コード例 #1
        // PickRandomDirection is used by InitializeParticles to decide which direction
        // particles will move. The default implementation is a random vector on a circle.
        protected virtual Vector2 PickRandomDirection()
            float angle = Utils.RandomBetween(0, (float)Math.PI * 2);

            return(new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angle),
コード例 #2
        // This function is called when we want to demo the explosion effect. It updates the
        // timeTillExplosion timer, and starts another explosion effect when the timer reaches zero.
        void CreateExplosions(float elapsedTime)
            timeTillExplosion -= elapsedTime;

            while (timeTillExplosion < 0)
                Vector2 where = canvas.Size.ToVector2();

                // Create the explosion at some random point on the screen.
                if (ThumbnailGenerator.IsDrawingThumbnail)
                    where /= 2;
                    where.X *= Utils.RandomBetween(0.25f, 0.75f);
                    where.Y *= Utils.RandomBetween(0.25f, 0.75f);

                // The overall explosion effect is actually comprised of two particle systems:
                // the fiery bit, and the smoke behind it. Add particles to both of those systems.

                // Reset the timer.
                timeTillExplosion += TimeBetweenExplosions;
コード例 #3
        // InitializeParticle is overridden to add the appearance of wind.
        protected override void InitializeParticle(Particle particle, Vector2 where)
            base.InitializeParticle(particle, where);

            // The base is mostly good, but we want to simulate a little bit of wind heading to the right.
            particle.Acceleration.X += Utils.RandomBetween(10, 50);
コード例 #4
        // PickRandomDirection is overriden so we can make the particles always have an initial velocity pointing up.
        protected override Vector2 PickRandomDirection()
            // Point the particles somewhere between 80 and 100 degrees.
            // Tweak this to make the smoke have more or less spread.
            float angle = Utils.RandomBetween(Utils.DegreesToRadians(80), Utils.DegreesToRadians(100));

            // From the unit circle, cosine is the x coordinate and sine is the y coordinate.
            // We're negating y because on the screen increasing y moves down the display.
            return(new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angle),
コード例 #5
        // Initialize is called by ParticleSystem to set up the particle, and prepares the particle for use.
        public void Initialize(Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, Vector2 acceleration, float lifetime, float scale, float rotationSpeed)
            this.Position = position;
            this.Velocity = velocity;
            this.Acceleration = acceleration;
            this.Lifetime = lifetime;
            this.Scale = scale;
            this.RotationSpeed = rotationSpeed;
            // Reset TimeSinceStart - we have to do this because particles will be reused.
            this.TimeSinceStart = 0.0f;

            // Set rotation to some random value between 0 and 360 degrees.
            this.Rotation = Utils.RandomBetween(0, (float)Math.PI * 2);
コード例 #6
        // Randomizes some properties for a particle, then calls Initialize on it.
        // This can be overriden by subclasses if they  want to modify the way particles
        // are created. For example, SmokePlumeParticleSystem overrides this function
        // make all particles accelerate to the right, simulating wind.
        protected virtual void InitializeParticle(Particle particle, Vector2 where)
            // First, call PickRandomDirection to figure out which way the particle
            // will be moving. Velocity and acceleration values will come from this.
            Vector2 direction = PickRandomDirection();

            // Pick some random values for our particle.
            float velocity      = Utils.RandomBetween(minInitialSpeed, maxInitialSpeed);
            float acceleration  = Utils.RandomBetween(minAcceleration, maxAcceleration);
            float lifetime      = Utils.RandomBetween(minLifetime, maxLifetime);
            float scale         = Utils.RandomBetween(minScale, maxScale);
            float rotationSpeed = Utils.RandomBetween(minRotationSpeed, maxRotationSpeed);

            // Then initialize the particle with these random values.
            particle.Initialize(where, velocity * direction, acceleration * direction, lifetime, scale, rotationSpeed);