private static void HeadersAndFootersWithImagesAndTablesUsingInsertPicture() { Console.WriteLine("\tHeadersAndFootersWithImagesAndTablesUsingInsertPicture()"); // Create a new document. using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docs\HeadersAndFootersWithImagesAndTablesUsingInsertPicture.docx")) { // Add a template logo image to this document. RelativeDirectory rd = new RelativeDirectory(); // prepares the files for testing rd.Up(2); Image logo = document.AddImage(rd.Path + @"\images\logo_the_happy_builder.png"); // Add Headers and Footers to this document. document.AddHeaders(); document.AddFooters(); // Force the first page to have a different Header and Footer. document.DifferentFirstPage = true; // Force odd & even pages to have different Headers and Footers. document.DifferentOddAndEvenPages = true; // Get the first, odd and even Headers for this document. Header header_first = document.Headers.first; Header header_odd = document.Headers.odd; Header header_even = document.Headers.even; // Get the first, odd and even Footer for this document. Footer footer_first = document.Footers.first; Footer footer_odd = document.Footers.odd; Footer footer_even = document.Footers.even; // Insert a Paragraph into the first Header. Paragraph p0 = header_first.InsertParagraph(); p0.Append("Hello First Header.").Bold(); // Insert a Paragraph into the odd Header. Paragraph p1 = header_odd.InsertParagraph(); p1.Append("Hello Odd Header.").Bold(); // Insert a Paragraph into the even Header. Paragraph p2 = header_even.InsertParagraph(); p2.Append("Hello Even Header.").Bold(); // Insert a Paragraph into the first Footer. Paragraph p3 = footer_first.InsertParagraph(); p3.Append("Hello First Footer.").Bold(); // Insert a Paragraph into the odd Footer. Paragraph p4 = footer_odd.InsertParagraph(); p4.Append("Hello Odd Footer.").Bold(); // Insert a Paragraph into the even Header. Paragraph p5 = footer_even.InsertParagraph(); p5.Append("Hello Even Footer.").Bold(); // Insert a Paragraph into the document. Paragraph p6 = document.InsertParagraph(); p6.AppendLine("Hello First page."); // Create a second page to show that the first page has its own header and footer. p6.InsertPageBreakAfterSelf(); // Insert a Paragraph after the page break. Paragraph p7 = document.InsertParagraph(); p7.AppendLine("Hello Second page."); // Create a third page to show that even and odd pages have different headers and footers. p7.InsertPageBreakAfterSelf(); // Insert a Paragraph after the page break. Paragraph p8 = document.InsertParagraph(); p8.AppendLine("Hello Third page."); //Insert a next page break, which is a section break combined with a page break document.InsertSectionPageBreak(); //Insert a paragraph after the "Next" page break Paragraph p9 = document.InsertParagraph(); p9.Append("Next page section break."); //Insert a continuous section break document.InsertSection(); //Create a paragraph in the new section var p10 = document.InsertParagraph(); p10.Append("Continuous section paragraph."); // Inserting logo into footer and header into Tables #region Company Logo in Header in Table // Insert Table into First Header - Create a new Table with 2 columns and 1 rows. Table header_first_table = header_first.InsertTable(1, 2); header_first_table.Design = TableDesign.TableGrid; header_first_table.AutoFit = AutoFit.Window; // Get the upper right Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upperRightParagraph = header_first.Tables[0].Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0]; // Insert this template logo into the upper right Paragraph of Table. upperRightParagraph.InsertPicture(logo.CreatePicture()); upperRightParagraph.Alignment = Alignment.right; // Get the upper left Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upperLeftParagraphFirstTable = header_first.Tables[0].Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0]; upperLeftParagraphFirstTable.Append("Company Name - DocX Corporation"); #endregion #region Company Logo in Header in Invisible Table // Insert Table into First Header - Create a new Table with 2 columns and 1 rows. Table header_second_table = header_odd.InsertTable(1, 2); header_second_table.Design = TableDesign.None; header_second_table.AutoFit = AutoFit.Window; // Get the upper right Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upperRightParagraphSecondTable = header_second_table.Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0]; // Insert this template logo into the upper right Paragraph of Table. upperRightParagraphSecondTable.InsertPicture(logo.CreatePicture()); upperRightParagraphSecondTable.Alignment = Alignment.right; // Get the upper left Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upperLeftParagraphSecondTable = header_second_table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0]; upperLeftParagraphSecondTable.Append("Company Name - DocX Corporation"); #endregion #region Company Logo in Footer in Table // Insert Table into First Header - Create a new Table with 2 columns and 1 rows. Table footer_first_table = footer_first.InsertTable(1, 2); footer_first_table.Design = TableDesign.TableGrid; footer_first_table.AutoFit = AutoFit.Window; // Get the upper right Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upperRightParagraphFooterParagraph = footer_first.Tables[0].Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0]; // Insert this template logo into the upper right Paragraph of Table. upperRightParagraphFooterParagraph.InsertPicture(logo.CreatePicture()); upperRightParagraphFooterParagraph.Alignment = Alignment.right; // Get the upper left Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upperLeftParagraphFirstTableFooter = footer_first.Tables[0].Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0]; upperLeftParagraphFirstTableFooter.Append("Company Name - DocX Corporation"); #endregion #region Company Logo in Header in Invisible Table // Insert Table into First Header - Create a new Table with 2 columns and 1 rows. Table footer_second_table = footer_odd.InsertTable(1, 2); footer_second_table.Design = TableDesign.None; footer_second_table.AutoFit = AutoFit.Window; // Get the upper right Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upperRightParagraphSecondTableFooter = footer_second_table.Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0]; // Insert this template logo into the upper right Paragraph of Table. upperRightParagraphSecondTableFooter.InsertPicture(logo.CreatePicture()); upperRightParagraphSecondTableFooter.Alignment = Alignment.right; // Get the upper left Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upperLeftParagraphSecondTableFooter = footer_second_table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0]; upperLeftParagraphSecondTableFooter.Append("Company Name - DocX Corporation"); #endregion // Save all changes to this document. document.Save(); Console.WriteLine("\tCreated: docs\\HeadersAndFootersWithImagesAndTablesUsingInsertPicture.docx\n"); }// Release this document from memory. }
// Create an invoice template. private static DocX CreateInvoiceTemplate() { // Create a new document. DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docs\InvoiceTemplate.docx"); // Create a table for layout purposes (This table will be invisible). Table layout_table = document.InsertTable(2, 2); layout_table.Design = TableDesign.TableNormal; layout_table.AutoFit = AutoFit.Window; // Dark formatting Formatting dark_formatting = new Formatting(); dark_formatting.Bold = true; dark_formatting.Size = 12; dark_formatting.FontColor = Color.FromArgb(31, 73, 125); // Light formatting Formatting light_formatting = new Formatting(); light_formatting.Italic = true; light_formatting.Size = 11; light_formatting.FontColor = Color.FromArgb(79, 129, 189); #region Company Name // Get the upper left Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upper_left_paragraph = layout_table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0]; // Create a custom property called company_name CustomProperty company_name = new CustomProperty("company_name", "Company Name"); // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'company_name') layout_table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].InsertDocProperty(company_name, f: dark_formatting); // Force the next text insert to be on a new line. upper_left_paragraph.InsertText("\n", false); #endregion #region Company Slogan // Create a custom property called company_slogan CustomProperty company_slogan = new CustomProperty("company_slogan", "Company slogan goes here."); // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'company_slogan') upper_left_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(company_slogan, f: light_formatting); #endregion #region Company Logo // Get the upper right Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph upper_right_paragraph = layout_table.Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0]; // Add a template logo image to this document. RelativeDirectory rd = new RelativeDirectory(); // prepares the files for testing rd.Up(2); Image logo = document.AddImage(rd.Path + @"\images\logo_template.png"); // Insert this template logo into the upper right Paragraph. upper_right_paragraph.InsertPicture(logo.CreatePicture()); upper_right_paragraph.Alignment = Alignment.right; #endregion // Custom properties cannot contain newlines, so the company address must be split into 3 custom properties. #region Hired Company Address // Create a custom property called company_address_line_one CustomProperty hired_company_address_line_one = new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_one", "Street Address,"); // Get the lower left Paragraph in the layout_table. Paragraph lower_left_paragraph = layout_table.Rows[1].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0]; lower_left_paragraph.InsertText("TO:\n", false, dark_formatting); // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'hired_company_address_line_one') lower_left_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_address_line_one, f: light_formatting); // Force the next text insert to be on a new line. lower_left_paragraph.InsertText("\n", false); // Create a custom property called company_address_line_two CustomProperty hired_company_address_line_two = new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_two", "City,"); // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'hired_company_address_line_two') lower_left_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_address_line_two, f: light_formatting); // Force the next text insert to be on a new line. lower_left_paragraph.InsertText("\n", false); // Create a custom property called company_address_line_two CustomProperty hired_company_address_line_three = new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_three", "Zip Code"); // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'hired_company_address_line_three') lower_left_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_address_line_three, f: light_formatting); #endregion #region Date & Invoice number // Get the lower right Paragraph from the layout table. Paragraph lower_right_paragraph = layout_table.Rows[1].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0]; CustomProperty invoice_date = new CustomProperty("invoice_date", DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("d")); lower_right_paragraph.InsertText("Date: ", false, dark_formatting); lower_right_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(invoice_date, f: light_formatting); CustomProperty invoice_number = new CustomProperty("invoice_number", 1); lower_right_paragraph.InsertText("\nInvoice: ", false, dark_formatting); lower_right_paragraph.InsertText("#", false, light_formatting); lower_right_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(invoice_number, f: light_formatting); lower_right_paragraph.Alignment = Alignment.right; #endregion // Insert an empty Paragraph between two Tables, so that they do not touch. document.InsertParagraph(string.Empty, false); // This table will hold all of the invoice data. Table invoice_table = document.InsertTable(4, 4); invoice_table.Design = TableDesign.LightShadingAccent1; invoice_table.Alignment =; // A nice thank you Paragraph. Paragraph thankyou = document.InsertParagraph("\nThank you for your business, we hope to work with you again soon.", false, dark_formatting); thankyou.Alignment =; #region Hired company details CustomProperty hired_company_details_line_one = new CustomProperty("hired_company_details_line_one", "Street Address, City, ZIP Code"); CustomProperty hired_company_details_line_two = new CustomProperty("hired_company_details_line_two", "Phone: 000-000-0000, Fax: 000-000-0000, e-mail: [email protected]"); Paragraph companyDetails = document.InsertParagraph(string.Empty, false); companyDetails.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_details_line_one, f: light_formatting); companyDetails.InsertText("\n", false); companyDetails.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_details_line_two, f: light_formatting); companyDetails.Alignment =; #endregion // Return the document now that it has been created. return document; }
// Create an invoice for a factitious company called "The Happy Builder". private static DocX CreateInvoiceFromTemplate(DocX template) { #region Logo // A quick glance at the template shows us that the logo Paragraph is in row zero cell 1. Paragraph logo_paragraph = template.Tables[0].Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0]; // Remove the template Picture that is in this Paragraph. logo_paragraph.Pictures[0].Remove(); // Add the Happy Builders logo to this document. RelativeDirectory rd = new RelativeDirectory(); // prepares the files for testing rd.Up(2); Image logo = template.AddImage(rd.Path + @"\images\logo_the_happy_builder.png"); // Insert the Happy Builders logo into this Paragraph. logo_paragraph.InsertPicture(logo.CreatePicture()); #endregion #region Set CustomProperty values // Set the value of the custom property 'company_name'. template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("company_name", "The Happy Builder")); // Set the value of the custom property 'company_slogan'. template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("company_slogan", "No job too small")); // Set the value of the custom properties 'hired_company_address_line_one', 'hired_company_address_line_two' and 'hired_company_address_line_three'. template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_one", "The Crooked House,")); template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_two", "Dublin,")); template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_three", "12345")); // Set the value of the custom property 'invoice_date'. template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("invoice_date", DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("d"))); // Set the value of the custom property 'invoice_number'. template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("invoice_number", 1)); // Set the value of the custom property 'hired_company_details_line_one' and 'hired_company_details_line_two'. template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_details_line_one", "Business Street, Dublin, 12345")); template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_details_line_two", "Phone: 012-345-6789, Fax: 012-345-6789, e-mail: [email protected]")); #endregion /* * InvoiceTemplate.docx contains a blank Table, * we want to replace this with a new Table that * contains all of our invoice data. */ Table t = template.Tables[1]; Table invoice_table = CreateAndInsertInvoiceTableAfter(t, ref template); t.Remove(); // Return the template now that it has been modified to hold all of our custom data. return template; }
private static void HyperlinksImagesTablesWithLists() { Console.WriteLine("\tHyperlinksImagesTablesWithLists()"); // Create a document. using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docs\HyperlinksImagesTablesWithLists.docx")) { // Add a hyperlink into the document. Hyperlink link = document.AddHyperlink("link", new Uri("")); // created numbered lists var numberedList = document.AddList("First List Item.", 0, ListItemType.Numbered, 1); document.AddListItem(numberedList, "First sub list item", 1); document.AddListItem(numberedList, "Second List Item."); document.AddListItem(numberedList, "Third list item."); document.AddListItem(numberedList, "Nested item.", 1); document.AddListItem(numberedList, "Second nested item.", 1); // created bulleted lists var bulletedList = document.AddList("First Bulleted Item.", 0, ListItemType.Bulleted); document.AddListItem(bulletedList, "Second bullet item"); document.AddListItem(bulletedList, "Sub bullet item", 1); document.AddListItem(bulletedList, "Second sub bullet item", 1); document.AddListItem(bulletedList, "Third bullet item"); // Add a Table into the document. Table table = document.AddTable(2, 2); table.Design = TableDesign.ColorfulGridAccent2; table.Alignment =; table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].Append("1"); table.Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Append("2"); table.Rows[1].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].Append("3"); table.Rows[1].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Append("4"); Row newRow = table.InsertRow(table.Rows[1]); newRow.ReplaceText("4", "5"); // Add an image into the document. RelativeDirectory rd = new RelativeDirectory(); // prepares the files for testing rd.Up(2); Image image = document.AddImage(rd.Path + @"\images\logo_template.png"); // Create a picture (A custom view of an Image). Picture picture = image.CreatePicture(); picture.Rotation = 10; picture.SetPictureShape(BasicShapes.cube); // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph title = document.InsertParagraph().Append("Test").FontSize(20).Font(new FontFamily("Comic Sans MS")); title.Alignment =; // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph p1 = document.InsertParagraph(); // Append content to the Paragraph p1.AppendLine("This line contains a ").Append("bold").Bold().Append(" word."); p1.AppendLine("Here is a cool ").AppendHyperlink(link).Append("."); p1.AppendLine(); p1.AppendLine("Check out this picture ").AppendPicture(picture).Append(" its funky don't you think?"); p1.AppendLine(); p1.AppendLine("Can you check this Table of figures for me?"); p1.AppendLine(); // Insert the Table after Paragraph 1. p1.InsertTableAfterSelf(table); // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph p2 = document.InsertParagraph(); // Append content to the Paragraph. p2.AppendLine("Is it correct?"); p2.AppendLine(); p2.AppendLine("Adding bullet list below: "); document.InsertList(bulletedList); // Adding another paragraph to add table and bullet list after it Paragraph p3 = document.InsertParagraph(); p3.AppendLine(); p3.AppendLine("Adding another table..."); // Adding another table Table table1 = document.AddTable(2, 2); table1.Design = TableDesign.ColorfulGridAccent2; table1.Alignment =; table1.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].Append("1"); table1.Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Append("2"); table1.Rows[1].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].Append("3"); table1.Rows[1].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Append("4"); Paragraph p4 = document.InsertParagraph(); p4.InsertTableBeforeSelf(table1); p4.AppendLine(); // Insert numbered list after table Paragraph p5 = document.InsertParagraph(); p5.AppendLine("Adding numbered list below: "); p5.AppendLine(); document.InsertList(numberedList); // Save this document. document.Save(); Console.WriteLine("\tCreated: docs\\HyperlinksImagesTablesWithLists.docx\n"); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a document with a Hyperlink, an Image and a Table. /// </summary> private static void HyperlinksImagesTables() { Console.WriteLine("\tHyperlinksImagesTables()"); // Create a document. using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docs\HyperlinksImagesTables.docx")) { // Add a hyperlink into the document. Hyperlink link = document.AddHyperlink("link", new Uri("")); // Add a Table into the document. Table table = document.AddTable(2, 2); table.Design = TableDesign.ColorfulGridAccent2; table.Alignment =; table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].Append("1"); table.Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Append("2"); table.Rows[1].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].Append("3"); table.Rows[1].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Append("4"); Row newRow = table.InsertRow(table.Rows[1]); newRow.ReplaceText("4", "5"); // Add an image into the document. RelativeDirectory rd = new RelativeDirectory(); // prepares the files for testing rd.Up(2); Image image = document.AddImage(rd.Path + @"\images\logo_template.png"); // Create a picture (A custom view of an Image). Picture picture = image.CreatePicture(); picture.Rotation = 10; picture.SetPictureShape(BasicShapes.cube); // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph title = document.InsertParagraph().Append("Test").FontSize(20).Font(new FontFamily("Comic Sans MS")); title.Alignment =; // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph p1 = document.InsertParagraph(); // Append content to the Paragraph p1.AppendLine("This line contains a ").Append("bold").Bold().Append(" word."); p1.AppendLine("Here is a cool ").AppendHyperlink(link).Append("."); p1.AppendLine(); p1.AppendLine("Check out this picture ").AppendPicture(picture).Append(" its funky don't you think?"); p1.AppendLine(); p1.AppendLine("Can you check this Table of figures for me?"); p1.AppendLine(); // Insert the Table after Paragraph 1. p1.InsertTableAfterSelf(table); // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph p2 = document.InsertParagraph(); // Append content to the Paragraph. p2.AppendLine("Is it correct?"); // Save this document. document.Save(); Console.WriteLine("\tCreated: docs\\HyperlinksImagesTables.docx\n"); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a document with two pictures. One picture is inserted normal way, the other one with rotation /// </summary> static void HelloWorldAddPictureToWord() { Console.WriteLine("\tHelloWorldAddPictureToWord()"); // Create a document. using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docs\HelloWorldAddPictureToWord.docx")) { // Add an image into the document. RelativeDirectory rd = new RelativeDirectory(); // prepares the files for testing rd.Up(2); Image image = document.AddImage(rd.Path + @"\images\logo_template.png"); // Create a picture (A custom view of an Image). Picture picture = image.CreatePicture(); picture.Rotation = 10; picture.SetPictureShape(BasicShapes.cube); // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph title = document.InsertParagraph().Append("This is a test for a picture").FontSize(20).Font(new Font("Comic Sans MS")); title.Alignment =; // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph p1 = document.InsertParagraph(); // Append content to the Paragraph p1.AppendLine("Just below there should be a picture ").Append("picture").Bold().Append(" inserted in a non-conventional way."); p1.AppendLine(); p1.AppendLine("Check out this picture ").AppendPicture(picture).Append(" its funky don't you think?"); p1.AppendLine(); // Insert a new Paragraph into the document. Paragraph p2 = document.InsertParagraph(); // Append content to the Paragraph. p2.AppendLine("Is it correct?"); p2.AppendLine(); // Lets add another picture (without the fancy stuff) Picture pictureNormal = image.CreatePicture(); Paragraph p3 = document.InsertParagraph(); p3.AppendLine("Lets add another picture (without the fancy rotation stuff)"); p3.AppendLine(); p3.AppendPicture(pictureNormal); // Save this document. document.Save(); Console.WriteLine("\tCreated: docs\\HelloWorldAddPictureToWord.docx\n"); } }