コード例 #1
 // A helper method to copy/update a ExchangeSnapshot with no reference to the old one
 private ExchangeSnapshot UpdateExchangeSnapshot(ExchangeSnapshot e, int s)
     return(new ExchangeSnapshot
         MarketId = e.MarketId,
         MarketOffDatetime = e.MarketOffDatetime,
         SnapshotDatetime = e.MarketOffDatetime.AddSeconds(-s),
         SecondsBeforeOff = s,
         SelectionId = e.SelectionId,
         SelectionName = e.SelectionName,
         Back3 = e.Back3,
         Back3Vol = e.Back3Vol,
         Back2 = e.Back2,
         Back2Vol = e.Back2Vol,
         Back = e.Back,
         BackVol = e.BackVol,
         Lay = e.Lay,
         LayVol = e.LayVol,
         Lay2 = e.Lay2,
         Lay2Vol = e.Lay2Vol,
         Lay3 = e.Lay3,
         Lay3Vol = e.Lay3Vol,
         Trade = e.Trade,
         LastTradedPrice = e.LastTradedPrice,
         CumulTradedVolSelection = e.CumulTradedVolSelection,
         CumulTradedVolMarket = e.CumulTradedVolMarket,
         BecomesNonRunner = e.BecomesNonRunner,
         ReductionFactorToApply = e.ReductionFactorToApply,
         Midpoint = e.Midpoint,
         WeightedAverage = e.WeightedAverage
コード例 #2
        private void ParsePriceHistory()
            // Get all selection ids in the market
            var selectionIds = ExchangeMarket.GetSelectionIds();

            // Get a dictionary of selection ids => selection names
            var selectionNamesDict = ExchangeMarket.GetSelectionIdsAndNames();

            // Create dictionary of selection ids => array row index
            var selIndex = selectionIds.Select((s, i) => new { s, i }).ToDictionary(x => x.s, x => x.i);

            // Create a matrix of zeroes to store the latest state for each selection
            // Column 0 => Back3
            // Column 1 => Back3Vol
            // Column 2 => Back2
            // Column 3 => Back2Vol
            // Column 4 => Back
            // Column 5 => BackVol
            // Column 6 => Lay
            // Column 7 => LayVol
            // Column 8 => Lay2
            // Column 9 => Lay2Vol
            // Column 10 => Lay3
            // Column 11 => Lay3Vol
            // Column 12 => LastTradedPrice
            // Column 13 => CumulTradedVolSelection
            // Column 14 => CumulTradedVolMarket
            // Column 15 => BecomesNonRunner
            // Column 16 => IsNonRunner
            // Column 17 => ReductionFactorToApply - needed?
            var latestState = new double[selIndex.Count(), 18];

            for (int i = 0; i < latestState.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < latestState.GetLength(1); j++)
                    latestState[i, j] = 0;

            // Get the timestamps and reduction factors for when any non-runners were removed from the market
            var nonRunnerRemovalInfo = ExchangeMarket.GetNonRunnerRemovalInfo();

            // Initialise BecomesNonRunner
            foreach (var nr in nonRunnerRemovalInfo)
                latestState[selIndex[nr.Key], 15] = 1;

            // ReductionFactorToApply
            var cumulReductionFactors = new List <Tuple <DateTime, DateTime, double> >();

            if (nonRunnerRemovalInfo.Any())
                // Get the market opening time
                var startTime = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(JsonObjects.OrderBy(j => j.pt).First().pt) / 1000, 0))).UtcDateTime;

                // Get the distinct timestamps of non-runner removals, in case more than one NR at the same time
                var distinctNRTimes = nonRunnerRemovalInfo.Values.Select(v => v.Item1).Distinct().OrderBy(t => t);

                // At each non-runner removal time, calculate the cumulative reduction factor to that point
                foreach (var nrTime in distinctNRTimes)
                    var cumulReducFac = 1 - nonRunnerRemovalInfo
                                        .Where(n => n.Value.Item1 >= nrTime && n.Value.Item2 > ReductionFactorThreshold)
                                        .Select(n => n.Value.Item2)
                                        .Aggregate(1.0, (x, y) => x * (1 - y));
                    var tup = new Tuple <DateTime, DateTime, double>(startTime, nrTime, cumulReducFac);
                    startTime = tup.Item2;

            // Find the actual off time
            var marketOffTime = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(JsonObjects.OrderByDescending(j => j.pt).First().pt / 1000.0))).UtcDateTime;

            // Define a list of ints representing the timepoints (in seconds) to filter
            var filteredTimepoints = new List <int>();

            #region Definte snapshot timepoints
            for (int i = 86400; i > 21600; i -= 3600)
            for (int i = 21600; i > 10800; i -= 900)
            for (int i = 10800; i > 3600; i -= 300)
            for (int i = 3600; i > 900; i -= 10)
            for (int i = 900; i >= 0; i--)

            filteredTimepoints = filteredTimepoints.OrderByDescending(s => s).ToList();

            // Keep track of the latest snapshots
            var prevSnapshots = new Dictionary <long, ExchangeSnapshot>();

            // Loop through each line of json (except the last where it turns in-play)
            foreach (var obj in JsonObjects.OrderBy(j => j.pt).Take(JsonObjects.Count() - 1))
                // Timestamp
                var snapshotTime     = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(obj.pt) / 1000, 0))).UtcDateTime;
                var secondsBeforeOff = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(marketOffTime.Subtract(snapshotTime).TotalSeconds));

                // Have we crossed over a required timepoint?
                while (filteredTimepoints.Any() && secondsBeforeOff < filteredTimepoints[0] && prevSnapshots != null)
                    var nextFilteredTimepoint = filteredTimepoints[0];

                    // Ensure we didn't just get them in the last loop
                    if (prevSnapshots.All(s => s.Value.SecondsBeforeOff > nextFilteredTimepoint))
                        // Create new intermediate snapshots
                        var intermediateSnapshots = prevSnapshots;
                        foreach (var inter in intermediateSnapshots.ToList())
                            var updatedSnapshot = UpdateExchangeSnapshot(inter.Value, nextFilteredTimepoint);
                            prevSnapshots[inter.Key] = updatedSnapshot;

                // Market id
                var mktId = Convert.ToInt64(obj.mc.Select(m => m.id).First().Split('.')[1]);

                // Traded volume on market
                var mktTv      = 0.0;
                var mktsWithTv = obj.mc.Where(m => m.tv > 0);
                if (mktsWithTv.Any())
                    mktTv = mktsWithTv.OrderByDescending(m => m.tv).FirstOrDefault().tv;

                // Extract a list of the pricing details
                var rc = obj.mc.SelectMany(m => m.rc).ToList();

                // Loop through each selection and create an ExchangeSnapshot for each
                foreach (var selId in selectionIds)
                    // Don't proceed for non-runners
                    if (latestState[selIndex[selId], 16] == 1)

                    // Check if selection has become a non-runner at this timepoint
                    if (nonRunnerRemovalInfo.ContainsKey(selId) && nonRunnerRemovalInfo[selId].Item1 <= snapshotTime)
                        latestState[selIndex[selId], 16] = 1;

                    // Start creating the Exchange Snapshot for this selection at this timepoint
                    var exchangeSnapshot = new ExchangeSnapshot()
                        MarketId          = mktId,
                        MarketOffDatetime = marketOffTime,
                        SnapshotDatetime  = snapshotTime,
                        SecondsBeforeOff  = secondsBeforeOff,
                        SelectionId       = selId,
                        SelectionName     = selectionNamesDict[selId],
                        BecomesNonRunner  = latestState[selIndex[selId], 15] == 1

                    // Find the corresponding rcSel if it exists
                    var rcSel = rc.Where(r => r.id == selId).LastOrDefault();

                    if (rcSel != null)
                        // Assign the back prices and volumes if any
                        if (rcSel.batb != null)
                            foreach (var back in rcSel.batb)
                                if (back[0] == 0)
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Back              = back[1];
                                    exchangeSnapshot.BackVol           = back[2];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 4] = back[1];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 5] = back[2];
                                if (back[0] == 1)
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Back2             = back[1];
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Back2Vol          = back[2];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 2] = back[1];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 3] = back[2];
                                if (back[0] == 2)
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Back3             = back[1];
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Back3Vol          = back[2];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 0] = back[1];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 1] = back[2];

                        // Assign the lay prices and volumes if any
                        if (rcSel.batl != null)
                            foreach (var lay in rcSel.batl)
                                if (lay[0] == 0)
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Lay               = lay[1];
                                    exchangeSnapshot.LayVol            = lay[2];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 6] = lay[1];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 7] = lay[2];
                                if (lay[0] == 1)
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Lay2              = lay[1];
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Lay2Vol           = lay[2];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 8] = lay[1];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 9] = lay[2];
                                if (lay[0] == 2)
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Lay3               = lay[1];
                                    exchangeSnapshot.Lay3Vol            = lay[2];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 10] = lay[1];
                                    latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 11] = lay[2];

                        // Was there a trade on this selection at this timepoint?
                        // Will default to false anyway, so no need to store latest state
                        if (rcSel.trd != null)
                            exchangeSnapshot.Trade = true;

                        // Assign last traded price
                        if (rcSel.ltp > 0)
                            exchangeSnapshot.LastTradedPrice    = rcSel.ltp;
                            latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 12] = rcSel.ltp;

                        // Cumulative traded volume on this selection
                        exchangeSnapshot.CumulTradedVolSelection = rcSel.tv;
                        latestState[selIndex[rcSel.id], 13]      = rcSel.tv;

                    // Fill in blank prices from earlier price histories
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.Back == 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.Back    = latestState[selIndex[selId], 4];
                        exchangeSnapshot.BackVol = latestState[selIndex[selId], 5];
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.Back2 == 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.Back2    = latestState[selIndex[selId], 2];
                        exchangeSnapshot.Back2Vol = latestState[selIndex[selId], 3];
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.Back3 == 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.Back3    = latestState[selIndex[selId], 0];
                        exchangeSnapshot.Back3Vol = latestState[selIndex[selId], 1];
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.Lay == 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.Lay    = latestState[selIndex[selId], 6];
                        exchangeSnapshot.LayVol = latestState[selIndex[selId], 7];
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.Lay2 == 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.Lay2    = latestState[selIndex[selId], 8];
                        exchangeSnapshot.Lay2Vol = latestState[selIndex[selId], 9];
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.Lay3 == 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.Lay3    = latestState[selIndex[selId], 10];
                        exchangeSnapshot.Lay3Vol = latestState[selIndex[selId], 11];

                    // Fill in blanks for last traded price
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.LastTradedPrice == 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.LastTradedPrice = latestState[selIndex[selId], 12];

                    // Fill in blank cumulative traded volume for each selection
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.CumulTradedVolSelection == 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.CumulTradedVolSelection = latestState[selIndex[selId], 13];

                    // Cumulative traded volume on this market
                    if (mktTv > 0)
                        exchangeSnapshot.CumulTradedVolMarket = mktTv;
                        latestState[selIndex[selId], 14]      = mktTv;
                        exchangeSnapshot.CumulTradedVolMarket = latestState[selIndex[selId], 14];

                    // Reduction factor to apply
                    if (latestState[selIndex[selId], 15] == 0)
                        foreach (var rf in cumulReductionFactors)
                            if (exchangeSnapshot.SnapshotDatetime >= rf.Item1 && exchangeSnapshot.SnapshotDatetime < rf.Item2)
                                exchangeSnapshot.ReductionFactorToApply = rf.Item3;

                    // Midpoint
                    if (exchangeSnapshot.Back > 1 && exchangeSnapshot.Lay > 1)
                        //exchangeSnapshot.Midpoint = (exchangeSnapshot.Back + exchangeSnapshot.Lay) / 2;
                        // Midpoint of the probabilities
                        exchangeSnapshot.Midpoint = 2 * exchangeSnapshot.Back * exchangeSnapshot.Lay / (exchangeSnapshot.Back + exchangeSnapshot.Lay);

                        // Weighted average
                        if (exchangeSnapshot.BackVol + exchangeSnapshot.LayVol > 0)
                            var backVolRisked = exchangeSnapshot.BackVol * (exchangeSnapshot.Back - 1);
                            exchangeSnapshot.WeightedAverage =
                                ((exchangeSnapshot.Back * backVolRisked) + (exchangeSnapshot.Lay * exchangeSnapshot.LayVol))
                                / (backVolRisked + exchangeSnapshot.LayVol);

                    // Add this snapshot to our list

                    // Add it to the filtered list if the snapshot is at an exact required timepoint
                    if (filteredTimepoints.Any() && exchangeSnapshot.SecondsBeforeOff == filteredTimepoints[0])

                    // Update the value for the latest snapshot
                    prevSnapshots[exchangeSnapshot.SelectionId] = exchangeSnapshot;

            // Are there any filtered timepoints left over?
            if (filteredTimepoints.Any() && filteredTimepoints.Min() < prevSnapshots.Values.Min(s => s.SecondsBeforeOff))
                filteredTimepoints = filteredTimepoints.Where(t => t < prevSnapshots.Values.Min(s => s.SecondsBeforeOff)).ToList();

                // Fill them in
                foreach (var leftoverTimepoint in filteredTimepoints.ToList())
                    foreach (var leftover in prevSnapshots)
                        var updatedSnapshot = UpdateExchangeSnapshot(leftover.Value, leftoverTimepoint);

            // Add any details back to the market class here?