コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the EventUpdates EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToEventUpdates(EventUpdate eventUpdate)
     base.AddObject("EventUpdates", eventUpdate);
コード例 #2
ファイル: AddInvoiceViewModel.cs プロジェクト: syatin003/Wpf
        private void ShowInvoiceReportCommandExecuted()
            var appPath = (string)ApplicationSettings.Read("DocumentsPath");
            var fileName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", _event.Name, "Invoice", DateTime.Now.ToString("g").Replace(":", "").Replace(@"/", ""));
            var reportPath = string.Concat(fileName, ".pdf");
            var exportPath = string.Concat(appPath, reportPath);

            // create a pdf file
            ReportingService.CreateInvoiceReport(Invoice, exportPath);

            // store report in the database
            var report = new Report()
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                Name = string.Format("Invoice"),
                Path = reportPath


            _event.Reports.Add(new ReportModel(report));

            // update Updates table
            var update = new EventUpdate()
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
                Message = "Event invoice was created",
                OldValue = null,
                NewValue = _invoice.InvoiceNumber.ToString(),
                ItemId = _invoice.InnerInvoice.ID,
                ItemType = "EventInvoice",
                Field = "Invoice",
                Action = UpdateAction.Added

            // add document
            var document = new Document()
                ID = report.ID,
                Path = reportPath,
                Name = string.Format("Invoice for {0}", _event.Name),
                IsEnabled = true,
                IsCommon = false



コード例 #3
ファイル: EventsViewModel.cs プロジェクト: syatin003/Wpf
        private void DeleteEventCommandExecuted(EventModel eventModel)
            if (eventModel == null) return;

            bool? dialogResult = null;
            string confirmText = Properties.Resources.MESSAGE_ASK_BEFORE_DELETING_ITEM;


            RadWindow.Confirm(new DialogParameters()
                Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow,
                Content = confirmText,
                Closed = (sender, args) => { dialogResult = args.DialogResult; }


            if (dialogResult != true) return;

            eventModel.Event.IsDeleted = true;

            var update = new EventUpdate()
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                Event = eventModel.Event,
                UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
                Message = string.Format("Event {0} was deleted", eventModel.Name),
                OldValue = eventModel.Name,
                NewValue = null,
                ItemId = eventModel.Event.ID,
                ItemType = "Event",
                Field = "Event",
                Action = UpdateAction.Removed



            SelectedEvent = null;

コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new EventUpdate object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Initial value of the ID property.</param>
 /// <param name="eventID">Initial value of the EventID property.</param>
 /// <param name="userID">Initial value of the UserID property.</param>
 /// <param name="message">Initial value of the Message property.</param>
 /// <param name="date">Initial value of the Date property.</param>
 public static EventUpdate CreateEventUpdate(global::System.Guid id, global::System.Guid eventID, global::System.Guid userID, global::System.String message, global::System.DateTime date)
     EventUpdate eventUpdate = new EventUpdate();
     eventUpdate.ID = id;
     eventUpdate.EventID = eventID;
     eventUpdate.UserID = userID;
     eventUpdate.Message = message;
     eventUpdate.Date = date;
     return eventUpdate;
コード例 #5
ファイル: EventUpdateModel.cs プロジェクト: syatin003/Wpf
 public EventUpdateModel(EventUpdate eventUpdate)
     EventUpdate = eventUpdate;
     UpdatesHistory=new List<UpdatesHistoryModel>();
コード例 #6
        private async void SubmitEventCommandExecuted()
            IsBusy = true;
            BusyText = "Processing";

            //Set the Items Count on change of Number of Places 

            //Check whether the Sum of Invoived and Uninvoiced Items is equal or not
            if (!IsInvoicedandUnInvoicedPriceEquals())
                IsBusy = false;

            //Check whether the resources are available
            await ValidateResourcesAvailability();

            if (AlreadyBookedEventItems.Count > 0)
                var alreadyBookedWindow = new EventItemsAlreadyBooked(Event, AlreadyBookedCaterings, AlreadyBookedRooms, AlreadyBookedGolfs, AlreadyBookedEventItems);
                if (alreadyBookedWindow.DialogResult == null || !alreadyBookedWindow.DialogResult.Value)
                    IsBusy = false;
            if (_isEditMode)
                var eventUpdates = LoggingService.FindDifference(_originalEvent, _event);
                ProcessUpdates(_event, eventUpdates);
                _event.Event.LastEditDate = DateTime.Now;
                // Release lock
                _event.Event.LockedUserID = null;

                var update = new EventUpdate()
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                    Date = DateTime.Now,
                    UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
                    Message = string.Format("Event {0} was created", _event.Name),
                    OldValue = null,
                    NewValue = _event.Name,
                    ItemId = _event.Event.ID,
                    ItemType = "Event",
                    Field = "Event",
                    Action = UpdateAction.Added

                var eventUpdates = LoggingService.FindDifference(_originalEvent, _event, true);
                ProcessUpdates(_event, eventUpdates);
            await _eventsDataUnit.SaveChanges();

            IsBusy = false;
                    ? Properties.Resources.MESSAGE_NEW_EVENT_UPDATED
                    : Properties.Resources.MESSAGE_NEW_EVENT_ADDED, MessageType.Successful);
コード例 #7
        private void ShowFunctionSheetCommandExecuted()
            var appPath = (string)ApplicationSettings.Read("DocumentsPath");

            var eventWasChanged = _event.Event.LastFunctionSheetPrint <= _event.Event.LastEditDate;
            var lastReport = _event.Reports.Where(x => x.Name == "Function Sheet").OrderByDescending(x => x.Report.Date).FirstOrDefault();

            if (!eventWasChanged && lastReport != null)
                var oldExportPath = string.Concat(appPath, lastReport.Report.Path);

                if (File.Exists(oldExportPath))

            var fileName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", _event.Name, "Function Sheet", DateTime.Now.ToString("g").Replace(":", "").Replace(@"/", ""));
            var reportPath = string.Concat(fileName, ".pdf");
            var exportPath = string.Concat(appPath, reportPath);

            // create a pdf file
            ReportingService.CreateFunctionSheetReport(_event, exportPath);

            // store report in the database
            var report = new Report()
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                Name = string.Format("Function Sheet"),
                Path = reportPath

            _event.Event.LastFunctionSheetPrint = DateTime.Now;

            _event.Reports.Insert(0, new ReportModel(report));

            // update Updates table
            var update = new EventUpdate()
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
                Message = Resources.MESSAGE_FUNCTION_SHEET_WAS_CREATED,
                OldValue = null,
                NewValue = report.Name,
                ItemId = report.ID,
                ItemType = "EventReport",
                Field = "FunctionSheetReport",
                Action = UpdateAction.Added

            _event.EventUpdates.Insert(0, update);

            var document = new Document()
                ID = report.ID,
                EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                Path = reportPath,
                Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(reportPath),
                IsEnabled = true,
                IsCommon = false

コード例 #8
        private void AddFileFromHdd(string path)
            var appPath = (string)ApplicationSettings.Read("DocumentsPath");
            var filePath = Path.GetFileName(path);
            var fullPath = string.Concat(appPath, filePath);

                if (File.Exists(fullPath))

                File.Copy(path, fullPath);

                var report = new ReportModel(new Report()
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                    Date = DateTime.Now,
                    Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path),
                    Path = filePath

                _event.Reports.Insert(0, report);

                // update Updates table
                var update = new EventUpdate()
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                    Date = DateTime.Now,
                    UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
                    Message = Resources.MESSAGE_FUNCTION_SHEET_WAS_CREATED,
                    OldValue = null,
                    NewValue = report.Name,
                    ItemId = report.Report.ID,
                    ItemType = "EventReport",
                    Field = "DocumentUpload",
                    Action = UpdateAction.Added


                var document = new Document()
                    ID = report.Report.ID,
                    EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                    Path = filePath,
                    Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path),
                    IsEnabled = true,
                    IsCommon = false


            catch (Exception ex)
                PopupService.ShowMessage(ex.Message, MessageType.Failed);
コード例 #9
ファイル: NewEnquiryViewModel.cs プロジェクト: syatin003/Wpf
        private async void BookCommandExecute()
            bool? dialogResult = null;
            string confirmText = Properties.Resources.MESSAGE_ASK_BEFORE_BOOKING_ENQUIRY;

            RadWindow.Confirm(new DialogParameters()
                Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow,
                Content = confirmText,
                Closed = (sender, args) => { dialogResult = args.DialogResult; }

            if (dialogResult != true) return;

            Enquiry.EnquiryStatus = EnquiryStatuses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Status == "Booked");
            EnquiryStatus = Enquiry.EnquiryStatus;

            var newEvent = new Event()
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name = Enquiry.Name,
                Date = (DateTime)Enquiry.Date,
                Places = (int)Enquiry.Places,
                CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                ShowOnCalendar = true,
                IsDeleted = false,
                LastEditDate = DateTime.Now,
                EventTypeID = Enquiry.EventType.ID,
                EnquiryID = Enquiry.Enquiry.ID,
                EventStatusID = _eventStatuses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Provisional").ID

            if (_enquiry.PrimaryContact != null)
                newEvent.ContactID = _enquiry.PrimaryContact.Contact.ID;


            var update = new EventUpdate()
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                EventID = newEvent.ID,
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
                Message = string.Format("Event {0} was created", newEvent.Name),
                OldValue = null,
                NewValue = newEvent.Name,
                ItemId = newEvent.ID,
                ItemType = "Event",
                Field = "Event",
                Action = UpdateAction.Added


            // Warning: Here we use EventDataUnit!

            var events = await _eventDataUnit.EventsRepository.GetLightEventsAsync(x => x.ID == newEvent.ID);
            var @event = events.FirstOrDefault();

            var item = new EventModel(@event);

            // Open Add Event window in UI thread
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                var bookingView = new BookingView(BookingViews.Event, item);

                if (bookingView.DialogResult != null && bookingView.DialogResult == true)
                    string campaingText = Enquiry.Campaign == null ? "" : ", via Campaign " + Enquiry.Campaign.Name;

                    var note = new EventNoteModel(new EventNote()
                        ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        EventID = newEvent.ID,
                        Date = DateTime.Now,
                        EventNoteType = _eventNoteTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "Internal"),
                        UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
                        Note = String.Format("From Enquiry, made on {0}, Taken by {1} Assigned to {2} enquiry via {3} {4}. {5} Notes, {6} Updates, {7} Activities & {8} Follow-Ups.",


コード例 #10
        private async void SubmitCommandExecuted()
            IsBusy = true;

            if (!_isResend)
                var type = _corresponcenceTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "Event");
                Correspondence.CorresponcenceType = type;

            var onCompleteAction = new Action(() =>
                if (Correspondence.SendMailToCcAddress)

                foreach (var document in Correspondence.Documents)
                    var correspondenceDocument = new CorrespondenceDocument()
                        ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        CorrespondenceID = Correspondence.Correspondence.ID,
                        DocumentID = document.ID


                // add entry into update log
                var update = new EventUpdate()
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    EventID = _event.Event.ID,
                    Date = DateTime.Now,
                    Message = string.Format("Email was sent to {0}", _correspondence.ToAddress),
                    UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
                    OldValue = null,
                    NewValue = _correspondence.ToAddress,
                    ItemId = _correspondence.Correspondence.ID,
                    ItemType = "Correspondence",
                    Field = "Email",
                    Action = UpdateAction.Added

                _event.EventUpdates.Insert(0, update);

                _event.Correspondences.Insert(0, Correspondence);

            bool success = await EmailService.SendEmail(Correspondence, onCompleteAction, MainEmailTemplate.MailTemplate.Template);

            IsBusy = false;

            if (success)
コード例 #11
ファイル: LoggingService.cs プロジェクト: syatin003/Wpf
 private static EventUpdate ProcessUpdate(EventModel eventModel, string message, string oldValue, string newValue, Guid itemID, string itemType, string field, UpdateAction action)
     var update = new EventUpdate()
         ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
         Date = DateTime.Now,
         Event = eventModel.Event,
         UserID = AccessService.Current.User.ID,
         Message = message,
         OldValue = oldValue,
         NewValue = newValue,
         ItemId = itemID,
         ItemType = itemType,
         Field = field,
         Action = action
     return update;