protected void ContinuePayment(object sender, EventArgs e) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); try { if (Page.IsValid) { //HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", // DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // "info", // "---NDAL create client Begin------")); //Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); //HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", // DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // "info", // "---NDAL create client End------")); //HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", // DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // "info", // "---GetCustomer() Begin------")); //Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); //HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", // DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // "info", // "---GetCustomer() End------")); bool continBill = true; if (Session["UserID"] != null) { if (Session["PaymentCookie"] == null) { if (CreditCardPanel.Visible) { Session["PaymentCookie"] = "CreditCardPanel"; } else { Session["PaymentCookie"] = "PurchaseOrderPanel"; } } if (Session["PaymentCookie"].ToString() == "CreditCardPanel") { if (CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text.Trim().Length > 4) { string expiration = ExpirationDateLabelMonthDropDown.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + ExpirationDateLabelYearDropDown.SelectedItem.Text; if (DateTime.Parse(ExpirationDateLabelMonthDropDown.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + DateTime.DaysInMonth(int.Parse(ExpirationDateLabelYearDropDown.SelectedItem.Text), int.Parse(ExpirationDateLabelMonthDropDown.SelectedItem.Value)).ToString() + "/" + ExpirationDateLabelYearDropDown.SelectedItem.Text) >= DateTime.Now.Date) { //First check whether a credit card already exists 1/13/2010 // HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), //"info", //"---Get customer cards Begin------")); List<CreditCard> cardCheck = cust.CreditCards; // HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), //"info", //"---Get customer cards End------")); CardTypes thisCardType; switch (CreditCard2TypeDropDown.SelectedItem.Text) { case "Discover": thisCardType = CardTypes.Discover; break; case "Visa": thisCardType = CardTypes.Visa; break; case "MasterCard": thisCardType = CardTypes.MasterCard; break; default: thisCardType = CardTypes.MasterCard; break; } bool foundCard = false; string cardInternalID = ""; CreditCard cardToUse = new CreditCard(); foreach (CreditCard cardo in cardCheck) { if (cardo.CardType == thisCardType && cardo.CardNumber == CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text.Trim().Substring(CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text.Trim().Length - 5, 4) && cardo.ExpirationDate == expiration && cardo.CardholderName == CreditCardNameLabelTextBox.Text.Trim()) { foundCard = true; cardInternalID = cardo.InternalID; cardToUse = cardo; Session["CardToUser"] = cardToUse.InternalID; } } if (!foundCard) { cardToUse = new CreditCard(); cardToUse.CardholderName = CreditCardNameLabelTextBox.Text; cardToUse.CardNumber = CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text; switch (CreditCard2TypeDropDown.SelectedItem.Text) { case "Discover": cardToUse.CardType = CardTypes.Discover; break; case "Visa": cardToUse.CardType = CardTypes.Visa; break; case "MasterCard": cardToUse.CardType = CardTypes.MasterCard; break; default: break; } cardToUse.DefaultCreditCard = true; cardToUse.ExpirationDate = expiration; } object refAdrs = (object)cardToUse; SaveDynamicFields("5", ref refAdrs); cardToUse = (CreditCard)refAdrs; if (!foundCard) { if (cust.CreditCards == null) { List<CreditCard> cards = new List<CreditCard>(); cards.Add(cardToUse); cust.CreditCards = cards; } else { cust.CreditCards.Add(cardToUse); } //continBill = false; // HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), //"info", //"---UpdateCustomer Begin------")); client.UpdateCustomer(cust); // HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), //"info", //"---UpdateCustomer End------")); //continBill = true; // HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), //"info", //"---GetCustomer() Begin------")); //***************GETTING RID OF THIS LINE TO OPTIMIZE CODE ************************** Customer custer = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); // HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), //"info", //"---GetCustomer() End------")); // HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), //"info", //"---retrieve customer CreditCards Begin------")); List<CreditCard> cardsThis = custer.CreditCards; // HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_ContinuePayment()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), //"info", //"---retrieve customer CreditCards End------")); foreach (CreditCard c in cardsThis) { if (c.DefaultCreditCard.Value) Session["CardToUser"] = c.InternalID; } } CreditCardInfoPanel.Visible = true; POPanel.Visible = false; CreditCardExpirationLabel.Text = expiration; CreditCardNumberLabel.Text = ""; if (CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text.Length > 4) { int count = 0; while (count < CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text.Length - 4) { CreditCardNumberLabel.Text += "x"; count++; } CreditCardNumberLabel.Text += CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text.Substring(CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text.Length - 4, 4); } else { CreditCardNumberLabel.Text = CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text; } Session["CreditCardType"] = CreditCard2TypeDropDown.SelectedItem.Text; Session["CreditExpirationLabel"] = expiration; Session["CreditCardLabel"] = CreditCardLabelTextBox.Text; Session["CreditCSVLabel"] = CSVLabelTextBox.Text; Session["CreditName"] = CreditCardNameLabelTextBox.Text; Session["formpage"] = "6"; } else { continBill = false; Session["formpage"] = "5"; Static5Message.Text = "Expiration date must be greater than today."; } } else { Static5Message.Text = "The Credit Card number you have entered is invalid"; } } else { Session["formpage"] = "6"; CreditCardInfoPanel.Visible = false; POPanel.Visible = true; POTextBox.Text = PurchaseOrderLabelTextBox.Text; Session["POExpirationLabel"] = PurchaseOrderLabelTextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentCompanyLabel"] = CompanyLabel5TextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentAttentionLabel"] = AttentionLabel5TextBox.Text; //string state = ""; //if (StateLabel5RadComboBox.Visible) // state = StateLabel5RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text; //else // state = StateLabel5TextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentStateLabel"] = state; //Session["PaymentCityLabel"] = CityLabel5TextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentPhoneLabel"] = PhoneLabel5TextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentEx"] = ex4TextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentAddressLabel"] = Address1Label5TextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentAddress2Label"] = Address2Label5TextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentZipLabel"] = ZipLabel5TextBox.Text; //Session["PaymentCountryLabel"] = CountryLabel5RadComboBox.SelectedValue; } if (continBill) { //Session["FormClicked"] = true; ContBilling(true, false, client, ref cust); client.UpdateCustomer(cust); Session["formpage"] = "6"; Session["RedrawForm"] = "True"; //Response.Redirect("Account+Creation.aspx"); GoToForm(6, 5); BuildIt(client, cust); } else { Session["formpage"] = "5"; //Static5Message.Text = "somthing happened"; GoToForm(5, 6); BuildIt(client, cust); } } else { ErrorLabel.Text = "user is null"; Response.Redirect("UserLogin.aspx"); } } else { Session["formpage"] = "5"; GoToForm(5, 6); BuildIt(client, cust); } } catch (CommandErrorException ex) { if (ex.ToString().Contains("for the following field: ccnumber")) { Static5Message.Text = "The Credit Card number you have entered is invalid"; } else { Static5Message.Text = ex.ToString(); } Session["formpage"] = "5"; GoToForm(5, 6); BuildIt(client, cust); } catch (Exception ex) { Static5Message.Text = ex.ToString(); Session["formpage"] = "5"; GoToForm(5, 6); BuildIt(client, cust); } }
protected void ContinueBilling(object sender, EventArgs e) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); ContBilling(false, true, client, ref cust); }
protected void ContinueDelivery(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { Session["FormClicked"] = true; bool isStateValid = false; if (StateLabel4RadComboBox.Visible) { if (StateLabel4RadComboBox.SelectedValue != "-1") isStateValid = true; } else { if (StateLabel4TextBox.Text.Trim() != "") isStateValid = true; } if (isStateValid) { if (Session["UserID"] != null) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); Address adr = new Address(); adr.DefaultBilling = false; adr.DefaultShipping = false; adr.DefaultDelivery = true; adr.DefaultAccount = false; Session["formpage"] = "5"; Session["DeliveryNameLabel"] = CompanyLabel4TextBox.Text; DeliveryNameLabel.Text = CompanyLabel4TextBox.Text; Session["DeliveryCompanyLabel"] = AttentionLabel3TextBox.Text; DeliveryCompanyLabel.Text = AttentionLabel3TextBox.Text; adr.CompanyName = CompanyLabel4TextBox.Text; DeliveryStateLabel.Text = CityLabel4TextBox.Text; adr.City = CityLabel4TextBox.Text; string state = ""; if (StateLabel4RadComboBox.Visible) state = StateLabel4RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text; else state = StateLabel4TextBox.Text; DeliveryStateLabel.Text += ", " + state + " " + ZipLabel3TextBox.Text; adr.State = state; Session["DeliveryStateLabel"] = state; Session["DeliveryPhoneLabel"] = PhoneLabel4TextBox.Text; Session["DeliveryEx"] = ex4TextBox.Text; DeliveryPhoneLabel.Text = PhoneLabel4TextBox.Text; adr.Phone = PhoneLabel4TextBox.Text; if (ex4TextBox.Text.Trim() != "") { DeliveryPhoneLabel.Text = DeliveryPhoneLabel.Text + " x" + ex4TextBox.Text; adr.Phone = adr.Phone + " x" + ex4TextBox.Text; } Session["DeliveryCityLabel"] = CityLabel4TextBox.Text; Session["DeliveryResidential"] = ResidentialCheckBox3.Checked; adr.Residential = ResidentialCheckBox3.Checked; Session["DeliveryAttentionLabel"] = AttentionLabel3TextBox.Text; adr.Attention = AttentionLabel3TextBox.Text; Session["DeliveryAddress2Label"] = Address2Label4TextBox.Text; adr.Address2 = Address2Label4TextBox.Text; Session["DeliveryAddressLabel"] = Address1Label4TextBox.Text; adr.Address1 = Address1Label4TextBox.Text; Session["DeliveryZipLabel"] = ZipLabel4TextBox.Text; adr.Zip = ZipLabel4TextBox.Text; Session["DeliveryCountryLabel"] = CountryLabel4RadComboBox.SelectedValue; DataSet dsCount = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE country_name = '" + CountryLabel4RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text + "'"); adr.Country = dsCount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_2_code"].ToString(); object refAdrs = (object)adr; SaveDynamicFields("4", ref refAdrs); adr = (Address)refAdrs; UpdateAddress(adr, ref cust, AddressTypes.Delivery); client.UpdateCustomer(cust); FillPayment(); if (Session["EditDeliveryClicked"] != null) if (bool.Parse(Session["EditDeliveryClicked"].ToString())) { Session["formpage"] = "5"; GoToForm(6, 4); SetBoxes(); BuildIt(client, cust); } else { //Session["PaymentCookie"] = "CreditCardPanel"; //CreditCardPanel.Visible = true; //PurchaseOrderPanel.Visible = false; GoToForm(5, 4); } else { //Session["PaymentCookie"] = "CreditCardPanel"; //CreditCardPanel.Visible = true; //PurchaseOrderPanel.Visible = false; GoToForm(5, 4); } //((Panel)FindControl(Session["PaymentCookie"].Value.ToString())).Visible = true; } } else { ErrorLabelDelivery.Text = "State is required"; } } else { ErrorLabel.Text = "page is not valid"; // Response.Redirect("UserLogin.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { SamesAsCheckBox3.Checked = false; SamesAsCheckBox32.Checked = false; SameAsLabel4CheckBox.Checked = false; SameAsBillingLabel4CheckBox.Checked = false; SameAsShippingLabel4CheckBox.Checked = false; StaticFieldsPanel1.Visible = false; StaticFieldsPanel2.Visible = false; StaticFieldsPanel3.Visible = false; StaticFieldsPanel4.Visible = false; StaticFieldsPanel5.Visible = false; StaticFieldsPanel6.Visible = false; StaticFieldsPanel7.Visible = false; StaticFieldsPanel8.Visible = false; StaticFieldsPanel9.Visible = false; if(Session["AccountCreateType"] == null) Session["AccountCreateType"] = "Create"; bool isCreate = false; if (Session["AccountCreateType"] == "Create") isCreate = true; string message = ""; try { if (Session["formpage"] == null) { Session["formpage"] = "1"; } bool drawForm = false; if (Session["RedrawForm"] == null) { drawForm = true; } else { if (bool.Parse(Session["RedrawForm"].ToString())) drawForm = true; else drawForm = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { drawForm = true; } //ErrorLabel.Text = "got here2"; DataSet dsAll = doQuery("SELECT * FROM FormStaticPageFields"); if (drawForm) { string formID = Session["formpage"].ToString(); if (int.Parse(formID) < 7) { if (!isCreate) { Image theImage = (Image)FindControl("Image" + formID); theImage.Visible = true; } DataSet ds = doQuery("SELECT NavTitle FROM FormPages WHERE ID=" + formID); DataSet dsForm = doQuery("SELECT * FROM FormStaticPageFields WHERE FormPageID=" + formID); DataSet dsCount = doQuery("SELECT DISTINCT FormPageID FROM FormStaticPageFields"); if (int.Parse(formID) < 6) { //ErrorLabel.Text = "got here"; ProductName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NavTitle"].ToString(); if (formID == "2") { AllMoneyPanel.DefaultButton = "Button1"; } else if(formID == "5") { AllMoneyPanel.DefaultButton = "Button5"; StaticFieldsPanel2.DefaultButton = "Button5"; BillingHidePanel.DefaultButton = "Button5"; } } else if(formID == "6") { ProductName.Text = "Review Order Information"; } else if (formID == "7") { ProductName.Visible = false; //Get the invoice Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Array theTransactions = (Array)client.GetTransactions(Session["UserID"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(double.Parse("-10.00")), DateTime.Now); //code recommended by john ogle. refer to bug 1688 in OA bug tracking system. Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<Transaction>> invoiceMap = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<Transaction>>(); List<Transaction> invoices; foreach (Transaction t in theTransactions) { if (t.Type != "SalesOrd") { invoices = new List<Transaction>(); if (invoiceMap.ContainsKey(t.CreatedFrom)) { invoices = (List<Transaction>)invoiceMap[t.CreatedFrom]; } else { invoiceMap.Add(t.CreatedFrom, invoices); } invoices.Add(t); } } foreach (Transaction oneTrans in theTransactions) { if (oneTrans.Type == "SalesOrd" && oneTrans.OrderNumber == Session["OrderNumber"].ToString()) { SalesOrderHyperLink.NavigateUrl = oneTrans.PrintoutURL; } } } else if (formID == "8") { ProductName.Visible = false; } if (formID == "6") { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); BuildIt(client, client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString())); } Panel staticPanel = (Panel)FindControl("StaticFieldsPanel" + formID); staticPanel.Visible = true; if (dsAll.Tables.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dsAll.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Label theLabel = (Label)FindControl(dsAll.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LabelFormName"].ToString()); message += dsAll.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LabelFormName"].ToString(); theLabel.Text = dsAll.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LabelName"].ToString(); } } RadComboBoxItem item; RadComboBox countryDrop = new RadComboBox(); RadComboBox stateDrop = new RadComboBox(); TextBox stateTextB = new TextBox(); for (int i = 0; i < dsCount.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { countryDrop = (RadComboBox)FindControl("CountryLabel" + (i + 1).ToString() + "RadComboBox"); stateTextB = (TextBox)FindControl("StateLabel" + (i + 1).ToString() + "TextBox"); stateDrop = (RadComboBox)FindControl("StateLabel" + (i + 1).ToString() + "RadComboBox"); if (countryDrop != null) { message += "fin got here"; DataSet dsCountry = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries ORDER BY country_2_code asc"); countryDrop.Items.Clear(); countryDrop.DataSource = dsCountry; countryDrop.DataTextField = "country_name"; countryDrop.DataValueField = "country_id"; countryDrop.DataBind(); //for (int n = 0; n < dsCountry.Tables["table"].Rows.Count; n++) //{ // item = new RadComboBoxItem(dsCountry.Tables["table"].Rows[n]["country_2_code"].ToString(), // dsCountry.Tables["table"].Rows[n]["country_id"].ToString()); // countryDrop.Items.Add(item); //} dsCountry = doQuery("SELECT * FROM countries where country_name='" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("defaultcountry") + "'"); countryDrop.SelectedValue = dsCountry.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["country_id"].ToString(); DataSet dsState = doQuery("SELECT * FROM states WHERE country_id=" + countryDrop.SelectedValue + " ORDER BY state_name ASC"); if (dsState.Tables["table"].Rows.Count > 0) { stateDrop.Items.Clear(); for (int n = 0; n < dsState.Tables["table"].Rows.Count; n++) { item = new RadComboBoxItem(dsState.Tables["table"].Rows[n]["state_name"].ToString(), dsState.Tables["table"].Rows[n]["state_code"].ToString()); stateDrop.Items.Add(item); } stateTextB.Visible = false; stateDrop.Visible = true; stateDrop.Items.Insert(0, new RadComboBoxItem("Please Select...", "-1")); } else { stateTextB.Visible = true; stateDrop.Visible = false; } } } } else { GoToForm(int.Parse(formID), 1); } } DataView dvHelp = new DataView(dsAll.Tables[0], "hasHelp='True'", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); for (int j = 0; j < dvHelp.Count; j++) { Panel helpPanel = (Panel)FindControl(dvHelp[j]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "HelpPanel"); CreateHelp(dvHelp[j]["HelpText"].ToString(), j.ToString(), ref helpPanel); } SetBoxes(); AddFields(); if (drawForm) { switch (Session["formpage"].ToString()) { //case "1": // FillAccount(); // break; case "1": RoleDropDown.Items.Clear(); DataSet ds = doQuery("SELECT * FROM ROLES ORDER BY ID ASC"); RadComboBoxItem item = new RadComboBoxItem(); item.Text = "Please Select..."; item.Value = "-1"; RoleDropDown.Items.Add(item); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["table"].Rows.Count; i++) { item = new RadComboBoxItem(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[i]["NAME"].ToString(), ds.Tables["table"].Rows[i]["NetSuiteID"].ToString()); RoleDropDown.Items.Add(item); } ds = new DataSet(); AccountDropDown.Items.Clear(); ds = doQuery("SELECT * FROM AccountType"); item = new RadComboBoxItem(); item.Text = "Please Select..."; item.Value = "-1"; AccountDropDown.Items.Add(item); AccountDropDown.Width = 240; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["table"].Rows.Count; i++) { item = new RadComboBoxItem(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[i]["AccountType"].ToString(), ds.Tables["table"].Rows[i]["NetSuiteID"].ToString()); AccountDropDown.Items.Add(item); } break; case "2": StaticFieldsPanel2.DefaultButton = "Button1"; BillingHidePanel.DefaultButton = "Button1"; FillBilling(); break; case "3": FillShipping(); break; case "4": FillDelivery(); break; case "5": StaticFieldsPanel2.DefaultButton = "Button5"; BillingHidePanel.DefaultButton = "Button5"; GoToForm(5, 4); //SetBoxes(); //BuildIt(); FillPayment(); break; case "6": GoToForm(6, 5); Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); BuildIt(client, client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString())); FillPayment(); SetBoxes(); break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString() + message; } if (Session["formpage"] == "2") { if (Session["InShopping"] != null) { Button9.Visible = false; } } }
protected void SameAs(string copyTo, string copyFrom, bool check) { string message = ""; try { Session["RedrawForm"] = false; string prefix = ""; string temp = copyTo; if (temp == "1") temp = ""; TextBox theEx = (TextBox)FindControl("ex" + temp + "TextBox"); switch (copyFrom) { case "1": prefix = "Account"; break; case "2": prefix = "Billing"; break; case "3": prefix = "Shipping"; break; case "4": prefix = "Delivery"; break; default: break; } if (check) { Address address = new Address(); if (Session["UserID"] != null) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < cust.Addresses.Count; i++) { if (copyFrom == "1") { if (cust.Addresses[i].DefaultAccount.Value) { address = cust.Addresses[i]; break; } } else if (copyFrom == "2") { if (cust.Addresses[i].DefaultBilling.Value) { address = cust.Addresses[i]; break; } prefix = "Billing"; } else if (copyFrom == "3") { if (cust.Addresses[i].DefaultShipping.Value) { address = cust.Addresses[i]; break; } prefix = "Shipping"; } else if (copyFrom == "4") { if (cust.Addresses[i].DefaultDelivery.Value) { address = cust.Addresses[i]; break; } prefix = "Delivery"; } } } if (address != null) { message += "address: " + address.Address1; DataSet dsCopyTo = doQuery("SELECT * FROM FormStaticPageFields WHERE FormPageID=" + copyTo); DataView dvCopyTo = new DataView(dsCopyTo.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); //Company dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Company%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = address.CompanyName; //Attention dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Attention%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = address.Attention; //Address 1 dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Address1%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = address.Address1; //Address 2 dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Address2%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = address.Address2; //City dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%City%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = address.City; //Country dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Country%'"; DataSet dsCountries = doQuery("SELECT * FROM countries"); RadComboBox b = (RadComboBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBox"); b.DataSource = dsCountries; b.DataTextField = "country_name"; b.DataValueField = "country_id"; b.DataBind(); message += " Country: "; string str = address.Country + ", " + address.State; message += "country: " + str; DataSet dsC = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE country_2_code = '" + address.Country.ToUpper().Trim() + "'"); if (b != null) b.Items.FindItemByText(dsC.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_name"].ToString()).Selected = true; //State DataSet dsStates = doQuery("SELECT * FROM States S, Countries C WHERE C.country_2_code='" + address.Country + "' AND C.country_id=S.country_id"); if (address.Country != "US") { ((Panel)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBoxInternational")).Visible = true; ((Panel)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBoxLocal")).Visible = false; ((Panel)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBoxLocal2")).Visible = false; } else { ((Panel)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBoxInternational")).Visible = false; ((Panel)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBoxLocal")).Visible = true; ((Panel)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBoxLocal2")).Visible = true; } DataView dvStates = new DataView(dsStates.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%State%'"; RadComboBox theBox = ((RadComboBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBox")); if (dvStates.Count > 0) { theBox.Visible = true; theBox.DataSource = dvStates; theBox.DataTextField = "state_name"; theBox.DataValueField = "state_id"; theBox.DataBind(); theBox.Items.FindItemByText(address.State.Trim()).Selected = true; //((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Visible = false; } else { theBox.Visible = false; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Visible = true; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = address.State; } //Zip dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Zip%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = address.Zip; //Phone char[] delim = { 'x' }; string[] toks = address.Phone.Split(delim); dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Phone%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = address.Phone; if (toks.Length > 0) { if (toks.Length >= 2) { theEx.Text = toks[1]; } if (toks.Length >= 1) ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = toks[0]; } dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%CompanyLabel%'"; CheckBox theCheck = ((CheckBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "CheckBox")); if (theCheck != null) { theCheck.Checked = address.Residential.Value; } } else { DataSet dsCopyFrom = doQuery("SELECT * FROM FormStaticPageFields WHERE FormPageID=" + copyFrom); DataView dvCopyFrom = new DataView(dsCopyFrom.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataSet dsCopyTo = doQuery("SELECT * FROM FormStaticPageFields WHERE FormPageID=" + copyTo); DataView dvCopyTo = new DataView(dsCopyTo.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); //Company dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Company%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Company%'"; TextBox textAddress2 = (TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox"); ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = textAddress2.Text; //Attention dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Attention%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Attention%'"; if (dvCopyFrom.Count > 0 && dvCopyTo.Count > 0) { TextBox textAddress12 = (TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox"); if (textAddress12 != null) ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = textAddress12.Text; } //Address 1 dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Address1%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Address1%'"; TextBox textAddress = (TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox"); ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = textAddress.Text; //Address 2 dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Address2%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Address2%'"; TextBox textAddress3 = (TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox"); ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = textAddress3.Text; //City dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%City%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%City%'"; TextBox textAddress4 = (TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox"); ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = textAddress4.Text; //State dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%State%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%State%'"; TextBox textAddress7 = (TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox"); if (textAddress7.Visible) ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = textAddress7.Text; else { RadComboBox textAddress9 = (RadComboBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBox"); ((RadComboBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBox")).SelectedValue = textAddress9.SelectedValue; } //Country dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Country%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Country%'"; RadComboBox textAddress8 = (RadComboBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBox"); ((RadComboBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBox")).SelectedValue = textAddress8.SelectedValue; //Zip dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Zip%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Zip%'"; TextBox textAddress5 = (TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox"); ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = textAddress5.Text; //Phone dvCopyFrom.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Phone%'"; dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Phone%'"; TextBox textAddress6 = (TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyFrom[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox"); ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = textAddress6.Text; } } else { DataSet dsCopyTo = doQuery("SELECT * FROM FormStaticPageFields WHERE FormPageID=" + copyTo); DataView dvCopyTo = new DataView(dsCopyTo.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); //Company dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Company%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = ""; //Address 1 dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Address1%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = ""; //Address 2 dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Address2%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = ""; //City dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%City%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = ""; //State dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%State%'"; ((RadComboBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBox")).SelectedIndex = -1; //Country dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Country%'"; ((RadComboBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "RadComboBox")).SelectedValue = "223"; //Zip dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Zip%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = ""; //Phone dvCopyTo.RowFilter = "LabelFormName LIKE '%Phone%'"; ((TextBox)FindControl(dvCopyTo[0]["LabelFormName"].ToString() + "TextBox")).Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLabel.Text = message + ex.ToString(); } }
protected void FillShipping() { SamesAsCheckBox3.Checked = false; SamesAsCheckBox32.Checked = false; if (Session["UserID"] != null) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); List<Address> addresses = cust.Addresses; Address billingAddress = new Address(); bool addressFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++) { if (addresses[i].DefaultShipping.Value) { billingAddress = addresses[i]; addressFound = true; break; } } if (addressFound) { CompanyLabel3TextBox.Text = billingAddress.CompanyName; DataSet dsCount = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE country_2_code = '" + billingAddress.Country + "'"); CountryLabel3RadComboBox.Items.FindItemByText(dsCount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_name"].ToString()).Selected = true; DataSet dsStates = doQuery("SELECT * FROM States WHERE country_id=" + CountryLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedValue); bool isTextState = true; if (dsStates.Tables.Count > 0) if (dsStates.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StateLabel3RadComboBox.Items.Clear(); isTextState = false; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataSource = dsStates; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataTextField = "state_name"; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataValueField = "state_id"; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataBind(); StateLabel3RadComboBox.Items.FindItemByText( billingAddress.State).Selected = true; } if (isTextState) { StateLabel3TextBox.Text = billingAddress.State; } CityLabel3TextBox.Text = billingAddress.City; char[] delim = { 'x' }; string[] tokensP = billingAddress.Phone.Split(delim); if (tokensP.Length > 0) { if (tokensP.Length >= 1) { PhoneLabel3TextBox.Text = tokensP[0].Trim(); } if (tokensP.Length >= 2) { ex3TextBox.Text = tokensP[1]; } } AttentionLabel2TextBox.Text = billingAddress.Attention; Address1Label3TextBox.Text = billingAddress.Address1; Address2Label3TextBox.Text = billingAddress.Address2; ZipLabel3TextBox.Text = billingAddress.Zip; } else { //if (Session["ShippingCompanyLabel"] != null) CompanyLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingResidentialLabel"] != null) ResidentialCheckBox3.Checked = false; //if (Session["ShippingCountryLabel"] != null) CountryLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedValue = ""; DataSet dsStates = doQuery("SELECT * FROM States WHERE country_id=" + CountryLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedValue); bool isTextState = true; if (dsStates.Tables.Count > 0) if (dsStates.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StateLabel3RadComboBox.Items.Clear(); isTextState = false; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataSource = dsStates; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataTextField = "state_name"; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataValueField = "state_id"; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataBind(); if (Session["ShippingStateLabel"] != null) StateLabel3RadComboBox.Items.FindItemByText(Session["ShippingStateLabel"].ToString()).Selected = true; } if (isTextState) { //if (Session["ShippingStateLabel"] != null) StateLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; } //if (Session["ShippingCityLabel"] != null) CityLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingPhoneLabel"] != null) PhoneLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingEx"] != null) ex3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingAttentionLabel"] != null) AttentionLabel2TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingAddress2Label"] != null) Address2Label3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingZipLabel"] != null) ZipLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingAddressLabel"] != null) Address1Label3TextBox.Text = ""; } } else { //if (Session["ShippingCompanyLabel"] != null) CompanyLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingResidentialLabel"] != null) ResidentialCheckBox3.Checked = false; //if (Session["ShippingCountryLabel"] != null) CountryLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedValue = ""; DataSet dsStates = doQuery("SELECT * FROM States WHERE country_id=" + CountryLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedValue); bool isTextState = true; if (dsStates.Tables.Count > 0) if (dsStates.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StateLabel3RadComboBox.Items.Clear(); isTextState = false; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataSource = dsStates; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataTextField = "state_name"; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataValueField = "state_id"; StateLabel3RadComboBox.DataBind(); if (Session["ShippingStateLabel"] != null) StateLabel3RadComboBox.Items.FindItemByText(Session["ShippingStateLabel"].ToString()).Selected = true; } if (isTextState) { //if (Session["ShippingStateLabel"] != null) StateLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; } //if (Session["ShippingCityLabel"] != null) CityLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingPhoneLabel"] != null) PhoneLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingEx"] != null) ex3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingAttentionLabel"] != null) AttentionLabel2TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingAddress2Label"] != null) Address2Label3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingZipLabel"] != null) ZipLabel3TextBox.Text = ""; //if (Session["ShippingAddressLabel"] != null) Address1Label3TextBox.Text = ""; } SetDynamicFields("3"); }
protected void NextClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["AccountCreateType"] == null) Session["AccountCreateType"] = "Create"; bool isCreate = false; bool isShoppingCreate = false; if (Session["AccountCreateType"] == "Create") isCreate = true; if (Session["ShoppingCreate"] != null) isShoppingCreate = bool.Parse(Session["ShoppingCreate"].ToString()); Encryption encrypt = new Encryption(); bool openMessage = false; string boxMessage = ""; bool success = false; if (Session["HasUserBeenClicked"] == null) { try { Session["RedrawForm"] = false; string state = ""; bool isStateValid = false; if (StateLabel1RadComboBox.Visible) { if (StateLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedValue != "-1") isStateValid = true; } else if (StateLabel1TextBox.Text.Trim() != "") isStateValid = true; if (isStateValid) { if (Page.IsValid && RoleDropDown.SelectedValue != "-1" && AccountDropDown.SelectedValue != "-1") { Session["FormClicked"] = true; Session["formpage"] = "2"; bool hasState = false; if (StateLabel1RadComboBox.Visible) { if (StateLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedValue != "-1") hasState = true; } else if (StateLabel1TextBox.Text.Trim() != "") hasState = true; string isPassValid = IsPasswordValid(); if (hasState) { if (isPassValid == "success") { Session["AccountTypeLabel"] = AccountDropDown.SelectedItem.Value; Session["AccountFirstNameLabel"] = FirstNameTextBox.Text; Session["AccountLastNameLabel"] = LastNameTextBox.Text; Session["AccountRoleLabel"] = RoleDropDown.SelectedItem.Text; Session["AccountTitleLabel"] = TitleTextBox.Text; Session["AccountCompanyLabel"] = CompanyLabelTextBox.Text; Session["AccountResidentialLabel"] = ResidentialCheckBox.Checked; if (StateLabel1RadComboBox.Visible) state = StateLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text; else state = StateLabel1TextBox.Text; Session["AccountStateLabel"] = state; Session["AccountCityLabel"] = CityLabelTextBox.Text; Session["AccountPhoneLabel"] = PhoneLabelTextBox.Text; if (exTextBox.Text.Trim() != "") { Session["AccountEx"] = exTextBox.Text; } Session["AccountAddressLabel"] = Address1LabelTextBox.Text; Session["AccountAddress2Label"] = Address2LabelTextBox.Text; Session["AccountZipLabel"] = ZipLabelTextBox.Text; Session["AccountCountryLabel"] = CountryLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedValue; Session["AccountEmailLabel"] = EmailTextBox.Text; Session["AccountPasswordLabel"] = PasswordTextBox.Text; Session["AccountNewsletterLabel"] = SignUpCheckBox.Checked; if (isCreate) { bool isError = false; try { success = CreateUser(); if (success) { string redir ="/MyAccount.aspx"; if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null && Request.QueryString["page"].Length > 0) { //lblMessage.Text = "Got here 1"; redir = "../"+Request.QueryString["page"].Replace("%20", "+").Replace(" ", "+"); } boxMessage = "Your account has been created. " + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('" + redir + "');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; JobRoles rolesJob = GetJobRole(RoleDropDown.SelectedItem.Text); if (rolesJob == JobRoles.Reseller_Contractor_Integrator) { boxMessage = "Your account has been created. Since your account type is 'Reseller', please remember that you can contact your representative for better pricing." + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('" + redir + "');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; } Session["HasUserBeenClicked"] = "true"; } } catch (CommandErrorException ex) { isError = true; if (ex.ErrorCode.ToString().ToLower() == "invalid_duplicatecustomer") { Static1Messages.Text = "A user already exists for this email address. Please choose a different email."; } else { Static1Messages.Text = ex.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { isError = true; Static1Messages.Text = ex.ToString(); } } else { try { if (isShoppingCreate) { success = CreateUser(); //string redir = "/MyAccount.aspx"; //if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null && Request.QueryString["page"].Length > 0) //{ // //lblMessage.Text = "Got here 1"; // redir = Request.QueryString["page"].Replace("%20", "+").Replace(" ", "+"); //} if (success && Session["AccountBackClicked"] == null) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); boxMessage = "Your account has been created. " + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('/default.aspx?a=form&ID=2');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; if (IsUserInternational()) { boxMessage = "Your account has been created. At this time we do not provide international sales. To purchase a product, please contact your representative." + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('/MyAccount.aspx');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; } JobRoles rolesJob = GetJobRole(RoleDropDown.SelectedItem.Text); if (rolesJob == JobRoles.Reseller_Contractor_Integrator) { boxMessage = "Your account has been created. Since your account type is 'Reseller', please remember that you can contact your representative for better pricing." + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('/default.aspx?a=form&ID=2');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; } } else { openMessage = false; } } if (!openMessage && success) { if (CountryLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Value != "223") { Session["RedrawForm"] = true; Session["formpage"] = "9"; GoToForm(9, 1); } else { Session["RedrawForm"] = true; GoToForm(2, 1); Session["formpage"] = "2"; } } } catch (CommandErrorException ex) { Session["formpage"] = "1"; if (ex.ErrorCode.ToString().ToLower() == "invalid_duplicatecustomer") { Static1Messages.Text = "A user already exists for this email address. Please choose a different email."; } else { Static1Messages.Text = ex.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Session["formpage"] = "1"; Static1Messages.Text = ex.ToString(); } } if (openMessage && success) { MessageRadWindow.NavigateUrl = "Message.aspx?message=" + encrypt.encrypt(boxMessage); MessageRadWindow.Visible = true; MessageRadWindowManager.VisibleOnPageLoad = true; } } else { Static1Messages.Text = isPassValid; } } else { Static1Messages.Text = "State is required"; } } else { Static1Messages.Text = "Both Role and Account Type are required."; } } else { Static1Messages.Text = "State is required"; } } catch (CommandErrorException ex) { if (ex.ToString().Contains("for the following field:")) { ErrorLabel.Text = " The Phone is invalid."; } else { ErrorLabel.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Session["formpage"] = "1"; ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString(); } } else { if (isCreate) { string redir = "/MyAccount.aspx"; if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null && Request.QueryString["page"].Length > 0) { //lblMessage.Text = "Got here 1"; redir = "../"+Request.QueryString["page"].Replace("%20", "+").Replace(" ", "+"); } boxMessage = "Your account has been created. " + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('" + redir + "');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; if (AccountDropDown.SelectedValue == "4") { boxMessage = "Your account has been created. Since your account type is 'Reseller', please remember that you can contact your representative for better pricing." + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('" + redir + "');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; } } else { if (isShoppingCreate) { //string redir = "/MyAccount.aspx"; //if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null && Request.QueryString["page"].Length > 0) //{ // //lblMessage.Text = "Got here 1"; // redir = Request.QueryString["page"].Replace("%20", "+").Replace(" ", "+"); //} if (Session["AccountBackClicked"] == null) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); boxMessage = "Your account has been created. " + cust.SalesRepID + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('/default.aspx?a=form&ID=2');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; if (IsUserInternational()) { boxMessage = "Your account has been created. At this time we do not provide international sales. To purchase a product, please contact your representative." + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('/MyAccount.aspx');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; } if (AccountDropDown.SelectedValue == "4") { boxMessage = "Your account has been created. Since your account type is 'Reseller', please remember that you can contact your representative for better pricing." + "<br/><br/><button onclick=\"Search('/default.aspx?a=form&ID=2');\" >OK</button><br/>"; openMessage = true; } } } if (!openMessage) { if (CountryLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Value != "223") { Session["RedrawForm"] = true; Session["formpage"] = "9"; GoToForm(9, 1); } else { Session["RedrawForm"] = true; GoToForm(2, 1); Session["formpage"] = "2"; } Session["HasUserBeenClicked"] = "true"; } } if (openMessage) { MessageRadWindow.NavigateUrl = "Message.aspx?message=" + encrypt.encrypt(boxMessage); MessageRadWindow.Visible = true; MessageRadWindowManager.VisibleOnPageLoad = true; } } }
protected void FillBilling() { string message =""; try { if (Session["UserID"] != null) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); List<Address> addresses = cust.Addresses; Address billingAddress = new Address(); bool billingFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++) { if (addresses[i].DefaultBilling.Value) { billingAddress = addresses[i]; billingFound = true; break; } } if (billingFound) { CompanyLabel2TextBox.Text = billingAddress.CompanyName; message += billingAddress.Country; DataSet dsCount = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE country_2_code = '" + billingAddress.Country + "'"); CountryLabel2RadComboBox.Items.FindItemByText(dsCount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_name"].ToString()).Selected = true; DataSet dsStates = doQuery("SELECT * FROM States WHERE country_id=" + CountryLabel2RadComboBox.SelectedValue); bool isTextState = true; if (dsStates.Tables.Count > 0) if (dsStates.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StateLabel2RadComboBox.Items.Clear(); isTextState = false; StateLabel2RadComboBox.DataSource = dsStates; StateLabel2RadComboBox.DataTextField = "state_name"; StateLabel2RadComboBox.DataValueField = "state_id"; StateLabel2RadComboBox.DataBind(); StateLabel2RadComboBox.Items.FindItemByText( billingAddress.State).Selected = true; } if (isTextState) { StateLabel2TextBox.Text = billingAddress.State; } CityLabel2TextBox.Text = billingAddress.City; char[] delim = { 'x' }; string[] tokensP = billingAddress.Phone.Split(delim); if (tokensP.Length > 0) { if (tokensP.Length >= 1) { PhoneLabel2TextBox.Text = tokensP[0].Trim(); } if (tokensP.Length >= 2) { ex2TextBox.Text = tokensP[1]; } } AttentionLabel1TextBox.Text = billingAddress.Attention; Address1Label2TextBox.Text = billingAddress.Address1; Address2Label2TextBox.Text = billingAddress.Address2; ZipLabel2TextBox.Text = billingAddress.Zip; } } else { if (Session["BillingNameLabel"] != null) CreditCardNameLabelTextBox.Text = Session["BillingNameLabel"].ToString(); if (Session["BillingCompanyLabel"] != null) CompanyLabel2TextBox.Text = Session["BillingCompanyLabel"].ToString(); if (Session["BillingCountryLabel"] != null) CountryLabel2RadComboBox.SelectedValue = Session["BillingCountryLabel"].ToString(); DataSet dsStates = doQuery("SELECT * FROM States WHERE country_id=" + CountryLabel2RadComboBox.SelectedValue); bool isTextState = true; if (dsStates.Tables.Count > 0) if (dsStates.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StateLabel2RadComboBox.Items.Clear(); isTextState = false; StateLabel2RadComboBox.DataSource = dsStates; StateLabel2RadComboBox.DataTextField = "state_name"; StateLabel2RadComboBox.DataValueField = "state_id"; StateLabel2RadComboBox.DataBind(); if (Session["BillingStateLabel"] != null) StateLabel2RadComboBox.Items.FindItemByText(Session["BillingStateLabel"].ToString()).Selected = true; } if (isTextState) { if (Session["BillingStateLabel"] != null) StateLabel2TextBox.Text = Session["BillingStateLabel"].ToString(); } if (Session["BillingCityLabel"] != null) CityLabel2TextBox.Text = Session["BillingCityLabel"].ToString(); if (Session["BillingPhoneLabel"] != null) PhoneLabel2TextBox.Text = Session["BillingPhoneLabel"].ToString(); if (Session["BillingEx"] != null) ex2TextBox.Text = Session["BillingEx"].ToString(); if (Session["BillingAttentionLabel"] != null) AttentionLabel1TextBox.Text = Session["BillingAttentionLabel"].ToString(); if (Session["BillingAddressLabel"] != null) Address1Label2TextBox.Text = Session["BillingAddressLabel"].ToString(); if (Session["BillingAddress2Label"] != null) Address2Label2TextBox.Text = Session["BillingAddress2Label"].ToString(); if (Session["BillingZipLabel"] != null) ZipLabel2TextBox.Text = Session["BillingZipLabel"].ToString(); } SetDynamicFields("2"); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString() + message; } }
protected void FillAccount() { try { DataSet ds; if (Session["UserID"] != null) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); FirstNameTextBox.Text = cust.FirstName; LastNameTextBox.Text = cust.LastName; AccountDropDown.Items.FindItemByText(GetPriceLevelText(cust.CustomerType)).Selected = true; RoleDropDown.Items.FindItemByText(GetJobRoleText(cust.JobRole)).Selected = true; TitleTextBox.Text = cust.Title; CompanyLabelTextBox.Text = cust.CompanyName; Address address = new Address(); foreach (Address adr in cust.Addresses) { if (adr.DefaultAccount.Value) { address = adr; } } ResidentialCheckBox.Checked = address.Residential.Value; string country_id = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE country_2_code='" + address.Country + "'").Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_id"].ToString(); DataSet dsStates = doQuery("SELECT * FROM States WHERE country_id='" + country_id + "'"); bool isTextState = true; if (dsStates.Tables.Count > 0) if (dsStates.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StateLabel1RadComboBox.Items.Clear(); isTextState = false; StateLabel1RadComboBox.DataSource = dsStates; StateLabel1RadComboBox.DataTextField = "state_name"; StateLabel1RadComboBox.DataValueField = "state_id"; StateLabel1RadComboBox.DataBind(); if (Session["AccountStateLabel"] != null) StateLabel1RadComboBox.Items.FindItemByText(address.State).Selected = true; } if (isTextState) { StateLabel1TextBox.Text = address.State; } CityLabelTextBox.Text = address.City; char[] delim = { 'x' }; string[] tokens = cust.Phone.Split(delim); PhoneLabelTextBox.Text = tokens[0]; if (tokens.Length > 1) exTextBox.Text = tokens[1]; Address1LabelTextBox.Text = address.Address1; Address2LabelTextBox.Text = address.Address2; ZipLabelTextBox.Text = address.Zip; EmailTextBox.Text = cust.Email; PasswordTextBox.Text = cust.Password; cPasswordTextBox.Text = cust.Password; SetDynamicFields("1"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString(); } }
protected bool CreateUser() { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); //AccountDropDown.SelectedItem.Value; string company = CompanyLabelTextBox.Text; if (company == "") company = null; PriceLevels thelevel = PriceLevels.Educational; switch (AccountDropDown.SelectedItem.Value) { case "1": thelevel = PriceLevels.MSRP; break; case "2": thelevel = PriceLevels.Educational; break; case "3": thelevel = PriceLevels.State; break; default: break; } try { CreateCustomerResult newCustomer = new CreateCustomerResult(); if (Session["UserID"] == null) newCustomer = client.CreateCustomer(company, PhoneLabelTextBox.Text, EmailTextBox.Text , FirstNameTextBox.Text, LastNameTextBox.Text, thelevel, TitleTextBox.Text, null); bool EmailChanged = false; if (newCustomer != null || Session["UserID"] != null) { // retrive the newly created customer so we can update it with an address and password string customerID = ""; if (Session["UserID"] != null) customerID = Session["UserID"].ToString(); else customerID = newCustomer.CustomerInternalID; Customer customer = client.GetCustomer(customerID); if (Session["UserID"] != null) { if(customer.Email != EmailTextBox.Text) EmailChanged = true; customer.Email = EmailTextBox.Text; customer.CompanyName = company; customer.Phone = PhoneLabelTextBox.Text; customer.FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text; customer.LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text; customer.CustomerType = thelevel; customer.Title = TitleTextBox.Text; } customer.JobRole = GetJobRole(RoleDropDown.SelectedItem.Text); // assign at least one address string state = ""; if (StateLabel1RadComboBox.Visible) state = StateLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text; else state = StateLabel1TextBox.Text; //create primary address: this is no loger being done by Andrew/John request: bug 2387 //Address addr = new Address(); //addr.Attention = CompanyLabelTextBox.Text; //addr.CompanyName = CompanyLabelTextBox.Text; //addr.Address1 = Address1LabelTextBox.Text; //addr.Address2 = Address2LabelTextBox.Text; //addr.City = CityLabelTextBox.Text; //addr.State = state; //addr.Zip = ZipLabelTextBox.Text; //addr.DefaultBilling = false; //addr.DefaultShipping = true; //addr.DefaultAccount = false; //addr.DefaultDelivery = false; //DataSet dsCount = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE country_name = '" + // CountryLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text + "'"); //addr.Country = dsCount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_2_code"].ToString(); //addr.Residential = ResidentialCheckBox.Checked; //addr.Phone = PhoneLabelTextBox.Text; //if (exTextBox.Text.Trim() != "") //{ // addr.Phone = PhoneLabelTextBox.Text + " x" + exTextBox.Text.Trim(); //} Address addr2 = new Address(); addr2.Attention = FirstNameTextBox.Text + " " + LastNameTextBox.Text; addr2.CompanyName = CompanyLabelTextBox.Text; addr2.Address1 = Address1LabelTextBox.Text; addr2.Address2 = Address2LabelTextBox.Text; addr2.City = CityLabelTextBox.Text; addr2.State = state; addr2.Zip = ZipLabelTextBox.Text; addr2.DefaultBilling = false; addr2.DefaultShipping = false; addr2.DefaultAccount = true; addr2.DefaultDelivery = false; DataSet dsCount = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE country_name = '" + CountryLabel1RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text + "'"); addr2.Country = dsCount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_2_code"].ToString(); addr2.Residential = ResidentialCheckBox.Checked; addr2.Phone = PhoneLabelTextBox.Text; if (exTextBox.Text.Trim() != "") { addr2.Phone = PhoneLabelTextBox.Text + " x" + exTextBox.Text.Trim(); } List<NDAL.DataTypes.Address> addresses = new List<NDAL.DataTypes.Address>(); //addresses.Add(addr); addresses.Add(addr2); if (Session["UserID"] == null) { customer.Addresses = addresses; } else { for(int j=0;j<customer.Addresses.Count;j++) { if (customer.Addresses[j].DefaultAccount.Value) { customer.Addresses[j] = addr2; } } } // set a password for this customer customer.Password = PasswordTextBox.Text; // save dynamic fields object refCust = customer; SaveDynamicFields("1", ref refCust); customer = (Customer)refCust; // perform the update, sending back the complete customer object client.UpdateCustomer(customer); Session["HasUserBeenClicked"] = "true"; // get the customer again to verify password was set Customer getCustomer = client.GetCustomer(customerID); string custID = ""; //Sign the new user in bool isAuth = false; if (Session["UserID"] == null) isAuth = client.Authenticate(EmailTextBox.Text, PasswordTextBox.Text, out custID); else { if (EmailChanged) { isAuth = client.Authenticate(EmailTextBox.Text, PasswordTextBox.Text, out custID); } else { custID = Session["UserID"].ToString(); } } Session["UserID"] = custID; Session["UserType"] = getCustomer.CustomerType; Session["User"] = getCustomer.FirstName; Session["UserSalesRep"] = getCustomer.SalesRepID; string groups = ""; groups = "1"; UserTracking(); FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, EmailTextBox.Text.Trim(), DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60), false, groups); // Now encrypt the ticket. string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket); // Create a cookie and add the encrypted ticket to the // cookie as data. HttpCookie authCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encryptedTicket); // Add the cookie to the outgoing cookies collection. Response.Cookies.Add(authCookie); //} //catch (CommandErrorException ex) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Oh No! Code: {0} Message: {1}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message); //} //catch (TimeoutException ex) //{ // Console.WriteLine("WCF client network request timed out, message: {0}", ex.Message); //} //catch (CommunicationException ex) //{ // Console.WriteLine("WCF communication exception, message: {0}", ex.Message); //} Static1Messages.Text = ""; return true; } else { Static1Messages.Text = "A customer with this email address already exists."; return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.ToString().Contains("Existing Customer")) { Static1Messages.Text = "A customer with this email address already exists."; } else { ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString(); } return false; } }
protected void CreateOrder() { string sku = ""; try { HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---Create NDAL client object Begin------")); Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); client.MediatorLoggingLevel = Explore.NetSuite.JSONservice.MediatorLogLevels.Debug; HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---Create NDAL client object End------")); string userID = Session["UserID"].ToString(); SalesOrder order = new SalesOrder(); order.Customer = userID; HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---GetCustomer() Begin------")); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(userID); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---GetCustomer() End------")); //What are these? How do we know what to set these to? //order.BillTo = "375300"; //order.CreditCardSelect = "11"; //order.CSC = "319"; order.Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); order.DontReceiveBefore = DateTime.Today.AddDays(5).ToShortDateString(); order.GetAuthorization = true; //how would we know this? there's no place to set this in the wireframes. order.IncludesInstallation = false; order.InstallAddress = null; List<Address> addresses = cust.Addresses; Address shipToAddress = new Address(); for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++) { if (addresses[i].DefaultBilling.Value) order.BillTo = addresses[i].InternalID; if (addresses[i].DefaultShipping.Value) { order.ShipTo = addresses[i].InternalID; shipToAddress = addresses[i]; } if (addresses[i].DefaultDelivery.Value) order.DeliverTo = addresses[i].InternalID; //if (addresses[i].DefaultAccount.Value) //{ //} } //how do we know this? ** LST - This should default to the Tualatin Warehouse, denotes where the inventory will be deducted from. order.Location = Locations.TualatinWarehouse; //what do we do in case of PO? there's no choice for this. if (POPanel.Visible) { order.Terms = Terms.Net30; order.PurchaseOrder = PurchaseOrderLabelTextBox.Text.Trim(); } else { switch (CreditCard2TypeDropDown.SelectedItem.Value) { case "0": order.PaymentMethod = PaymentMethods.Discover; break; case "1": order.PaymentMethod = PaymentMethods.MasterCard; break; case "2": order.PaymentMethod = PaymentMethods.VISA; break; default: order.PaymentMethod = PaymentMethods.VISA; break; } order.CreditCardSelect = Session["CardToUser"].ToString(); //for (int i = 0; i < cust.CreditCards.Count; i++) //{ // if (cust.CreditCards[i].DefaultCreditCard.Value) // { // order.CreditCardSelect = cust.CreditCards[0].InternalID; // break; // } //} } string thecartID = Session["yourcart"].ToString(); //DataSet dsPromo = doQuery("SELECT * FROM CartPromos CP, NetSuitePromos NSP WHERE " + // "CP.CodeID=NSP.NetSuiteID AND CP.CartSession='" + thecartID + "'"); //if (dsPromo.Tables.Count > 0) // if (dsPromo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // { // order.PromotionCode = TheDiscountPercent.Text = dsPromo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NetSuiteID"].ToString(); // } order.GetAuthorization = false; order.Phone = cust.Phone; order.SalesRep = cust.SalesRepID; order.SchoolDistrict = userID; order.ShippingCost = ShippingUPSLabel.Text.Replace("$", "").Replace(",", ""); order.ShipVia = ShippingMethods.UPSGround; order.Type = SalesOrderType.Regular; //Don't pass in a taxrate as NetSuite code should be doing this. //Website code just displays the tax information. decimal taxableAmount = 0.00M; decimal taxAmount = 0.00M; HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---GetTax Begin------")); order.TaxRate = GetTax(shipToAddress, false, ref taxableAmount, ref taxAmount).ToString(); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---GetTax End------")); //Take care of the tax following bug 2180 in OA bug tracking system string state = doQuery("SELECT * FROM States WHERE state_name='" + shipToAddress.State + "'").Tables[0].Rows[0]["state_code"].ToString(); DataSet dsTax = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Taxables WHERE State='" + state + "'"); bool taxeable = false; string taxcode = ""; if (dsTax.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { taxeable = bool.Parse(dsTax.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Taxable"].ToString()); taxcode = dsTax.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Taxcode"].ToString(); order.Taxable = taxeable; order.TaxItem = TaxItems.AVATAX; } else { order.Taxable = false; order.TaxItem = TaxItems.NotTaxable; } //*****************Old transaction code*************************************** //create transaction items for each item in the cart ////test transaction //List<TransactionLineItem> transList = new List<TransactionLineItem>(); //decimal eduPrice = decimal.Parse("1119"); //TransactionLineItem transLine = new TransactionLineItem(); //transLine.Amount = (eduPrice * decimal.Parse("2")).ToString(); //or dvParents[0]["Price"].ToString() //transLine.Description = "Online order"; //transLine.DiscountPercent = "0%";//==================================TAKE CARE OF IT FROM DISCOUNT INFO //transLine.ItemID = "511";//=================================TAKE CARE OF IT WHEN PUSH SERVICE IS DONE //transLine.PriceLevel = PriceLevels.MSRP; //==============TAKE CARE OF IT WHEN KNOW THE ENUMERATION MAPPING //transLine.CommissionClass = Classes.Classroom; //need this to make it work: per bug 1504 ////how do we know the item type? //transLine.ItemType = "noninventoryitem"; //=======================CHANGE THIS TO GRAB FROM THE MemberItem table when get these synced up. ////will this always be only 'Standard' or 'Educational'? //transLine.Quantity = "2"; //transLine.Rate = "1119"; //transLine.Tax = "4.44";//=============================================TAKE CARE OF FROM AVATAX //transLine.UnitPrice = "1119"; ////how do we know the shippment location? ** LST - This should default to the Tualatin Warehouse, denotes where the inventory will be deducted from. //transLine.Location = Locations.TualatinWarehouse; //transList.Add(transLine); //*****************END OLD CODE************************************************ DataSet dsCartParent = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Cart C, NetSuiteProducts NSP WHERE " + "C.NID=NSP.NID AND isParent = 'True' AND CartSessionID='" + thecartID + "'"); DataSet dsProduct1 = doQuery("SELECT * FROM NetSuiteProducts WHERE NID='" + dsCartParent.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NID"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper()+"'"); DataSet dsCart = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Cart C WHERE C.CartSessionID='" + thecartID + "'"); DataSet dsCartNotParent = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Cart C, NetSuiteBoxes NSB WHERE " + "NSB.NID=C.SubProductID AND C.isParent='False' AND C.CartSessionID='" + thecartID + "' ORDER BY C.BoxID"); DataView dvParents = new DataView(doQuery("SELECT * FROM NetSuiteProducts").Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataSet dsProdCount = doQuery("SELECT DISTINCT ID, NID, Quantity, isParent, SubProductID, " + "ParentID FROM Cart WHERE CartSessionID='" + thecartID + "' AND isParent ='True'"); DataView dv = new DataView(dsCart.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataView dvSub = new DataView(dsCartNotParent.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); List<TransactionLineItem> transList = new List<TransactionLineItem>(); sku = ""; HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---GetTransactionLines Begin------")); GetTransactionLines(ref transList); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---GetTransactionLines End------")); order.TransactionLines = transList; HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---CreateOrder() Begin------")); CreateOrderResult orderResult = client.CreateOrder(order); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---CreateOrder() End------")); Session["OrderNumber"] = orderResult.OrderNumber.ToString(); Session["OrderStatus"] = orderResult.OrderStatus.ToString(); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---GetTax Begin------")); GetTax(shipToAddress, true, ref taxableAmount, ref taxAmount); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("FormPage_CreateOrder()", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "info", "SubmitLogin()", "---GetTax End------")); //IEnumerable<Transaction> trans = client.GetTransactions("211829", null, null); //} //catch (CommandErrorException ex) //{ // if (ex.ToString().Contains("An error occurred while processing your credit card")) // { // Static6Messages.Text = "There was an error processing your credit card. Please contact the merchant for further assistance."; // } // else // { // Static6Messages.Text = ex.ToString(); // } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // ErrorLabel.Text += ex.ToString() + sku; //} } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLabel.Text = "sku: " + sku + ex.ToString(); } }
protected void ContinueShipping(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Page.IsValid) { Session["FormClicked"] = true; bool isStateValid = false; if (StateLabel3RadComboBox.Visible) { if (StateLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedValue != "-1") isStateValid = true; } else { if (StateLabel3TextBox.Text.Trim() != "") isStateValid = true; } if (isStateValid) { if (Session["UserID"] != null) { Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL client = new Explore.NetSuite.DataAccess.NDAL(); Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); Address adr = new Address(); adr.DefaultShipping = true; adr.DefaultBilling = false; adr.DefaultDelivery = false; adr.DefaultAccount = false; Session["formpage"] = "4"; Session["ShippingNameLabel"] = CompanyLabel3TextBox.Text; ShippingNameLabel.Text = CompanyLabel3TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingCompanyLabel"] = AttentionLabel2TextBox.Text; ShippingCompanyLabel.Text = AttentionLabel2TextBox.Text; adr.CompanyName = CompanyLabel3TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingResidentialLabel"] = ResidentialCheckBox3.Checked; adr.Residential = ResidentialCheckBox3.Checked; ShippingStateLabel.Text = CityLabel3TextBox.Text; adr.City = CityLabel3TextBox.Text; string state = ""; if (StateLabel3RadComboBox.Visible) state = StateLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text; else state = StateLabel3TextBox.Text; ShippingStateLabel.Text += ", " + state + " " + ZipLabel3TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingStateLabel"] = state; adr.State = state; Session["ShippingPhoneLabel"] = PhoneLabel3TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingEx"] = ex3TextBox.Text; ShippingPhoneLabel.Text = PhoneLabel3TextBox.Text; adr.Phone = PhoneLabel3TextBox.Text; if (ex3TextBox.Text.Trim() != "") { ShippingPhoneLabel.Text = ShippingPhoneLabel.Text + " x" + ex3TextBox.Text; adr.Phone = adr.Phone + " x" + ex3TextBox.Text; } Session["ShippingCityLabel"] = CityLabel3TextBox.Text; adr.City = CityLabel3TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingAttentionLabel"] = AttentionLabel2TextBox.Text; adr.Attention = AttentionLabel2TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingAddress2Label"] = Address2Label3TextBox.Text; adr.Address2 = Address2Label3TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingAddressLabel"] = Address1Label3TextBox.Text; adr.Address1 = Address1Label3TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingZipLabel"] = ZipLabel3TextBox.Text; adr.Zip = ZipLabel3TextBox.Text; Session["ShippingCountryLabel"] = CountryLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedValue; DataSet dsCount = doQuery("SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE country_name = '" + CountryLabel3RadComboBox.SelectedItem.Text + "'"); adr.Country = dsCount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_2_code"].ToString(); object refAdrs = (object)adr; SaveDynamicFields("3", ref refAdrs); adr = (Address)refAdrs; UpdateAddress(adr, ref cust, AddressTypes.Shipping); client.UpdateCustomer(cust); cust = client.GetCustomer(Session["UserID"].ToString()); FillDelivery(); if (Session["EditShippingClicked"] != null) if (bool.Parse(Session["EditShippingClicked"].ToString())) { Session["EditShippingClicked"] = "false"; GoToForm(6, 3); SetBoxes(); BuildIt(client, cust); } else GoToForm(4, 3); else GoToForm(4, 3); } } else { ErrorLabelShipping.Text = "State is required"; } } else { ErrorLabel.Text = "page is not valid"; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString(); } }