public void SetWantedOutputContext(GraphEditor editor, Socket socket) { context = socket; contextWantsInput = false; contextWantsType = socket.GetSocketType(editor.Graph); }
private bool DrawNodeResults (GraphEditor editor, string newSearchStr, bool keysUsed) { if (searchStr != newSearchStr || justOpened) { justOpened = false; if (searchJob != null) { searchJob.IsRunning = false; } // Define variables for capture var contextType = this.contextWantsType; var contextIsInput = this.contextWantsInput; var newResults = new SyncList <SearchResult>(); results = newResults; // Perform search searchJob = new Job((job) => { var scores = new List <int>(); int timeout = 0; int n = 0; while (job.IsRunning) { // Check if the search items have changed (and restart // the search if so) if (n > policy.SearchItems.Count) { scores.Clear(); newResults.Clear(); n = 0; } // Get the next item, if available if (n == policy.SearchItems.Count) { if (timeout > 0) { break; } timeout++; Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } timeout = 0; var item = policy.SearchItems[n++]; if (contextType != null) { if (!item.MatchesContext(contextIsInput, contextType)) { continue; } } // Score the item and insert it var score = FuzzySearch(newSearchStr, item.Label); if (score == int.MinValue) { continue; } int i = 0; for (; i < scores.Count; ++i) { if (score > scores[i] || (score == scores[i] && item.Label.Length < newResults[i].Label.Length) ) { scores.Insert(i, score); newResults.Insert(i, item); break; } } if (i == scores.Count) { scores.Add(score); newResults.Add(item); } } }).Start(); } searchStr = newSearchStr; // Update the count if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint && Event.current.type != EventType.ExecuteCommand) { resultCount = results == null ? 0 : results.Count; } selected = Mathf.Clamp(selected, 0, resultCount - 1); if (keysUsed) { if (selected > Mathf.FloorToInt(scrollPos) + 11) { scrollPos = selected - 11; } else if (selected < scrollPos) { scrollPos = selected; } } scrollPos = Mathf.Clamp(scrollPos, 0, Mathf.Max(0, resultCount - 12)); XGUI.ResetToStyle(null); XGUI.BeginHorizontal(); XGUI.BeginVertical(); // Show results int index = Mathf.Clamp((int)scrollPos, 0, resultCount); bool hoveringOnResult = false; for (int i = index; i < Mathf.Min(index + 12, resultCount); ++i) { var result = results[i]; XGUI.ResetToStyle(; if (i == selected) { XGUI.Normal.background = GetHighlightTex(); } XGUI.BeginHorizontal(); XGUI.ResetToStyle(; if (i == selected) { XGUI.Normal.textColor = Color.white; } XGUI.RichText = true; XGUI.Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; var score = "" + FuzzySearch(searchStr, result.Label); var highlight = FuzzyHighlight(searchStr, result.Label); XGUI.Label(score, XGUI.Width(30)); XGUI.Label(highlight, XGUI.ExpandWidth(true)); XGUI.EndHorizontal(); var lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (lastRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove) { selected = i; Event.current.Use(); } hoveringOnResult = selected == i; } } // No results if (resultCount == 0) { XGUI.ResetToStyle(; XGUI.Alignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; XGUI.Enabled = false; XGUI.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic; XGUI.Label("No results", XGUI.MaxHeight(30)); } XGUI.EndVertical(); scrollPos = GUILayout.VerticalScrollbar (scrollPos, Mathf.Min(resultCount, 12), 0, Mathf.Max(resultCount, 12), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); XGUI.EndHorizontal(); switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.ScrollWheel: scrollPos +=; Event.current.Use(); break; // Detect key events in the search field case EventType.Used: switch (Event.current.keyCode) { case KeyCode.KeypadEnter: case KeyCode.Return: SelectResult(editor, selected); Close(); break; } break; } return(hoveringOnResult); }
private void DrawVariableResults(GraphEditor editor) { var variables = editor.Graph.Variables; if (variables.AsList().Count == 0) { XGUI.ResetToStyle(; XGUI.Alignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; XGUI.Enabled = false; XGUI.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic; XGUI.Label("No variables", XGUI.MaxHeight(30)); } else { varScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(varScrollPos); foreach (var variable in variables) { XGUI.ResetToStyle(null); XGUI.BeginHorizontal(); XGUI.ResetToStyle(; if (XGUI.Button("Get", XGUI.Width(40))) { var node = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <DynamicNode>(); = "Get"; node.AddOutputSocket(new DynamicSocket( variable.Name, variable.Value.Type, variable.Name)); node.AddEvalInvoke(new EvalInvoke( variable.Name, variable.Name, variable.Name, InvokeType.GetVar)); editor.AddNode(node, spawnPosition); } if (XGUI.Button("Set", XGUI.Width(40))) { var node = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <DynamicNode>(); = "Set"; node.SetInputWidth(60); node.AddInputSocket(new DynamicSocket( "Exec", typeof(ExecType), "execIn")); node.AddInputSocket(new DynamicSocket( "Value", variable.Value.Type, "value", SocketFlags.Editable)); node.AddOutputSocket(new DynamicSocket( "Exec", typeof(ExecType), "execOut")); node.AddOutputSocket(new DynamicSocket( variable.Name, variable.Value.Type, variable.Name)); node.AddExecInvoke(new ExecInvoke( "execIn", "execOut", "newValue", variable.Name, variable.Name, InvokeType.SetVar)); editor.AddNode(node, spawnPosition); } XGUI.ResetToStyle(; XGUI.Label(variable.Name); XGUI.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } }
public void OnGUI(GraphEditor editor) { if (editor.Target != this) { Close(); return; } if (!isOpen) { return; } GUI.enabled = true; var rect = new Rect(); rect.size = size; = position + new Vector2(0, rect.size.y / 2); XGUI.ResetToStyle(; XGUI.Normal.background = GraphEditor.boxTexture; XGUI.Box(rect); rect.position += * SEARCH_PADDING; rect.size -= * SEARCH_PADDING * 2; XGUI.ResetToStyle(null); XGUI.BeginArea(rect); XGUI.BeginVertical(); if (XEvent.IsKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { Close(); XEvent.Use(); } // Search bar XGUI.BeginHorizontal(); XGUI.ResetToStyle(; var buttonString = searchNodes ? "Nodes" : "Variables"; if (XGUI.Button(buttonString, XGUI.Width(70))) { searchNodes = !searchNodes; } bool keysUsed = false; var newSearchStr = searchStr; if (searchNodes) { // Detect key events before the text field switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.KeyDown: switch (Event.current.keyCode) { case KeyCode.UpArrow: selected--; Event.current.Use(); break; case KeyCode.DownArrow: selected++; Event.current.Use(); break; case KeyCode.Home: selected = 0; Event.current.Use(); break; case KeyCode.End: selected = int.MaxValue; Event.current.Use(); break; case KeyCode.PageUp: selected -= 11; Event.current.Use(); break; case KeyCode.PageDown: selected += 11; Event.current.Use(); break; } keysUsed = Event.current.type == EventType.Used; break; } XGUI.ResetToStyle(; GUI.SetNextControlName("search_field"); newSearchStr = XGUI.TextField(searchStr); GUI.FocusControl("search_field"); var countStr = "" + resultCount; if (searchJob != null && searchJob.IsRunning) { countStr += "..."; } GUILayout.Label(countStr, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); var hoveringOnResult = false; if (searchNodes) { hoveringOnResult = DrawNodeResults(editor, newSearchStr, keysUsed); } else { DrawVariableResults(editor); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndArea(); switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (hoveringOnResult) { SelectResult(editor, selected); Close(); } else if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { editor.Target = this; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { editor.Target = this; Event.current.Use(); } break; } }
public static void DrawSocket (GraphEditor editor, Node node, Socket socket, Rect rect) { var graph = editor.Graph; GUI.Box(rect, GUIContent.none); editor.rectCache[socket] = rect; switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { editor.Target = socket; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (!(editor.Target is Socket)) { break; } if (!rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { break; } var otherSocket = (Socket)editor.Target; if (socket.Equals(otherSocket)) { editor.Target = null; break; } if (socket.NodeID == otherSocket.NodeID) { editor.Target = null; break; } if (socket.IsInput(graph) == otherSocket.IsInput(graph)) { editor.Target = null; break; } if (socket.GetSocketType(graph) != otherSocket.GetSocketType(graph)) { if (!socket.GetSocketType(graph) .IsAssignableFrom(otherSocket.GetSocketType(graph))) { editor.Target = null; break; } } // Record to graph Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(graph, string.Format("Link {0} and {1}", socket, otherSocket ) ); if (!socket.AllowsMultipleLinks(graph)) { graph.Links.RemoveAllWith(socket); } if (!otherSocket.AllowsMultipleLinks(graph)) { graph.Links.RemoveAllWith(otherSocket); } graph.Links.Add(graph, socket, otherSocket); editor.Target = null; GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); break; } }
public static void DrawSocket (GraphEditor editor, Node node, Socket socket, Rect rect) { editor.rectCache[socket] = rect; var socketType = socket.GetSocketType(editor.Graph); var color = GraphEditor.Skin.objectSocketColor; var style = GraphEditor.Skin.paramSocketStyle; if (socketType == typeof(ExecType)) { color = GraphEditor.Skin.execSocketColor; style = GraphEditor.Skin.execSocketStyle; } else if (socketType.IsPrimitive) { color = GraphEditor.Skin.primitiveSocketColor; } var on = editor.Graph.Links.IsSocketLinkedTo(socket) || editor.Graph.Links.IsSocketLinkedFrom(socket); XGUI.ResetToStyle(null); XGUI.Normal.background = on ? style.onSocketTexture : style.offSocketTexture; XGUI.Color = on ? color : GraphEditor.Skin.TintColor(color, GraphEditor.Skin.offSocketTint); XGUI.Color = ! ? XGUI.Color : GraphEditor.Skin.TintColor(XGUI.Color, GraphEditor.Skin.disabledSocketTint); XGUI.Box(rect); if (!GUI.enabled) { return; } switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (Event.current.control) { editor.Graph.Links.RemoveAllWith(socket); } else { editor.Target = socket; } Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (!(editor.Target is Socket)) { break; } if (!rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { break; } var otherSocket = (Socket)editor.Target; if (socket.Equals(otherSocket)) { editor.Target = null; break; } if (socket.NodeID == otherSocket.NodeID) { editor.Target = null; break; } var graph = editor.Graph; if (socket.IsInput(graph) == otherSocket.IsInput(graph)) { editor.Target = null; break; } if (socket.GetSocketType(graph) != otherSocket.GetSocketType(graph)) { if (!socket.GetSocketType(graph) .IsAssignableFrom(otherSocket.GetSocketType(graph))) { editor.Target = null; break; } } // Record to graph Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(graph, string.Format("Link {0} and {1}", socket, otherSocket ) ); if (!socket.GetFlags(graph).AllowMultipleLinks()) { graph.Links.RemoveAllWith(socket); } if (!otherSocket.GetFlags(graph).AllowMultipleLinks()) { graph.Links.RemoveAllWith(otherSocket); } graph.Links.Add(graph, socket, otherSocket); editor.Target = null; GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); break; } }