private void printStartPage()
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Garage Main Dashboard");

            string msg =
                @"Choose an action:

1. Insert a car into repair
2. Display a list of license plates filtered by status
3. Change a vehicles status
4. Inflate a vehicle's tiers to maximum
5. Fuel up a vehicle
6. Charge up an electric vehicle
7. Display a vehicle's full data
8. Exit program


            int result = UserCommunicator.getIntInRange(msg + "Pick the number of action you would like to do ", 1, 8);

        private void InitializeCar()
            Car.eColor      Color      = UserCommunicator.ToCarColor(UserCommunicator.getStringThatEqualsOneOf("What color is your car", new string[] { "Grey", "Blue", "White", "Black" }, false));
            Car.eNumOfDoors NumOfDoors = UserCommunicator.ToNumOfDoors(UserCommunicator.getIntInRange("How many doors your car have?", 2, 5));

            m_DataBase.m_Color      = Color;
            m_DataBase.m_NumOfDoors = NumOfDoors;