public static async Task <AccountCreationResult> Create(AccountCreationOptions options) { var random = new TRandom(); var client = new RestClient { Proxy = options.Proxy }; var page = client.Execute(new RestRequest("", Method.GET)); var csrf = string.Empty; // Get CSRF var match = new Regex("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='(\\w+)' />").Match(page.Content); if (match.Success) { csrf = match.Groups[1].Value; } client.Execute(new RestRequest("", Method.POST) .AddParameter("csrfmiddlewaretoken", csrf) .AddParameter("dob", options.Dob) .AddParameter("country", "US") .AddParameter("country", "US") .AddParameter("picker__year", options.Dob.Split('-')[0]) .AddParameter("picker__month", options.Dob.Split('-')[1])); await Task.Delay(random.Next(2000, 3000)); var user = client.Execute <VerifyUsernameResponse>(new RestRequest("" + "verify-username", Method.POST) .AddJsonBody(new { name = options.Username }) .AddHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrf)); // If username is in use, switch to a random suggestion from PTC if (user.Data.InUse) { options.Username = random.Choice(user.Data.Suggestions); } var captcha = options.CaptchaService.Solve(); await Task.Delay(random.Next(1500, 2500)); var res = client.Execute(new RestRequest("", Method .POST) .AddParameter("csrfmiddlewaretoken", csrf) .AddParameter("username", options.Username)); return(new AccountCreationResult { Successful = res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found, Username = options.Username, Password = options.Password }); }
public static async void Run(string[] args) { var random = new TRandom(); Configuration config; try { config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Configuration>(File.ReadAllText( Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/" + "config.json")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("Please create a config.json file to continue."); throw; } Console.Write("Hello and welcome to "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.Write("Entropy!\n"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("How many accounts would you like to create today?"); var acts = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"This generation session will cost you about ${Math.Round(acts * 0.003, 2)} USD " + $"(for {acts} accounts)"); IProxyPool proxyPool; if (File.Exists($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/{config.ProxyFile}")) { proxyPool = new StandardProxyPool(ProxyReader.ReadProxies(config.ProxyFile)); } else { proxyPool = new GimmeProxyPool(); } var captcha = new TwoCaptchaService(config.CaptchaKey); Console.WriteLine("OK! Let's go!"); var tasks = new List <Task>(); Status = "OK"; UpdateStats(); for (var i = acts - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tasks.Add(new Task(async() => { var proxy = proxyPool.NextProxy(); ActiveProxies++; for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++) { var username = random.Choice(config.Usernames.Prefix) + random.Choice(config.Usernames.Root) + random.Choice(config.Usernames.Suffix); var password = config.Password.UseStaticPassword ? config.Password.StaticPassword : String.Empty; var ui = new AccountCreationOptions { CaptchaService = captcha, Dob = $"{random.Next(1970, 2000)}-{FormatPTCNumber(random.Next(1, 12))}-{FormatPTCNumber(random.Next(1, 27))}", Proxy = proxy.ToWebProxy(), Username = username, Password = password }; var res = await Creator.Create(ui); if (res.Successful) { Created++; UpdateStats(); await Creator.HandleAccountAfterCreation(config, res); } else { Failed++; UpdateStats(); } } BenchedProxies++; })); } // Go. await Task.WhenAll(tasks); }