/* * You shouldn’t throw exceptions when dealing with expected situations. * * Exception handling changes the normal expected flow of your program. * This makes it harder to read and maintain code that uses exceptions, * especially when they are used in normal situations. * * Using exceptions also incurs a slight performance hit. * Because the runtime has to search all outer catch blocks until it finds a matching block, * and when it doesn’t, has to look if a debugger is attached, it takes slightly more time to handle. * When a real unexpected situation occurs that will terminate the application, this won’t be a problem. * But for regular program flow, it should be avoided. * Instead you should have proper validation and not rely solely on exceptions. * * ■ In the .NET Framework, you should use exceptions to report errors instead of error codes. * ■■ Exceptions are objects that contain data about the reason for the exception. * ■■ You can use a try block with one or more catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions. * ■■ You can use a finally block to specify code that should always run after, whether or not an exception occurred. * ■■ You can use the throw keyword to raise an exception. * ■■ You can define your own custom exceptions when you are sure that users of your code will handle it in a different way. * Otherwise, you should use the standard .NET Framework exceptions. * */ static void Main(string[] args) { //ExceptionFinalize a = new ExceptionFinalize(); ExceptionFinalize.Example(); }
public static void Example() { ExceptionFinalize.Example(); }