コード例 #1
        private void EraseUnusedSpace(VolumeInfo volInfo, DirectoryInfo info, IFileSystem fsInfo,
                                      IErasureMethod method)
            ProgressManager mainProgress = new ProgressManager();

            Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(mainProgress,
                                                              EraseClusterTips ? 0.8f : 0.9f, S._("Erasing unused space...")));

            //Continue creating files while there is free space.
            while (volInfo.AvailableFreeSpace > 0)
                //Generate a non-existant file name
                string currFile = FileSystemBase.GenerateRandomFileName(info, 18);

                //Create the stream
                FileStream stream = new FileStream(currFile, FileMode.CreateNew,
                                                   FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 8, FileOptions.WriteThrough);
                    //Set the length of the file to be the amount of free space left
                    //or the maximum size of one of these dumps.
                    mainProgress.Total = mainProgress.Completed +
                                         method.CalculateEraseDataSize(null, volInfo.AvailableFreeSpace);
                    long streamLength = Math.Min(PassBasedErasureMethod.FreeSpaceFileUnit,

                    //Handle IO exceptions gracefully, because the filesystem
                    //may require more space than demanded by us for file allocation.
                    while (true)
                        catch (IOException)
                            if (streamLength > volInfo.ClusterSize)
                                streamLength -= volInfo.ClusterSize;

                    //Then run the erase task
                    method.Erase(stream, long.MaxValue, Host.Instance.Prngs.ActivePrng,
                                 delegate(long lastWritten, long totalData, int currentPass)
                        mainProgress.Completed += lastWritten;
                        mainProgress.Tag        = new int[] { currentPass, method.Passes };

                        if (Task.Canceled)
                            throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled."));
                    fsInfo.ResetFileTimes(new FileInfo(currFile));

            //Mark the main bulk of the progress as complete
コード例 #2
        public override void Execute()
            //Check for sufficient privileges to run the unused space erasure.
            if (!Security.IsAdministrator())
                if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT &&
                    Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 0))
                    Logger.Log(S._("The program does not have the required permissions to erase " +
                                   "the unused space on disk. Run the program as an administrator and retry " +
                                   "the operation."), LogLevel.Error);
                    Logger.Log(S._("The program does not have the required permissions to erase " +
                                   "the unused space on disk."), LogLevel.Error);


            //Check whether System Restore has any available checkpoints.
            if (SystemRestore.GetInstances().Count != 0)
                Logger.Log(S._("This computer has had System Restore or Volume Shadow Copies " +
                               "enabled. This may allow copies of files stored on the disk to be recovered " +
                               "and pose a security concern.", Drive), LogLevel.Warning);

            //If the user is under disk quotas, log a warning message
            if (VolumeInfo.FromMountPoint(Drive).HasQuota)
                Logger.Log(S._("The drive {0} has disk quotas active. This will prevent the " +
                               "complete erasure of unused space and may pose a security concern.",
                               Drive), LogLevel.Warning);

            //Get the erasure method if the user specified he wants the default.
            IErasureMethod method = EffectiveMethod;

            //Make a folder to dump our temporary files in
            DirectoryInfo info      = new DirectoryInfo(Drive);
            VolumeInfo    volInfo   = VolumeInfo.FromMountPoint(Drive);
            IFileSystem   fsManager = Host.Instance.FileSystems[volInfo];

            //Start sampling the speed of the task.
            Progress = new SteppedProgressManager();

            //Erase the cluster tips of every file on the drive.
            if (EraseClusterTips)
                //Define the callback handlers
                ProgressManager tipSearch = new ProgressManager();
                Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(tipSearch,
                                                                  0.0f, S._("Searching for files' cluster tips...")));
                ClusterTipsSearchProgress searchProgress = delegate(string path)
                    if (Task.Canceled)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled."));

                    tipSearch.Tag = path;

                ProgressManager tipProgress = new ProgressManager();
                Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(tipProgress, 0.1f,
                                                                  S._("Erasing cluster tips...")));
                ClusterTipsEraseProgress eraseProgress =
                    delegate(int currentFile, int totalFiles, string currentFilePath)
                    tipProgress.Total     = totalFiles;
                    tipProgress.Completed = currentFile;
                    tipProgress.Tag       = currentFilePath;

                    if (Task.Canceled)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled."));

                //Start counting statistics
                                           method, searchProgress, eraseProgress);

            bool lowDiskSpaceNotifications = Shell.LowDiskSpaceNotificationsEnabled;

            info = info.CreateSubdirectory(Path.GetFileName(
                                               FileSystemBase.GenerateRandomFileName(info, 18)));
                //Set the folder's compression flag off since we want to use as much
                //space as possible
                if (info.IsCompressed())

                //Disable the low disk space notifications
                Shell.LowDiskSpaceNotificationsEnabled = false;

                //Fill the disk
                EraseUnusedSpace(volInfo, info, fsManager, method);

                //Erase old resident file system table files
                ProgressManager residentProgress = new ProgressManager();
                Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(residentProgress,
                                                                  0.05f, S._("Old resident file system table files")));
                fsManager.EraseOldFileSystemResidentFiles(volInfo, info, method,
                                                          delegate(int currentFile, int totalFiles)
                    residentProgress.Completed = currentFile;
                    residentProgress.Total     = totalFiles;

                    if (Task.Canceled)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled."));

                //Remove the folder holding all our temporary files.
                ProgressManager tempFiles = new ProgressManager();
                Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(tempFiles,
                                                                  0.0f, S._("Removing temporary files...")));

                fsManager.DeleteFolder(info, true);

                //Reset the low disk space notifications
                Shell.LowDiskSpaceNotificationsEnabled = lowDiskSpaceNotifications;

            //Then clean the old file system entries
            ProgressManager structureProgress = new ProgressManager();

            Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(structureProgress,
                                                              0.05f, S._("Erasing unused directory structures...")));
                                               delegate(int currentFile, int totalFiles)
                if (Task.Canceled)
                    throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled."));

                //Compute the progress
                structureProgress.Total     = totalFiles;
                structureProgress.Completed = currentFile;

            Progress = null;