private void btn_endexam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities()) { GetValueOfRadios(); pnl_sual1.Hide(); panel1.Show(); var selectedexamid = (from am in db.Exams where am.ExamName == cmbx_selectexam.Text select am.ExamId).First(); var c = db.ExamsToQuestions.Where(item => item.ExamId == selectedexamid).Select(n => n).ToList(); var name = from r in c where r.Question.CorrectAnswer.Length > 0 select r.Question.CorrectAnswer; for (int i = 0; i < cavablar.Count; i++) { if (cavablar[i] == name.ToList().ElementAt(i)) { score++; } } } label3.Text = score.ToString(); if (Convert.ToInt32(label3.Text) >= 1) { lbl_cong.Text = "Tebrikler aga"; } else { lbl_cong.Text = "Kecenmedin aga"; } btn_endexam.Enabled = false; }
private void btn_create_type_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities()) { if (db.QuestionTypes.Any(item => item.QuestionTypeName == tbx_newtype.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("You can not add it to Database", "Same Question Type", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { db.QuestionTypes.Add(new QuestionType() { QuestionTypeName = tbx_newtype.Text }); var popupNotifier = new PopupNotifier(); popupNotifier.TitleText = "Exam Management System"; popupNotifier.ContentText = $"Question Type is added at {DateTime.Now} : Question Type is {tbx_newtype.Text}"; popupNotifier.IsRightToLeft = false; popupNotifier.Popup(); db.SaveChanges(); var bindingsource = new BindingSource(); bindingsource.DataSource = db.QuestionTypes.ToList(); dgw_question_types.DataSource = bindingsource; dgw_question_types.Columns["Questions"].Visible = false; } } }
private void btn_next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities()) { GetValueOfRadios(); var selectedexamid = (from am in db.Exams where am.ExamName == cmbx_selectexam.Text select am.ExamId).First(); var examsualuzunlugu = db.ExamsToQuestions .Where(x => x.ExamId == selectedexamid) .Count(); for (int i = 1; i < examsualuzunlugu; i++) { if (i == examsualuzunlugu - 1) { btn_next.Enabled = false; } var c = db.ExamsToQuestions.Where(item => item.ExamId == selectedexamid).Select(n => n).ToList(); var name = from r in c where r.QuestionId > 0 select r.QuestionId; var firstquestionid = name.ToList().ElementAt(i); var questiontitle = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.QuestionTitle); var questioncorrectanswer = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.CorrectAnswer); var questionanswer2 = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.Answer1); var questionanswer3 = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.Answer2); var questionanswer4 = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.Answer3); lbl_sual.Text = questiontitle.First().ToString(); rdn_sual1_answer1.Text = questionanswer2.First().ToString(); rdn_sual1_answer2.Text = questionanswer3.First().ToString(); rdn_sual1_answer3.Text = questionanswer4.First().ToString(); rdn_sual1_answer4.Text = questioncorrectanswer.First().ToString(); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities()) { try { var selectedexamid = (from am in db.Exams where am.ExamName == cmbx_selectexam.Text select am.ExamId).First(); var a = db.ExamsToQuestions .Where(x => x.ExamId == selectedexamid) .Count(); var c = db.ExamsToQuestions.Where(item => item.ExamId == selectedexamid).Select(n => n).ToList(); var name = from r in c where r.QuestionId > 0 select r.QuestionId; var firstquestionid = name.ToList().ElementAt(0); var questiontitle = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.QuestionTitle); var questioncorrectanswer = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.CorrectAnswer); var questionanswer2 = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.Answer1); var questionanswer3 = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.Answer2); var questionanswer4 = (from am in db.Questions where am.QuestionId == firstquestionid select am.Answer3); lbl_sual.Text = questiontitle.First().ToString(); rdn_sual1_answer1.Text = questionanswer2.First().ToString(); rdn_sual1_answer2.Text = questionanswer3.First().ToString(); rdn_sual1_answer3.Text = questionanswer4.First().ToString(); rdn_sual1_answer4.Text = questioncorrectanswer.First().ToString(); btn_start.Enabled = true; lbl_sual.Visible = true; rdn_sual1_answer1.Visible = true; rdn_sual1_answer2.Visible = true; rdn_sual1_answer3.Visible = true; rdn_sual1_answer4.Visible = true; btn_endexam.Visible = true; btn_next.Visible = true; btn_start.Enabled = false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("There are not questions in this exam", "Cannot Find Questions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public StudentExamCenter() { ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities(); InitializeComponent(); lblformname.Text = "Student Profile"; foreach (var item in db.Exams) { cmbx_selectexam.Items.Add(item.ExamName); } lbl_sual.Visible = false; rdn_sual1_answer1.Visible = false; rdn_sual1_answer2.Visible = false; rdn_sual1_answer3.Visible = false; rdn_sual1_answer4.Visible = false; btn_endexam.Visible = false; btn_next.Visible = false; panel1.SendToBack(); }
private void btn_create_newuser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities()) { var username = tbx_newuser_username.Text; var password = tbx_newuser_password.Text; var email = tbx_newuser_email.Text; var userfullname = tbx_newuser_fullname.Text; var usertype = (from item in db.UserTypes where item.UserTypeName == cmbx_newuser_usertype.Text select item.UserTypeId).First(); if (db.Users.Any(item => item.Username == username)) { MessageBox.Show("You can not add it to Database", "Same Exam Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { db.Users.Add(new User() { Username = username, UserFullName = userfullname, UserEmail = email, UserTypeId = usertype, UserPassword = password, }); db.SaveChanges(); var bindingsource = new BindingSource(); bindingsource.DataSource = db.Users.ToList(); dgw_users.DataSource = bindingsource; var popupNotifier = new PopupNotifier(); popupNotifier.TitleText = "Exam Management System"; popupNotifier.ContentText = $"User is added at {DateTime.Now} : User is {username}"; popupNotifier.IsRightToLeft = false; popupNotifier.Popup(); var bindingsource2 = new BindingSource(); bindingsource2.DataSource = db.Users.Where(item => item.UserTypeId == 3).ToList(); dgw_students.DataSource = bindingsource2; } } }
private void exitlabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities()) { this.Close(); int index = (from item in db.Users where item.UserFullName == userFullName select item.UserId).First(); var lastlog = db.UsersLogs.OrderByDescending(p => p.LogId).Take(1); if (lastlog.First().EndDate == null) { lastlog.First().EndDate = DateTime.Now; db.SaveChanges(); } Login frmMainMenu = new Login(); frmMainMenu.Show(); } }
private void btn_createexam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities()) { if (db.Exams.Any(item => item.ExamName == tbxnewexam.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("You can not add it to Database", "Same Exam Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { db.Exams.Add(new Exam() { ExamName = tbxnewexam.Text }); var popupNotifier = new PopupNotifier(); popupNotifier.TitleText = "Exam Management System"; popupNotifier.ContentText = $"Exam is added at {DateTime.Now} : Exam Name is {tbxnewexam.Text}"; popupNotifier.IsRightToLeft = false; popupNotifier.Popup(); db.SaveChanges(); var bindingsource3 = new BindingSource(); bindingsource3.DataSource = db.Exams.ToList(); dgw_exams2.DataSource = bindingsource3; dgw_exams2.Columns["ExamsToQuestions"].Visible = false; dgw_exams2.Columns["UsersExams"].Visible = false; var bindingsource2 = new BindingSource(); bindingsource2.DataSource = db.Exams.ToList(); dgw_exams.DataSource = bindingsource2; dgw_exams.Columns["ExamsToQuestions"].Visible = false; dgw_exams.Columns["UsersExams"].Visible = false; } cmbx_createquestions.Items.Clear(); foreach (var item in db.Exams) { cmbx_createquestions.Items.Add(item.ExamName); } } }
private void btn_createquestions_create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities()) { var questionbody = tbx_createquestions_question1.Text; var correctanswer = tbx_createquestions_correctanswer.Text; var answer1 = tbx_createquestions_answer2.Text; var answer2 = tbx_createquestions_answer3.Text; var answer3 = tbx_createquestions_answer4.Text; var questiontype = (from item in db.QuestionTypes where item.QuestionTypeName == cmbx_createquestions_questiontype.Text select item.QuestionTypeId).First(); db.Questions.Add(new Question() { QuestionTitle = questionbody, CorrectAnswer = correctanswer, Answer1 = answer1, Answer2 = answer2, Answer3 = answer3, QuestionTypeId = questiontype }); db.SaveChanges(); var result = (from t in db.Questions orderby t.QuestionId descending select t.QuestionId).First(); var examid = (from item in db.Exams where item.ExamName == cmbx_createquestions.Text select item.ExamId).First(); db.ExamsToQuestions.Add(new ExamsToQuestion() { ExamId = examid, QuestionId = result }); //qaldigim yer exame suallar add olunur many to many db.SaveChanges(); var popupNotifier = new PopupNotifier(); popupNotifier.TitleText = "Exam Management System"; popupNotifier.ContentText = $"Question is added at {DateTime.Now}"; popupNotifier.IsRightToLeft = false; popupNotifier.Popup(); } }
public ExamCreateStudio() { InitializeComponent(); ExamManagementSystemEntities db = new ExamManagementSystemEntities(); cmbx_newuser_usertype.Text = "Student"; cmbx_createquestions.Text = (from item in db.Exams select item.ExamName).First(); cmbx_createquestions_questiontype.Text = (from item in db.QuestionTypes select item.QuestionTypeName).First(); dgw_status_report.DataSource = db.UsersLogs.ToList(); dgw_status_report.Columns["User"].Visible = false; dgw_exams2.DataSource = db.Exams.ToList(); dgw_exams2.Columns["ExamsToQuestions"].Visible = false; dgw_exams2.Columns["UsersExams"].Visible = false; dgw_exams.DataSource = db.Exams.ToList(); dgw_exams.DataSource = db.Exams.ToList(); dgw_exams.Columns["ExamsToQuestions"].Visible = false; dgw_exams.Columns["UsersExams"].Visible = false; dgw_question_types.DataSource = db.QuestionTypes.ToList(); dgw_question_types.Columns["Questions"].Visible = false; dgw_students.DataSource = db.Users.Where(item => item.UserTypeId == 3).ToList(); //dgw_users.DataSource = db.Users.Join(); //dgw_users.DataSource = db.Users.Where(x=>x.) dgw_students.Columns["UsersExams"].Visible = false; dgw_students.Columns["UsersLogs"].Visible = false; dgw_students.Columns["UserType"].Visible = false; var usertypelist = db.UserTypes.ToList(); foreach (var item in usertypelist) { cmbx_newuser_usertype.Items.Add(item.UserTypeName); } foreach (var item in db.Exams.ToList()) { cmbx_createquestions.Items.Add(item.ExamName); } foreach (var item in db.QuestionTypes) { cmbx_createquestions_questiontype.Items.Add(item.QuestionTypeName); } this.ActiveControl = label1; lblformname.Text = "Teacher Profile"; pnl_students.Location = new Point(168, 30); pnl_questiontypes.Location = new Point(168, 30); pnl_show_exam.Location = new Point(168, 30); pnlstatusreport.Location = new Point(168, 30); pnl_show_students.Location = new Point(168, 30); pnl_showquestions.Location = new Point(168, 30); pnl_exams.Location = new Point(168, 30); pnl_questions.Location = new Point(168, 30); pnl_exams.Hide(); pnl_questions.Hide(); pnl_students.Hide(); pnl_showquestions.Hide(); pnl_show_exam.Show(); pnl_show_students.Hide(); pnlstatusreport.Hide(); }