コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PlutoContext ctx = new PlutoContext();














コード例 #2
        static void EagerLoading(PlutoContext ctx)
            // the oposite of Lazy Loading
            // instead of loading related entities on demand, we gonna loading them
            // to prevent additional queries to the DB
            // solving the 'N+1' issue

            var courses = ctx.Courses.Include(c => c.Author).ToList();

            foreach (var course in courses)
                Console.WriteLine($"[{course.Title}] by [{course.Author.Name}]");

            // for single properties
            ctx.Courses.Include(c => c.Author); //ctx.Courses.Include(c => c.Author.Address);

            // for collection properties
            ctx.Courses.Include(c => c.Tags.Select(t => t.Courses));

            // if using a lot of eager loading we will get complex sql query with many joins
            // and so we will store in a memory a lot of data when we not neccessary need it
            // so be careful with this:
            //     .Include(c => c.Author)
            //     .Include(c => c.Tags.Select(t => t.Courses))
            //     .Include(c => c.AuthorId)
            //     .Include(c => c.Level);
コード例 #3
        static void ExplicitLoading(PlutoContext ctx)
            // we tell Entity Framework [exactly] what should be loaded
            // no SQL joins
            // separate queries, multiple round-trips to the DB
            var author = ctx.Authors.Include(a => a.Courses).Single(a => a.Id == 1);

            #region Explicit Loading
            // MSDN way (works for single entries only)
            //ctx.Entry(author).Collection(a => a.Courses).Load();

            // Better way (second query that gets all courses for that author):
            //ctx.Courses.Where(c => c.AuthorId == author.Id).Load();

            #region Explicit Loading (with filters)
            // also we can apply a filter on the explcit loading:

            // MSDN way:
            //ctx.Entry(author).Collection(a => a.Courses).Query().Where(c => c.FullPrice == 0).Load();

            // prefered way:
            //ctx.Courses.Where(c => c.AuthorId == author.Id && c.FullPrice == 0).Load();

            #region Example: load only free courses by certain authors
            var authors = ctx.Authors.ToList();

            IEnumerable <int> authorIds = authors.Select(a => a.Id);

            ctx.Courses.Where(c => authorIds.Contains(c.AuthorId) && c.FullPrice == 0).Load();
コード例 #4
        static void Projection(PlutoContext ctx)
            // using LINQ Extension methods:
            var courses = ctx.Courses
                          .Where(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner)
                          .OrderBy(c => c.Title)
                          .Select(c => new { CourseName = c.Title, AuthorName = c.Author.Name });

            // list of lists
            var courses1 = ctx.Courses
                           .Where(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner)
                           .OrderBy(c => c.Title)
                           .Select(c => c.Tags);

            // list of tags
            var tags = ctx.Courses
                       .Where(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner)
                       .OrderBy(c => c.Title)
                       .SelectMany(c => c.Tags).Distinct();

            foreach (var tag in tags)
コード例 #5
        static void Grouping(PlutoContext ctx)
            // linq syntax:
            var query =
                from c in ctx.Courses
                group c by c.Level
                into g
                select g;

            foreach (var group in query)

                //display courses and next to it's level - print the number of courses in each group

                foreach (var course in group)
                    //display courses of each group (grouped by course level)
                    //Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", course.Title);

            //linq ext. methods:
            var groups = ctx.Courses.GroupBy(c => c.Level);

            foreach (var g in groups)
                Console.WriteLine("Key: " + g.Key);
                foreach (var course in g)
コード例 #6
 static void Ordering(PlutoContext ctx)
     // using LINQ Extension methods:
     var courses = ctx.Courses
                   .Where(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner)
                   .OrderByDescending(c => c.Title)
                   .ThenByDescending(c => c.Level);
コード例 #7
        static void Quantifying(PlutoContext ctx)
            #region Exists only in LINQ Extension Methods
            // find if "all" items in a list satisfy a criteria:
            bool allAbove10Dollars = ctx.Courses.All(c => c.FullPrice > 10);

            // find if "any" item in a list satisfies a criteria:
            bool anyCourseInBeginnerLevel = ctx.Courses.Any(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner);
コード例 #8
 static void LazyLoading(PlutoContext ctx)
     // if a navigational property defined as public virtual then the EF will use LAZY LOADING
     // so it will postpone executing the query for bringing the relational data so instead
     // going once to the DB and bringing all related data it will go to the DB on demand only
     // when we access them
     // which will cause additional roundtrips to the DB
     // use Single, First, MAX to immediately execute a query
     // Use Lazy Loading to load main objects and load the related objects on demand
     var courses = ctx.Courses.Single(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Intermediate);
コード例 #9
        static void Operators(PlutoContext ctx)
            #region Exists only in LINQ Extension Methods
            ctx.Courses.OrderBy(c => c.Level).FirstOrDefault(c => c.FullPrice > 100);

            // the "Last" method is not for use with sql database:

            ctx.Courses.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == 1);
コード例 #10
        static void Restrictions(PlutoContext ctx)
            var query =
                from c in ctx.Courses
                where c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner && c.AuthorId == 1
                select new { Name = c.Title, Id = c.Id };

            // LINQ Extension Method:
            // get all courses in level 'Beginner':
            var courses = ctx.Courses.Where(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner);
コード例 #11
        static void Aggregating(PlutoContext ctx)
            #region Exists only in LINQ Extension Methods
            var count = ctx.Courses.Where(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner).Count();

            ctx.Courses.Max(c => c.FullPrice);

            ctx.Courses.Min(c => c.FullPrice);

            ctx.Courses.Average(c => c.FullPrice);

コード例 #12
 static void IQueryableVsIEnumerable(PlutoContext ctx)
     // IQueryable allows queries to be ---extended--- without being immediately executed
     // We are building here an expression tree: we [compose] queries, extend them and delay execution
     IQueryable <Course> courses = ctx.Courses
                                   .Where(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner)
                                   .OrderByDescending(c => c.Id)
                                   .Select(c => c);
     // When we use IEnumerable, we cannot extend (compose) a query so it executes at every step:
     IEnumerable <Course> courses2 = ctx.Courses
                                     .Where(c => c.Level == CourseLevel.Beginner)
                                     .OrderByDescending(c => c.Id)
                                     .Select(c => c);
コード例 #13
        static void Partitioning(PlutoContext ctx)
            #region Exists only in LINQ Extension Methods
            // display courses in pages, the size of each page - 3
            var courses = ctx.Courses
                          .OrderBy(c => c.Id)

            foreach (var c in courses)
                Console.WriteLine($"Course: {c.Title}");
コード例 #14
        static void FirstExampleLinqVsExtensionMethod(PlutoContext ctx)
            //LINQ Syntax:
            var query =
                from c in ctx.Courses
                where c.Title.Contains("c#")
                orderby c.Title
                select c;

            foreach (var c in query)

            //Extension methods:
            var courses = ctx.Courses
                          .Where(c => c.Title.Contains("c#"))
                          .OrderBy(c => c.Title);

            foreach (var course in courses)
コード例 #15
        static void Joining(PlutoContext ctx)
            #region Navigation Property
            var query =
                from c in ctx.Courses
                select new { CourseName = c.Title, CourseAuthor = c.Author };

            foreach (var c in query)
                Console.WriteLine($"Course name: {c.CourseName.Substring(0, 9)} | course author: {c.CourseAuthor.Name}");


            #region INNER JOIN (LINQ Syntax)
            var query1 =
                from c in ctx.Courses
                join a in ctx.Authors on c.AuthorId equals a.Id
                select new { CourseName = c.Title, CourseAuthorName = a.Name };

            foreach (var c in query1)
                Console.WriteLine($"Course name: { c.CourseName.Substring(0, 9) } | course author: { c.CourseAuthorName }");


            #region GROUP JOIN (LINQ Syntax)

            // group join (no equivalent in sql but useful when we do LEFT JOINs in sql)
            var query2 =
                from a in ctx.Authors
                join c in ctx.Courses on a.Id equals c.AuthorId into g
                select new { AuthorName = a.Name, Courses = g.Count() };

            foreach (var x in query2)
                Console.WriteLine($"{x.AuthorName} ({x.Courses})");


            #region CROSS JOIN (LINQ Syntax)
            // cross join
            var query3 =
                from a in ctx.Authors
                from c in ctx.Courses
                select new { AuthorName = a.Name, CourseName = c.Title };

            foreach (var i in query3)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i.AuthorName} - {i.CourseName}");

            #region INNER JOIN (LINQ Extension Method)
            var joinResult = ctx.Courses.Join(ctx.Authors,
                                              c => c.AuthorId,
                                              a => a.Id,
                                              (Course, Author) => new
                CourseName = Course.Title,
                AuthorName = Author.Name

            #region GROUP JOIN (LINQ Extension Method)
            // useful when using for LEFT JOINS with AGGREGATE function

            var groupJoinResult = ctx.Authors
                                             a => a.Id,
                                             c => c.AuthorId,
                                             (author, courses) =>
                                             new {
                AuthorName = author,
                Courses    = courses.Count()

            #region CROSS JOIN (LINQ Extension Method)

            var crossJoinResult = ctx.Authors
                a => ctx.Courses,
                (author, course) =>
                new {
                AuthorName = author.Name,
                Course     = course.Title