public SyncOperation(VBucketNodeLocator locator, IList<KeyValuePair<string, ulong>> keys, SyncMode mode, int replicationCount) { if (keys == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("keys"); if (keys.Count > 0xffff) throw new ArgumentException("Maximum 0xFFFF items are supported."); this.flags = GetFlags(mode, replicationCount); this.locator = locator; this.keys = keys; }
public SyncOperation(VBucketNodeLocator locator, KeyValuePair<string, ulong>[] keys, SyncMode mode, int replicationCount) { if (keys == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("keys"); if (keys.Length > 0xffff) throw new ArgumentException("Only 0xffff items are supported"); this.flags = GetFlags(mode, replicationCount); this.locator = locator; this.keys = keys; }
public void TestBuckets() { var vb = new VBucketNodeLocator("crc", buckets); var servers = new[] { "", "", "" }; var nodes = from s in servers let ip = IPAddress.Parse(s) select (IMemcachedNode)new MockNode(new IPEndPoint(ip, 11211)); ((IMemcachedNodeLocator)vb).Initialize(nodes.ToList()); foreach (var kvp in keyToVBucket) { var b = vb.GetVBucket(kvp.Key); var index = Array.IndexOf(buckets, b); Assert.IsTrue(index == kvp.Value, "Key '" + kvp.Key + "': expected " + kvp.Value + " but found " + index); } }
public TouchOperation(VBucketNodeLocator locator, string key, uint expires) : base(key) { this.locator = locator; this.expires = expires; }
public VBucketAwareOperationFactory(VBucketNodeLocator locator) { this.locator = locator; }
public VBStore(VBucketNodeLocator locator, StoreMode mode, string key, CacheItem value, uint expires) : base(mode, key, value, expires) { this.locator = locator; }
public VBMutator(VBucketNodeLocator locator, MutationMode mode, string key, ulong defaultValue, ulong delta, uint expires) : base(mode, key, defaultValue, delta, expires) { this.locator = locator; }
public VBMget(VBucketNodeLocator locator, IList<string> keys) : base(keys) { this.locator = locator; }
public VBGet(VBucketNodeLocator locator, string key) : base(key) { this.locator = locator; this.state = OperationState.Unspecified; }
public VBDelete(VBucketNodeLocator locator, string key) : base(key) { this.locator = locator; }
public VBConcat(VBucketNodeLocator locator, ConcatenationMode mode, string key, ArraySegment<byte> data) : base(mode, key, data) { this.locator = locator; }
private InternalState InitVBucket(ClusterConfig config, ISaslAuthenticationProvider auth) { // we have a vbucket config, which has its own server list // it's supposed to be the same as the cluster config's list, // but the order is significicant (because of the bucket indexes), // so we we'll use this for initializing the locator var vbsm = config.vBucketServerMap; if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Has vbucket. Server count: " + (vbsm.serverList == null ? 0 : vbsm.serverList.Length)); var epa = (from server in vbsm.serverList select ConfigurationHelper.ResolveToEndPoint(server)).ToArray(); var epaLength = epa.Length; for (var i = 0; i < vbsm.vBucketMap.Length; i++) { var vb = vbsm.vBucketMap[i]; if (vb == null || vb.Length == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Server sent an empty vbucket definition at index " + i); if (vb[0] >= epaLength || vb[0] < 0) throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("VBucket line {0} has a master index {1} out of range of the server list ({2})", i, vb[0], epaLength)); } var buckets = vbsm.vBucketMap.Select(a => new VBucket(a[0], a.Skip(1).ToArray())).ToArray(); var bucketNodeMap = buckets.ToLookup(vb => { try { return epa[vb.Master]; } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e); throw; } } ); var vbnl = new VBucketNodeLocator(vbsm.hashAlgorithm, buckets); return new InternalState { CurrentNodes = epa.Select(ip => (IMemcachedNode)new BinaryNode(ip, this.configuration.SocketPool, auth)).ToArray(), Locator = vbnl, OpFactory = new VBucketAwareOperationFactory(vbnl) }; }
private InternalState InitVBucket(ClusterConfig config, ISaslAuthenticationProvider auth) { // we have a vbucket config, which has its own server list // it's supposed to be the same as the cluster config's list, // but the order is significicant (because of the bucket indexes), // so we we'll use this for initializing the locator var vbsm = config.vBucketServerMap; if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Has vbucket. Server count: " + (vbsm.serverList == null ? 0 : vbsm.serverList.Length)); // parse the ip addresses of the servers in the vbucket map // make sure we have a propert vbucket map ValidateVBucketMap(vbsm, vbsm.serverList.Length); // create vbuckets from the int[][] arrays var buckets = vbsm.vBucketMap.Select(a => new VBucket(a[0], a.Skip(1).ToArray())).ToArray(); var locator = new VBucketNodeLocator(vbsm.hashAlgorithm, buckets); // create a (host=>node) lookup from the node info objects, // so we can pass the extra config data to the factory method // (the vbucket map only contains 'host:port' strings) // this expects that all nodes listed in the vbucket map are listed in the config.nodes member as well var realNodes = config.nodes.ToDictionary(node => node.HostName + ":" + node.Port); var nodes = new List<IMemcachedNode>(); foreach (var hostSpec in vbsm.serverList) { ClusterNode node; if (!realNodes.TryGetValue(hostSpec, out node)) throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("VBucket map contains a node {0} whihc was not found in the cluster info's node list.", hostSpec)); var ip = GetFirstAddress(node.HostName); var endpoint = new IPEndPoint(ip, node.Port); nodes.Add(this.CreateNode(endpoint, auth, node.ConfigurationData)); } return new InternalState { CurrentNodes = nodes.ToArray(), Locator = locator, OpFactory = new VBucketAwareOperationFactory(locator), IsVbucket = true }; }
public GetWithLockOperation(VBucketNodeLocator locator, string key, uint lockExpiration) : base(key) { this.locator = locator; this.lockExpiration = lockExpiration; }
public GetAndTouchOperation(VBucketNodeLocator locator, string key, uint newExpiration) : base(key) { this.locator = locator; this.newExpiration = newExpiration; }
public UnlockOperation(VBucketNodeLocator locator, string key, ulong cas) : base(key) { this.locator = locator; this.Cas = cas; }