length, isnull(cols.Scale, 0) as Scale, isnull(cols.isnullable, 1) as Nullable, isnull(cols.iscomputed, 0) as Calculated FROM sysobjects sobj LEFT OUTER JOIN syscolumns cols ON LEFT JOIN Sys.Objects ObjAux ON = ObjAux.object_id LEFT JOIN Sys.Schemas sch ON ObjAux.schema_id = sch.schema_id WHERE sobj.xtype = 'TF' ORDER BY, cols.colid"; DataTable Info = new DataTable(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Connection); try { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = cmd; da.SelectCommand.Connection.Open(); da.Fill(Info); da.SelectCommand.Connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { cmd.Connection.Close(); return 0; } cmd.Dispose(); //DbObjects.RemoveAll(X => X.Kind == ObjectType.ScalarFunction); TableFunction CurObj = null; string curfunc = ""; int i, rowcount = Info.Rows.Count; for (i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { if (!curfunc.Equals(Info.Rows[i]["FunctionName"].ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {//agregar solo el campo CurObj = new TableFunction() { Name = Info.Rows[i]["FunctionName"].ToString(), Id = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["FunctionId"]), Schema = Info.Rows[i]["Schema"].ToString(), Comment = "" }; curfunc = CurObj.Name; Functions.Add(CurObj); } if (Info.Rows[i]["ParamName"] == DBNull.Value || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.Rows[i]["ParamName"].ToString())) continue; string name = Info.Rows[i]["ParamName"].ToString(); if (name.StartsWith("@")) { Parameter Param = new Parameter() { Comment = "", Computed = false, DefaultValue = "", ForeignKey = 0, Id = 0, IdentityScript = "", Increment = 0, IsForeignKey = false, IsIdentity = false, IsPrimaryKey = false, Name = Info.Rows[i]["ParamName"].ToString(), Nullable = true, Parent = CurObj, Precision = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["Length"]), ReferenceChild = null, ReferenceChildName = "", ReferenceParent = null, ReferenceParentName = "", Seed = 0, Type = Info.Rows[i]["Type"].ToString() }; CurObj.Childs.Add(Param); } else { Field Field = new Field() { Comment = "", Computed = false, DefaultValue = "", ForeignKey = 0, Id = 0, IdentityScript = "", Increment = 0, IsForeignKey = false, IsIdentity = false, IsPrimaryKey = false, Name = Info.Rows[i]["ParamName"].ToString(), Nullable = true, Parent = CurObj, Precision = Convert.ToInt32(Info.Rows[i]["Length"]), ReferenceChild = null, ReferenceChildName = "", ReferenceParent = null, ReferenceParentName = "", Seed = 0, Type = Info.Rows[i]["Type"].ToString() }; CurObj.Childs.Add(Field); } } if (FullLoad) { cmd.Connection.Open(); try { foreach (ISqlObject Funct in Functions) { Funct.LoadScript(cmd); } } catch (Exception) { ; } finally { cmd.Connection.Close(); } } DbObjects.AddRange(Functions); return Functions.Count; }