protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreInit(e); foreach (Control control in Controls) { if (regForm == null) { regForm = control as HtmlForm; if (regForm != null) break; } } if (regForm == null) { throw new ArgumentException("登录页面中至少添加一个服务器端表单"); } window = new Window(); window.Title = "管理员注册"; window.Closable = false; window.Icon = Icon.Key; window.Width = 320; window.Height = 185; formPanel = new FormPanel(); formPanel.BodyStyle = "padding:20px;"; formPanel.Layout = "table"; formPanel.LayoutConfig.Add(new TableLayoutConfig() { Columns = 2 }); formPanel.Items.Add(new TextField() { FieldLabel = "用户名", AllowBlank = false, ColSpan = 2, Name = "Username" }); formPanel.Items.Add(new TextField() { FieldLabel = "密码", AllowBlank = false, ColSpan = 2, InputType = Ext.Net.InputType.Password, Name = "Password" }); formPanel.Items.Add(new TextField() { FieldLabel = "确认密码", AllowBlank = false, ColSpan = 1, InputType = Ext.Net.InputType.Password, Name = "Password2" }); window.Items.Add(formPanel); regForm.Controls.Add(window); btnReg = new KeyAddButton(); btnReg.Text = "注册"; btnReg.ID = "btnReg"; btnReg.OnClientClick = "{eventMask:{showMask:true,msg:'正在注册'}});"; window.Buttons.Add(btnReg); }
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreInit(e); _formPanel = new FormPanel(); _formPanel.BodyPadding = 10; _formPanel.Layout = "table"; _formPanel.LayoutConfig.Add(new TableLayoutConfig() { Columns = 2 }); _formPanel.ID = "addForm"; _formPanel.DefaultAnchor = "100%"; _txtUsername = new TextField(); _txtUsername.ID = "txtUsername"; _txtUsername.Name = "Username"; _txtUsername.ColSpan = 1; _txtUsername.Width = 300; _txtUsername.AllowBlank = false; _txtUsername.FieldLabel = "用户名"; _txtUsername.EmptyText = "输入用户名"; _formPanel.Add(_txtUsername); _comboStatus = new ComboBox(); _comboStatus.EmptyText = "选择状态"; _comboStatusStore = new Store(); _comboStatusStore.ID = "comboStoreStatus"; _comboStatusStore.Model.Add(ComponentHelper.GetModel( new Dictionary<string, ModelFieldType>(){ {"Id",ModelFieldType.Int},{"Name",ModelFieldType.String} })); _comboStatus.ValueHiddenName = "Status"; _comboStatus.SimpleSubmit = true; _comboStatus.DisplayField = "Name"; _comboStatus.ValueField = "Id"; _comboStatus.Store.Add(_comboStatusStore); _comboStatus.FieldLabel = "状态"; _comboStatus.Editable = false; _formPanel.Add(_comboStatus); _txtMemo = new TextArea(); _txtMemo.Width = 750; _txtMemo.Name = "Description"; _txtMemo.ColSpan = 2; _txtMemo.FieldLabel = "描述"; _txtMemo.Height = 80; _formPanel.Add(_txtMemo); _treeRoleSelector = new TreePanelNodeMover(); _treeRoleSelector.LeftReadData += _treeRoleSelector_LeftReadData; //_treeRoleSelector.RightReadData += _treeRoleSelector_RightReadData; _treeRoleSelector.Height = 180; _treeRoleSelector.Width = 750; _treeRoleSelector.ColSpan = 2; _treeRoleSelector.ID = "treeRoles"; _formPanel.Add(_treeRoleSelector); _btnAdd = new Button(); _btnAdd.Text = "添加"; _btnAdd.Icon = Icon.Add; _btnAdd.DirectEvents.Click.Event += AddUser; _btnAdd.DirectEvents.Click.EventMask.Set("正在添加"); _formPanel.Buttons.Add(_btnAdd); MainForm.Controls.Add(_formPanel); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public FormPanel.Builder FormPanel(FormPanel component) { #if MVC component.ViewContext = this.HtmlHelper != null ? this.HtmlHelper.ViewContext : null; #endif return(new FormPanel.Builder(component)); }
public static void SetFormReadOnly(Ext.Net.FormPanel form, bool isreadonly) { //<Ext.Net.Observable> List <Field> fields = Ext.Net.Utilities.ControlUtils.FindControls <Field>(form); foreach (Field field in fields) { field.ReadOnly = isreadonly; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void AddWindowDevice() { try { Window window = new Window(); window.ID = "DeviceAdd"; window.Title = "设备信息增加"; window.Width = Unit.Pixel(400); window.Height = Unit.Pixel(420); window.Modal = true; window.Collapsible = true; window.Maximizable = false; window.Resizable = false; window.Hidden = true; window.Layout = "Fit"; window.AutoLoad.Mode = LoadMode.Merge; Ext.Net.FormPanel tab = new Ext.Net.FormPanel(); tab.Title = "设备信息"; tab.Header = false; tab.Padding = 5; tab.DefaultAnchor = "98%"; tab.AnchorVertical = "100%"; tab.MonitorValid = true; tab.Listeners.ClientValidation.Handler = "butSaveEditDevice.setDisabled(!valid);"; ComboBox cmbDeviceStation = CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmbEDeviceStation", "所属监测点", "StoreStaion", "请选择所属监测点", false); cmbDeviceStation.Listeners.Select.Handler = "SystemStation.SelectDeviceEvent()"; tab.Items.Add(cmbDeviceStation); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtEDeviceName", "设备名称", false, "例:[八达岭高速昌平电警抓拍机]")); ComboBox cmbDirection = CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmbEDeviceDirection", "所属方向", "StoreDirection", "请选择所属方向", false); cmbDirection.Listeners.Select.Handler = "SystemStation.SelectDirectionEvent()"; tab.Items.Add(cmbDirection); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdEDeviceType", "设备类型", "StoreType", "请选择设备类型", false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtEDeviceIP", "设备IP地址", false, "例:[]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtEDeviceSport", "设备端口", false, "例:[18000]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdEDeviceCompany", "设备厂家", "StoreCompany", "请选择设备厂家", false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdEDeviceCamera", "相机类型", "StoreCamera", "请选择相机类型", false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdEDeviceScan", "是否扫描文件", "StoreShow", "请选择是/否", false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtEDeviceServiceIP", "图片保存服务器IP", false, "例:[]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtEDeviceImagePath", "图片保存路径", false, "例:[D:\\CAPTURE\\]")); window.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butSaveEditDevice", "保存", "Disk", "SystemStation.InfoSaveDevice()")); window.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butCancelEditDevice", "取消", "Cancel", window.ClientID + ".hide()")); window.Items.Add(tab); window.Render(this.Form); window.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { ILog.WriteErrorLog(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void AddWindowsStation() { try { Window window = new Window(); window.ID = "StationAdd"; window.Title = "监测点增加"; window.Width = Unit.Pixel(400); window.Height = Unit.Pixel(300); window.Collapsible = true; window.Maximizable = false; window.Resizable = false; window.Hidden = true; window.Layout = "Fit"; window.AutoLoad.Mode = LoadMode.Merge; Ext.Net.FormPanel tab = new Ext.Net.FormPanel(); tab.Title = "监测点信息"; tab.Header = false; tab.Padding = 5; tab.DefaultAnchor = "98%"; tab.AnchorVertical = "100%"; tab.MonitorValid = true; tab.Listeners.ClientValidation.Handler = "butSaveEdit.setDisabled(!valid);"; ComboBox cmbDepartment = CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmbEDepartment", "所属机构", "StoreCombo", "请选择所属机构", false); cmbDepartment.Listeners.Select.Handler = "SystemStation.SelectDepartEvent()"; tab.Items.Add(cmbDepartment); ComboBox cmbLocation = CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmbELocation", "所属地点", "StoreLocation", "请选择所属地点", false); cmbLocation.Listeners.Select.Handler = "SystemStation.SelectStationEvent()"; tab.Items.Add(cmbLocation); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtEStationID", "监测点编号", false, "例:[2012030010]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtEStationName", "监测点名称", false, "例:[八达岭高速昌平卡口]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdEStationType", "监测点类型", "StoreType", "请选择监测点类型", false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdEStationShow", "卡口系统显示", "StoreShow", "请选择是/否", false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtEDescription", "描述")); window.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butSaveEdit", "保存", "Disk", "SystemStation.InfoSave()")); window.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butCancelEdit", "取消", "Cancel", window.ClientID + ".hide()")); window.Items.Add(tab); window.Render(this.Form); window.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { ILog.WriteErrorLog(ex); } }
public void ShowDialog(int id) { ContentItem contentItem = Engine.Persister.Get(id); var window = new Window { ID = "pageCachingSettings", Title = @"Page Caching Settings", Width = 500, Height = 300, Layout = "fit", Modal = true }; var formPanel = new FormPanel { Padding = 5 }; var formLayout = new FormLayout(); formPanel.ContentControls.Add(formLayout); window.Items.Add(formPanel); var chkEnableCache = new Checkbox { ID = "chkEnableCache", FieldLabel = @"Enable page cache?", LabelSeparator = "", Checked = contentItem.GetPageCachingEnabled() }; formLayout.Anchors.Add(new Anchor(chkEnableCache)); var tmeCacheDuration = new TimeField { ID = "tmeCacheDuration", FieldLabel = @"Cache duration", Width = 80, SelectedTime = contentItem.GetPageCachingDuration() }; formLayout.Anchors.Add(new Anchor(tmeCacheDuration)); Button btnSave = new Button { Text = @"Save" }; window.Buttons.Add(btnSave); btnSave.Listeners.Click.Handler = string.Format( "stbStatusBar.showBusy();{0}, Ext.getCmp('{1}').getValue(), Ext.getCmp('{2}').getValue(), {{ url: '{4}', success: function() {{ stbStatusBar.setStatus({{ text: 'Saved page caching settings', iconCls: '', clear: true }}); }} }}); {3}.close();", id, chkEnableCache.ClientID, tmeCacheDuration.ClientID, window.ClientID, Engine.AdminManager.GetAdminDefaultUrl()); Button btnCancel = new Button { Text = @"Cancel" }; window.Buttons.Add(btnCancel); btnCancel.Listeners.Click.Handler = string.Format("{0}.close();", window.ClientID); window.Render(pnlContainer, RenderMode.RenderTo); }
/// <summary> /// 显示修改窗体 /// </summary> private void AddWindowModify() { try { RowSelectionModel sm = this.GridUser.SelectionModel.Primary as RowSelectionModel; if (sm.SelectedRow != null) { Window window = new Window(); window.ID = "UserModify"; window.Title = GetLangStr("TGSUserManager43", "密码修改"); window.Width = Unit.Pixel(400); window.Height = Unit.Pixel(240); window.Modal = true; window.Maximizable = false; window.Resizable = false; window.Hidden = true; window.AutoLoad.Mode = LoadMode.Merge; window.Layout = "FitLayout"; Ext.Net.FormPanel tab = new Ext.Net.FormPanel(); tab.MonitorValid = true; tab.Title = ""; tab.Padding = 20; tab.Height = 120; tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextFieldPassword("txtMFirstPassWord", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager44", "初始密码"), false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextFieldPassword("txtMPassWord", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager45", "新密码"), false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextFieldPassword_Confirm("txtMConfirmPassWord", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager46", "重复密码"), false, "txtMPassWord")); tab.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butSaveEdit2", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager47", "保存"), "Disk", "UserManager.UpdateData()")); tab.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butCancelEdit2", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager48", "取消"), "Cancel", window.ClientID + ".hide()")); tab.Listeners.ClientValidation.Handler = "butSaveEdit2.setDisabled(!valid);"; window.Items.Add(tab); window.Render(this.Form); window.Show(); } else { Notice(GetLangStr("TGSUserManager42", "提示信息"), GetLangStr("TGSUserManager50", "请选择要修改的用户")); } } catch (Exception ex) { ILog.WriteErrorLog(ex); logManager.InsertLogError("TGSUserManager.aspx-AddWindowModify", ex.Message + ";" + ex.StackTrace, "AddWindowModify has an exception"); } }
/// <summary> /// 显示自定义窗体 /// </summary> private void AddWindow() { try { Window window = new Window(); window.ID = "PrivAdd"; window.Title = GetLangStr("PrivManager41", "增加权限"); window.Width = Unit.Pixel(360); window.Height = Unit.Pixel(220); window.Modal = true; window.Maximizable = false; window.Resizable = false; window.Hidden = true; window.AutoLoad.Mode = LoadMode.Merge; window.Layout = "FitLayout"; Ext.Net.FormPanel tab = new Ext.Net.FormPanel(); tab.MonitorValid = true; tab.Title = GetLangStr("PrivManager42", "权限信息"); tab.Header = false; tab.Padding = 20; tab.Height = 200; TextField txtPrivId = CommonExt.AddTextField("txtAPrivID", GetLangStr("PrivManager9", "权限编号")); txtPrivId.Text = tgsPproperty.GetMinRecordId(); txtPrivId.Disabled = true; tab.Items.Add(txtPrivId); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextFieldWidth("txtAPrivName", GetLangStr("PrivManager10", "权限名称"), false, GetLangStr("PrivManager45", "请输入权限名称"))); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextFieldWidth("txtARemark", GetLangStr("PrivManager11", "权限描述"), true, GetLangStr("PrivManager47", "请输入权限描述"))); tab.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butSaveEdit", GetLangStr("PrivManager13", "保存"), "Disk", "PrivManager.InfoSave()")); tab.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butCancelEdit", GetLangStr("PrivManager49", "取消"), "Cancel", window.ClientID + ".hide()")); tab.Listeners.ClientValidation.Handler = "butSaveEdit.setDisabled(!valid);"; window.Items.Add(tab); window.Render(this.Form); window.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { ILog.WriteErrorLog(ex); logManager.InsertLogError("PrivManager.aspx-AddWindow", ex.Message + ";" + ex.StackTrace, "AddWindow has an exception"); } }
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreInit(e); txtOldPassword = new TextField(); txtOldPassword.Name = "OldPassword"; txtOldPassword.ID = "txtOldPassword"; txtOldPassword.FieldLabel = "旧密码"; txtOldPassword.InputType = InputType.Password; txtNewPassword = new TextField() { Name = "NewPassword", ID = "txtNewPassword", InputType = InputType.Password, FieldLabel = "新密码" }; txtNewPassword2 = new TextField() { Name = "NewPassword2", ID = "txtNewPassword2", InputType = InputType.Password, FieldLabel = "确认密码" }; formPanel = new FormPanel(); formPanel.BodyPadding = 20; formPanel.Add(txtOldPassword); formPanel.Add(txtNewPassword); formPanel.Add(txtNewPassword2); Controls.Add(formPanel); btnAccept = new Button() { Icon = Icon.Accept, Text = "修改", ID = "btnAccept" }; btnAccept.DirectClick += btnAccept_DirectClick; btnAccept.DirectEvents.Click.EventMask.Set("正在修改"); formPanel.Buttons.Add(btnAccept); }
/// <summary> /// 显示注册窗体 /// </summary> private void AddWindow() { Window window = new Window(); window.ID = "UserAdd"; window.Title = GetLangStr("TGSUserManager51", "用户注册"); window.Width = Unit.Pixel(400); window.Height = Unit.Pixel(260); window.Modal = true; window.Maximizable = false; window.Resizable = false; window.Hidden = true; window.AutoLoad.Mode = LoadMode.Merge; window.Layout = "FitLayout"; Ext.Net.FormPanel tab = new Ext.Net.FormPanel(); tab.MonitorValid = true; tab.Padding = 20; tab.Height = 220; TextField txtUserId = CommonExt.AddTextField("txtAUserID", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager52", "用户编号")); txtUserId.Text = tgsPproperty.GetMinRecordId(); txtUserId.Disabled = true; tab.Items.Add(txtUserId); TextField txtUserName = CommonExt.AddTextField("txtAUserName", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager53", "用户名"), false, ""); txtUserName.Width = Unit.Pixel(300); tab.Items.Add(txtUserName); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextFieldPassword("txtAPassWord", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager54", "密码"), false)); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextFieldPassword_Confirm("txtAConfirmPassWord", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager46", "重复密码"), false, "txtAPassWord")); tab.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butSaveEdit", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager56", "保存"), "Disk", "UserManager.InfoSave()")); tab.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butCancelEdit", GetLangStr("TGSUserManager57", "取消"), "Cancel", window.ClientID + ".hide()")); tab.Listeners.ClientValidation.Handler = "butSaveEdit.setDisabled(!valid);"; window.Items.Add(tab); window.Render(this.Form); window.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public FormPanel.Builder FormPanel(FormPanel component) { return(new FormPanel.Builder(component)); }
private void _Count_Radio(System.Web.UI.ControlCollection objcol, string radname) { try { int iID; int iNO; foreach (object obj in objcol) { System.Type itype = obj.GetType(); if (itype.Namespace == "Ext.Net" || itype.Namespace == "System.Web.UI.HtmlControls") { switch (itype.Name) { case "HtmlForm": System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm htmlform = (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm)obj; _Count_Radio(htmlform.Controls, radname); break; case "Viewport": Ext.Net.Viewport viewport = (Ext.Net.Viewport)obj; _Count_Radio(viewport.Controls, radname); break; case "FormPanel": Ext.Net.FormPanel formpanel = (Ext.Net.FormPanel)obj; _Count_Radio(formpanel.Controls, radname); break; case "Panel": Ext.Net.Panel panel = (Ext.Net.Panel)obj; _Count_Radio(panel.Controls, radname); break; case "TabPanel": Ext.Net.TabPanel tabpanel = (Ext.Net.TabPanel)obj; _Count_Radio(tabpanel.Controls, radname); break; case "Container": Ext.Net.Container container = (Ext.Net.Container)obj; _Count_Radio(container.Controls, radname); break; case "FieldSet": Ext.Net.FieldSet fieldset = (Ext.Net.FieldSet)obj; _Count_Radio(fieldset.Controls, radname); break; case "ContentContainer": Ext.Net.ContentContainer contentcontainer = (Ext.Net.ContentContainer)obj; _Count_Radio(contentcontainer.Controls, radname); break; case "RadioGroup": Ext.Net.RadioGroup radioGroup = (Ext.Net.RadioGroup)obj; _Count_Radio(radioGroup.Controls, radname); break; case "Radio": Ext.Net.Radio radio = (Ext.Net.Radio)obj; string[] s = radio.ID.Split('_'); iID = Convert.ToInt16(s[1]); iNO = Convert.ToInt16(s[2]); if (iID > 1 && iID < 38) { if (radio.Value.Equals(true)) { iSCORE = iSCORE + iNO - 1; } } break; case "": break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _ErrorMsgShow(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
private FormPanel __BuildControl__control13() { FormPanel panel = new FormPanel(); panel.ApplyStyleSheetSkin(this); panel.BodyStyle=("padding:20px;"); panel.Layout=("TableLayout"); this.__BuildControl__control14(panel.LayoutConfig); this.__BuildControl__control16(panel.Items); object[] parameters = new object[5]; parameters[0] = panel; parameters[2] = 0x21f; parameters[3] = 0x4ca; parameters[4] = false; this.__PageInspector_SetTraceData(parameters); return panel; }
private void InitComponents() { #region Button and Toolbar bool display = (Status == "Open" || Status == "") ? true : false; btnSave = new Button { ID = "btnSave", Icon = Icon.Disk, Text = "Lưu", ToolTip = "Save", Visible = display }; btnDeleteCard = new Button { ID = "btnDeleteCard", Icon = Icon.Delete, Text = "Xóa", ToolTip = "Delete", Visible = display }; topBar = new Toolbar { ID = "topBar", Items = { btnSave, btnDeleteCard }, Visible = display }; #endregion Button and Toolbar #region Batch and Key txtBatch = new Ext.Net.Hidden { Name = "Batch", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Batch", ID = "txtBatch" }; txtKey = new Ext.Net.Hidden { DataIndex = "UID", Name = "UID", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "UID", ID = "txtKey" }; #endregion Batch and Key #region cboNo cboNo = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "No", Name = "No", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "No.", ID = "cboNo", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/ItemListHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "No", FieldTitle = "No.", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Description", FieldTitle = "Description", ColWidth = 250 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Base_Unit_of_Measure", FieldTitle = "Base Unit of Measure", ColWidth = 150 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Unit_Cost", FieldTitle = "Unit Cost", ColWidth = 120 } }, idProperty = "No", DisplayField = "No", ValueField = "No", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.ItemNo" }; #endregion cboNo #region cboType cboType = new ComboBox { DataIndex = "Type", Name = "Type", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Type", ID = "cboType", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, ReadOnly = true, Items = { new ListItem { Text = "G/L Account", Value = "G/L Account" }, new ListItem { Text = "Item", Value = "Item" }, } }; #endregion cboType #region cboAction_Message cboAction_Message = new ComboBox { DataIndex = "Action_Message", Name = "Action_Message", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Action Message", ID = "cboAction_Message", SelectOnFocus = true, ReadOnly = true, //Items = { // new ListItem {Text="", Value="" }, // new ListItem {Text="New", Value="New" }, // new ListItem {Text="Change Qty.", Value="Change Qty." }, // new ListItem {Text="Reschedule", Value="Reschedule" }, // new ListItem {Text="Resched. & Chg. Qty.", Value="Resched. & Chg. Qty." }, // new ListItem {Text="Cancel", Value="Cancel" }, //} Store = { new Store { Data = ActionMessage, AutoDataBind = true, Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "value" }, new ModelField { Name = "text" }, new ModelField { Name = "displaytext" } } } } } } }; #endregion cboAction_Message #region Accept Action Message and Description cboAccept_Action_Message = new Checkbox { DataIndex = "Accept_Action_Message", Name = "Accept_Action_Message", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Accept Action Message", ID = "cboAccept_Action_Message", ReadOnly = true }; txtDescription = new TextField { DataIndex = "Description", Name = "Description", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Description", ID = "txtDescription", ReadOnly = true }; txtRemark = new TextField { DataIndex = "Remark", Name = "Remark", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Remark", ID = "txtRemark", ReadOnly = false }; #endregion Accept Action Message and Description #region cboLocation_Code cboLocation_Code = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "Location_Code", Name = "Location_Code", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Location Code", ID = "cboLocation_Code", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = true, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/LocationListHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Code", FieldTitle = "Code", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Name", FieldTitle = "Name", ColWidth = 150 } }, idProperty = "Code", DisplayField = "Code", ValueField = "Code", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.Location" }; #endregion cboLocation_Code #region Original_Quantity and Quantity txtOriginal_Quantity = new NumberField { DataIndex = "Original_Quantity", Name = "Original_Quantity", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Original Quantity", ID = "txtOriginal_Quantity", MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1000000, ReadOnly = true }; //1.000.000 txtQuantity = new TextField { DataIndex = "Quantity", Name = "Quantity", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Quantity", ID = "txtQuantity", MaskRe = @"/[0-9\.]/", }; #endregion Original_Quantity and Quantity #region cboUnit_of_Measure_Code cboUnit_of_Measure_Code = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", Name = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Unit of Measure Code", ID = "cboUnit_of_Measure_Code", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/UOMHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Code", FieldTitle = "Code", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Description", FieldTitle = "Description", ColWidth = 150 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Qty_per_Unit_of_Measure", FieldTitle = "Qty per Unit of Measure", ColWidth = 150 } }, idProperty = "Code", DisplayField = "Code", ValueField = "Code", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.UOM" }; #endregion txtUnit_of_Measure_Code #region Direct_Unit_Cost and Due_Date txtDirect_Unit_Cost = new TextField { DataIndex = "Direct_Unit_Cost", Name = "txtDirect_Unit_Cost", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Direct Unit Cost", ID = "txtDirect_Unit_Cost", ReadOnly = true }; txtDue_Date = new DateField { DataIndex = "Due_Date", Name = "Due_Date", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Due Date", ID = "txtDue_Date", Format = "dd/MM/yyyy", SubmitFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy" }; #endregion Direct_Unit_Cost and Due_Date #region cboVendor_No cboVendor_No = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "Vendor_No", Name = "Vendor_No", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Vendor No.", ID = "cboVendor_No", ReadOnly = true, AllowBlank = true, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/ItemVendorCatalogHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Vendor_No", FieldTitle = "Vendor No", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Vendor_Item_No", FieldTitle = "Vendor Item No.", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Lead_Time_Calculation", FieldTitle = "Lead Time Calculation", ColWidth = 150 } }, idProperty = "Vendor_No", DisplayField = "Vendor_No", ValueField = "Vendor_No", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.ItemVendorCatalog" }; #endregion cboVendor_No #region cboUOMHandler //cboUOMHandler = new ComboBoxLookup { // DataIndex = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // Name = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // LabelWidth = 150, // Anchor = "100%", // FieldLabel = "UOM", // ID = "cboUOMHandler", // ReadOnly = false, // AllowBlank = false, // MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, // ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/UOMHandler.ashx", // DataTemplete = { // new LookupFormatData{FieldName = "Code", FieldTitle = "Code", ColWidth = 100}, // new LookupFormatData{FieldName = "Description", FieldTitle = "Description", ColWidth = 100}, // new LookupFormatData{FieldName = "Qty_per_Unit_of_Measure", FieldTitle = "Qty per Unit of Measure", ColWidth = 200, Format="N0"}, // }, // idProperty = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // DisplayField = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // ValueField = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // PageSize = 5, // CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, // SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.UOM" //}; //cboUOMHandler.Store.Primary.Parameters.AddRange(new Ext.Net.StoreParameter[] { // new Ext.Net.StoreParameter{Name = "type", Value = String.Format("2|3"), Mode = ParameterMode.Value}, //}); #endregion cboUOMHandler #region Vendor_Item_No txtVendor_Item_No = new TextField { DataIndex = "Vendor_Item_No", Name = "Vendor_Item_No", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Vendor Item No", ID = "txtVendor_Item_No", ReadOnly = true }; #endregion Vendor_Item_No #region cboReplenishment_System cboReplenishment_System = new ComboBox { DataIndex = "Replenishment_System", Name = "Replenishment_System", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Replenishment System", ID = "cboReplenishment_System", ReadOnly = true, Store = { new Store { Data = ReplenishmentSystem, AutoDataBind = true, Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "value" }, new ModelField { Name = "text" }, new ModelField { Name = "displaytext" } } } } } } //Items = { // new ListItem { Text="Purchase", Value="Purchase"}, // new ListItem { Text="Prod. Order", Value="Prod. Order"}, // new ListItem { Text="Transfer", Value="Transfer"}, // new ListItem { Text="Assembly", Value="Assembly"} //} }; #endregion cboReplenishment_System #region cboNo cboNo = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "No", Name = "No", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "No.", ID = "cboNo", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/ItemListHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "No", FieldTitle = "No.", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Description", FieldTitle = "Description", ColWidth = 250 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Base_Unit_of_Measure", FieldTitle = "Base Unit of Measure", ColWidth = 150 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Unit_Cost", FieldTitle = "Unit Cost", ColWidth = 120 } }, idProperty = "No", DisplayField = "No", ValueField = "No", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.ItemNo" }; #endregion cboNo TextAreaChangeLogComment = new TextArea { Flex = 1, ID = "TextAreaChangeLogComment", ReadOnly = true }; hiddenConverted = new Ext.Net.Hidden { DataIndex = "Converted", Name = "Converted", ID = "hiddenConverted" }; hiddenStatus = new Ext.Net.Hidden { DataIndex = "Status", Name = "Status", ID = "hiddenStatus" }; #region frmHeader frmHeader = new FormPanel { Header = false, Region = Region.North, Icon = Ext.Net.Icon.ApplicationForm, Border = true, ID = "frmHeader", TrackResetOnLoad = true, Layout = "Hbox", Items = { new Panel { Layout = "Anchor", Flex = 1, BodyPaddingSummary = "10 10 10 10", Border = false, //Items = { txtKey, txtBatch, cboType, cboNo, cboAction_Message, cboAccept_Action_Message, txtDescription, cboLocation_Code } //txtOriginal_Quantity Items ={ txtKey, txtBatch, hiddenConverted, hiddenStatus, cboNo, txtDescription, txtRemark, cboUnit_of_Measure_Code, txtDirect_Unit_Cost, cboLocation_Code, txtQuantity, txtDue_Date }//txtOriginal_Quantity, cboType, cboAction_Message, cboAccept_Action_Message, }, } }; frmComment = new FormPanel { ID = "frmComment", Title = "Comment", Icon = Icon.Comments, Border = false, Region = Region.South, Layout = "Fit", Height = 150, Items = { TextAreaChangeLogComment } }; #endregion frmHeader #region Windows this.ID = "winCard"; this.Maximizable = false; this.Minimizable = false; this.CloseAction = CloseAction.Destroy; this.Icon = Icon.ApplicationEdit; this.TopBar.Add(topBar); this.Layout = "Border"; this.Items.AddRange( new ItemsCollection <Ext.Net.AbstractComponent> { this.frmHeader, frmComment } ); #endregion Windows }
private void InitComponent() { #region Button btnAddUser = new Button { ID = "btnAddUser", Text = "Add User", Icon = Icon.UserAdd }; btnDelete = new Button { ID = "btnDelete", Text = "Delete User", Icon = Icon.UserDelete }; #endregion Button #region Card txtUserName = new TextField { ID = "txtUserName", EmptyText = "Enter username", Flex = 1, LabelWidth = 80, FieldLabel = "Username", AllowBlank = false }; txtFullName = new TextField { ID = "txtFullName", EmptyText = "Enter full name", Flex = 1, LabelWidth = 80, FieldLabel = "Full name", AllowBlank = false }; cbgCinema = new CheckboxGroup { ID = "cbgCinema", FieldLabel = "Cinema", ColumnsNumber = 3, Cls = "x-check-group-alt" }; cboLocation = new ComboBox { ID = "cboLocation", FieldLabel = "Location", EmptyText = "Enter Location", Flex = 1, LabelWidth = 80, AllowBlank = false }; cboBatch = new ComboBox { ID = "cboBatch", EmptyText = "Enter Batch", Flex = 1, LabelWidth = 80, FieldLabel = "Batch", AllowBlank = false }; rdgRole = new RadioGroup { ID = "rdgRole", FieldLabel = "Role", ColumnsNumber = 1, Items = { new Radio { ID = "rdoAdmin", BoxLabel = "Admin", Value = "Admin", InputValue = "Admin" }, new Radio { ID = "rdoFnb", BoxLabel = "F&B", Value = "FnB", InputValue = "FnB" }, new Radio { ID = "rdoAccSite", BoxLabel = "Accounting Site", Value = "AccSite", InputValue = "AccSite", Checked = true }, new Radio { ID = "rdoCM", BoxLabel = "Cinema Manager", Value = "CM", InputValue = "CM" } } }; cboCompanyCard = new ComboBox { ID = "cboCompanyCard", EmptyText = "Enter company", Flex = 1, LabelWidth = 80, FieldLabel = "Company", AllowBlank = false }; #endregion #region Account strUsername = new Store { ID = "strUsername", Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "Account" }, new ModelField { Name = "Fullname" }, } } } }; cboUsername = new Ext.Net.ComboBox { DataIndex = "Account", Name = "Account", LabelWidth = 80, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Account", ID = "cboUsername", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, DisplayField = "Account", ValueField = "Account", PageSize = 100, }; cboUsername.Store.Add(strUsername); cboUsername.ListConfig = new BoundList { Width = 320, Height = 300, ItemSelector = ".x-boundlist-item", Tpl = new XTemplate { Html = string.Format(@" <Html> <tpl for="".""> <tpl if=""[xindex] == 1""> <table class=""cbStates-list""> <tr> <th style =""font-weight: bold;padding: 3px;background: #3892d3"">{0}</th> <th style =""font-weight: bold;padding: 3px;background: #3892d3"">{1}</th> </tr> </tpl> <tr class=""x-boundlist-item""> <td style=""padding:3px;"">{{{0}}}</td> <td style=""padding:3px;"">{{{1}}}</td> </tr> <tpl if=""[xcount-xindex]==0""> </table> </tpl> </tpl> </Html>" , "Account", "Fullname") } }; cboUsername.Triggers.Add(new FieldTrigger { Icon = TriggerIcon.Clear, HideTrigger = true }); #endregion Account #region Permission strPermission = new Store { ID = "strPermission", Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "UID" }, new ModelField { Name = "Company" }, new ModelField { Name = "Username" }, new ModelField { Name = "Page" }, new ModelField { Name = "Action" }, new ModelField { Name = "Allow" } } } } }; grdPermission = new GridPanel { ID = "grdPermission", BodyCls = "line-body-border", CtCls = "line-border", Title = "Permissions List", Height = 250, ColumnModel = { Columns = { new Column { DataIndex = "UID", Text = "UID", Width = 0 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Company", Text = "Company", MinWidth = 100, Flex = 1 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Username", Text = "Username", Width = 100 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Page", Text = "Page", Width = 120 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Action", Text = "Action", MinWidth = 150, Flex = 1 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Allow", Text = "Allow", Width = 100 }, } }, BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar { HideRefresh = true } }, SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel { Mode = SelectionMode.Single } } }; grdPermission.Store.Add(strPermission); #endregion Permission #region GLXAccount strGLXAccount = new Store { ID = "strGLXAccount", Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "UID" }, new ModelField { Name = "Account" }, new ModelField { Name = "Company" } } } } }; grdGLXAccount = new GridPanel { ID = "grdGLXAccount", BodyCls = "line-body-border", CtCls = "line-border", Title = "Company List", Height = 250, ColumnModel = { Columns = { new Column { DataIndex = "UID", Text = "UID", Width = 0 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Company", Text = "Company", Width = 100, Flex = 1 }, } }, BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar { HideRefresh = true } }, SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel { Mode = SelectionMode.Single } } }; grdGLXAccount.Store.Add(strGLXAccount); #endregion GLXAccount #region LocationAndAccount strLocationAndAccount = new Store { ID = "strLocationAndAccount", Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "UID" }, new ModelField { Name = "Account" }, new ModelField { Name = "Location" } } } } }; grdLocationAndAccount = new GridPanel { ID = "grdLocationAndAccount", BodyCls = "line-body-border", CtCls = "line-border", Title = "Location List", Height = 220, ColumnModel = { Columns = { new Column { DataIndex = "UID", Text = "UID", Width = 0 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Location", Text = "Location", Width = 100, Flex = 1 }, } }, BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar { HideRefresh = true } }, SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel { Mode = SelectionMode.Single } } }; grdLocationAndAccount.Store.Add(strLocationAndAccount); #endregion #region Worksheet strWorksheet = new Store { ID = "strWorksheet", Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "UID" }, new ModelField { Name = "Worksheet Template Name" }, new ModelField { Name = "Name" }, new ModelField { Name = "Description" }, new ModelField { Name = "Template Type" }, new ModelField { Name = "Recurring" }, new ModelField { Name = "Company" }, new ModelField { Name = "Account" }, } } } }; grdWorksheet = new GridPanel { ID = "grdWorksheet", BodyCls = "line-body-border", CtCls = "line-border", Title = "Worksheet List", Height = 220, ColumnModel = { Columns = { new Column { DataIndex = "UID", Text = "UID", Width = 0 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Company", Text = "Company", Width = 150 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Name", Text = "Name", Width = 100 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Description", Text = "Description", Width = 120, Flex = 1 }, new Column { DataIndex = "Account", Text = "Account", Width = 100 }, } }, BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar { HideRefresh = true } }, SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel { Mode = SelectionMode.Single } } }; grdWorksheet.Store.Add(strWorksheet); #endregion #region FormPanel frmHeader = new FormPanel { Collapsed = false, Collapsible = true, Region = Region.North, Layout = "HBox", Items = { new FormPanel { Layout = "Anchor", Flex = 1, BodyPaddingSummary = "10 10 10 10", Border = false, Items = { cboUsername } }, new FormPanel { Layout = "Anchor", Flex = 1, BodyPaddingSummary = "10 10 10 10", Border = false } }, TopBar = { new Toolbar { Items = { btnAddUser, btnDelete } } } }; frmGrid = new FormPanel { Layout = "HBoxLayout", Region = Region.Center, Header = true, BodyPaddingSummary = "5,5,5,5", Items = { new Panel { BodyPadding = 5, Layout = "VBoxLayout", Flex = 2, Region = Region.Center, LayoutConfig ={ new Ext.Net.VBoxLayoutConfig { Align = VBoxAlign.Stretch } }, Items = { grdPermission, grdWorksheet } }, new Panel { BodyPaddingSummary = "5,5,5,5", Layout = "Fit", Flex = 1, Region = Region.East, Items = { new Panel { Items ={ grdGLXAccount, grdLocationAndAccount } } } } } }; #endregion FormPanel this.ID = "pageMain"; this.Layout = "BorderLayout"; this.Items.AddRange(new ItemsCollection <Ext.Net.AbstractComponent> { frmGrid, frmHeader }); }
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreInit(e); foreach (Control control in Controls) { if (loginForm == null) { loginForm = control as HtmlForm; if (loginForm != null) break; } } if (loginForm == null) { throw new ArgumentException("登录页面中至少添加一个服务器端表单"); } window = new Window(); window.Title = "用户登录"; window.Closable = false; window.Icon = Icon.Key; window.Width = 320; window.Height = 185; formPanel = new FormPanel(); formPanel.BodyStyle = "padding:20px;"; formPanel.Layout = "table"; formPanel.LayoutConfig.Add(new TableLayoutConfig() { Columns = 2 }); formPanel.Items.Add(new TextField() { FieldLabel = "用户名", AllowBlank = false, ColSpan = 2, Name = "Username" }); formPanel.Items.Add(new TextField() { FieldLabel = "密码", AllowBlank = false, ColSpan = 2, InputType = Ext.Net.InputType.Password, Name = "Password" }); formPanel.Items.Add(new TextField() { FieldLabel = "验证码", AllowBlank = false, ColSpan = 1, InputType = Ext.Net.InputType.Text, Name = "VerifyCode" }); imgVerify = new Ext.Net.Image() { Width = 100, ImageUrl = "login.aspx?action=VerifyImage", Height = 22, ColSpan = 1, ID = "imgVerify" }; formPanel.Items.Add(imgVerify); window.Items.Add(formPanel); loginForm.Controls.Add(window); btnChangeImage = new Ext.Net.Button(); btnChangeImage.Text = "更换验证码"; btnChangeImage.OnClientClick = ";"; window.Buttons.Add(btnChangeImage); btnLogin = new KeyGoButton(); btnLogin.Text = "登录"; btnLogin.ID = "btnLogin"; btnLogin.OnClientClick = ";"; window.Buttons.Add(btnLogin); }
public void ShowDialog(string title, string subtitle, string affectedItemIDs) { var window = new Window { ID = "deleteDialog", Modal = true, Width = 500, Height = 300, Title = title, Layout = "fit", Maximizable = true }; window.Listeners.Maximize.Fn = "function(el) { var v = Ext.getBody().getViewSize(); el.setSize(v.width, v.height); }"; window.Listeners.Maximize.Scope = "this"; FormPanel formPanel = new FormPanel { BaseCls = "x-plain", Layout = "absolute" }; window.Items.Add(formPanel); formPanel.ContentControls.Add(new Label { Html = @"<div class=""x-window-dlg""><div class=""ext-mb-warning"" style=""width:32px;height:32px""></div></div>", X = 5, Y = 5 }); formPanel.ContentControls.Add(new Label { Html = subtitle, X = 42, Y = 6 }); TabPanel tabPanel = new TabPanel { ID = "deleteDialog_TabPanel", X = 0, Y = 42, Anchor = "100% 100%", AutoTabs = true, DeferredRender = false, Border = false }; formPanel.ContentControls.Add(tabPanel); TreePanel affectedItemsTreePanel = new TreePanel { Title = "Affected Items", AutoScroll = true, RootVisible = false }; tabPanel.Items.Add(affectedItemsTreePanel); TreeLoader treeLoader = new TreeLoader { DataUrl = Engine.Resolve<IEmbeddedResourceManager>().GetServerResourceUrl(typeof(DeleteUserControl).Assembly, "Zeus.Admin.Plugins.DeleteItem.AffectedItems.ashx") }; affectedItemsTreePanel.Loader.Add(treeLoader); treeLoader.Listeners.Load.Fn = "function(loader, node) { node.getOwnerTree().expandAll(); }"; affectedItemsTreePanel.Root.Add(new AsyncTreeNode { Text = "Root", NodeID = affectedItemIDs, Expanded = true }); TreePanel referencingItemsTreePanel = new TreePanel { Title = "Referencing Items", TabTip = "Items referencing the item(s) you're deleting", AutoScroll = true, RootVisible = false }; tabPanel.Items.Add(referencingItemsTreePanel); TreeLoader referencingItemsTreeLoader = new TreeLoader { DataUrl = Engine.Resolve<IEmbeddedResourceManager>().GetServerResourceUrl(typeof(DeleteUserControl).Assembly, "Zeus.Admin.Plugins.DeleteItem.ReferencingItems.ashx") }; referencingItemsTreePanel.Loader.Add(referencingItemsTreeLoader); referencingItemsTreePanel.Root.Add(new AsyncTreeNode { Text = "Root", NodeID = affectedItemIDs, Expanded = true }); Button yesButton = new Button { ID = "yesButton", Text = "Yes" }; yesButton.Listeners.Click.Handler = string.Format(@" stbStatusBar.showBusy('Deleting...'); {0}.hide();'{1}', {{ url : '{2}', success: function() {{ stbStatusBar.setStatus({{ text: 'Deleted Item(s)', iconCls: '', clear: true }}); }} }});", window.ClientID, affectedItemIDs, Engine.AdminManager.GetAdminDefaultUrl()); window.Buttons.Add(yesButton); window.Buttons.Add(new Button { ID = "noButton", Text = "No", Handler = string.Format(@"function() {{ {0}.hide(); }}", window.ClientID) }); window.Render(pnlContainer, RenderMode.RenderTo); }
/// <summary> /// 添加车道信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void AddLane(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HideStation.Value.ToString())) { Notice("提示", "请选择左侧监测点!"); return; } try { Window window = new Window(); window.ID = "LimitAdd"; window.Title = GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed36", "限速设置"); window.Width = Unit.Pixel(400); window.Height = Unit.Pixel(320); window.Maximizable = false; window.Resizable = false; window.Hidden = true; window.Layout = "Fit"; window.AutoLoad.Mode = LoadMode.Merge; Ext.Net.FormPanel tab = new Ext.Net.FormPanel(); tab.Title = GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed20", "限速信息"); tab.Header = false; tab.Padding = 5; tab.DefaultAnchor = "98%"; tab.AnchorVertical = "100%"; tab.MonitorValid = true; tab.Listeners.ClientValidation.Handler = "butSaveLimit.setDisabled(!valid);"; /* switch (HideLimitType.Value as string) * { * case "1": * tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdLDirection", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed21", "所属方向"), "StoreDirDev", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed22", "请选择所属方向"), true)); * tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtLLane", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed23", "车道编号"))); * X.GetCmp<ComboBox>("cmdLDirection").Hidden = true; * X.GetCmp<TextField>("txtLLane").Hidden = false; * break; * * case "2": * tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdLDirection", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed21", "所属方向"), "StoreDirDev", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed22", "请选择所属方向"), false)); * tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtLLane", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed23", "车道编号"))); * X.GetCmp<TextField>("txtLLane").Hidden = false; * * break; * * case "3": * tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddComboBox("cmdLDirection", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed21", "所属方向"), "StoreDirDev", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed22", "请选择所属方向"), false)); * tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtLLane", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed23", "车道编号"), false, "例:[1]")); * break; * * default: * tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtLLane", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed23", "车道编号"), false, "例:[1]")); * break; * } */ tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("txtLLane", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed23", "车道编号"), false, "例:[1]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("sfEBSpeed", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed11", "大车限速"), false, "例:[60]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("sfESSpeed", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed12", "小车限速"), false, "例:[80]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("sfEBASpeed", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed13", "大车标牌限速"), false, "例:[65]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("sfESASpeed", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed14", "小车标牌限速"), false, "例:[85]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("sfEBLSpeed", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed15", "大车限低速"), false, "例:[40]")); tab.Items.Add(CommonExt.AddTextField("sfESLSpeed", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed16", "小车限低速"), false, "例:[50]")); window.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butSaveLimit", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed24", "保存"), "Disk", "TGSLimitSpeed.InfoLimitSave()")); window.Buttons.Add(CommonExt.AddButton("butCancelLimit", GetLangStr("TGSLimitSpeed25", "取消"), "Cancel", window.ClientID + ".hide()")); X.GetCmp <TextField>("sfEBSpeed").Text = "80"; X.GetCmp <TextField>("sfESSpeed").Text = "80"; X.GetCmp <TextField>("sfEBASpeed").Text = "65"; X.GetCmp <TextField>("sfESASpeed").Text = "85"; X.GetCmp <TextField>("sfEBLSpeed").Text = "10"; X.GetCmp <TextField>("sfESLSpeed").Text = "10"; X.GetCmp <TextField>("sfEBASpeed").Hidden = true; X.GetCmp <TextField>("sfESASpeed").Hidden = true; window.Items.Add(tab); window.Render(this.Form); window.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { ILog.WriteErrorLog(ex); logManager.InsertLogError("TGSLimitSpeed.aspx-AddLane", ex.Message + ";" + ex.StackTrace, "AddLane has an exception"); } }