// /// <summary> /// MEthod for Retrieving BookingID /// </summary> /// <param name="_userId"> User ID</param> /// <returns> Returns List of Booking ID</returns> public List <EntityLayers.Booking> RegBookingIDRetrival(string _userId) { SqlConnection _conObj = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=HotelDB;Integrated Security=True"); try { SqlCommand _cmd1 = new SqlCommand("select BookingId from Booking where UserID = '" + _userId + "' ", _conObj); _conObj.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = _cmd1.ExecuteReader(); List <EntityLayers.Booking> _listObj = new List <EntityLayers.Booking>(); if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { EntityLayers.Booking _bobj = new EntityLayers.Booking() { _bookingID = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString()) }; _listObj.Add(_bobj); } } return(_listObj); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { _conObj.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Method for retreiving BookingID value for Drop down list /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns List of BookingID</returns> public List <EntityLayers.Booking> GetBookingID() { SqlConnection _conobj = new SqlConnection(constr); try { SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select BookingID from Booking Where BookingStatus = 'PENDING' ", _conobj); _conobj.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <EntityLayers.Booking> _listObj1 = new List <EntityLayers.Booking>(); if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { EntityLayers.Booking _bookDDLObj = new EntityLayers.Booking() { _bookingID = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString()) }; _listObj1.Add(_bookDDLObj); } } return(_listObj1); } catch (SqlException) { throw; } finally { _conobj.Close(); } }
protected void btnBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int _temp; txtBookingDate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); EntityLayers.Booking _bookobj = new EntityLayers.Booking() { _bookingDate = txtBookingDate.Text, _checkIn = txtCheckInDate.Text, _checkOut = txtCheckOutDate.Text, _guestName = txtGuestName.Text, _identityNO = txtIdentityNumber.Text, _identityType = txtIdentityType.Text, _noAdults = int.Parse(txtNoOfAdults.Text), _nochildren = int.Parse(txtNoOfChildren.Text), _noInfants = int.Parse(txtNoOfInfants.Text), _userID = txtUserID.Text, _roomTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlRoomType.SelectedValue), _roomType = ddlRoomType.SelectedItem.ToString() }; _temp = _serbookObj.BookNow(_bookobj); if (_temp == -1) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Problem with the server register again')</script>"); } else if (_temp == 1) { UserOperation _uObj = new UserOperation(); string _uid = Session["UserID"].ToString(); List <EntityLayers.Booking> _lObj = _uObj.RegBookingIDRetrival(_uid); int _bID = _lObj[0]._bookingID; Session["BookingID"] = _bID; Response.Write("<script>alert('Successfully " + _bID + " registered')</script>"); Response.Redirect("UserHome.aspx"); } }
/// <summary> /// Method for Retreiving Values to Order Food /// </summary> /// <param name="_bObj1"> Object of Booking class</param> /// <returns>Returns Booking Status</returns> public List <EntityLayers.Booking> RetreiveOrderFood(Booking _bObj1) { SqlConnection _conobj = new SqlConnection("server=.; database=HotelDB; trusted_connection=yes"); try { SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select BookingStatus from Booking where BookingID = " + _bObj1._bookingID + " and UserID ='" + _bObj1._userID + "' ", _conobj); _conobj.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <EntityLayers.Booking> _bObj = new List <EntityLayers.Booking>(); if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { EntityLayers.Booking _bookAddObj = new EntityLayers.Booking() { _status = dr[0].ToString() }; _bObj.Add(_bookAddObj); } } return(_bObj); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { _conobj.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Method for Retreiving values for booking ID to check Booking Status /// </summary> /// <param name="_bobj">Object of Booking class</param> /// <returns>Returns List of Booking status and RoomTypeID</returns> public List <EntityLayers.Booking> BookingIDRetrival(Booking _bobj) { SqlConnection _conObj = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=HotelDB;Integrated Security=True"); try { SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select BookingStatus, RoomTypeID from Booking where BookingID = '" + _bobj._bookingID + "' ", _conObj); _conObj.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <EntityLayers.Booking> _listObj = new List <EntityLayers.Booking>(); if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { EntityLayers.Booking _bookObject = new EntityLayers.Booking() { _status = dr[0].ToString(), _roomTypeID = int.Parse(dr[1].ToString()) }; _listObj.Add(_bookObject); } } return(_listObj); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { _conObj.Close(); } }