public void Initialize() { Log.Info($"Map is a {info.boundsShape} shape"); foreach (EntityInstanceInfo spawnInfo in info.entities) { EntityInfo entityInfo = entityService.GetEntityInfo(spawnInfo.type); if (entityInfo == null) { Log.Warning($"Map.Initialize: Initializing map {identity}, no entity of type {{{spawnInfo.type}}} found!"); continue; } Log.Verbose($"Map.Initialize: {identity} creating entity for {spawnInfo.type} at T{ spawnInfo.position } R{spawnInfo.rotation} S {spawnInfo.scale}"); Entity entity = entityService.CreateEntity(); Guid id = entity.guid; TRS trs = entity.AddComponent <TRS>(); trs.position = spawnInfo.position; trs.rotation = spawnInfo.rotation; trs.scale = spawnInfo.scale; OnMap onMap = entity.AddComponent <OnMap>(); onMap.mapId = name; onMap.mapInstanceIndex = instanceIndex; foreach (var comp in entityInfo.components) { var type = entityService.GetCompType(comp.type); if (type != null) { Comp c = entityService.AddComponent(id, type); Json.ReflectInto(, c); Log.Info($"Initialized Component: {c}"); } } if ( { globalIds.Add(id); globalEntities.Add(entity); } else { RequireCell(CellPositionFor(spawnInfo.position)).AddEntity(id); } } }
/// <summary> RPC, Client -> Server. Requests the client's entity get moved </summary> /// <param name="msg"> RPC Message info </param> public void RequestMove(RPCMessage msg) { #if !UNITY if (isMaster) { // Id, position, rotation if (msg.numArgs != 3) { return; } Guid id = Unpack.Base64 <Guid>(msg[0]); Vector3 pos = Unpack.Base64 <Vector3>(msg[1]); Vector3 rot = Unpack.Base64 <Vector3>(msg[2]); Log.Debug($"Getting move request for {id} / {pos} / {rot}"); // Check that requester owns the entity they are requesting to move // right now, just a direct id check if (id != { return; } Entity entity = entityService[id]; if (entity != null) { OnMap onMap = entity.GetComponent <OnMap>(); if (onMap != null) { Map map = GetMap(onMap.mapId, onMap.mapInstanceIndex); Log.Debug($"Forwarding move request to map {onMap.mapId} for {id} / {pos} / {rot}"); map?.Move(id, pos, rot, false); } } } #endif }