public static CryptsyOrder ReadFromJObject(JObject o, Int64 marketId = -1, CryptsyOrderType orderType = CryptsyOrderType.Na) { if (o == null) { return(null); } var order = new CryptsyOrder { Price = o.Value <decimal>("price"), Quantity = o.Value <decimal>("quantity"), Total = o.Value <decimal>("total"), OriginalQuantity = o.Value <decimal?>("orig_quantity") ?? -1, MarketId = o.Value <Int64?>("marketid") ?? marketId, //If ordertype is present, use it, if not: use the ordertype passed to the method OrderType = o.Value <string>("ordertype") == null ? orderType : (o.Value <string>("ordertype").ToLower() == "buy" ? CryptsyOrderType.Buy : CryptsyOrderType.Sell), CreatedUtc = o.Value <DateTime?>("created") }; if (order.CreatedUtc != null) { order.CreatedUtc = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime((DateTime)order.CreatedUtc, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"), TimeZoneInfo.Utc); //Convert to UTC } return(order); }
public static CryptsyOrderBook ReadFromJObject(JObject o, Int64 marketId) { var ob = new CryptsyOrderBook(); foreach (var order in o["sellorders"]) { ob.SellOrders.Add(CryptsyOrder.ReadFromJObject(order as JObject, marketId, CryptsyOrderType.Sell)); } foreach (var order in o["buyorders"]) { ob.BuyOrders.Add(CryptsyOrder.ReadFromJObject(order as JObject, marketId, CryptsyOrderType.Buy)); } return(ob); }