コード例 #1
ファイル: Individual.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 public Individual(double fitness, BetterBitArray chromosome)
     this.fitness = fitness;
     this.chromosome = chromosome;
     this.paretofrontrank = 1;
     crowdingdistance = 1000000.0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RandomSearch.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        //Runs the algoritm for number of iterations
        public override void Run(Configuration config)
            log = new RandomLogSpecification(data.DataFileName, config.RandomSeed, config.NumberOfRuns, config.PenaltyCoefficient);
            solution = new SolutionSpecification();

            BetterBitArray routerswitches = new BetterBitArray((int)data.RouterCount);
            double highestfitness = 0.0;
            BetterBitArray best = new BetterBitArray((int)data.RouterCount);
            for(int i = 0; i < config.NumberOfRuns; i++)
                routerswitches = new BetterBitArray((int)data.RouterCount);
                int numbertoswitch = randomgenerator.Next((int)data.RouterCount);
                for(int j = 0; j < numbertoswitch; j++)
                    int switching;
                    while(routerswitches.IsSet(switching = randomgenerator.Next((int)data.RouterCount)) == true);

                int pathscut = 0;
                double fitness = FitnessEvaluation(data.NetworkPaths, routerswitches, config.PenaltyCoefficient, out pathscut);

                if(fitness > highestfitness)
                    ((RandomLogSpecification)log).AddEvaluation(i, fitness);
                    highestfitness = fitness;
                    best = routerswitches;

            solution.RoutersTurnedOff = ExtensionMethods.ConvertBitArrayToOffRouterNumbers(best, data.HostCount);
コード例 #3
ファイル: MuLambda.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        //Evaluates fitness by looking at the amount of routers switched.
        public override double FitnessEvaluation(List<Path> paths, BetterBitArray routerswitches, double penaltycoefficient, out int pathscut)
            double fitness = 100.0 * (((double)routerswitches.SetBits / (double)routerswitches.Length) * -1.0 + 1.0);
            fitness -= penaltycoefficient * PenaltyFunction(paths, routerswitches, out pathscut);

            return fitness;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Individual.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 public Individual()
     fitness = 0.0;
     pathscut = 0;
     chromosome = new BetterBitArray(1);
     paretofrontrank = 1;
     crowdingdistance = 1000000.0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Path.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 //numberofhosts is so we can translate the paths to be based off 0 not
 public Path(List<int> nodes, int numberofrouters, int numberofhosts)
     this.pathnodes = new BetterBitArray(numberofrouters);
       this.hostnumber = nodes[0];
       foreach(int node in nodes)
       this.pathnodes.Set(node - numberofhosts);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ExtensionMethods.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        public static List<int> ConvertBitArrayToOffRouterNumbers(BetterBitArray ba, uint hostoffset)
            List<int> routers = new List<int>();
            for(int i = 0; i < ba.Length; i++)
                    routers.Add((int)(i + hostoffset));

            return routers;
コード例 #7
ファイル: BetterBitArray.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        public BetterBitArray Not()
            BetterBitArray newba = new BetterBitArray();
            newba.bitholder = new int[bitholder.Length];
            for(int i = 0; i < bitholder.Length; i++)
                newba.bitholder[i] = ~bitholder[i];

            return newba;
コード例 #8
ファイル: BetterBitArray.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 public bool IsEqualTo(BetterBitArray right)
     if(this.Length != right.Length)
         throw new Exception("Trying to compare bit arrays of different sizes!");
     for(int i = 0; i < bitholder.Length; i++)
         if(right.bitholder[i] != bitholder[i])
             return false;
     return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: BetterBitArray.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        public BetterBitArray Or(BetterBitArray rightside)
            if(rightside.bitholder.Length != bitholder.Length)
                throw new Exception("Trying to or 2 different sized bit arrays!");
            BetterBitArray newba = new BetterBitArray();
            newba.bitholder = new int[bitholder.Length];

            for(int i = 0; i < bitholder.Length; i++)
                newba.bitholder[i] = bitholder[i] | rightside.bitholder[i];
            return newba;
コード例 #10
ファイル: BetterBitArray.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 public BetterBitArray And(BetterBitArray rightside)
     if(rightside.bitholder.Length != bitholder.Length)
         throw new Exception("Trying to and 2 different sized bit arrays!");
     BetterBitArray newba = new BetterBitArray();
     newba.bitholder = new int[bitholder.Length];
     newba.Length = rightside.Length;
     newba.SetBits = 0;
     for(int i = 0; i < bitholder.Length; i++)
         newba.bitholder[i] = bitholder[i] & rightside.bitholder[i];
         newba.SetBits += SparseBitcount(newba.bitholder[i]);
     return newba;
コード例 #11
ファイル: RandomSearch.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 //Evalueates penalty by the amount of paths cut.
 public override double PenaltyFunction(List<Path> paths, BetterBitArray routerswitches, out int pathscut)
     //When all paths are cut, penaltycoeff = 0.0
     //When 0 paths are cut, penaltycoeff = 1.0
     double penaltycoeff = 1.0;
     pathscut = 0;
     foreach(Path p in paths)
         if(IsPathCut(p.PathNodesInBits, routerswitches))
             penaltycoeff -= 1.0 / (double)paths.Count;
     return penaltycoeff;
コード例 #12
ファイル: MuLambda.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 //Evaluates penalty by the amount of paths cut.
 public override double PenaltyFunction(List<Path> paths, BetterBitArray routerswitches, out int pathscut)
     //When all paths are cut, penaltycoeff = 0.0
     //When 0 paths are cut, penaltycoeff = 1.0
     double penaltycoeff = 1.0;
     pathscut = 0;
     foreach(Path p in paths)
         Stopwatch pathcuttime = Stopwatch.StartNew();
         if(IsPathCut(p.PathNodesInBits, routerswitches))
             penaltycoeff -= 1.0 / (double)paths.Count;
         //Console.WriteLine("Checking path cut time(ms): " + pathcuttime.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
     return penaltycoeff;
コード例 #13
 //Uses a bit mask to see if a path is cut by switching routers (on bits) in roterswitches off.
 protected bool IsPathCut(BetterBitArray path, BetterBitArray routerswitches)
     return (path.IsNotEqualTo(path.And(routerswitches.Not())));
コード例 #14
 public abstract double PenaltyFunction(List<Path> paths, BetterBitArray routerswitches, out int pathscut);
コード例 #15
 public abstract double FitnessEvaluation(List<Path> paths, BetterBitArray routerswitches, double penaltycoefficient, out int pathscut);
コード例 #16
ファイル: Path.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 public Path()
     this.pathnodes = new BetterBitArray(0);
コード例 #17
ファイル: BetterBitArray.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        public BetterBitArray Xor(BetterBitArray rightside)
            if(rightside.bitholder.Length != bitholder.Length)
                throw new Exception("Trying to xor 2 different sized bit arrays!");
            BetterBitArray newba = new BetterBitArray();
            newba.bitholder = new int[bitholder.Length];
            newba.Length = rightside.Length;
            newba.SetBits = 0;

            //To take care of bits that exist > Length of the wanted bit array
            BetterBitArray unwantedmask = new BetterBitArray(newba.Length);

            for(int a = 0; a < unwantedmask.Length; a++)

            for(int i = 0; i < bitholder.Length; i++)
                newba.bitholder[i] = bitholder[i] ^ rightside.bitholder[i];
                newba.SetBits += SparseBitcount(newba.bitholder[i]);

            newba = newba.And(unwantedmask);
            return newba;
コード例 #18
ファイル: BetterBitArray.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        public BetterBitArray Not()
            BetterBitArray newba = new BetterBitArray();
            newba.bitholder = new int[bitholder.Length];
            newba.Length = Length;
            for(int i = 0; i < bitholder.Length; i++)
                newba.bitholder[i] = ~bitholder[i];

            //To take care of bits that exist > Length of the wanted bit array
            BetterBitArray unwantedmask = new BetterBitArray(newba.Length);

            for(int a = 0; a < unwantedmask.Length; a++)

            newba = newba.And(unwantedmask);
            newba.SetBits = Length - SetBits;
            return newba;
コード例 #19
ファイル: NsgaII.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
 //Uniform random initialization of population
 private List<Individual> InitUniformRandomPopulation(int number, int numberrouters)
     List<Individual> population = new List<Individual>();
     for(int i = 0; i < number; i++)
         BetterBitArray individual = new BetterBitArray(numberrouters);
         int numbertoswitch = randomgenerator.Next(numberrouters);
         for(int j = 0; j < numbertoswitch; j++)
             int switching;
             while(individual.IsSet(switching = randomgenerator.Next(numberrouters)) == true);
         int pathscut = 0;
         double fitness =  FitnessEvaluation(data.NetworkPaths, individual, config.PenaltyCoefficient, out pathscut);
         population.Add(new Individual(fitness, pathscut, individual));
     return population;
コード例 #20
ファイル: MuLambda.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        //Generates a child individual using n-point crossover
        private Individual GenerateChildNPoint(Individual[] parents, int crossovers)
            List<int> positions = new List<int>();
            Individual child = new Individual();
            child.Chromosome = new BetterBitArray(parents[0].Chromosome.Length);
            //Get the positions to crossover at
            for(int i = 0; i < crossovers; i++)
                int randpos;
                    randpos = randomgenerator.Next(parents[0].Chromosome.Length);

                } while(positions.Contains(randpos));

            int parentiter = 0;
            int lastcrossover = 0;

            //For each position
            foreach(int point in positions)
                //Create a mask
                BetterBitArray mask = new BetterBitArray(parents[0].Chromosome.Length);
                //Set the bits that are in the range of this crossover on for the mask.
                //Ex: if the crossover point is 6 and we are currently at the front
                // the mask looks like 1111110000...
                for(int i = lastcrossover; i <= point; i++)

                //Clone the parent so we don't write over it.
                BetterBitArray parent = parents[parentiter].Chromosome;
                //Or the current child with the masked out part of the parent.
                child.Chromosome = child.Chromosome.Or(parent.And(mask));

                //Switch the parents (done this way because it was originally allowed to have more
                //than 2 parents. /sigh
                parentiter *= -1;
                parentiter += 1;
            return child;
コード例 #21
ファイル: MuLambda.cs プロジェクト: addiem7c5/CS348
        //Uniform random initialization of population
        private List<Individual> InitUniformRandomPopulation(int number, int numberrouters)
            double timedoingfitness = 0.0;
            //double timegenerating = 0.0;
            List<Individual> population = new List<Individual>();
            for(int i = 0; i < number; i++)
                BetterBitArray individual = new BetterBitArray(numberrouters);
                int numbertoswitch = randomgenerator.Next(numberrouters);
                for(int j = 0; j < numbertoswitch; j++)
                    int switching;
                    while(individual.IsSet(switching = randomgenerator.Next(numberrouters)) == true);

                Stopwatch fitnesstime = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                int pathscut = 0;
                double fitness =  FitnessEvaluation(data.NetworkPaths, individual, config.PenaltyCoefficient, out pathscut);
                Console.WriteLine("Fitness time: " + fitnesstime.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                timedoingfitness += fitnesstime.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
                population.Add(new Individual(fitness, pathscut, individual));

            Console.WriteLine("Fitness time(ms): " + timedoingfitness / 1000.0);

            return population;