public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> BuildCurrencyHelpEmbed(ICommandContext context) { EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Teal, Title = "Currency Command help", Description = "Commands that have to do with hording Sheqels for all your octomoist purchases.", ThumbnailUrl = "", Footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context) }; emb.AddField("Command name", "Currency", true); emb.AddField("Parameters", "top,balance,redeem,exchange,help,currencies,transfer", true); emb.AddField("Examples", "currency top\ncurrency top 69\ncurrency help" + "\ncurrency redeem\ncurrency exchange 1000 Entropy Complexity\n" + "currency exchange 1000 E C\ncurrency exchange 1 C E\ncurrency exchange 1,25 C E\n" + "currency currencies\ncurrency transfer 100 Entropy @Margret@0027" + "\ncurrency transfer 0,25 C @Margret@0027", false); emb.AddField("Remarks", "You can only redeem every 24 hours.\n" + "Everyone is entitled to 300 🌕(E) starting credits type currency redeem to get them.\n" + "The first argument of currency exchange is the amount you'll be exchanging, the second argument is " + "the currency you'll be exchanging and the third argument is the currency you'll be converting to\n" + "You can only use a , to represent a comma number for an exchange and transfer E.G. 1,5 and not 1.5 ", false); emb.WithCurrentTimestamp(); return(emb); }
public static async Task DisplayWeather(WeatherModel wm, SocketCommandContext context) { EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Teal }; eb.WithTitle($"Weather for {wm.Name},{wm.Sys.Country}"); eb.WithDescription($"{wm.WeatherDescriptionModel.Description}"); eb.AddField("Temperature", $"{ToFarenheit(wm.Main.Temp)}°F ({ToCelcius(wm.Main.Temp)}°C)", true); eb.AddField("Humidity", $"{wm.Main.Humidity}%", true); eb.AddField("Wind speed", $"{ToKmPerHour(wm.Wind.Speed)}km/h ({ToMilesPerHour(wm.Wind.Speed)}miles/h)", true); eb.AddField("Max Temperature", $"{ToFarenheit(wm.Main.Temp_max)}°F ({ToCelcius(wm.Main.Temp_max)}°C)", true); eb.AddField("Min Temperature", $"{ToFarenheit(wm.Main.Temp_min)}°F ({ToCelcius(wm.Main.Temp_min)}°C)", true); eb.WithThumbnailUrl($"{wm.WeatherDescriptionModel.Icon}.png"); EmbedFooterBuilder efb = EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context).Result; efb.Text += " - Powered by the API OpenWeatherMap"; eb.WithFooter(efb); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : eb.Build()); }
public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> GetTransferEmbed(ICommandContext context, EntityUser eu, EntityUser own, CurrencyEnum cu, double amount) { IGuildUser owner = context.User as IGuildUser; IGuildUser transferee = await context.Guild.GetUserAsync(eu.Id); string ownerName = owner.Nickname ?? owner.Username; string transferName = transferee.Nickname ?? transferee.Username; EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Teal, Title = $"Transferred {amount.RoundDownTwoDecimals()} {cu} succesfully", Footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context), ThumbnailUrl = "" }; var desc = $"{ownerName} succesfully transferred {amount} {cu} to {transferName}"; emb.Description = desc; emb.WithCurrentTimestamp(); emb.AddField($"{ownerName}s Balance", $"\t{own.GetCurrencyAmount(CurrencyEnum.Complexity).RoundDownTwoDecimals()}🚀(C)\t" + $"{own.GetCurrencyAmount(CurrencyEnum.Entropy).RoundDownTwoDecimals()}🌕(E)", false); emb.AddField($"{transferName}s Balance", $"\t{eu.GetCurrencyAmount(CurrencyEnum.Complexity).RoundDownTwoDecimals()}🚀(C)\t" + $"{eu.GetCurrencyAmount(CurrencyEnum.Entropy).RoundDownTwoDecimals()}🌕(E)", false); return(emb); }
public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> ShowExchangeRates(string[] currencies, ICommandContext context) { var emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Teal, Footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context), Title = "Currencies and exchange rates", Description = "A listing of available currencies and their exchange rates.", ThumbnailUrl = "" }; emb.WithCurrentTimestamp(); emb.AddField("Currencies", string.Join(",", currencies), true); string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < currencies.Length; i += 2) { var cur = currencies[0]; var cur2 = currencies[1]; int A = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConversionRate), $"{cur}To{cur2}"); int B = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConversionRate), $"{cur2}To{cur}"); s += $"{A} {cur} = {B} {cur2}\n"; } emb.AddField("Exchange Rates", s, false); return(emb); }
public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> MakeGithubEmbed(GithubModel model, ICommandContext context) { EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Teal, Title = model.ProjectName, Url = GithubParser.ProjectLink, ThumbnailUrl = "" }; emb.WithDescription(model.ProjectDescription); emb.AddField("Commits", model.Commits, true); emb.AddField("Stars", model.Stars, true); emb.AddField("Watchers", model.Watchers, true); emb.AddField("Author", model.AuthorName, true); emb.AddField("Found a bug,want to contribute or request a feature?", model.IssueLink); EmbedFooterBuilder footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context); footer.Text += " - Powered by Github"; emb.WithFooter(footer); return(emb); }
public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> MakeImageEmbed(ImageModel model, int indx, ICommandContext context) { EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Teal, Title = model.Titles[indx], Url = model.Links[indx], ImageUrl = model.Thumbs[indx] }; EmbedFooterBuilder footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context); footer.Text += " - Powered by Bing"; emb.WithFooter(footer); return(emb); }
public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> MakeBalanceEmbed(ICommandContext context, EntityUser eu) { var user = await context.Guild.GetUserAsync(eu.Id); EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Teal, Title = $"Balance for {user.Nickname ?? user.Username}", Footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context), ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(), Description = $"Current balance:\t{eu.GetCurrencyAmount(CurrencyEnum.Complexity).RoundDownTwoDecimals()}🚀(C)\t " + $"{eu.GetCurrencyAmount(CurrencyEnum.Entropy).RoundDownTwoDecimals()}🌕(E)" }; emb.WithCurrentTimestamp(); return(emb); }
public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> MakeTradeEmbed(double addAmount, double removeAmount , ICommandContext context, CurrencyEnum addCurrency, CurrencyEnum rmCurrency) { var user = context.User as IGuildUser; EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Teal, Title = $"Exchange by {user.Nickname ?? user.Username} successful", Description = $"{user.Nickname ?? user.Username} exchanged {removeAmount.RoundDownTwoDecimals()} {rmCurrency}" + $" to {addAmount.RoundDownTwoDecimals()} {addCurrency}", ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(), Footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context) }; return(emb); }
public async static Task <EmbedBuilder> BuildRank(ICommandContext context, RankingModel ranking, IGuildUser user) { EmbedFooterBuilder footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context); EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Green, Title = $"Rank for {user.Nickname ?? user.Username}", ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(), Description = $"So you want to know your standing huh? Well here it is.", Footer = footer }; builder.AddField("Qouted Ranking", $"#{ranking.QuoteRank}", true); builder.AddField("Quotes Created Ranking", $"#{ranking.CreatedRank}", true); builder.AddField("Voice Ranking", $"#{ranking.VCRank}", false); return(builder); }
public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> MakeRedeemEmbed(ICommandContext context, EntityUser eu, double amount) { var user = context.User as IGuildUser; amount = Math.Round(amount, 2); EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Teal, Title = $"{user.Nickname ?? user.Username} has redeemed {amount} Entropy", Footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context), ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(), Description = $"Redeemed {amount} Entropy \n" + $"Current balance:\t{eu.GetCurrencyAmount(CurrencyEnum.Complexity).RoundDownTwoDecimals()}🚀(C)\t " + $"{eu.GetCurrencyAmount(CurrencyEnum.Entropy).RoundDownTwoDecimals()}🌕(E)" }; return(emb); }
public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> MakeCurrencyError(string[] currencies, ICommandContext context) { EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Red, Description = "One of the specified currencies was not found", Title = "Error with the currencies", Footer = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context), ThumbnailUrl = "" }; emb.AddField("Possible currencies :heavy_dollar_sign:", string.Join(",", currencies), true); emb.AddField("Remark", "You don't have to type out the full name of the " + "currency just the first letter already suffices. (case insensitive)"); emb.AddField("See more", $"For a better list of the currencies you can run {Program.prefix}" + "currency currencies"); emb.WithCurrentTimestamp(); return(emb); }
public async static Task <EmbedBuilder> BuildRankEmbed(ICommandContext context, Scores[] scores, EntityUser[] users, int page, Enums.ScoreType type) { string title = $"Oreocafé Ranking: Times Quoted- page {page+1}"; string status = "Quotes"; switch (type) { case Enums.ScoreType.Qouter: title = $"Oreocafé Ranking: Quotes Created - page {page + 1}"; status = "Quotes created"; break; case Enums.ScoreType.VC: title = $"Oreocafé Ranking: VC Score- page {page + 1}"; status = "Points"; break; } EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = title, Color = Color.Green }; foreach (Scores score in scores) { int s = score.Quoted; switch (type) { case Enums.ScoreType.Qouter: s = score.Quotes_Created; break; case Enums.ScoreType.VC: s = score.VC_Score; break; } int indx = scores.IndexOf(score); int rank = indx + 1 + (page * RankingModule._pageAmount); EntityUser user = users[indx]; IGuildUser userg = await context.Guild.GetUserAsync(user.Id); if (userg != null) { emb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = $"Rank {rank}", Value = $"{userg.Nickname ?? userg.Username} ({s} {status})", IsInline = false }); } else { emb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = $"Rank {rank}", Value = $"{user.Username} ({s} {status})", IsInline = false }); } } EmbedFooterBuilder efb = await EmbedBuilderFunctions.AddFooter(context); emb.WithFooter(efb); return(emb); }