public Drop(Item item, MapObject dropper, int x, int y, int secondsToLive) { Item = new DroppedItem(item); DroppedBy = dropper; Position = new Vector2(x, y); Expire = Program.CurrentTime.AddSeconds(secondsToLive); CanTake = true; }
public AttackSequence(MapObject att, uint min, uint max, ushort skillid, uint x = (uint) 0, uint y = (uint) 0) : this(att, null, min, max, skillid, true) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.nextAction = Program.CurrentTime.AddMilliseconds(skillInfo.CastTime); this.State = AnimationState.AoEShow; }
public AttackSequence(MapObject att, MapObject vict, uint min, uint max, ushort skillid, bool derp) : this(att, vict, min, max, 0) { this.skillid = skillid; this.minDamage += skillInfo.MinDamage; this.maxDamage += skillInfo.MaxDamage; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; }
private MapObject to; // Could be a player too (PvP or EvP) #endregion Fields #region Constructors public AttackSequence_(MapObject from, MapObject to, ushort skill = (ushort) 0xFFFF, ushort attackspeed = (ushort) 1400) { this.from = from; = to; toID = to.MapObjectID; State = AnimationState.Running; nextSequence = Program.CurrentTime; attackSpeed = attackspeed; skillid = skill; }
public AttackSequence(MapObject att, MapObject vict, uint min, uint max, ushort attackspeed) { this.State = AnimationState.Starting; this.attacker = att; this.victim = vict; this.minDamage = min; this.maxDamage = max; this.attackspeed = attackspeed; this.nextAction = Program.CurrentTime; this.skillid = NoSkill; this.animationID = att.UpdateCounter; this.State = AnimationState.Running; }
public static void SendAttackAnimation(MapObject from, ushort objectID, ushort attackspeed, byte stance) { using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.AttackAnimation)) { packet.WriteUShort(from.MapObjectID); packet.WriteUShort(objectID); packet.WriteByte(stance); packet.WriteUShort(attackspeed); packet.WriteByte(4); packet.WriteByte(100); from.MapSector.Broadcast(packet); } }
public static void SendAttackDamage(MapObject from, ushort objectID, ushort damage, bool crit, uint hpleft, ushort counter) { using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.AttackDamage)) { packet.WriteUShort(from.MapObjectID); packet.WriteUShort(objectID); packet.WriteBool(crit); packet.WriteUShort(damage); packet.WriteUInt(hpleft); packet.WriteUShort(counter); packet.WriteByte(4); packet.WriteByte(100); from.MapSector.Broadcast(packet); } }
public static Packet RemoveObject(MapObject obj) { Packet packet = new Packet(SH7Type.RemoveObject); packet.WriteUShort(obj.MapObjectID); return packet; }
public static void SendStatsUpdate(MapObject pObject, ZoneClient to, bool selectedby) { using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.StatUpdate)) { packet.WriteBool(selectedby); packet.WriteUShort(pObject.MapObjectID); if (pObject is ZoneCharacter) { ((ZoneCharacter)pObject).WriteUpdateStats(packet); } else { ((Mob)pObject).WriteUpdateStats(packet); } to.SendPacket(packet); } }
public virtual void AttackSkill(ushort skillid, MapObject victim) { if (victim != null && !victim.IsAttackable) return; }
public override void AttackSkill(ushort skillid, MapObject victim) { if (victim == null) { victim = SelectedObject; } if (IsAttacking || victim == null || !victim.IsAttackable) return; Item weapon; this.Inventory.GetEquiptBySlot((byte)ItemSlot.Weapon, out weapon); uint dmgmin = (uint)GetWeaponDamage(true); uint dmgmax = (uint)(GetWeaponDamage(true) + (GetWeaponDamage(true) % 3)); if (weapon != null) { dmgmin += weapon.ItemInfo.MinMelee; dmgmax += weapon.ItemInfo.MaxMelee; } attackingSequence = new AttackSequence(this, victim, dmgmin, dmgmax, skillid, true); }
public override void AttackSkill(ushort skillid, MapObject victim) { base.AttackSkill(skillid, victim); // lol if (AttackingSequence != null) return; AttackingSequence = new AttackSequence(this, victim, 0, InfoServer.Str, skillid, true); Target = victim; }
public void Update(DateTime now) { if (this.State == AnimationState.Ended) return; if (this.attacker == null || this.attacker.IsDead) { this.State = AnimationState.Ended; return; } if (!IsAoE && (this.victim == null || this.victim.IsDead)) { this.State = AnimationState.Ended; return; } if (this.nextAction > now) return; if (IsSkill) { if (IsAoE) { if (this.State == AnimationState.AoEShow) { Handler9.SendSkillPosition(attacker, animationID, skillid, x, y); Handler9.SendSkillAnimationForPlayer(attacker, skillid, animationID); this.nextAction = Program.CurrentTime.AddMilliseconds(skillInfo.SkillAniTime); this.State = AnimationState.AoEDo; } else if (this.State == AnimationState.AoEDo) { // Lets create an AoE skill @ X Y List<SkillVictim> victims = new List<SkillVictim>(); var pos = new Vector2((int)x, (int)y); // Find victims foreach (var v in attacker.Map.GetObjectsBySectors(attacker.MapSector.SurroundingSectors)) { if (attacker == v) continue; if (v is ZoneCharacter) continue; if (Vector2.Distance(v.Position, pos) > skillInfo.Range) continue; // Calculate dmg uint dmg = (uint)Program.Randomizer.Next((int)minDamage, (int)maxDamage); if (dmg > v.HP) { v.HP = 0; } if (!v.IsDead) { v.Attack(attacker); } else { if (v is Mob && attacker is ZoneCharacter) { uint exp = (v as Mob).InfoServer.MonExp; (attacker as ZoneCharacter).GiveExp(exp, v.MapObjectID); } } victims.Add(new SkillVictim(v.MapObjectID, dmg, v.HP, 0x01, 0x01, v.UpdateCounter)); if (victims.Count == skillInfo.MaxTargets) break; } Handler9.SendSkill(attacker, animationID, victims); foreach (var v in victims) { if (v.HPLeft == 0) { Handler9.SendDieAnimation(attacker, v.MapObjectID); } } victims.Clear(); State = AnimationState.Ended; } } else { // Normal skill parsing State = AnimationState.Ended; } } else { // Just attacking... if (victim == null || victim.IsDead) { victim = null; attacker = null; State = AnimationState.Ended; } else { // Calculate some damage to do ushort dmg = (ushort)Program.Randomizer.Next((int)minDamage, (int)maxDamage); if (dmg > victim.HP) { victim.HP = 0; } bool crit = Program.Randomizer.Next() % 100 >= 80; byte stance = (byte)(Program.Randomizer.Next(0, 3)); victim.Damage(attacker, dmg); Handler9.SendAttackAnimation(attacker, victim.MapObjectID, attackspeed, stance); Handler9.SendAttackDamage(attacker, victim.MapObjectID, dmg, crit, victim.HP, victim.UpdateCounter); if (victim.IsDead) { if (victim is Mob && attacker is ZoneCharacter) { uint exp = (victim as Mob).InfoServer.MonExp; (attacker as ZoneCharacter).GiveExp(exp, victim.MapObjectID); } Handler9.SendDieAnimation(attacker, victim.MapObjectID); victim = null; State = AnimationState.Ended; } else { nextAction = now.AddMilliseconds(attackspeed); } } } }
public static void SendDieAnimation(MapObject from, ushort objectID) { // DO NOT SEND THIS TO THE DYING PLAYER, LOL using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.DieAnimation)) { packet.WriteUShort(objectID); packet.WriteUShort(from.MapObjectID); from.MapSector.Broadcast(packet, objectID); } }
public static void SendSkill(MapObject user, ushort animid, ushort victimid, uint damage, uint newhp, ushort counter, byte special1 = (byte) 0x10, byte special2 = (byte) 0x00) { // 9 82 | [E5 3F] [8A 27] [01] [8A 27] [10 00] [09 00 00 00] [5E 00 00 00] [A7 4C] // 9 82 | [9A 35] [8A 27] [01] [C2 05] [10 00] [0A 00 00 00] [1D 01 00 00] [73 37] // 9 82 | [43 3C] [42 15] [01] [AC 4C] [01 01] [7A 02 00 00] [00 00 00 00] [35 09] // 9 82 | [0E 39] [42 15] [01] [00 4A] [21 01] [1C 03 00 00] [00 00 00 00] [8C 0E] using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.SkillAnimationTarget)) { packet.WriteUShort(animid); packet.WriteUShort(user.MapObjectID); packet.WriteBool(true); packet.WriteUShort(victimid); packet.WriteByte(special1); packet.WriteByte(special2); packet.WriteUInt(damage); packet.WriteUInt(newhp); packet.WriteUShort(counter); user.MapSector.Broadcast(packet); } }
public void Transfer(MapObject obj, Sector to) { Objects.Remove(obj.MapObjectID); to.AddObject(obj); // we remove object first to the 'non display region' ZoneCharacter character = obj as ZoneCharacter; List <Sector> oldsectors = Map.GetSectorsOutOfRange(this, to); // The idea of this function // 1. Remove obj from map for players that are out of range // (IF PLAYER) 2. Remove objects that are out of range for obj // (IF PLAYER) 3. Spawn objects that are new in range for obj // 4. Spawn obj for all players in new range using (var removeObjPacket = Handler7.RemoveObject(obj)) // Make new packet to remove object from map for others { // Even nederlands: Kijken of we mensen kunnen vinden in range? foreach (var victimObject in Map.GetObjectsBySectors(oldsectors)) { if (victimObject is Npc) { continue; // NPC's are for noobs. Can't despawn } if (victimObject is ZoneCharacter) { // Remove obj for player ZoneCharacter victim = victimObject as ZoneCharacter; victim.Client.SendPacket(removeObjPacket); } if (character != null) { // Despawn victimObject for obj using (var removeVictimPacket = Handler7.RemoveObject(victimObject)) { character.Client.SendPacket(removeVictimPacket); } } } } //we remove all the drops out of the character's region if (character != null && character.Client != null) { foreach (var dropoutofrange in Map.GetDropsBySectors(oldsectors)) { using (var despawndrop = Handler6.RemoveDrop(dropoutofrange)) { character.Client.SendPacket(despawndrop); } } } //now we spawn the object to other objects in map List <Sector> newsectors = Map.GetSectorsNewInRange(this, to); List <MapObject> objects = Map.GetObjectsBySectors(newsectors); using (var packet = obj.Spawn()) { foreach (var mapObject in objects) { if (mapObject is Npc) { continue; //we don't respawn NPCs } if (mapObject is ZoneCharacter) { ZoneCharacter rangechar = mapObject as ZoneCharacter; // Send spawn packet of the object (can be both a character and mob) to mapObject (a player) rangechar.Client.SendPacket(packet); } if (character != null) { // Send spawn packet of mapObject to character using (var spawn = mapObject.Spawn()) { character.Client.SendPacket(spawn); } } } } if (character != null && character.Client != null) { using (var spawndrops = Handler7.ShowDrops(Map.GetDropsBySectors(newsectors))) { character.Client.SendPacket(spawndrops); } } }
private void Handle() { if (to != null) { ushort seed = (ushort)Program.Randomizer.Next(0, 100); //we use one seed & base damage on it ushort damage = (ushort)Program.Randomizer.Next(0, seed); bool crit = seed >= 80; stance = (byte)(Program.Randomizer.Next(0, 3)); to.Damage(from, damage); Handler9.SendAttackAnimation(from, toID, attackSpeed, stance); Handler9.SendAttackDamage(from, toID, damage, crit, GetHPLeft(), to.UpdateCounter); if (to.IsDead) { if (to is Mob && from is ZoneCharacter) { uint exp = (to as Mob).InfoServer.MonExp; (from as ZoneCharacter).GiveExp(exp, toID); } Handler9.SendDieAnimation(from, toID); State = AnimationState.Ended; to = null; } else { SetNewSequenceTime(attackSpeed); } } }
public virtual void Damage(MapObject bully, uint amount, bool isSP = false) { if (isSP) { if (SP < amount) SP = 0; else SP -= amount; } else { if (HP < amount) HP = 0; else HP -= amount; } if (bully == null) { if (this is ZoneCharacter) { ZoneCharacter character = this as ZoneCharacter; if (isSP) Handler9.SendUpdateSP(character); else Handler9.SendUpdateHP(character); } } else { if (this is Mob && ((Mob)this).AttackingSequence == null) { this.Attack(bully); } else if (this is ZoneCharacter && !((ZoneCharacter)this).IsAttacking) { this.Attack(bully); } } }
public static Packet MoveObject(MapObject obj, int oldx, int oldy, bool walk, ushort speed = (ushort) 115) { Packet packet = new Packet(walk ? SH8Type.Walk : SH8Type.Move); packet.WriteUShort(obj.MapObjectID); packet.WriteInt(oldx); packet.WriteInt(oldy); packet.WriteInt(obj.Position.X); packet.WriteInt(obj.Position.Y); packet.WriteUShort(speed); return packet; }
public override void Attack(MapObject victim) { base.Attack(victim); // lol if (AttackingSequence != null) return; AttackingSequence = new AttackSequence(this, victim, 0, InfoServer.Str, 1400); Target = victim; }
public static Packet StopObject(MapObject obj) { Packet packet = new Packet(SH8Type.StopTele); packet.WriteUShort(obj.MapObjectID); packet.WriteInt(obj.Position.X); packet.WriteInt(obj.Position.Y); return packet; }
public bool FinalizeAdd(MapObject obj) { Sector sector = GetSectorByPos(obj.Position); sector.AddObject(obj, true); return Objects.TryAdd(obj.MapObjectID, obj); }
public static void SendSkill(MapObject user, ushort animid, List<SkillVictim> victims) { using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.SkillAnimationTarget)) { packet.WriteUShort(animid); packet.WriteUShort(user.MapObjectID); packet.WriteByte((byte)(victims.Count > 255 ? 255 : victims.Count)); for (byte i = 0; i < victims.Count && i != 255; i++) { var victim = victims[i]; packet.WriteUShort(victim.MapObjectID); packet.WriteByte(victim.Stance1); packet.WriteByte(victim.Stance2); packet.WriteUInt(victim.Damage); packet.WriteUInt(victim.HPLeft); packet.WriteUShort(victim.HPCounter); } user.MapSector.Broadcast(packet); } }
public virtual void Attack(MapObject victim) { if (victim != null && !victim.IsAttackable) return; }
public static void SendSkillAnimationForPlayer(MapObject user, ushort skillid, ushort animid) { // 9 87 | [E5 3F] [8A 27] [04 06] // 9 87 | [97 2D] [9A 26] [06 06] using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.SkillAnimation)) { packet.WriteUShort(animid); packet.WriteUShort(user.MapObjectID); packet.WriteUShort(skillid); user.MapSector.Broadcast(packet); } }
public static void SendSkillNoVictim(MapObject user, ushort animid) { // 9 82 | [75 70] [32 29] [00] using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.SkillAnimationTarget)) { packet.WriteUShort(animid); packet.WriteUShort(user.MapObjectID); packet.WriteBool(false); user.MapSector.Broadcast(packet); } }
public bool AssignObjectID(MapObject obj) { bool result = false; lock (availableLifeKeys) { if (availableLifeKeys.Count == 0) { if (lifeIndexer == ushort.MaxValue) { Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warn, "Map is having map object id overflow (cannot handler more than {0})", ushort.MaxValue); result = false; } else { ushort key = lifeIndexer; ++lifeIndexer; obj.MapObjectID = key; result = true; } } else { ushort key = availableLifeKeys.Dequeue(); obj.MapObjectID = key; result = true; } if (result) obj.Map = this; return result; } }
public static void SendSkillPosition(MapObject user, ushort animid, ushort skillid, uint x, uint y) { // 9 81 | [32 29] [B8 10] [56 0A 00 00] [3A 27 00 00] [75 70] using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.SkillAnimationPosition)) { packet.WriteUShort(user.MapObjectID); packet.WriteUShort(skillid); packet.WriteUInt(x); packet.WriteUInt(y); packet.WriteUShort(animid); user.MapSector.Broadcast(packet); } }
public bool FullAddObject(MapObject obj) { Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "Added {0} to the map.", obj.GetType().ToString()); if (AssignObjectID(obj)) { return FinalizeAdd(obj); } else return false; }
public static void SendSkillStartOthers(MapObject user, ushort skillid, ushort victim, ushort animid) { // 9 79 | [9A 26] [06 06] [8A 27] [97 2D] using (var packet = new Packet(SH9Type.SkillUsePrepareOthers)) { packet.WriteUShort(user.MapObjectID); packet.WriteUShort(skillid); packet.WriteUShort(victim); packet.WriteUShort(animid); user.MapSector.Broadcast(packet, user.MapObjectID); } }
public override void Damage(MapObject bully, uint amount, bool isSP = false) { base.Damage(bully, amount, isSP); if (IsDead) { State = PlayerState.Dead; Handler4.SendReviveWindow(this.Client, 3); } }
public void Update(DateTime now) { if (State == AnimationState.Ended) { return; } if (attacker == null || attacker.IsDead) { State = AnimationState.Ended; return; } if (!IsAoE && (victim == null || victim.IsDead)) { State = AnimationState.Ended; return; } if (nextAction > now) { return; } if (IsSkill) { if (IsAoE) { if (State == AnimationState.AoEShow) { Handler9.SendSkillPosition(attacker, animationID, skillid, x, y); Handler9.SendSkillAnimationForPlayer(attacker, skillid, animationID); nextAction = Program.CurrentTime.AddMilliseconds(skillInfo.SkillAniTime); State = AnimationState.AoEDo; } else if (State == AnimationState.AoEDo) { // Lets create an AoE skill @ X Y var victims = new List <SkillVictim>(); var pos = new Vector2((int)x, (int)y); // Find victims foreach (var v in attacker.Map.GetObjectsBySectors(attacker.MapSector.SurroundingSectors)) { if (attacker == v) { continue; } if (v is ZoneCharacter) { continue; } if (Vector2.Distance(v.Position, pos) > skillInfo.Range) { continue; } // Calculate dmg var dmg = (uint)Program.Randomizer.Next((int)minDamage, (int)maxDamage); if (dmg > v.HP) { v.HP = 0; } if (!v.IsDead) { v.Attack(attacker); } else { if (v is Mob && attacker is ZoneCharacter) { var exp = (v as Mob).InfoServer.MonExp; (attacker as ZoneCharacter).GiveExp(exp, v.MapObjectID); } } victims.Add(new SkillVictim(v.MapObjectID, dmg, v.HP, 0x01, 0x01, v.UpdateCounter)); if (victims.Count == skillInfo.MaxTargets) { break; } } Handler9.SendSkill(attacker, animationID, victims); foreach (var v in victims) { if (v.HPLeft == 0) { Handler9.SendDieAnimation(attacker, v.MapObjectID); } } victims.Clear(); State = AnimationState.Ended; } } else { // Normal skill parsing State = AnimationState.Ended; } } else { // Just attacking... if (victim == null || victim.IsDead) { victim = null; attacker = null; State = AnimationState.Ended; } else { // Calculate some damage to do var dmg = (ushort)Program.Randomizer.Next((int)minDamage, (int)maxDamage); if (dmg > victim.HP) { victim.HP = 0; } var crit = Program.Randomizer.Next() % 100 >= 80; var stance = (byte)Program.Randomizer.Next(0, 3); victim.Damage(attacker, dmg); Handler9.SendAttackAnimation(attacker, victim.MapObjectID, attackspeed, stance); Handler9.SendAttackDamage(attacker, victim.MapObjectID, dmg, crit, victim.HP, victim.UpdateCounter); if (victim.IsDead) { if (victim is Mob && attacker is ZoneCharacter) { var exp = (victim as Mob).InfoServer.MonExp; (attacker as ZoneCharacter).GiveExp(exp, victim.MapObjectID); } Handler9.SendDieAnimation(attacker, victim.MapObjectID); victim = null; State = AnimationState.Ended; } else { nextAction = now.AddMilliseconds(attackspeed); } } } }