コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Explicitly clear the list (which isn't technically required, since the removal of
        /// our object will cause the GCC (the .NET garbage collector) to remove it).
        /// The GCC has overhead, so in a real application you may wish to re-use these data
        /// objects instead of destroying them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dss"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        private void ReleaseMemory(DataShareSingleton dss, MyEntityData data)

            Object obj = null;

            if (!dss.RuntimeInfoDict.TryRemove(data.Key, out obj))
                // perhaps log error?... it is up to you
                string xx = "";
コード例 #2
        // Synchronous case for comparison
        private void SendDataSync(DataShareSingleton dss, MyEntityData myData)
            int nn = 0;

            foreach (DummyDataClass ddc in myData.DummyList)
                if ((nn % 700) == 0)


            ReleaseMemory(dss, myData);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Note: Use this if you want to emulate communicating with external devices.
        /// Emulates a very long-running send operation, followed by a memory release.
        /// Note that we don't care about the status of the 'send', but if we
        /// did, it should likely be logged (since the model has 'moved on' anyway).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myData">Entity's data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task SendData(DataShareSingleton dss, MyEntityData myData)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                int nn = 0;
                foreach (DummyDataClass ddc in myData.DummyList)
                    if ((nn % 700) == 0)


                ReleaseMemory(dss, myData);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called when a process token executes the step.
        /// </summary>
        public ExitType Execute(IStepExecutionContext context)
            // Examine what our AssociatedObject is
            var simioEntity = context.AssociatedObject;

            string name = simioEntity.HierarchicalDisplayName;

            var    info      = context.ExecutionInformation;
            string runInfo   = $"Model={info.ModelName} Experiment={info.ExperimentName} Scenario={info.ScenarioName} Rep#={info.ReplicationNumber}";
            string uniqueKey = $"{info.ModelName}:{info.ExperimentName}:{info.ScenarioName}:{info.ReplicationNumber}";

            // Example of how to get the value of a step property, in this case where the Step is located,
            // which is set by the human when the step is placed.
            IPropertyReader myExpressionProp = _properties.GetProperty("StepLocation") as IPropertyReader;
            string          myLocation       = myExpressionProp.GetStringValue(context);

            if (name.StartsWith("DefaultEntity."))
                string[] tokens = name.Split('.');

                DataShareSingleton dss = DataShareSingleton.Instance;

                string       key        = name;
                MyEntityData entityData = null;

                // Fetch or create our entity data that will accompany the entity.
                // This data is stored in a dictionary within singleton object.
                // and fetched by its key (the entity name)
                object obj = null;
                if (!dss.RuntimeInfoDict.TryGetValue(key, out obj))
                    entityData = new MyEntityData(key);
                    dss.RuntimeInfoDict.TryAdd(key, entityData);
                    entityData = obj as MyEntityData;

                var whereAmI = myLocation;

                entityData.LastLocationTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;

                // We're only going to do processing for two locations here, but you
                // can see that any of the identified steps can do processing.
                switch (myLocation)
                case "OnCreated":     // Create our data structures
                    // A one-time build of data
                    if (entityData.DummyList.Count == 0)
                        entityData.DummyList = new List <DummyDataClass>();

                        // Let's store a bunch of objects for this entity
                        for (int kk = 0; kk < 100000; kk++)
                            DummyDataClass ddc = new DummyDataClass(kk, (double)kk * kk);

                case "OnVisiting":

                case "OnDestroying":
                    TimeSpan      delta        = DateTimeOffset.Now.Subtract(entityData.CreationTime);
                    StringBuilder sb           = new StringBuilder($" It took me {delta.TotalMilliseconds} ms to visit: ");
                    var           writeOptions = ((IStringState)simioEntity.States["WriteOptions"]).Value;

                    foreach (string ss in entityData.TheStepsIHaveSeen)
                        sb.Append($"{ss} ");

                    // Example of how to display a trace line for the step.

                    // Emulate the writing of the data using a very slow protocol
                    if (writeOptions == "Async")
                        Task task = SendData(dss, entityData);
                    else if (writeOptions == "Sync")
                        SendDataSync(dss, entityData);
                    else         // If neither... don't write, but we better release our memory.
                        ReleaseMemory(dss, entityData);

                case "Server1_BeforeProcessing":

                case "Server1_AfterProcessing":

                case "Source_OnCreating":

                    context.ExecutionInformation.TraceInformation($"Unhandled StepLocation={myLocation}");
                } // switch
            else  // put logic for any unhandled associated objects.
                string xx = "";
