private string dicoXML2DB(string XML, string sqlConnectionDico) { string sqlstart1, sqlstart2; int FormID = 0, PanelID; int maxLoopP = 0; string sqllog = null; Data def_Data = new Data(); StringBuilder allSQL = new StringBuilder(); try { myDOM.LoadXml(XML); } catch { allSQL = new StringBuilder(); allSQL.Append(EvoUI.HTMLMessage("<p>Invalid XML. Please validate your XML with Evolutility.xsd.</p>", EvoUI.MsgType.Error)); //allSQL.Append(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(XML)); return(allSQL.ToString()); } XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable()); nsManager.AddNamespace("evo", xQuery.evoNameSpace); XmlNode aNode = myDOM.DocumentElement; if (aNode != null && aNode.Name == xElement.form) { if (aNode.Attributes[xAttribute.label] != null) { def_Data.title = aNode.Attributes[xAttribute.label].InnerXml; } try { def_Data = Data.Deserialize(aNode[]); } catch { ErrorMsg = "Invalid XML file. The element 'data' must have attributes."; } } StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sqlFull = new StringBuilder(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMsg)) { //######### Form ######### sbSQL.Append("INSERT INTO EvoDico_Form(title,dbtable,dbcolumnpk,dbcolumnlead,dbwhere,dborder,sppaging,splogin,spget,spdelete,entity,entities,icon,description) "); sbSQL.Append("VALUES('").Append(EvoDB.SQLescape(def_Data.title)).AppendFormat("','{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','", def_Data.dbtable, def_Data.dbcolumnpk, def_Data.dbcolumnlead, def_Data.dbwhere, def_Data.dborder); sbSQL.Append(EvoDB.SQLescape(def_Data.sppaging)); sbSQL.Append("','").Append(EvoDB.SQLescape(def_Data.splogin)).Append("','").Append(EvoDB.SQLescape(def_Data.spget)).Append("','"); sbSQL.Append(EvoDB.SQLescape(def_Data.spdelete)).AppendFormat("','{0}','{1}','{2}','", EvoDB.SQLescape(def_Data.entity), EvoDB.SQLescape(def_Data.entities), EvoDB.SQLescape(def_Data.icon)); sbSQL.AppendFormat("XML import on {0}')", EvoTC.TextNowTime()); sbSQL.Append(EvoDB.SQL_IDENTITY); FormID = EvoTC.String2Int(EvoDB.GetDataScalar(sbSQL.ToString(), sqlConnectionDico, ref ErrorMessage)); if (FormID > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMsg)) { //######### Panels ######### XmlNodeList aNodeListPanels = myDOM.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(xQuery.panel, nsManager); maxLoopP = aNodeListPanels.Count - 1; if (maxLoopP == -1) { aNodeListPanels = myDOM.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//evo:tab/evo:panel", nsManager); maxLoopP = aNodeListPanels.Count - 1; } sqlFull = new StringBuilder(); for (int p = 0; p <= maxLoopP; p++) { XmlNode pNode = aNodeListPanels[p]; sbSQL = new StringBuilder(); sbSQL.Append("INSERT INTO EvoDico_Panel (FormID, label, Width, cssclass, cssclasslabel) VALUES("); sbSQL.AppendFormat("{0},", FormID); sbSQL.AppendFormat("'{0}',", EvoDB.SQLescape(pNode.Attributes[xAttribute.label].Value)); sbSQL.AppendFormat("{0},", pNode.Attributes[xAttribute.width].Value); if (pNode.Attributes[xAttribute.cssClass] != null) { sbSQL.AppendFormat("'{0}',", EvoDB.SQLescape(pNode.Attributes[xAttribute.cssClass].Value)); } else { sbSQL.Append("'',"); } if (pNode.Attributes[xAttribute.cssClassLabel] != null) { sbSQL.AppendFormat("'{0}')", EvoDB.SQLescape(pNode.Attributes[xAttribute.cssClassLabel].Value)); } else { sbSQL.Append("'')"); } sbSQL.Append(EvoDB.SQL_IDENTITY); PanelID = EvoTC.String2Int(EvoDB.GetDataScalar(sbSQL.ToString(), sqlConnectionDico, ref ErrorMessage)); if (PanelID > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMsg)) { //######### Fields ######### sqlstart1 = "INSERT INTO EvoDico_Field (FormID,"; sqlstart2 = string.Format(") VALUES ({0},", FormID); foreach (XmlNode aNode2 in pNode.ChildNodes) { StringBuilder sbSQL1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbSQL2 = new StringBuilder(); sbSQL1.Append(sqlstart1); sbSQL2.Append(sqlstart2); foreach (XmlAttribute aAttribute2 in aNode2.Attributes) { string buffer2 = aAttribute2.Name; string buffer = aAttribute2.Value; switch (buffer2) { case "panelid": break; default: if (EvoTC.isInteger(buffer)) { sbSQL1.AppendFormat("[{0}],", buffer2); sbSQL2.AppendFormat("{0},", buffer); } else { if (buffer2 == xAttribute.type) { sbSQL1.Append("typeid,"); sbSQL2.AppendFormat("{0},", FieldTypeID(buffer)); } else if (buffer != string.Empty) { sbSQL1.AppendFormat("[{0}],", buffer2); sbSQL2.AppendFormat("'{0}',", EvoDB.SQLescape(buffer)); } } break; } } sqlFull.Append(sbSQL1).Append("PanelID").Append(sbSQL2).Append(PanelID).Append(");\n"); } } } string buff = EvoDB.RunSQL(sqlFull.ToString(), sqlConnectionDico, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buff)) { ErrorMsg += buff; } //'######### Panels Details ######### //aNodeListPanels = myDOM.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//panel-details", nsManager) //maxLoopP = aNodeListPanels.Count - 1 //sqlstart1 = "INSERT INTO EvoDico_FieldDetails (FormID," //For p = 0 To maxLoopP // With aNodeListPanels[p] // Sql = "INSERT INTO EvoDico_Panel (TypeID, FormID, label, Width, dbtabledetails, dbcolumndetails) VALUES(2," & CInt(FormID) & ",'" // Sql += .Attributes(xAttribute.label).Value & "'," & .Attributes(xAttribute.width).Value & ",'" & .Attributes(xAttribute.dbTableDetails).Value & "','" & .Attributes(xAttribute.dbColumnDetails).Value & "')" // Buffer = EvoDB.RunSQL(Sql, sqlConnectionDico, True) // If Buffer = "" Then // PanelID = CInt(GetDataScalar(EvoDB.BuildSQL("max(ID)", "EvoDico_Panel", "TypeID=2 AND FormID=" & CStr(FormID)), sqlConnectionDico)) // '######### Fields Details ######### // sqlstart2 = ") VALUES (" & FormID & coma // sqlFull = "" // For Each aNode In .ChildNodes // Sql = sqlstart1 // sql2 = sqlstart2 // For Each aAttribute In aNode.Attributes // Buffer = aAttribute.Value // dbcolumn = aAttribute.Name // If InStr("-type-panelid-panelindex-label-dbcolumn-dbcolumnread-dbcolumnimg-dbtablelov-dborderlov-dbcolumnreadlov-dblovcolumn-dbwherelov-validationrule-maxlength-readonly-required-optional-format-fpos-link-linklabel-linktarget-searchlist-cssclass-width-", "-" & LCase(dbcolumn) & "-") > 0 Then // If IsNumeric(Buffer) AndAlso Not dbcolumn = xAttribute.format Then // Sql += dbcolumn & coma // sql2 += Buffer & coma // Else // If aAttribute.Name = xAttribute.type Then // Sql += "typeid," // sql2 += FieldTypeID(Buffer) & coma // Else // If Buffer <> String.Empty Then // Sql += "[" & dbcolumn & "]," // sql2 += "'" & EvoDB.SQLescape(Buffer) & "'," // End If // End If // End If // End If // Next // 'If InStr(sql, "panelid") = 0 Then // ' sql += "PanelID," // ' sql2 += CStr(Val(PanelID)) // 'End If // sqlFull += Sql & "userid" & sql2 & UserID & ");" // Next // End If // End With // Buffer = EvoDB.RunSQL(sqlFull, sqlConnectionDico, True) // If Buffer <> String.Empty Then sqllog += Buffer & vbCrLf & Sql & vbCrLf2 //Next //End If if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqllog)) { ErrorMsg = sqllog.Replace("\n\n\n", ""); } } } string retVal = String.Format("{0} {1}", def_Data.title, HTMLToolsLink(FormID.ToString(), "")); def_Data = null; nsManager = null; myDOM = null; return(retVal); }
private void PostUserComments() { // generate SQL and executes it to post user comments const string CacheKey = "LastComment"; string buffer = Page.Request[fieldComments]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buffer)) { string aSQL = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", _ItemID, _UserID, EvoDB.dbFormat(buffer, EvoDB.t_txtm, 1000, _Language)); bool OK2post = Page.Cache[CacheKey] == null; if (!OK2post) { OK2post = Convert.ToString(Page.Cache[CacheKey]) != aSQL; } if (OK2post) { Page.Cache[CacheKey] = aSQL; string um = def_Data.dbcolumncomments + ",userid,message"; if (def_Data.dbcommentsformid > 0) { aSQL = EvoDB.sqlINSERT(def_Data.dbtablecomments, um + ",formid", String.Format("{0},{1}", aSQL, def_Data.dbcommentsformid)); } else { aSQL = EvoDB.sqlINSERT(def_Data.dbtablecomments, um, aSQL); } aSQL += EvoDB.sqlUPDATE(def_Data.dbtable, string.Format(EvoDB.SQL_INCREMENT, SQLColNbComments), EvoDB.IDequals(_ItemID)); if (_UserID > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(def_Data.dbtableusers)) { aSQL += EvoDB.sqlUPDATE(def_Data.dbtableusers, string.Format(EvoDB.SQL_INCREMENT, SQLColNbComments), EvoDB.IDequals(_UserID)); } buffer = EvoDB.RunSQL(aSQL, SqlConnection, true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(buffer)) { HeaderMsg = EvoTC.CondiConcat(HeaderMsg, string.Format(EvoLang.ucPostedOn, EvoTC.TextNowTime()), vbCrLf); } else { AddError(buffer); } } } }