protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataAccess objGetRSIquestionList = new DataAccess(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Session["Candidateid"] = MHRISesstion.CandidateId; // Session["Candidateid"] = "2"; if (!IsPostBack) { DataAccess DE = new DataAccess(); List<DataEntity> lstCandidateDetails = DE.GetCandidateDetails(Convert.ToInt32(MHRISesstion.CandidateId), System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); if (lstCandidateDetails.Count > 0) { lblCandidateDetails.Text = "Welcome " + lstCandidateDetails[0].FirstNameTodisplayExampage; } ds = objGetRSIquestionList.GetListofQuestions("PSI"); Session["ResultData"] = ds.Tables["QuesInfo"]; GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["QuesInfo"]; GridView1.DataBind(); CreateOldTable(OldTable); CopyDataOldTable((DataTable)Session["ResultData"]); strPSIRange = DataConstant.PSIRange; } lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; lblmsg.Text = ""; }
/// <summary> /// Authenticate User /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// #region Button Event protected void HRloginButton_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { DataAccess IsValidLoginbool = new DataAccess(); if (IsValidLoginbool.IsValidLogin(txtHRid.Text, txtHRpwd.Text)) { lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; lblmsg.Text = "Sucessfull login"; Response.Redirect("../Forms/CandidateLogin.aspx",false); } else { lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; lblmsg.Text = "Invalid User"; } }
public void BindLocation() { try { List<DataEntity> lstLocation = new List<DataEntity>(); DataAccess objda = new DataAccess(); lstLocation = objda.GetAlllocation(); if (lstLocation.Count > 0) { ddllocation.DataValueField = "LocationId"; ddllocation.DataTextField = "LocationName"; ddllocation.DataSource = lstLocation; ddllocation.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
protected void ImageButton1_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { DataAccess objSaveData = new DataAccess(); RememberOldValues(); if (AreAllQuestionDone(OldTable)) { if (AreValidateSum(OldTable)) { //SaveUpdateRecords(OldTable); if (objSaveData.SaveUpdateRecords("PSI", Session["Candidateid"].ToString(), OldTable)) { lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; lblmsg.Text = "Record saved sucessfully"; Response.Redirect("../Forms/Thankyou.aspx", false); } else { lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; lblmsg.Text = "Error while saving data"; } } else { lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; //lblmsg.Text = "!!!!! Pair sum should be " + strPSIRange.ToString() + " !!!!!"; lblmsg.Text = "Please enter valid digit i.e. (0,1,2,3,4,5)"; } } }
protected void BtnLogin_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { bool IsvalidMobile, IsvalidEmial, IsvalidPAN; IsvalidMobile = ValidateMobileControl(); IsvalidEmial = ValidateEmailControl(); IsvalidPAN = ValidatePANControl(); if (IsvalidMobile && IsvalidEmial && IsvalidPAN) { Boolean Flag; Flag = false; DataAccess AuthenCandidate = new DataAccess(); DataEntity DE = new DataEntity(); DE.FirstName = txtfirstname.Text; DE.LastName = txtlastname.Text; DE.MobileNo = txtmobile.Text; DE.EmailId = txtEmail.Text; //Flag = AuthenCandidate.AuthencateCandidate(DE); Flag = true; if (Flag == true) { DE.LocationID = Convert.ToInt32(ddllocation.SelectedValue); DE.PositionID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlposition.SelectedValue); DE.QualificationId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlQualification.SelectedValue); DE.ExperienceId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlExpeience.SelectedValue); DE.Day = ddlday.SelectedItem.Text; DE.Month = ddldobmonth.SelectedItem.Text; DE.Year = txtyear.Text; if (chkdeclaration.Checked == true) { DE.AcceptDec = 1; } else { DE.AcceptDec = 0; } DE.PanNo = txtpanno.Text; if (vadidateDOB(DE.Day, DE.Month, DE.Year)) { if (chkdeclaration.Checked == true) { //Int32 can = AuthenCandidate.InsertCandidateDetails(DE); MHRISesstion.CandidateId = Convert.ToString(AuthenCandidate.InsertCandidateDetails(DE)); MHRISesstion.HRCandidateFirstName = txtfirstname.Text; //MHRISesstion.TimeLeftofCAFTest = null; Session["TimeLeftofCAFTest"] = null; Response.Redirect("../Forms/CAF.aspx", false); } else { lblErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please accept the declaration."; } } else { lblErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "DOB Not Proper Format And Year Should be >=1753 !!!!"; } } else { lblErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "You Are Not Authorised,Please Contact HR !!!!"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void BindExperience() { try { List<DataEntity> lstExperience = new List<DataEntity>(); DataAccess objda = new DataAccess(); lstExperience = objda.GetAllExperience(); if (lstExperience.Count > 0) { ddlExpeience.DataValueField = "ExperienceId"; ddlExpeience.DataTextField = "Experience"; ddlExpeience.DataSource = lstExperience; ddlExpeience.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void SendEmail( Int32 Canid, string pdate) { DataAccess DEmail = new DataAccess(); List<DataEntity> lst = new List<DataEntity>(); List<DataEntity> lstrsi = new List<DataEntity>(); if (MHRISesstion.HREmailid != "") { Int32 Canditeid = Canid; String Pdate = pdate; lst = DEmail.GetCandidateDetails(Canditeid, Pdate); string body = "<html> Hi </br></br> Please find the report of the pre-employment test below:</br></br></br> Name :[Name]</br> Email ID :[Emailid]</br> Mobile Number :[Mobile]</br> Position :[Position]</br> Exam Date :[ExamDate]</br>Exam Start Time :[StartTime]</br>Exam End Time :[EndTime] "; if (lst.Count > 0) { body = body.Replace("[Name]", lst[0].FirstName); Candidatename = lst[0].FirstName; body = body.Replace("[Emailid]", lst[0].EmailId); body = body.Replace("[Mobile]", lst[0].MobileNo); body = body.Replace("[Position]", lst[0].Position); body = body.Replace("[ExamDate]", lst[0].ExamDate); body = body.Replace("[StartTime]", lst[0].StartTime); body = body.Replace("[EndTime]", lst[0].EndTime); } string CAFscore=DEmail.GetCAFScore(Canditeid, Pdate); //body = body + "</br></br></br></br> Section 1: CAF </br> Score obtained is " + CAFscore + " out of " + 15 + "</br></br> Section 2: RSI</br> The score of various career anchor are below : <table > "; body = body + "</br></br></br></br> Section 1: CAF </br> Score obtained is " + CAFscore + " out of " + 15; body = body + "</br> CAF Examination Duration is " + MHRISesstion.CandidateCAFduration.ToString() + "mins" ; body = body + "</br></br> Section 2: RSI</br> The score of various career anchor are below : <table > "; lstrsi = DEmail.GetRSIScore(Canditeid, Pdate); if (lstrsi.Count > 0) { foreach (var obj in lstrsi) { DataEntity D1 = new DataEntity(); body = body + "<tr> <td>" + obj.QChar + "</td>" + "<td>" + obj.Quvalue + "</td></tr>"; } } body = body + "</table>"; body = body + " </br></br> Section 3: PSI </br> The Profile according of PSI is :";// +</html>"; string psiscore = DEmail.GetPSIScore(Canditeid, Pdate); body = body + psiscore; string StrAbbreviations = DEmail.GetPSIAbbreviations(psiscore); if (StrAbbreviations != "") { string bodypart = " </br> A short description of the same is below :- </br> <table > <tr> <td > </td> <td >" + StrAbbreviations + "</td <td > </td> </tr> </table></html>"; body = body + bodypart; } else { body = body + "</html>"; } if (Candidatename != "") { Subject = "Pre-Employment test score for candidate:-" + " " + Candidatename; } else { Subject = "Pre-Employment test score for candidate:-" + " "; } EmailUtil.MHRISendMail(null, MHRISesstion.HREmailid, null, null, Subject, body, null, null, null, null, null); //EmailUtil.MHRISendMailTest(null, MHRISesstion.HREmailid, null, null, Subject, body, null, null, null, null, null); } }