public bool Delete(Entities.TheVip thevip) { bool trave = false; try { string sql = new Common.Constants.Sql().deleteTheVip; conn = new Connection(); Constants.TheVip tv = new Constants.TheVip(); cn = conn.openConnection(); cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.MaThe, SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = thevip.MaThe.ToUpper(); int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (i == 1) { trave = true; } cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { string s = ex.Message.ToString(); trave = false; } finally { cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); } return(trave); }
public Entities.TheVip[] Select(Entities.TheVip thevip) { Entities.TheVip[] arrC = null; try { string sql = new Common.Constants.Sql().selectTheVipAll; Constants.TheVip tv = new Constants.TheVip(); conn = new Connection(); cn = conn.openConnection(); cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.MaKhachHang, SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = thevip.MaKhachHang.ToUpper(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); arr = new ArrayList(); while (dr.Read()) { Entities.TheVip tao = new Entities.TheVip(); tao.MaKhachHang = dr[tv.MaKhachHang].ToString().ToUpper(); tao.MaThe = dr[tv.MaThe].ToString().ToUpper(); tao.GiaTriThe = dr[tv.GiaTriThe].ToString(); tao.GiaTriConLai = dr[tv.GiaTriConLai].ToString(); tao.GhiChu = dr[tv.GhiChu].ToString(); tao.SoDiem = dr[tv.SoDiem].ToString(); tao.Deleted = (bool)dr[tv.Deleted]; arr.Add(tao); } //int n = arr.Count; //if (n == 0) { arrC = null; } //arrC = new Entities.TheVip[n]; //for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) //{ // arrC[i] = (Entities.TheVip)arr[i]; //} if (arr.Count > 0) { arrC = (Entities.TheVip[])arr.ToArray(typeof(Entities.TheVip)); } else { return(new Entities.TheVip[0]); } } catch (Exception ex) { string s = ex.Message.ToString(); arrC = null; } finally { cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); } return(arrC); }
public bool Insert(Entities.TheVip thevip) { bool trave = false; try { string sql = new Common.Constants.Sql().insertTheVip; conn = new Connection(); Constants.TheVip tv = new Constants.TheVip(); cn = conn.openConnection(); cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.MaKhachHang, SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = thevip.MaKhachHang.ToUpper(); cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.MaThe, SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = thevip.MaThe.ToUpper(); cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.GiaTriThe, SqlDbType.Float).Value = thevip.GiaTriThe; cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.GiaTriConLai, SqlDbType.Float).Value = thevip.GiaTriConLai; cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.GhiChu, SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = thevip.GhiChu; cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.SoDiem, SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = thevip.SoDiem; int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (i == 1) { trave = true; } cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { string s = ex.Message.ToString(); trave = false; } finally { cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); } return(trave); }
/// <summary> /// nút thêm /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void tsslthem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Enabled = false; try { if (KiemTra() == true) { //CheckConflictInsert(); txtSochungtu.Text = ProID("HDBanHang"); kt = true; if (kt == true) { cl = new Server_Client.Client(); this.Client1 = cl.Connect(Luu.IP, Luu.Ports); string date = ""; try { date = new Common.Utilities().MyDateConversion(mskngaychungtu.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Bạn nhập sai định dạng ngày tháng", "Hệ thống cảnh báo"); mskngaychungtu.Focus(); return; } string khachtra = "0"; if (txtkhachtra.Text == "") khachtra = "0"; else khachtra = txtkhachtra.Text; if (Convert.ToDouble(khachtra) < (Convert.ToDouble(txtTongtien.Text) - Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheVip.Text) - double.Parse(txtGTTheGT.Text))) { lbloi.Text = "Khách trả không thể nhỏ hơn Tổng tiền"; return; } Entities.HDBanHang pt = new Entities.HDBanHang(); string makho = LayMaKho(cbbkhohang.Text); double ttn = 0; Entities.TheVip tv1 = null; Entities.TheGiamGia tgg1 = null; // The Vip if (Convert.ToDouble(txtTongtien.Text) < Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheVip.Text)) { ttn = Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheVip.Text) - Convert.ToDouble(txtTongtien.Text); tv1 = new Entities.TheVip("", txtMaTheVip.Text, "", ttn.ToString(), "", "", false); } else { ttn = Convert.ToDouble(txtTongtien.Text) - Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheVip.Text); tv1 = new Entities.TheVip("", txtMaTheVip.Text, "", "0", "", "", false); // The Gia Tri. if (Convert.ToDouble(txtTongtien.Text) - Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheVip.Text) < Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheGT.Text)) { ttn = Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheGT.Text) - (Convert.ToDouble(txtTongtien.Text) - Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheVip.Text)); tgg1 = new Entities.TheGiamGia(); tgg1.MaTheGiamGia = txtMaTheGT.Text; tgg1.GiaTriConLai = ttn.ToString(); } else { ttn = Convert.ToDouble(txtTongtien.Text) - Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheVip.Text) - Convert.ToDouble(txtGTTheVip.Text); tgg1 = new TheGiamGia { MaTheGiamGia = txtMaTheGT.Text, GiaTriConLai = "0" }; } } chietkhau = (double.Parse(txtGiamgia.Text) + double.Parse(txtChietkhau.Text)).ToString(); string ckTongHoaDon = txtPhantramchietkhau.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPhantramchietkhau.Text)) ckTongHoaDon = "0"; pt = new HDBanHang("Insert", 0, txtSochungtu.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(date), txtMakhachhang.Text, "0", " ", cbxHinhthucthanhtoan.Text, makho, _datesv, " ", (_currentNhanVien != null) ? _currentNhanVien.MaNhanVien : Common.Utilities.User.NhanVienID, "TT_0001", txtGiamgia.Text, ttn.ToString(), "0", txtGTGT.Text, txtTongtien.Text, true, txtMaTheVip.Text, txtGTTheVip.Text, txtDiengiai.Text, false, Common.Utilities.User.TenDangNhap, txtkhachtra.Text, ckTongHoaDon, txtMaTheGT.Text, txtGTTheGT.Text) { ChiTietHDBanHang = CheckDataGridInsert(dtgvsanpham), ChiTietKhoHangTheoHoaHonNhap = CheckDataGridTruSL(dtgvsanpham), TheVip = tv1, TheGiamGia = tgg1 }; Clientstrem = cl.SerializeObj(this.Client1, "HDBanHang", pt); bool kt1 = false; kt1 = (bool)cl.DeserializeHepper(Clientstrem, kt1); if (kt1 == true) { //Cập nhật điểm thưởng cho khách hàng if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMakhachhang.Text)) { //Cập nhật điểm thưởng khách hàng thành công bool kq = CapNhatDiemThuongKhachHang(txtMakhachhang.Text, txtTongtien.Text); } else { //Cập nhật điểm thưởng khách hàng thất bại } ///////////////////////////////////// khachtra = "0"; if (txtkhachtra.Text == "") khachtra = "0"; else khachtra = txtkhachtra.Text; if (cbkiemtra.Checked == true) { frmBaoCaorpt bcrpt = new frmBaoCaorpt("HDBanLe", txtSochungtu.Text, double.Parse(txtGiamgia.Text), khachtra, txtdutra.Text, txtKhachPhaiTra.Text, txtGTGT.Text, lbnhanvien.Text, "in", mskngaychungtu.Text, txtGTTheVip.Text, txtGTTheGT.Text, "", txtChietkhau.Text, "", "", ""); } GiaVonBanHang(pt.ChiTietHDBanHang); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Thêm thất bại - xin thử lại", "Hệ thống cảnh báo"); } } } } catch { } finally { this.Enabled = true; } }
public void TheVip() { cl = new Server_Client.Client(); // gán TCPclient this.Client1 = cl.Connect(Luu.IP, Luu.Ports); // khởi tạo biến truyền vào với hàm khởi tạo Entities.TheVip pt = new Entities.TheVip("Select"); Clientstrem = cl.SerializeObj(this.Client1, "LayTheVip", pt); // đổ mảng đối tượng vào datagripview thevip = (Entities.TheVip[])cl.DeserializeHepper1(Clientstrem, thevip); if (thevip == null) thevip = new Entities.TheVip[0]; }
public Entities.TheVip[] Select(Entities.TheVip thevip) { Entities.TheVip[] arrC = null; try { string sql = new Common.Constants.Sql().selectTheVipAll; Constants.TheVip tv = new Constants.TheVip(); conn = new Connection(); cn = conn.openConnection(); cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); cmd.Parameters.Add(tv.MaKhachHang, SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = thevip.MaKhachHang.ToUpper(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); arr = new ArrayList(); while (dr.Read()) { Entities.TheVip tao = new Entities.TheVip(); tao.MaKhachHang = dr[tv.MaKhachHang].ToString().ToUpper(); tao.MaThe = dr[tv.MaThe].ToString().ToUpper(); tao.GiaTriThe = dr[tv.GiaTriThe].ToString(); tao.GiaTriConLai = dr[tv.GiaTriConLai].ToString(); tao.GhiChu = dr[tv.GhiChu].ToString(); tao.SoDiem = dr[tv.SoDiem].ToString(); tao.Deleted = (bool)dr[tv.Deleted]; arr.Add(tao); } //int n = arr.Count; //if (n == 0) { arrC = null; } //arrC = new Entities.TheVip[n]; //for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) //{ // arrC[i] = (Entities.TheVip)arr[i]; //} if (arr.Count > 0) { arrC = (Entities.TheVip[])arr.ToArray(typeof(Entities.TheVip)); } else return new Entities.TheVip[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { string s = ex.Message.ToString(); arrC = null; } finally { cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); } return arrC; }