public List<Node> Compute(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int attemps, float stepSize, float playerMaxHp, float playerSpeed, float playerDps, Cell[][][] matrix, bool smooth = false) { // Initialization tree = new KDTree (3); deathPaths = new List<List<Node>> (); nodeMatrix = matrix; //Start and ending node Node start = GetNode (0, startX, startY); start.visited = true; start.parent = null; start.playerhp = playerMaxHp; foreach (Enemy e in enemies) { start.enemyhp.Add (e, e.maxHealth); } // Prepare start and end node Node end = GetNode (0, endX, endY); tree.insert (start.GetArray (), start); // Prepare the variables Node nodeVisiting = null; Node nodeTheClosestTo = null; float tan = playerSpeed / 1; angle = 90f - Mathf.Atan (tan) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; /*Distribution algorithm * List<Distribution.Pair> pairs = new List<Distribution.Pair> (); for (int x = 0; x < matrix[0].Length; x++) for (int y = 0; y < matrix[0].Length; y++) if (((Cell)matrix [0] [x] [y]).waypoint) pairs.Add (new Distribution.Pair (x, y)); pairs.Add (new Distribution.Pair (end.x, end.y)); Distribution rd = new Distribution(matrix[0].Length, pairs.ToArray());*/ DDA dda = new DDA (tileSizeX, tileSizeZ, nodeMatrix [0].Length, nodeMatrix [0] [0].Length); //RRT algo for (int i = 0; i <= attemps; i++) { //Get random point int rt = Random.Range (1, nodeMatrix.Length); int rx = Random.Range (0, nodeMatrix [rt].Length); int ry = Random.Range (0, nodeMatrix [rt] [rx].Length); //Distribution.Pair p = rd.NextRandom(); //int rx = p.x, ry = p.y; nodeVisiting = GetNode (rt, rx, ry); if (nodeVisiting.visited || nodeVisiting.cell.blocked) { i--; continue; } nodeTheClosestTo = (Node)tree.nearest (new double[] {rx, rt, ry}); // Skip downwards movement if (nodeTheClosestTo.t > nodeVisiting.t) continue; // Skip if player is dead if (nodeTheClosestTo.playerhp <= 0) continue; // Only add if we are going in ANGLE degrees or higher Vector3 p1 = nodeVisiting.GetVector3 (); Vector3 p2 = nodeTheClosestTo.GetVector3 (); Vector3 pd = p1 - p2; if (Vector3.Angle (pd, new Vector3 (pd.x, 0f, pd.z)) < angle) { continue; } // And we have line of sight if (nodeVisiting.cell.blocked) { continue; } // Check for all alive enemies List<Cell[][][]> seenList = new List<Cell[][][]> (); foreach (Enemy e in enemies) { if (nodeTheClosestTo.enemyhp [e] > 0) seenList.Add (e.seenCells); } Node hit = dda.Los3D (nodeMatrix, nodeTheClosestTo, nodeVisiting, seenList.ToArray ()); if (hit != null) { if (hit.cell.blocked || (!simulateCombat && hit.cell.seen && ! // Collision with obstacle, ignore. If we don't simulate combat, ignore collision with enemy continue; else { // Which enemy has seen me? Enemy toFight = null; foreach (Enemy e in enemies) { if (e.seenCells [hit.t] [hit.x] [hit.y] != null && nodeTheClosestTo.enemyhp [e] > 0) toFight = e; } // Solve the time float timef = nodeTheClosestTo.enemyhp [toFight] / (playerDps * stepSize); int timeT = Mathf.CeilToInt (timef); // Search for more enemies List<object> more = new List<object> (); foreach (Enemy e2 in enemies) { if (toFight != e2) for (int t = hit.t; t < hit.t + timeT; t++) if (e2.seenCells [t] [hit.x] [hit.y] != null && nodeTheClosestTo.enemyhp [e2] > 0) { Tuple<Enemy, int> whenSeen = new Tuple<Enemy, int> (e2, t); more.Add (whenSeen); break; // Skip this enemy } } // Did another enemy saw the player while he was fighting? if (more.Count > 0) { // Who dies when List<object> dyingAt = new List<object> (); // First, save when the first fight starts Node firstFight = NewNode (hit.t, hit.x, hit.y); firstFight.parent = nodeTheClosestTo; // Then when the first guy dies Tuple<Enemy, int> death = new Tuple<Enemy, int> (toFight, firstFight.t + timeT); dyingAt.Add (death); // And proccess the other stuff copy (nodeTheClosestTo, firstFight); firstFight.fighting.Add (toFight); // Navigation node Node lastNode = firstFight; // Solve for all enemies joining the fight foreach (object o in more) { Tuple<Enemy, int> joined = (Tuple<Enemy, int>)o; // Calculate dying time timef = timef + lastNode.enemyhp [joined.First] / (playerDps * stepSize); timeT = Mathf.CeilToInt (timef); death = new Tuple<Enemy, int> (joined.First, timeT + hit.t); dyingAt.Add (death); // Create the node structure Node startingFight = NewNode (joined.Second, hit.x, hit.y); // Add to fighting list copy (lastNode, startingFight); startingFight.fighting.Add (joined.First); // Correct parenting startingFight.parent = lastNode; lastNode = startingFight; } // Solve for all deaths foreach (object o in dyingAt) { Tuple<Enemy, int> dead = (Tuple<Enemy, int>)o; Node travel = lastNode; bool didDie = false; while (!didDie && travel.parent != null) { // Does this guy dies between two nodes? if (dead.Second > travel.parent.t && dead.Second < travel.t) { // Add the node Node adding = NewNode (dead.Second + hit.t, hit.x, hit.y); adding.fighting = new List<Enemy> (); adding.fighting.AddRange (travel.parent.fighting); // And remove the dead people adding.fighting.Remove (dead.First); adding.died = dead.First; Node remove = lastNode; // Including from nodes deeper in the tree while (remove != travel.parent) { remove.fighting.Remove (dead.First); remove = remove.parent; } // Reparent the nodes adding.parent = travel.parent; travel.parent = adding; didDie = true; } travel = travel.parent; } if (!didDie) { // The guy didn't die between, that means he's farthest away than lastNode Node adding = NewNode (dead.Second, hit.x, hit.y); copy (lastNode, adding); adding.fighting.Remove (dead.First); adding.enemyhp [dead.First] = 0; adding.died = dead.First; adding.parent = lastNode; // This is the new lastNode lastNode = adding; } } // Grab the first node with fighting Node first = lastNode; while (first.parent != nodeTheClosestTo) first = first.parent; while (first != lastNode) { Node navigate = lastNode; // And grab the node just after the first while (navigate.parent != first) navigate = navigate.parent; // Copy the damage already applied navigate.playerhp = first.playerhp; // And deal more damage foreach (Enemy dmgDealer in first.fighting) navigate.playerhp -= (navigate.t - first.t) * dmgDealer.dps * stepSize; // Goto next node first = navigate; } // Make the tree structure nodeVisiting = lastNode; } else { // Only one enemy has seen me Node toAdd = NewNode (hit.t, hit.x, hit.y); nodeVisiting = NewNode (hit.t + timeT, hit.x, hit.y); nodeVisiting.parent = toAdd; toAdd.parent = nodeTheClosestTo; copy (nodeTheClosestTo, toAdd); toAdd.fighting.Add (toFight); copy (nodeTheClosestTo, nodeVisiting); nodeVisiting.playerhp = toAdd.playerhp - timef * toFight.dps * stepSize; nodeVisiting.enemyhp [toFight] = 0; nodeVisiting.died = toFight; } } } else { // Nobody has seen me nodeVisiting.parent = nodeTheClosestTo; copy (nodeTheClosestTo, nodeVisiting); } try { tree.insert (nodeVisiting.GetArray (), nodeVisiting); } catch (KeyDuplicateException) { } nodeVisiting.visited = true; // Add the path to the death paths list if (nodeVisiting.playerhp <= 0) { Node playerDeath = nodeVisiting; while (playerDeath.parent.playerhp <= 0) playerDeath = playerDeath.parent; deathPaths.Add (ReturnPath (playerDeath, smooth)); } // Attemp to connect to the end node if (nodeVisiting.playerhp > 0) { // Compute minimum time to reach the end node p1 = nodeVisiting.GetVector3 (); p2 = end.GetVector3 (); p2.y = p1.y; float dist = Vector3.Distance (p1, p2); float t = dist * Mathf.Tan (angle); pd = p2; pd.y += t; if (pd.y <= nodeMatrix.GetLength (0)) { Node endNode = GetNode ((int)pd.y, (int)pd.x, (int)pd.z); // Try connecting seenList = new List<Cell[][][]> (); foreach (Enemy e in enemies) { if (nodeTheClosestTo.enemyhp [e] > 0) seenList.Add (e.seenCells); } hit = dda.Los3D (nodeMatrix, nodeVisiting, endNode, seenList.ToArray ()); // To simplify things, only connect if player isn't seen or collides with an obstacle if (hit == null) { endNode.parent = nodeVisiting; copy (endNode.parent, endNode); List<Node> done = ReturnPath (endNode, smooth); //UpdateNodeMatrix (done); return done; } } if (nodeVisiting.playerhp < playerMaxHp) // Health pack solving foreach (HealthPack pack in packs) { if (!nodeVisiting.picked.Contains(pack)) { // Compute minimum time to reach the pack p1 = nodeVisiting.GetVector3 (); p2 = new Vector3(pack.posX, p1.y, pack.posZ); dist = Vector3.Distance (p1, p2); t = dist * Mathf.Tan (angle); pd = p2; pd.y += t; if (pd.y <= nodeMatrix.GetLength (0)) { // TODO If the node is already on the Tree, things may break! // but we need to add it to the tree and retrieve from it to make it a possible path! Node packNode = GetNode ((int)pd.y, (int)pd.x, (int)pd.z); // Try connecting seenList = new List<Cell[][][]> (); foreach (Enemy e in enemies) { if (nodeVisiting.enemyhp [e] > 0) seenList.Add (e.seenCells); } hit = dda.Los3D (nodeMatrix, nodeVisiting, packNode, seenList.ToArray ()); // To simplify things, only connect if player isn't seen or collides with an obstacle if (hit == null) { packNode.parent = nodeVisiting; copy (packNode.parent, packNode); packNode.picked.Add(pack); packNode.playerhp = playerMaxHp; try { tree.insert(packNode.GetArray(), packNode); } catch (KeyDuplicateException) { } } } } } } //Might be adding the neighboor as a the goal if (nodeVisiting.x == end.x & nodeVisiting.y == end.y) { //Debug.Log ("Done2"); List<Node> done = ReturnPath (nodeVisiting, smooth); //UpdateNodeMatrix (done); return done; } } return new List<Node> (); }
public static void ComputePathsLoSValues(List <Path> paths, Enemy[] enemies, Vector3 min, float tileSizeX, float tileSizeZ, Cell[][][] fullMap, float[][] dangerCells, float maxDanger) { // Compute the y = ax + b equation for each FoV (i.e. enemy=) float[][] formula = new float[enemies.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < formula.Length; i++) { formula [i] = new float[2]; formula [i] [0] = (180 - enemies [i].fovAngle) * -2; formula [i] [1] = enemies [i].fovAngle - formula [i] [0]; } DDA dda = new DDA(tileSizeX, tileSizeZ, fullMap [0].Length, fullMap [0] [0].Length); foreach (Path currentPath in paths) { if (currentPath.length3d == 0) { currentPath.length3d = ComputeLength3D(currentPath.points); } Node cur = currentPath.points [currentPath.points.Count - 1]; Node par = cur.parent; while (cur.parent != null) { Vector3 p1 = cur.GetVector3(); Vector3 p2 = par.GetVector3(); Vector3 pd = p1 - p2; float pt = (cur.t - par.t); // Navigate through time to find the right cells to start from for (int t = 0; t < pt; t++) { float delta = ((float)t) / pt; Vector3 pos = p2 + pd * delta; for (int enemyIndex = 0; enemyIndex < enemies.Length; enemyIndex++) { Vector3 enemy = enemies [enemyIndex].positions [par.t + t]; Vector2 pos2d = new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z); Vector2 enemy2d = new Vector2((enemy.x - min.x) / tileSizeX, (enemy.z - min.z) / tileSizeZ); bool seen = dda.HasLOS(fullMap[par.t + t], pos2d, enemy2d); // If the cell is in LoS if (seen && enemies [enemyIndex].cells [par.t + t].Length > 0) { // Grab the cell closest to my position Vector2 shortest = enemies [enemyIndex].cells [par.t + t] [0]; float dist = Vector2.Distance(shortest, pos2d); float ddist; for (int k = 1; k < enemies[enemyIndex].cells[par.t + t].Length; k++) { ddist = Vector2.Distance(enemies [enemyIndex].cells [par.t + t] [k], pos2d); if (ddist < dist) { dist = ddist; shortest = enemies [enemyIndex].cells [par.t + t] [k]; } } // Calculate the angle between them float angle = Vector2.Angle(enemies [enemyIndex].positions [par.t + t].normalized, (pos2d - enemy2d).normalized); if (angle <= enemies [enemyIndex].fovAngle) { angle = 1; } else { angle = (angle - formula [enemyIndex] [1]) / formula [enemyIndex] [0]; } float f = angle / (pos2d - shortest).sqrMagnitude; float g = angle / Mathf.Pow((pos2d - shortest).magnitude, 3); if (f == Mathf.Infinity) { f = angle / (pos2d - enemy2d).sqrMagnitude; } if (g == Mathf.Infinity) { g = angle / Mathf.Pow((pos2d - enemy2d).magnitude, 3); } // Store in 'per-time' metric pathMap [currentPath] [(int)Heuristic.Los] [par.t + t] = f; pathMap [currentPath] [(int)Heuristic.Los3] [par.t + t] = g; pathMap [currentPath] [(int)Heuristic.Los3Norm] [par.t + t] = g * (dangerCells [(int)pos2d.x] [(int)pos2d.y] / maxDanger); // Increment the total metric currentPath.los += pathMap [currentPath] [(int)Heuristic.Los] [par.t + t]; currentPath.los3 += pathMap [currentPath] [(int)Heuristic.Los3] [par.t + t]; currentPath.los3Norm += pathMap [currentPath] [(int)Heuristic.Los3Norm] [par.t + t]; } } } cur = par; par = par.parent; } currentPath.los /= currentPath.length3d; currentPath.los3 /= currentPath.length3d; currentPath.los3Norm /= currentPath.length3d; } }