コード例 #1
        public string Parse(string destinationPattern, string destinationPath, MetaData meta)
            int index;
            if (!indexes.TryGetValue(meta, out index))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Meta data hasn't been preloaded");

            string[] pattern = destinationPattern.Split(new char[] { '/', '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            string subPath = String.Empty;
            foreach (string subPattern in pattern)
                Dictionary<string, string> replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                // Gather replacements
                string regex = @"(?<!%)%[a-zA-Z]";
                foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(subPattern, regex))
                    if (replacements.ContainsKey(match.Value))

                    string replacement = GetPatternReplacement(meta, index, match.Value);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(replacement))

                    replacements[match.Value] = replacement;

                // Perform replacement
                string temp = subPattern;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in replacements)
                    temp = Regex.Replace(temp, @"(?<!%)" + kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                temp = temp.Replace("%%", "%"); // Remove escape character

                if (Regex.IsMatch(temp, "^" + regex + "$"))
                    continue; // Pattern matched but not replaced: skip in path

                temp = temp.ReplaceInvalidPathChars();
                subPath = Path.Combine(subPath, temp);

            destinationPath = destinationPath.ReplaceInvalidPathChars();
            return Path.Combine(destinationPath, subPath);
コード例 #2
ファイル: MediaOrganizer.cs プロジェクト: RiJo/ExifOrganizer
        private string CalculateDestinationPath(PatternPathParser parser, string destinationPath, MetaData meta)
            string destinationPattern = null;
            switch (meta.Type)
                case MetaType.Image:
                    destinationPattern = DestinationPatternImage;
                case MetaType.Video:
                    destinationPattern = DestinationPatternVideo;
                case MetaType.Music:
                    destinationPattern = DestinationPatternAudio;
                    throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Meta media type not supported: {0}", meta.Type));

            return parser.Parse(destinationPattern, destinationPath, meta);
コード例 #3
        private string GetPatternReplacement(MetaData meta, int index, string subpattern)
            GroupType groupType;
            if (!organizeGroups.TryGetValue(subpattern, out groupType))
                throw new MediaOrganizerException("Unhandled pattern item: {0}", subpattern);

            switch (groupType)
                case GroupType.Index:
                        return index.ToString();

                case GroupType.Year:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.Timestamp, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.Timestamp, groupType);

                        DateTime datetime = (DateTime)temp;
                        return datetime.Year.ToString();

                case GroupType.MonthNumber:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.Timestamp, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.Timestamp, groupType);

                        DateTime datetime = (DateTime)temp;

                        DateTimeFormatInfo dateinfo = locale.DateTimeFormat;
                        return datetime.Month.ToString("D2");

                case GroupType.MonthName:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.Timestamp, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.Timestamp, groupType);

                        DateTime datetime = (DateTime)temp;

                        DateTimeFormatInfo dateinfo = locale.DateTimeFormat;
                        return dateinfo.MonthNames[datetime.Month - 1].UppercaseFirst();

                case GroupType.DayNumber:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.Timestamp, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.Timestamp, groupType);

                        DateTime datetime = (DateTime)temp;

                        DateTimeFormatInfo dateinfo = locale.DateTimeFormat;
                        return datetime.Day.ToString();

                case GroupType.DayName:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.Timestamp, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.Timestamp, groupType);

                        DateTime datetime = (DateTime)temp;

                        DateTimeFormatInfo dateinfo = locale.DateTimeFormat;
                        return dateinfo.DayNames[datetime.Day - 1].UppercaseFirst();

                case GroupType.FileName:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.FileName, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.FileName, groupType);

                        return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension((string)temp);

                case GroupType.OriginalName:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.OriginalName, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.OriginalName, groupType);

                        return Path.GetFileName((string)temp);

                case GroupType.FileExtension:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.FileName, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.FileName, groupType);

                        return Path.GetExtension((string)temp).Substring(1);

                case GroupType.Tags:
                        //object temp;
                        //if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.Tags, out temp))
                        //    throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.Tags, groupType);

                        //string[] tags = temp as string[];
                        //if (tags == null || tags.Length == 0)
                        //    return null;

                        //string tag = String.Join(", ", tags);
                        string tag;
                        if (!tags.TryGetValue(index, out tag))
                            return null;

                        return tag;

                case GroupType.Camera:
                        object temp;
                        if (!meta.Data.TryGetValue(MetaKey.Camera, out temp))
                            throw new MediaOrganizerException("Failed to retrieve key '{0}' from meta data to parse group type '{1}'", MetaKey.Camera, groupType);

                        return (string)temp;

                    throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("GroupType: {0}", groupType));
コード例 #4
ファイル: MediaOrganizer.cs プロジェクト: RiJo/ExifOrganizer
        private CopyItem ParseItem(PatternPathParser parser, string destinationPath, MetaData meta)
            string sourcePath = meta.Path;

            CopyItem item = new CopyItem();
            item.sourceInfo = new FileInfo(sourcePath);
            item.sourcePath = sourcePath;
            item.destinationPath = CalculateDestinationPath(parser, destinationPath, meta);
            item.meta = meta.Data;
            return item;