コード例 #1
        partial void Cashout_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender)
            var storyboard = UIStoryboard.FromName("Main", null);
            MapsViewController     summaryViewController  = (MapsViewController)storyboard.InstantiateViewController("MapsViewController");
            UINavigationController uINavigationController = new UINavigationController(summaryViewController);

            uINavigationController.ModalTransitionStyle   = UIModalTransitionStyle.CoverVertical;
            uINavigationController.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.FormSheet;
            this.NavigationController.PresentViewController(uINavigationController, true, null);
コード例 #2
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver((Foundation.NSString) "AppraisedValue", ShowAppraisedValue, null);
            UITapGestureRecognizer labelTap = new UITapGestureRecognizer(() => {
                var storyboard = UIStoryboard.FromName("Main", null);
                MapsViewController summaryViewController      = (MapsViewController)storyboard.InstantiateViewController("MapsViewController");
                UINavigationController uINavigationController = new UINavigationController(summaryViewController);
                uINavigationController.ModalTransitionStyle   = UIModalTransitionStyle.CoverVertical;
                uINavigationController.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.FormSheet;
                this.NavigationController.PresentViewController(uINavigationController, true, null);

            address.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
            if (AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlert != null)
                string addressText          = AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertAddressa + "," + AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertAddressb + "," + AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertZip;
                var    underlineAttriString = new NSMutableAttributedString(addressText);
                                                  NSNumber.FromInt32((int)NSUnderlineStyle.Single), new NSRange(0, underlineAttriString.Length));
                address.AttributedText = underlineAttriString;
                string   Message = AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlert;
                string[] tokens  = Message.Split(' ');
                VehicleDetails.Text = tokens[2] + " " + tokens[3] + " " + tokens[4];
                string datea     = tokens[7].Substring(1);
                int    Appvalue  = Int32.Parse(datea);
                string Appvaluea = "$" + Appvalue.ToString("#,##0");
                AppValue.Text = Appvaluea;
                DateTime date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14);
                //string summarytext = "14 days or 500 miles";
                string formatteddate = date.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy");
                ExpDate.Text = formatteddate;
                int SummaryAppvalueStartIndex = 158;
                int SummaryAppvalueEndIndex   = Appvaluea.Length;
                int SummaryExStartIndex       = 184 + (Appvaluea.Length);
                int SummaryExEndIndex         = 20;
                var firstAttributes           = new UIStringAttributes
                    Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(14)

                var secondAttributes = new UIStringAttributes
                    ForegroundColor    = UIColor.Red,
                    BackgroundColor    = UIColor.Gray,
                    StrikethroughStyle = NSUnderlineStyle.Single
                var prettyString = new NSMutableAttributedString("Thank you for submitting your appraisal information. We are happy to provide a value based on the information you have provided us. Your vehicle is valued at " + Appvaluea + ". This amount is good for 14 days or 500 miles from the date of submission. At the time of delivery or transfer of ownership, CarCash reserves the right to verify that the information you have submitted is accurate and to adjust the value offered if we feel that your vehicle does not match the description you have provided.!");
                prettyString.SetAttributes(firstAttributes.Dictionary, new NSRange(SummaryAppvalueStartIndex, SummaryAppvalueEndIndex));
                prettyString.SetAttributes(firstAttributes.Dictionary, new NSRange(SummaryExStartIndex, SummaryExEndIndex));
                APNSSummary.AttributedText = prettyString;

コード例 #3
        async public override void ViewDidLoad()

            APNSDone.Enabled = false;

            if (AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSSACDB)
                //Get SAC and other value from DB
                //var storyboard = UIStoryboard.FromName("Main", null);
                //APNSViewController summaryViewController = (APNSViewController)storyboard.InstantiateViewController("APNSViewController");
                //var splitViewController = (APNSViewController)AppDelegate.appDelegate.Window.RootViewController;
                Utility.ShowLoadingIndicator(this.View, "", true);
                await GetAPNSSummary();

                AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSSACDB = false;
            UITapGestureRecognizer labelTap = new UITapGestureRecognizer(() => {
                var storyboard = UIStoryboard.FromName("Main", null);
                MapsViewController summaryViewController      = (MapsViewController)storyboard.InstantiateViewController("MapsViewController");
                UINavigationController uINavigationController = new UINavigationController(summaryViewController);
                uINavigationController.ModalTransitionStyle   = UIModalTransitionStyle.CoverVertical;
                uINavigationController.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.FormSheet;
                this.NavigationController.PresentViewController(uINavigationController, true, null);

            address.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
            if (AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlert != null)
                //var a=new

                string addressText = AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertAddressa + "," + AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertAddressb + "," + AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertZip;
                //address.Text = AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertAddressa + "," + AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertAddressb + "," + AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlertZip;
                var underlineAttriString = new NSMutableAttributedString(addressText);
                                                  NSNumber.FromInt32((int)NSUnderlineStyle.Single), new NSRange(0, underlineAttriString.Length));
                address.AttributedText = underlineAttriString;
                string   Message = AppDelegate.appDelegate.APNSAlert;
                string[] tokens  = Message.Split(' ');
                VehicleDetails.Text = tokens[2] + " " + tokens[3] + " " + tokens[4];
                string datea    = tokens[7].Substring(1);
                int    Appvalue = Int32.Parse(datea);
                //String.Format("{0:C0}", sacValue.ToString("N2", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")));
                // string Appvaluea = "$" + Appvalue.ToString("#,##0");
                string Appvaluea = "$" + Appvalue.ToString("#,##0");
                // Appvaluea = Appvaluea.Substring(0, Appvaluea.IndexOf('.', 0));
                AppValue.Text = Appvaluea;
                DateTime date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14);
                //string summarytext = "14 days or 500 miles";
                string formatteddate = date.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy");
                ExpDate.Text = formatteddate;
                int SummaryAppvalueStartIndex = 158;
                int SummaryAppvalueEndIndex   = Appvaluea.Length;
                int SummaryExStartIndex       = 184 + (Appvaluea.Length);
                int SummaryExEndIndex         = 20;
                var firstAttributes           = new UIStringAttributes
                    Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(14)

                var secondAttributes = new UIStringAttributes
                    ForegroundColor    = UIColor.Red,
                    BackgroundColor    = UIColor.Gray,
                    StrikethroughStyle = NSUnderlineStyle.Single
                var prettyString = new NSMutableAttributedString("Thank you for submitting your appraisal information. We are happy to provide a value based on the information you have provided us. Your vehicle is valued at " + Appvaluea + ". This amount is good for 14 days or 500 miles from the date of submission. At the time of delivery or transfer of ownership, CarCash reserves the right to verify that the information you have submitted is accurate and to adjust the value offered if we feel that your vehicle does not match the description you have provided.!");
                prettyString.SetAttributes(firstAttributes.Dictionary, new NSRange(SummaryAppvalueStartIndex, SummaryAppvalueEndIndex));
                prettyString.SetAttributes(firstAttributes.Dictionary, new NSRange(SummaryExStartIndex, SummaryExEndIndex));
                //prettyString.SetAttributes(firstAttributes.Dictionary, new NSRange(0, 11));
                APNSSummary.AttributedText = prettyString;

                //APNSSummary.Text = "Thank you for submitting your appraisal information. We are happy to provide a value based on the information you have provided" +
                //" us. Your vehicle is valued at" + Appvaluea + ". This amount is good for "+" "+summarytext+ " " +"from the date of submission. At the time of delivery or transfer of ownership, CarCash reserves the right to verify " +
                //"that the information you have submitted is accurate and to adjust the value offered if we feel that your vehicle does not match the description you have provided.";