protected void RadToolBar1_ButtonClick(object sender, RadToolBarEventArgs e) { switch (e.Item.Text) { case "Save": if (IsValid) { foreach (var chkItem in RadComboBoxMenu.CheckedItems) { var cInvoice = new CInvoice(); var invoice = new Erp2016.Lib.Invoice(); invoice.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(chkItem.Value); invoice.Status = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Pending; // pending invoice.SiteLocationId = CurrentSiteLocationId; invoice.InvoiceType = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Simple; //Simple Invoice(SI) invoice.CreatedId = CurrentUserId; invoice.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; var invoiceId = cInvoice.Add(invoice); //DB:Invoice if (invoiceId > 0) { var cInvoiceItem = new CInvoiceItem(); var gridData = InvoiceItemGrid1.GetGridData(); gridData = gridData.Insert(0, ","); var gridDataRows = gridData.Split('|'); foreach (var gridDataRow in gridDataRows) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gridDataRow)) { break; } var gridDataRowCell = gridDataRow.Split(','); var invoiceCoaItem = gridDataRowCell[1]; var standardPrice = gridDataRowCell[2]; var studentPrice = gridDataRowCell[3]; var agencyPrice = gridDataRowCell[4]; var remark = gridDataRowCell[5]; var invoiceItem = new InvoiceItem(); invoiceItem.InvoiceId = invoiceId; var cInvoiceCoaItem = new CInvoiceCoaItem(); invoiceItem.InvoiceCoaItemId = cInvoiceCoaItem.Get(invoiceCoaItem).InvoiceCoaItemId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(standardPrice)) { invoiceItem.StandardPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(standardPrice.Replace("$", string.Empty)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(studentPrice)) { invoiceItem.StudentPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(studentPrice.Replace("$", string.Empty)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agencyPrice)) { invoiceItem.AgencyPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(agencyPrice.Replace("$", string.Empty)); } invoiceItem.Remark = remark; invoiceItem.CreatedId = CurrentUserId; invoiceItem.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; cInvoiceItem.Add(invoiceItem); } } } RunClientScript("Close();"); } else { ShowMessage("Error to add Simple Invoice"); } break; case "Cancel": RunClientScript("Close();"); break; } }
protected void RadToolBarStudentContract_OnButtonClick(object sender, RadToolBarEventArgs e) { switch (e.Item.Text) { case "New Program": if (RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowRegProgramNewWindow(" + RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; case "New Package": if (RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowRegPackageProgramNewWindow(" + RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; case "New Manual Invoice": if (RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue != null) { var cInvoice = new CInvoice(); var invoice = new Erp2016.Lib.Invoice { StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue), SiteLocationId = CurrentSiteLocationId, InvoiceType = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Manual, // manual invoice, Status = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Pending, // pending CreatedId = CurrentUserId, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; if (cInvoice.Add(invoice) > 0) { ShowMessage("Manual Invoice has been created."); } else { ShowMessage("Failed to insert inqury"); } GetStudentContract(); } break; case "New Homestay": if (RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowNewHomestayNewWindow(0," + RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue + ",0);"); } break; case "New Dormitory": if (RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowNewDormitoryNewWindow(0," + RadGridStudentList.SelectedValue + ",0);"); // Modify Dormitory Request } break; case "View Invoice": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowInvoiceWindow(" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; case "Refund": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowRefundWindow(" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; case "Transfer": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowTransferWindow(" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; case "Break": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowBreakWindow(" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; case "Cancel": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowCancelWindow(" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; case "Program Change": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowProgramChangeWindow(" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; case "Schedule Change": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowScheduleChangeWindow(" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + ");"); } break; // Schools case "Letter Of Acceptance": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.LetterOfAcceptance + "' );"); } break; case "Letter Of Acceptance in table": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.LetterOfAcceptanceInTable + "' );"); } break; case "Student Contract": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.StudentContract + "' );"); } break; case "Orientation Form": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.OrientationForm + "' );"); } break; case "Confirmation Of Completion Letter": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.ConfirmationOfCompletionLetter + "' );"); } break; case "Confirmation Of Enrollment": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.ConfirmationOfEnrollment + "' );"); } break; // Academy case "Certification": if (RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue != null) { RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + RadGridStudentContract.SelectedValue + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.Certification + "' );"); } break; } }
protected void ToolbarButtonClick(object sender, RadToolBarEventArgs e) { switch (e.Item.Text) { case "Request": if (IsValid) { var cInvoice = new CInvoice(); var original = cInvoice.Get(InvoiceId); if (original != null) { original.Status = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Invoiced_Hold; original.UpdatedId = CurrentUserId; if (cInvoice.Update(original)) { var cRefundInvoice = new CInvoice(); var refundInvoice = new Erp2016.Lib.Invoice(); CGlobal.Copy(original, refundInvoice); refundInvoice.OriginalInvoiceId = original.InvoiceId; switch (original.InvoiceType) { case (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.General: case (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Simple: case (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Manual: refundInvoice.InvoiceType = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Refund_RF; break; case (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Homestay: refundInvoice.InvoiceType = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Refund_HR; break; case (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Dormitory: refundInvoice.InvoiceType = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Refund_DR; break; } refundInvoice.Status = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Pending; refundInvoice.CreatedId = CurrentUserId; refundInvoice.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; var invoiceId = cRefundInvoice.Add(refundInvoice); if (invoiceId > 0) { var refundInvoiceItems = new CInvoiceItem(); refundInvoiceItems.RefundItemsUpdate(original.InvoiceId, invoiceId, Convert.ToDecimal(RefundInfo1.GetRefundRate().Value), CurrentUserId); var cCreditMemo = new CCreditMemo(); var creditMemo = new CreditMemo(); creditMemo.CreditMemoType = (int)CConstValue.CreditMemoType.Refund; creditMemo.InvoiceId = invoiceId; //Refund Invoice Id creditMemo.OriginalCreditMemoAmount = 0; creditMemo.CreatedId = CurrentUserId; creditMemo.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; creditMemo.IsActive = false; var creditMemoId = cCreditMemo.Add(creditMemo); if (creditMemoId > 0) { var cCreditMemoPayout = new CCreditMemoPayout(); var creditMemoPayout = new CreditMemoPayout(); creditMemoPayout.CreditMemoId = creditMemoId; creditMemoPayout.Amount = 0; creditMemoPayout.IsActive = false; creditMemoPayout.CreatedId = CurrentUserId; creditMemoPayout.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; var creditMemoPayoutId = cCreditMemoPayout.Add(creditMemoPayout); if (creditMemoPayoutId > 0) { var cRefund = new CRefund(); var refund = new Refund(); refund.CreditMemoPayoutId = creditMemoPayoutId; refund.InvoiceId = invoiceId; refund.RefundDate = Convert.ToDateTime(RefundInfo1.RadActualDate().SelectedDate); refund.RefundRate = Convert.ToDouble(RefundInfo1.GetRefundRate().Value); refund.RefundReason = RefundInfo1.GetReason().Text; refund.IsActive = false; refund.CreatedId = CurrentUserId; refund.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (cRefund.Add(refund) > 0) { // save uploading file FileDownloadList1.SaveFile(refund.RefundId); RunClientScript("Close();"); } ShowMessage("failed to update inqury (Add Refund Info)"); } else { ShowMessage("failed to update inqury (Add CreditMemoPayout)"); } } else { ShowMessage("failed to update inqury (Add CreditMemo)"); } } else { ShowMessage("failed to update inqury (Add Refund Invoice)"); } } else { ShowMessage("failed to update inqury (Update Original Invoice)"); } } else { ShowMessage("failed to update inqury (Original Invoice is null)"); } } break; case "Close": RunClientScript("Close();"); break; } }
protected void InvoiceToolbarButtonClicked(object sender, RadToolBarEventArgs e) { switch (e.Item.Text) { case "Confirm": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { var cInvoice = new CInvoice(); var invoice = cInvoice.Get(Convert.ToInt32(RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue)); invoice.Status = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Invoiced; // Invoice Status(34) : Invoiced invoice.UpdatedId = CurrentUserId; invoice.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (cInvoice.Update(invoice)) { ShowMessage("Update inquiry successfully"); } else { ShowMessage("Failed to update inquiry"); } e.Item.Enabled = false; RadGridInvoice.Rebind(); } break; case "Cancel": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { var cInvoice = new CInvoice(); var invoice = cInvoice.Get(Convert.ToInt32(RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue)); if (invoice.Status == (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Pending) { RunClientScript("ShowCancelWindow(" + RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue + ");"); } else if (invoice.Status == (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Invoiced) { if (new CPayment().InvoiceCheck(invoice.InvoiceId) == 0) { RunClientScript("ShowCancelWindow(" + RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue + ");"); } else { ShowMessage("It can't because of already paid in invoice"); } } RadGridInvoice.Rebind(); } break; case "Agency Invoice": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { var selectedInvoiceList = new List <int>(); foreach (GridDataItem item in RadGridInvoice.SelectedItems) { selectedInvoiceList.Add((int)item.GetDataKeyValue("InvoiceId")); } RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + String.Join(", ", selectedInvoiceList.ToArray()) + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.InvoiceAgency + "' );"); } break; case "Student Invoice": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { var selectedInvoiceList = new List <int>(); foreach (GridDataItem item in RadGridInvoice.SelectedItems) { selectedInvoiceList.Add((int)item.GetDataKeyValue("InvoiceId")); } RunClientScript("ShowReportPop('" + String.Join(", ", selectedInvoiceList.ToArray()) + "', '" + (int)CConstValue.Report.InvoiceStudent + "' );"); } break; case "Modify": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { var cInvoice = new CInvoice(); var invoice = cInvoice.Get(Convert.ToInt32(RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue)); if (invoice.Status == (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Invoiced || invoice.InvoiceType == (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.General || invoice.InvoiceType == (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Simple || invoice.InvoiceType == (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Manual || invoice.InvoiceType == (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Homestay || invoice.InvoiceType == (int)CConstValue.InvoiceType.Dormitory) //invoiced { var payments = new CPayment(); if (payments.InvoiceCheck(invoice.InvoiceId) == 0) { invoice.Status = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Cancelled_MD; // Invoice Status(34) : Cancelled_M invoice.UpdatedId = CurrentUserId; invoice.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (cInvoice.Update(invoice)) { var cNewInvoice = new CInvoice(); var newInvoice = new Erp2016.Lib.Invoice(); CGlobal.Copy(invoice, newInvoice); newInvoice.OriginalInvoiceId = invoice.InvoiceId; newInvoice.Status = (int)CConstValue.InvoiceStatus.Pending; // pending newInvoice.CreatedId = CurrentUserId; newInvoice.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (cNewInvoice.Add(newInvoice) > 0) { var cInvoiceItem = new CInvoiceItem(); List <InvoiceItem> originalInvoiceItems = cInvoiceItem.GetInvoiceItems(invoice.InvoiceId); List <InvoiceItem> newInvoiceItems = new List <InvoiceItem>(); foreach (InvoiceItem ori in originalInvoiceItems) { var newInvoiceItem = new InvoiceItem(); CGlobal.Copy(ori, newInvoiceItem); newInvoiceItem.InvoiceId = newInvoice.InvoiceId; newInvoiceItem.CreatedId = CurrentUserId; newInvoiceItem.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; newInvoiceItems.Add(newInvoiceItem); } // copy invoiceItems if (cInvoiceItem.Add(newInvoiceItems) == false) { ShowMessage("Error inserting invoice Items"); } RadGridInvoice.Rebind(); } } } else { ShowMessage("It can't because of already paid in invoice"); } } } break; case "New Simple Invoice": RunClientScript("ShowNewSimpleInvoice();"); break; case "Student Page": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { Response.Redirect("~/Student?id=" + RadGridInvoice.SelectedValues["StudentId"]); } break; case "Payment Page": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { Response.Redirect("~/Payment?id=" + RadGridInvoice.SelectedValues["StudentId"]); } break; case "Deposit Page": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { Response.Redirect("~/Deposit?id=" + RadGridInvoice.SelectedValues["StudentId"]); } break; case "CreditMemo Page": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { Response.Redirect("~/CreditMemo?id=" + RadGridInvoice.SelectedValues["StudentId"]); } break; case "Refund Page": if (RadGridInvoice.SelectedValue != null) { Response.Redirect("~/Refund?id=" + RadGridInvoice.SelectedValues["StudentId"]); } break; } }