コード例 #1
        public void CropVisible_of_Segment3_inside_visible_region_is_original_Segment3()
            var camera = new CameraModel(focalLength: 7.13, principalPoint: new Vector2(-3.14, 2.88), domain: new Box2(minX: -4, minY: -2, width: 5, height: 8));

            Segment2 chord;
            Segment2 segment2;
            Segment3 segment3;

            PrepareSegmentsForCropVisibleTest(camera, new Interval(0.14, 0.56), out chord, out segment2, out segment3);

            var crop = camera.CropVisible(segment3);

            Expect(crop != null);
            ExpectSegmentsAreCollinear(crop.Value, segment3);
            Expect(Vector2.Distance(camera.Project(crop.Value.Start).Value, segment2.Start), Is.LessThan(_tolerance)); // crop.Start projects to correct point
            Expect(Vector2.Distance(camera.Project(crop.Value.End).Value, segment2.End), Is.LessThan(_tolerance));     // crop.End projects to correct point
コード例 #2
        public void ProjectTangent_equals_to_differential_of_Project()
            var eps = 1e-5;

            var camera = new CameraModel(focalLength: 1.13, principalPoint: new Vector2(-3.14, 2.88), domain: new Box2(minX: -4, minY: -2, width: 8, height: 7));

            var point   = new Vector3(0.314, 0.288, 2.56);
            var tangent = new Vector3(-1.23, 4.56, -2.35);

            var fwdProj = camera.Project(point + eps * tangent / 2);
            var bwdProj = camera.Project(point - eps * tangent / 2);

            var numResult  = (fwdProj - bwdProj) / eps;
            var analResult = camera.ProjectTangent(point, tangent);

            Expect(analResult != null);
            Expect(Vector2.Distance(analResult.Value, numResult.Value), Is.LessThan(1e-10));
コード例 #3
        public void Projection_of_point_behind_camera_is_null()
            var camera = new CameraModel(focalLength: 7.13, principalPoint: new Vector2(-3.14, 2.88), domain: new Box2(minX: -4, minY: -2, width: 5, height: 8));

            var point = new Vector3(xy: Vector2.Zero, z: -17);

            var projection = camera.Project(point);

            Expect(projection == null);
コード例 #4
        public void Projection_of_point_in_front_of_camera_is_correct()
            var camera = new CameraModel(focalLength: 3, principalPoint: new Vector2(-1, 2), domain: new Box2(minX: -4, minY: -2, width: 5, height: 8));

            var point = new Vector3(2, 4, 6);

            var projection = camera.Project(point);

            Expect(projection != null);
            Expect(projection.Value.X, Is.EqualTo(0).Within(_tolerance));
            Expect(projection.Value.Y, Is.EqualTo(4).Within(_tolerance));
コード例 #5
        public void Projection_of_a_point_on_the_LineOfSight_of_a_given_image_point_equals_to_the_image_point()
            var camera = new CameraModel(focalLength: 7.13, principalPoint: new Vector2(-3.14, 2.88), domain: new Box2(minX: -4, minY: -2, width: 5, height: 8));

            var imagePoint = new Vector2(0.144, 2.71828);

            var spacePoint = 0.577 * camera.LineOfSight(imagePoint);

            var roundTrip = camera.Project(spacePoint);

            Expect(roundTrip != null);
            Expect(Vector2.Distance(roundTrip.Value, imagePoint), Is.LessThan(_tolerance));
コード例 #6
        public void Projection_of_point_with_zero_XY_is_PrincipalPoint()
            var principalPoint = new Vector2(-3.14, 2.88);

            var camera = new CameraModel(focalLength: 7.13, principalPoint: principalPoint, domain: new Box2(minX: -4, minY: -2, width: 5, height: 8));

            var point = new Vector3(xy: Vector2.Zero, z: 17);

            var projection = camera.Project(point);

            Expect(projection != null);
            Expect(Vector2.Distance(projection.Value, principalPoint), Is.LessThan(_tolerance));
コード例 #7
        public void Projection_of_Segment3_outside_visible_region_is_null()
            var camera = new CameraModel(focalLength: 7.13, principalPoint: new Vector2(-3.14, 2.88), domain: new Box2(minX: -4, minY: -2, width: 5, height: 8));

            Segment2 chord;
            Segment2 segment2;
            Segment3 segment3;

            PrepareSegmentsForCropVisibleTest(camera, new Interval(1.14, 1.56), out chord, out segment2, out segment3);

            var proj = camera.Project(segment3);

            Expect(proj == null);
コード例 #8
        public void Projection_of_Segment3_intersecting_2_visibility_boundary_planes_is_correct()
            var camera = new CameraModel(focalLength: 7.13, principalPoint: new Vector2(-3.14, 2.88), domain: new Box2(minX: -4, minY: -2, width: 5, height: 8));

            Segment2 chord;
            Segment2 segment2;
            Segment3 segment3;

            PrepareSegmentsForCropVisibleTest(camera, new Interval(-0.14, 1.23), out chord, out segment2, out segment3);

            var proj = camera.Project(segment3);

            Expect(proj != null);
            Expect(Vector2.Distance(proj.Value.Start, chord.Start), Is.LessThan(_tolerance));
            Expect(Vector2.Distance(proj.Value.End, chord.End), Is.LessThan(_tolerance));