static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 4) { Console.WriteLine("This application must be passed 4 arguments:"); Console.WriteLine(" <username> - The username of the user requesting a calendar. (E.g. abc1d23)."); Console.WriteLine(" <password> - The pass word of the user requesting a calendar."); Console.WriteLine(" <calendar> - The name of the calendar. (E.g. building 32 room 4049 would be b32r4049)."); Console.WriteLine(" <writefile> - The file to write the iCal for the calendar to. (E.g. C:\\Users\\User\\b32r4049.ics or Windows or /home/user/b32r4049.ics on Linux).\n"); Environment.Exit(1); } // Configure filtering options FilterSetting FilterOptions = new FilterSetting(); FilterOptions.SearchStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30); FilterOptions.SearchEndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(90); // Establish web service session ExchangeService WebService = ExchangeWebServiceWrapper.GetWebServiceInstance(args[0], args[1], "SOTON"); // Retrieve calendar folder Console.WriteLine("Getting calendar..."); Mailbox mailbox = new Mailbox(args[2] + ""); FolderId id = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, mailbox); CalendarFolder Calendar = CalendarFolder.Bind(WebService, id); if (Calendar == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find calendar folder."); } // Retrieve appointments Console.WriteLine("Getting appointments..."); FindItemsResults <Appointment> Appointments = Calendar.FindAppointments(new CalendarView(FilterOptions.SearchStartDate, FilterOptions.SearchEndDate)); iCalWrapper iCal = new iCalWrapper(); iCal.AddEventsToCalendar(Appointments, FilterOptions); // Write iCal file to disk Console.WriteLine("Writing to file " + args[3] + "..."); iCal.GenerateFile(args[3]); Console.WriteLine("Done"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string PublicFolderPath = @"Professional Services\iSolutions\ITIL Processes\Change\Forward Schedule of Change"; FilterSetting FilterOptions = new FilterSetting(); // TODO : Read in the following as arugments //FilterOptions.SubjectFilter = "(iss-)|(Migrations)"; FilterOptions.SubjectFilter = "(Building|Bld|Bldg) [0-9][0-9]"; //string[] CategoryFilter = { "DBA", "EST", "DST" }; //FilterOptions.CategoryFilter = CategoryFilter; FilterOptions.SearchStartDate = DateTime.Now; FilterOptions.SearchEndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10); // Initialise web service instance. // NOTE: This is an overloaded method - alternate versions take credentials/username+password - switch out if needed ExchangeService WebService = ExchangeWebServiceWrapper.GetWebServiceInstance(); // Retrieve calendar folder Console.WriteLine("Getting calendar..."); CalendarFolder Calendar = ExchangeWebServiceWrapper.GetCalendarFolder(WebService, PublicFolderPath); if (Calendar == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find calendar folder."); } // Retrieve appointments Console.WriteLine("Getting appointments..."); FindItemsResults<Appointment> Appointments = Calendar.FindAppointments(new CalendarView(FilterOptions.SearchStartDate, FilterOptions.SearchEndDate)); iCalWrapper iCal = new iCalWrapper(); iCal.AddEventsToCalendar(Appointments, FilterOptions); Console.WriteLine(iCal.GenerateString()); Console.WriteLine("\n\nDone"); Console.ReadLine(); }