protected override void Load() { try { var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Instance = this; try { var essPermProvider = new EssentialsPermissionsProvider(); R.Permissions = essPermProvider; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); } R.Plugins.OnPluginsLoaded += OverrideCommands; TaskExecutor = new EssentialsTaskExecutor(); SteamGameServer.SetKeyValue("essversion", PLUGIN_VERSION); Logger = new ConsoleLogger("[uEssentials] "); ConnectedPlayers = new Dictionary <ulong, UPlayer>(); Debug.Listeners.Add(new EssentialsConsoleTraceListener()); Provider.onServerDisconnected += PlayerDisconnectCallback; Provider.onServerConnected += PlayerConnectCallback; Logger.LogInfo("Enabling uEssentials..."); if (Provider.clients.Count > 0) { Provider.clients.ForEach(p => { ConnectedPlayers.Add(p.playerID.steamID.m_SteamID, new UPlayer(UnturnedPlayer.FromSteamPlayer(p))); }); } _folder = Rocket.Core.Environment.PluginsDirectory + "/uEssentials/"; _translationFolder = Folder + "translations/"; _dataFolder = Folder + "data/"; _modulesFolder = Folder + "modules/"; WebResources = new WebResources(); Config = new EssConfig(); var webResourcesPath = Path.Combine(Folder, WebResources.FileName); var configPath = Path.Combine(Folder, Config.FileName); WebResources.Load(webResourcesPath); // Sync web config with local config.json if (WebResources.Loaded.ContainsKey("Config")) { File.WriteAllText(configPath, WebResources.Loaded["Config"]); } Config.Load(configPath); CommandOptions = new CommandOptions(); CommandOptions.Load(Path.Combine(Folder, CommandOptions.FileName)); Updater = new GithubUpdater(); EventManager = new EventManager(); CommandManager = new CommandManager(); ModuleManager = new ModuleManager(); HookManager = new HookManager(); EssLang.Load(); new [] { "Plugin version: ~white~" + PLUGIN_VERSION + BUILD_INFO, "Recommended Rocket version: ~white~" + ROCKET_VERSION, "Recommended Unturned version: ~white~" + UNTURNED_VERSION, "Author: ~white~leonardosnt", "Wiki:", }.ForEach(text => Logger.LogInfo(text, true)); EventManager.RegisterAll(GetType().Assembly); if (!Config.EnableJoinLeaveMessage) { EventManager.Unregister <EssentialsEventHandler>("JoinMessage"); EventManager.Unregister <EssentialsEventHandler>("LeaveMessage"); } // Register all commands from namespace Essentials.Commands CommandManager.RegisterAll("Essentials.Commands"); HookManager.RegisterAll(); HookManager.LoadAll(); if (Config.Economy.UseXp) { EconomyProvider = Optional <IEconomyProvider> .Of(new ExpEconomyProvider()); } else if (HookManager.GetActiveByType <AviEconomyHook>().IsPresent) { EconomyProvider = Optional <IEconomyProvider> .Of(HookManager.GetActiveByType <AviEconomyHook>().Value); } else if (HookManager.GetActiveByType <UconomyHook>().IsPresent) { EconomyProvider = Optional <IEconomyProvider> .Of(HookManager.GetActiveByType <UconomyHook>().Value); } else { EconomyProvider = Optional <IEconomyProvider> .Empty(); } LoadNativeModules(); Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {CommandManager.Commands.Count()} commands"); Logger.LogInfo("Loading modules..."); ModuleManager.LoadAll(ModulesFolder); Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {ModuleManager.RunningModules.Count(t => !(t is NativeModule))} modules"); if (Config.AutoAnnouncer.Enabled) { Config.AutoAnnouncer.Start(); } if (Config.AutoCommands.Enabled) { Config.AutoCommands.Start(); } if (!Config.Updater.AlertOnJoin) { EventManager.Unregister <EssentialsEventHandler>("UpdateAlert"); } if (Config.ServerFrameRate != -1) { var frameRate = Config.ServerFrameRate; if (Config.ServerFrameRate < -1) { frameRate = -1; // Set to default } UnityEngine.Application.targetFrameRate = frameRate; } if (Config.DisabledCommands.Count != 0) { Config.DisabledCommands.ForEach(cmdName => { var command = CommandManager.GetByName(cmdName); if (command == null || command is CommandEssentials) { Logger.LogWarning($"There is no command named '{cmdName}' to disable."); } else { CommandManager.Unregister(command); Logger.LogInfo($"Disabled command: '{command.Name}'"); } }); } if (Config.EnableTextCommands) { TextCommands = new TextCommands(); var textCommandsFile = Path.Combine(Folder, TextCommands.FileName); TextCommands.Load(textCommandsFile); TextCommands.Commands.ForEach(txtCommand => { CommandManager.Register(new TextCommand(txtCommand)); }); } if (!Config.EnableDeathMessages) { EventManager.Unregister <EssentialsEventHandler>("DeathMessages"); } #if EXPERIMENTAL Logger.LogWarning("THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL BUILD, CAN BE BUGGY."); Logger.LogWarning("THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL BUILD, CAN BE BUGGY."); #endif // Delete useless files generated by Rocket Task.Create() .Id("Delete Xml Files") .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) .Async() .Action(() => { File.Delete($"{Folder}uEssentials.en.translation.xml"); File.Delete($"{Folder}uEssentials.configuration.xml"); }) .Submit(); CommandWindow.input.onInputText += ReloadCallback; Logger.LogInfo($"Enabled ({stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms)"); } catch (Exception e) { var msg = new List <string>() { "An error occurred while enabling uEssentials.", "If this error is not related with wrong configuration please report", "immediatly here", "Error: " + e }; if (!Provider.APP_VERSION.EqualsIgnoreCase(UNTURNED_VERSION)) { msg.Add("I detected that you are using a different version of the recommended, " + "please update your uEssentials/Unturned."); msg.Add("If you are using the latest uEssentials release, please wait for update."); } if (Logger == null) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; msg.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } else { msg.ForEach(Logger.LogError); } } #if !DEV Analytics.SendEvent($"ServerInit"); #endif #if DEV Console.Title = "Unturned Server"; #else CheckUpdates(); #endif }
protected override void Load() { try { var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Instance = this; R.Plugins.OnPluginsLoaded += OverrideCommands; TaskExecutor = new EssentialsTaskExecutor(); //SteamGameServer.SetKeyValue("essversion", PLUGIN_VERSION); Logger = new ConsoleLogger("[uEssentials] "); _consoleTraceListener = new EssentialsConsoleTraceListener(); Debug.Listeners.Add(_consoleTraceListener); Provider.onServerDisconnected += PlayerDisconnectCallback; Provider.onServerConnected += PlayerConnectCallback; Logger.LogInfo("Enabling uEssentials..."); new [] { "Plugin version: ~white~" + PLUGIN_VERSION + BUILD_INFO, "Recommended Rocket version: ~white~" + ROCKET_VERSION, "Recommended Unturned version: ~white~" + UNTURNED_VERSION, "Author: ~white~leonardosnt", "Wiki:", }.ForEach(text => Logger.LogInfo(text, true)); if (Provider.clients.Count > 0) { Provider.clients.ForEach(p => { ConnectedPlayers.Add(p.playerID.steamID.m_SteamID, new UPlayer(UnturnedPlayer.FromSteamPlayer(p))); }); } _folder = Rocket.Core.Environment.PluginsDirectory + "/uEssentials/"; _translationFolder = Folder + "translations/"; _dataFolder = Folder + "data/"; _modulesFolder = Folder + "modules/"; CommandOptions = new CommandOptions(); //Updater = new GithubUpdater(); EventManager = new EventManager(); CommandManager = new CommandManager(); ModuleManager = new ModuleManager(); HookManager = new HookManager(); WebResources = new WebResources(); Config = new EssConfig(); var webResourcesPath = Path.Combine(Folder, WebResources.FileName); var configPath = Path.Combine(Folder, Config.FileName); WebResources.Load(webResourcesPath); // Sync web config with local config.json if (WebResources.Loaded.ContainsKey("Config")) { File.WriteAllText(configPath, WebResources.Loaded["Config"]); } Config.Load(configPath); CommandOptions.Load(Path.Combine(Folder, CommandOptions.FileName)); EssLang.Load(); EventManager.RegisterAll(GetType().Assembly); // Register all commands from namespace Essentials.Commands CommandManager.RegisterAll("Essentials.Commands"); HookManager.RegisterAll(); HookManager.LoadAll(); // Load after EventManager because we relies on it inside this routine. ConfigPostLoad(); LoadNativeModules(); Logger.LogInfo("Loading modules..."); ModuleManager.LoadAll(ModulesFolder); Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {ModuleManager.RunningModules.Count(t => !(t is NativeModule))} modules"); // We log it here because the modules being loaded above can // register commands. Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {CommandManager.Commands.Count()} commands"); #if EXPERIMENTAL Logger.LogWarning("THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL BUILD, IT CAN BE BUGGY."); Logger.LogWarning("THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL BUILD, IT CAN BE BUGGY."); #endif // Delete useless files generated by Rocket Task.Create() .Id("Delete Xml Files") .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) .Async() .Action(() => { File.Delete($"{Folder}uEssentials.en.translation.xml"); File.Delete($"{Folder}uEssentials.configuration.xml"); }) .Submit(); // If _wasLoadedBefore, then it means that uEssentials is // being reloaded, and it also means that R.Plugins.OnPluginsLoaded will not be called, // consequently OverrideCommands will not be called too // so we need to call it here. if (_wasLoadedBefore) { OverrideCommands(); } _wasLoadedBefore = true; CommandWindow.input.onInputText += ReloadCallback; Logger.LogInfo($"Enabled ({stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms)"); } catch (Exception e) { string[] messages = { "An error occurred while enabling uEssentials.", "If this error is not related with wrong configuration, please report", "it here", "Error: " + e }; if (Logger == null) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; messages.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } else { messages.ForEach(m => Logger.LogError(m)); } } #if !DEV Analytics.SendEvent($"ServerInit"); #endif #if DEV //Console.Title = "Unturned Server"; //#else //CheckUpdates(); #endif }
protected override void Load() { try { var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Instance = this; try { var essPermProvider = new EssentialsPermissionsProvider(); R.Permissions = essPermProvider; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); } TaskExecutor = new EssentialsTaskExecutor(); Logger = new ConsoleLogger("[uEssentials] "); ConnectedPlayers = new Dictionary <ulong, UPlayer>(); Debug.Listeners.Add(new EssentialsConsoleTraceListener()); Provider.onServerDisconnected += PlayerDisconnectCallback; Provider.onServerConnected += PlayerConnectCallback; Logger.LogInfo("Enabling uEssentials..."); if (Provider.Players.Count > 0) { Provider.Players.ForEach(p => { ConnectedPlayers.Add(p.SteamPlayerID.CSteamID.m_SteamID, new UPlayer(UnturnedPlayer.FromSteamPlayer(p))); }); } _folder = Rocket.Core.Environment.PluginsDirectory + "/uEssentials/"; _translationFolder = Folder + "translations/"; _dataFolder = Folder + "data/"; _modulesFolder = Folder + "modules/"; WebResources = new WebResources(); Config = new EssConfig(); var webRscPath = Path.Combine(Folder, WebResources.FileName); var configPath = Path.Combine(Folder, Config.FileName); WebResources.Load(webRscPath); // TODO: Remove // Load old webkit/webconfig try { if (File.Exists(configPath) && !WebResources.Enabled) { var json = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(configPath)); var save = false; foreach (var opt in new[] { "Config", "Kits" }) { JToken val; if (json.TryGetValue($"Web{opt}", out val)) { if (val.Value <bool>("Enabled")) { WebResources.Enabled = true; WebResources.URLs[opt] = val.Value <string>("Url"); save = true; } } } if (save) { WebResources.Save(webRscPath); WebResources.Load(webRscPath); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.ToString()); } // Sync web config with local config.json if (WebResources.Loaded.ContainsKey("Config")) { File.WriteAllText(configPath, WebResources.Loaded["Config"]); } Config.Load(configPath); CommandOptions = new CommandOptions(); CommandOptions.Load(Path.Combine(Folder, CommandOptions.FileName)); Updater = new GithubUpdater(); EventManager = new EventManager(); CommandManager = new CommandManager(); ModuleManager = new ModuleManager(); HookManager = new HookManager(); EssLang.Load(); new [] { "Plugin version: ~white~" + PLUGIN_VERSION + BUILD_INFO, "Recommended Rocket version: ~white~" + ROCKET_VERSION, "Recommended Unturned version: ~white~" + UNTURNED_VERSION, "Author: ~white~leonardosnt", "Wiki:", }.ForEach(text => Logger.LogInfo(text, true)); EventManager.RegisterAll(GetType().Assembly); if (!Config.EnableJoinLeaveMessage) { EventManager.Unregister <EssentialsEventHandler>("JoinMessage"); EventManager.Unregister <EssentialsEventHandler>("LeaveMessage"); } CommandManager.RegisterAll("Essentials.Commands"); HookManager.RegisterAll(); HookManager.LoadAll(); if (Config.Economy.UseXp) { EconomyProvider = Optional <IEconomyProvider> .Of(new ExpEconomyProvider()); } else if (HookManager.GetActiveByType <UconomyHook>().IsPresent) { EconomyProvider = Optional <IEconomyProvider> .Of(HookManager.GetActiveByType <UconomyHook>().Value); } else { EconomyProvider = Optional <IEconomyProvider> .Empty(); } /* * Load native modules */ Assembly.GetTypes() .Where(t => typeof(NativeModule).IsAssignableFrom(t)) .WhereNot(t => t.IsAbstract) .Where(t => { var moduleInfo = (ModuleInfo)t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModuleInfo), false)[0]; return(Config.EnabledSystems.Any(s => s.Equals(moduleInfo.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); }) .ForEach(t => { ModuleManager.LoadModule((NativeModule)Activator.CreateInstance(t)); }); Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {CommandManager.Commands.Count()} commands"); Logger.LogInfo("Loading modules..."); ModuleManager.LoadAll(ModulesFolder); Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {ModuleManager.RunningModules.Count(t => !(t is NativeModule))} modules"); if (Config.AutoAnnouncer.Enabled) { Config.AutoAnnouncer.Start(); } if (Config.AutoCommands.Enabled) { Config.AutoCommands.Start(); } if (!Config.Updater.AlertOnJoin) { EventManager.Unregister <EssentialsEventHandler>("UpdateAlert"); } if (Config.ServerFrameRate != -1) { var frameRate = Config.ServerFrameRate; if (Config.ServerFrameRate < -1) { frameRate = -1; // Set to default } UnityEngine.Application.targetFrameRate = frameRate; } if (Config.DisabledCommands.Count != 0) { Config.DisabledCommands.ForEach(cmdName => { var command = CommandManager.GetByName(cmdName); if (command == null || command is CommandEssentials) { Logger.LogWarning($"There is no command named '{cmdName}' to disable."); } else { CommandManager.Unregister(command); Logger.LogInfo($"Disabled command: '{command.Name}'"); } }); } if (Config.EnableTextCommands) { TextCommands = new TextCommands(); var textCommandsFile = Path.Combine(Folder, TextCommands.FileName); TextCommands.Load(textCommandsFile); TextCommands.Commands.ForEach(txtCommand => { CommandManager.Register(new TextCommand(txtCommand)); }); } if (!Config.EnableDeathMessages) { EventManager.Unregister <EssentialsEventHandler>("DeathMessages"); } #if EXPERIMENTAL Logger.LogWarning("THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL BUILD, CAN BE BUGGY."); Logger.LogWarning("THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL BUILD, CAN BE BUGGY."); #endif Task.Create() .Id("Delete Xml Files") .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) .Async() .Action(() => { File.Delete($"{Folder}uEssentials.en.translation.xml"); File.Delete($"{Folder}uEssentials.configuration.xml"); }) .Submit(); Task.Create() .Id("Unregister Rocket Commands") .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)) .Action(() => UnregisterRocketCommands(true)) // Second check, silently. .Submit(); CommandWindow.ConsoleInput.onInputText += ReloadCallback; UnregisterRocketCommands(); // First check. Logger.LogInfo($"Enabled ({stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms)"); } catch (Exception e) { var msg = new List <string>() { "An error occurred while enabling uEssentials.", "If this error is not related with wrong configuration please report", "immediatly here", "Error: " + e }; if (!Provider.APP_VERSION.EqualsIgnoreCase(UNTURNED_VERSION)) { msg.Add("I detected that you are using a different version of the recommended, " + "please update your uEssentials/Unturned."); msg.Add("If you are using the latest uEssentials release, please wait for update."); } if (Logger == null) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; msg.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } else { msg.ForEach(Logger.LogError); } } #if !DEV TriggerGaData($"Server/{Parser.getIPFromUInt32(Provider.ip)}"); #endif #if DEV CommandWindow.ConsoleOutput.title = "Unturned Server"; #else CheckUpdates(); #endif }