コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method to Calcuate Mathematical Results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="equation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal T Calculate <T>(string equation)
            equation = BracketMathematicEquations(equation);

            return(EvalResults.Evaluate <T>(GetMathematicalExpression <T>(equation)));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// As we pass on the Mathematical equation with all kinds of precendence from brackets,
        /// this method will calcualte all values inside all nested bracket and form an single liner non-nested bracket equation and send it to caller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="equation">strign with brackets or no brackets</param>
        /// <returns>Expression with simplified mathematical equation.</returns>
        private Expression GetMathematicalExpression <T>(string equation)
            //return GenerateEvalutionExpression(SearchAndCalcualteBracketGroupEquations(equation));

            while (equation.Contains("("))
                equation = SearchAndCalcualteBracketGroupEquations(equation);

            //Local function to Recurssively get all equations from Brackets and process them to return single line equation.
            string SearchAndCalcualteBracketGroupEquations(string bracketOperand)
                var matches = Regex.Matches(bracketOperand, EvalConstants.OperandParameterNestedBrackests).Cast <Match>();

                matches.All(m =>
                    var _val       = m.Groups[0].Value.Substring(1);
                    bracketOperand = bracketOperand.Replace($"({_val}", SearchAndCalcualteBracketGroupEquations(_val)); //Recursive Call

                return(CalculateEquation(bracketOperand)); //Returning Calculated values for the outer bracket equation.

            //Local function to get Expression and calculation based on the parsed equation string passed on by caller.
            string CalculateEquation(string operandEquation)
                if (operandEquation.Contains("(") && operandEquation.Contains(")"))

                if (operandEquation.EndsWith(")"))
                    operandEquation = operandEquation.Remove(operandEquation.Length - 1);
                var expression = GenerateEvalutionExpression(operandEquation);
                var result     = EvalResults.Evaluate <T>(expression).ToString();


            //Local function once again to calcualte the values of each group.
            Expression GenerateEvalutionExpression(string groupOperand)
                var        _equation     = groupOperand;
                var        _operator     = "";
                var        _prevOperator = "";
                Expression _exprEquation = null;

                //Matches all Operators(*,+,/,-,^) and Reverses them to take Right to Left advantage in mathematical calculation.
                Regex.Matches(groupOperand, EvalConstants.OperandPrameterPattern).Cast <Match>().Reverse().All(m =>
                    //if (Regex.IsMatch(equation, @"[-]\d+$"))
                    _operator  = m.Groups[0].Value;
                    var _right = $"{(_operator == "-" ? "-" : "")}{_equation.Substring(_equation.LastIndexOf(_operator) + 1)}";

                    _equation     = _equation.Substring(0, _equation.LastIndexOf(_operator));
                    _exprEquation = AddOperationExpression(_prevOperator, _exprEquation, _right.ParseNumber <T>());
                    _prevOperator = _operator;


                if (!_equation.Empty())
                    _exprEquation = AddOperationExpression(_operator, _exprEquation, _equation.ParseNumber <T>()); //for the last one out of loop.