コード例 #1
ファイル: Rules.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        public Boolean ValidateBalanceQuantityInDocument(DocumentLine validationLine,
            Node node,   Boolean autoThrow, bool isCrossDock)
        //bool isCrossDock, Adicionada en SEP/17/2009 para manejar el balance en cross dock sin tener en cuenta BO Quantities

            DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance
                Document = validationLine.Document,
                Product = validationLine.Product,
                Unit = validationLine.Unit,
                Node = node

            docBal = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().GeneralBalance(docBal, isCrossDock).First();

            //Multiplica la cantidad por la unidad base para hacer la resta
            //La unidad del documento de Balance es la unidad Basica
            if (docBal == null || docBal.BaseQtyPending < validationLine.Quantity * validationLine.Unit.BaseAmount)
                if (autoThrow)
                    //throw new Exception("Current balance for document is " + (docBal.QtyPending / validationLine.Unit.BaseAmount).ToString() + " and you are trying to receive " + ((int)validationLine.Quantity).ToString() + ".");
                    throw new Exception("Current balance for product " + docBal.Product.ProductCode + " in document "
                        + docBal.Document.DocNumber +" is " + docBal.QtyPending.ToString() + " (" + docBal.Unit.Name + ")"
                        + " and you are trying to process " + ((int)validationLine.Quantity).ToString() + " (" + docBal.Unit.Name + ").");
                    return false;

            return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: DaoNode.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        public IList<Node> Select(Node data)
                IList<Node> datos = new List<Node>();

            try {
                datos = GetHsql(data).List<Node>();
                if (!Factory.IsTransactional)
            catch (Exception e)

                return datos;
コード例 #3
        private Object[] ReceiptLinesForErpDocument(Document receivingTask, Document prDocument)
            Object[] result = new Object[2];


                Node recNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Received };
                Node storedNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Stored };
                DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance { Document = receivingTask, Node = storedNode };

                //Obtiene el balance linea por linea, Es decir el cruce contra lo ya posteado, porque la linea se
                //asigna una vez se postea, lo que no tiene linea no aparece en el balance
                //es decir el saldo que queda por llenar de cada linea de documento
                IList<DocumentBalance> balanceList = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().DetailedBalance(docBal, false);
                balanceList = balanceList.OrderBy(f => f.DocumentLine.LineNumber).ToList();  //Ordernada por LineNumber

                //Armar las lineas del documento de Recibo
                IList<DocumentLine> prDocLines = new List<DocumentLine>();
                NodeTrace qNodeTrace;
                DocumentLine rpLine;
                int line = 1;
                IList<NodeTrace> nodeTraceSameUnit;
                IList<NodeTrace> allNodeTrace = new List<NodeTrace>();

                Status lineStatus = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.New });
                //Label curLabel;

                //Recorre los saldos pendientes para ese documento
                foreach (DocumentBalance balance in balanceList.Where(b => b.QtyPending > 0))

                    qNodeTrace = new NodeTrace
                        Document = receivingTask,
                        Node = recNode,
                        PostingDocument = new Document { DocID = 0 }, //0 mean Null
                        Label = new Label { Product = balance.Product, Unit = balance.Unit }

                    //PASO 1 : Primero buscar los nodetrace que coincidan con la unidad necesitada y traer los pendientes
                    nodeTraceSameUnit = Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(qNodeTrace).ToList(); //.Take(int.Parse(balance.QtyPending.ToString()))

                    //Si se obtienen registros
                    if (nodeTraceSameUnit.Count > 0)

                        //1.1 Actualiza los que encontro
                        foreach (NodeTrace traceSame in nodeTraceSameUnit)
                            traceSame.DocumentLine = balance.DocumentLine;
                            traceSame.PostingDate = DateTime.Now;
                            traceSame.PostingDocument = prDocument;
                            traceSame.PostingDocLineNumber = line;
                            traceSame.PostingUserName = prDocument.CreatedBy;
                            traceSame.ModifiedBy = prDocument.CreatedBy;
                            traceSame.ModDate = DateTime.Now;



                        //1.2 Disminuye el balance
                        balance.QtyPending -= nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity);

                        //Crea una linea para el documento de recibo
                        rpLine = new DocumentLine
                            Product = balance.Product,
                            Quantity = nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity),
                            Unit = balance.Unit,
                            Document = prDocument,
                            CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                            IsDebit = false,
                            LineNumber = line,
                            LineStatus = lineStatus,
                            Location = prDocument.Location,
                            UnitBaseFactor = balance.Unit.BaseAmount,
                            LinkDocNumber = balance.Document.DocNumber,
                            LinkDocLineNumber = balance.DocumentLine.LineNumber,
                            CreatedBy = prDocument.CreatedBy,
                            UnitPrice = balance.UnitPrice,
                            ExtendedPrice = balance.UnitPrice * nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity) * balance.Unit.BaseAmount



                    //1.4 Si encontro todos los que necesitaba se sale a la siguiente linea
                    if (balance.QtyPending <= 0)


                result[0] = prDocLines;
                result[1] = allNodeTrace;

                return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("ReceiptLinesForErpDocument", ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                return null;

        //Actualiza el nodetrace y crea los Nuevos Registros de trace
        private void ProcessReceivingTransactionTrace(IList<NodeTrace> traceList, Document postedDocument, 
            Document taskDocument, Node node)
            if (traceList == null)

            Label curLabel;
            Status activeStatus = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active });

            foreach (NodeTrace nodeTrace in traceList)
                //Actualiza el trace actual

                //Pasa los labels de ese nodeTrace a Storedb
                //Registra el movimiento del nodo
                    new NodeTrace
                        Node = node,
                        Document = taskDocument,
                        Label = nodeTrace.Label,
                        Quantity = nodeTrace.Label.StockQty, //GetLabelStockQty(new Label { LabelID = nodeTrace.Label.LabelID }), //nodeTrace.Label.CurrQty
                        IsDebit = nodeTrace.IsDebit,
                        CreatedBy = postedDocument.CreatedBy,
                        PostingDocument = postedDocument,
                        PostingDocLineNumber = nodeTrace.PostingDocLineNumber,
                        PostingUserName = postedDocument.CreatedBy


                //Pasa los labels de ese nodeTrace a Stored
                curLabel = nodeTrace.Label;
                curLabel.Node = node;
                curLabel.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                curLabel.Status = activeStatus;
                curLabel.ModifiedBy = postedDocument.CreatedBy;

                if (curLabel.LabelCode.StartsWith("VOID_"))
                    curLabel.LabelCode = curLabel.LabelCode.Replace("VOID_","");


                //Modificando las hijas
                    curLabel.ChildLabels = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(new Label { FatherLabel = curLabel });

                    if (curLabel.ChildLabels != null && curLabel.ChildLabels.Count > 0)

                        foreach (Label child in curLabel.ChildLabels)
                            child.Node = node;
                            child.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                            child.ModifiedBy = child.FatherLabel.CreatedBy;
                            child.Status = activeStatus;

                catch { }

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Recibe producto, con etiqueta (recibo capturado por scanner generalmente)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">Task Document in Process</param>
        /// <param name="label">Label de transaccion </param>
        public Label PickLabel(Document document, Label label, Node node, Label packageLabel, SysUser picker, Bin destBin)
            Factory.IsTransactional = true;

            //Node node = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Picked });

                if (label.LabelID == 0)
                    try { label = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(label).First(); }
                    catch { throw new Exception("Label " + label.LabelCode + " does not exists."); }

                //Check if already picked
                if (label.Node.NodeID == NodeType.Picked || label.Node.NodeID == NodeType.Released)
                    throw new Exception("Label " + label.LabelCode + " already picked.");

                if (destBin == null)
                    destBin = Rules.GetBinForNode(node, label.Bin.Location);

                Status locked = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Locked });

                //Valida si el docuemnto no es nulo
                Rules.ValidateDocument(document, true);

                //Valida si el label es un label de producto, 
                //TODO: alarma cuand o suceda el evento de que no es un label de producto
                Rules.ValidateIsProductLabel(label, true);

                Rules.ValidateBinStatus(label.Bin, true);

                //Valida si el status es Activo
                Rules.ValidateActiveStatus(label.Status, true);

                //Valida si el label esta en el nodo que debe estar (Ruta de Nodos)
                //TODO: alarma cuand o suceda el evento de que no es un label de producto
                Rules.ValidateNodeRoute(label, node, true);

                //revisa si el label tiene zero Qty
                Rules.ValidateLabelQuantity(label, true);

                //Validar si las locations son iguales
                Rules.ValidatePickLocation(document.Location, label.Bin.Location, true);

                //label.ChildLabels = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(
                       // new Label { FatherLabel = label, Status = new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active } });

                if (document.IsFromErp == true)
                    //Valida si el producto esta en ese documento
                    //Se debe ejecutar proceso para saber si la company permite 
                    //recibir producto no existente en el docuemnto
                    DocumentLine docLine = new DocumentLine
                        Document = document,
                        Product = label.Product,
                        LineStatus = new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.New },
                        Unit = label.Unit,
                        Quantity = label.StockQty, //label.CurrQty,
                        CreatedBy = document.ModifiedBy

                    Rules.ValidateProductInDocument(docLine, true);

                    //Valida si hay saldo pendiente por recibir
                    //Calcula el Current Qty y Valida si esa cantidad aun esta pendiente en el documento
                    //Double quantity = (label.IsLogistic == true) ? Factory.DaoLabel().SelectCurrentQty(label, null, true) : label.CurrQty;                    
                    Rules.ValidateBalanceQuantityInDocument(docLine, node, true, false);

                if (packageLabel != null)
                    try { packageLabel = GetPackageLabel(packageLabel, document, picker).PackLabel; }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("Package label could not be created.\n" + ex.Message);


                //Actualiza Label with new data
                label.Node = node;
                label.LastBin = label.Bin;
                label.Bin = destBin;
                label.ModifiedBy = picker.UserName;
                label.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                label.ShippingDocument = document;
                label.Printed = true;
                label.Status = locked;

                //Registra el movimiento del label en el nodo
                SaveNodeTrace(new NodeTrace
                    Node = node,
                    Document = document,
                    Label = label,
                    Quantity = label.CurrQty,
                    IsDebit = false

                label.LabelSource = label.FatherLabel;
                label.FatherLabel = packageLabel;

                //Actualiza Los Hijos (si existen)
                    label.ChildLabels = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(new Label { FatherLabel = label });

                    if (label.ChildLabels != null && label.ChildLabels.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Label curLabel in label.ChildLabels)
                            curLabel.Node = node;
                            curLabel.LastBin = label.LastBin;
                            curLabel.Bin = label.Bin;
                            curLabel.ModifiedBy = picker.UserName;
                            curLabel.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                            curLabel.ShippingDocument = document;
                            curLabel.Status = locked;

                            SaveNodeTrace(new NodeTrace
                                Node = node,
                                Document = document,
                                Label = curLabel,
                                Quantity = curLabel.CurrQty,
                                IsDebit = false,
                                CreatedBy = document.CreatedBy

                catch { }

                return label;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("PickLabel:", ListValues.EventType.Error, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                throw new Exception(WriteLog.GetTechMessage(ex));

コード例 #5
ファイル: Rules.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        public Boolean ValidateNodeRoute(Label label, Node node, Boolean autoThrow)
            NodeRoute nodeRoute = new NodeRoute
                NextNode = node,
                CurNode = label.Node

            if (Factory.DaoNodeRoute().Select(nodeRoute).Count == 0)
                if (autoThrow)
                    throw new Exception("Transaction from " + label.Node.Name + " to " + node.Name + " not allowed.");
                    return false;

            return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Rules.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        internal Boolean ValidateVoided(Node node, bool autoThrow)
            if (node.NodeID != NodeType.Voided)
                return true;

            if (autoThrow)
                throw new Exception("Label appears as voided.");
                return false;
コード例 #7
        public Hero(int health, int maxHealth, ref Model modelwalk, ref Model  modeldie, ref Model modelhurt, Action<Entity, Entity> actionFunction)
            : base()
            this.model = modelwalk;
            this.HealthPoints = health;
            this.MaxHealth = maxHealth;
            this.Stance = AnimationStance.Standing;

            PowerupsList = new List<Powerup>();
            ItemsList = new Dictionary<Item, int>();
            WeaponsList = new Dictionary<Weapon, int>();
            this.ActionFunction = actionFunction;

            //get animations
            // Look up our custom skinning information. for walking

            skinningDatawalk = (SkinningData)modelwalk.Tag;

            if (skinningDatawalk == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException
                    ("This model does not contain a SkinningData tag.");

            // Create an animation player, and start decoding an animation clip.
            animationPlayerwalk = new AnimationPlayer(skinningDatawalk);
            clipwalk = skinningDatawalk.AnimationClips["Take 001"];

            // Look up our custom skinning information. for dying
            skinningDatadie = (SkinningData)modeldie.Tag;

            if (skinningDatadie == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException
                    ("This model does not contain a SkinningData tag.");

            // Create an animation player, and start decoding an animation clip.
            animationPlayerdie = new AnimationPlayer(skinningDatadie);
            clipdie = skinningDatadie.AnimationClips["Take 001"];

            // Look up our custom skinning information. for hurting
            skinningDatahurt = (SkinningData)modelhurt.Tag;

            if (skinningDatahurt == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException
                    ("This model does not contain a SkinningData tag.");

            // Create an animation player, and start decoding an animation clip.
            animationPlayerhurt = new AnimationPlayer(skinningDatahurt);
            cliphurt = skinningDatahurt.AnimationClips["Take 001"];

            //adding flanking info
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                slots[i] = new Node();
コード例 #8
ファイル: LabelMngr.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
       private void ProcessPrintingLine(DocumentBalance printLine, String printLot, Node node, Bin bin, UserByRol userByRol)
           //Tipo De impresion
           //1. Normal Imprime standar, sin logistica

           //2. Logistic (Notes tiene data) - imprime normal mas la Logistica
           Unit logisticUnit = null;
           //bool printOnlyLogistic = false;

           if (printLine.Notes != null && printLine.Notes.Contains("Pack"))
               string[] dataLogistic = printLine.Notes.Split(':');

               //El elemento [1] contiene la unidad logistica, si es cero es custom.
               if (dataLogistic[2].Equals(WmsSetupValues.CustomUnit))
                   {   //trata de encontrar una unidad con ese baseamount
                       logisticUnit = Factory.DaoUnit().Select(
                           new Unit
                               BaseAmount = printLine.QtyPending,
                               Company = userByRol.Location.Company,
                               ErpCodeGroup = printLine.Unit.ErpCodeGroup
                       //Obtiene la custom
                       logisticUnit = Factory.DaoUnit().SelectById(new Unit { UnitID = int.Parse(dataLogistic[1]) });
               else  // Si no es Custom
                   logisticUnit = Factory.DaoUnit().SelectById(new Unit { UnitID = int.Parse(dataLogistic[1]) });


           //Se ingresa para poder sacar el dato de la company
           if (printLine.Document == null)
               printLine.Document = new Document { Company = userByRol.Location.Company };

           //CReating Document Line to Send
           DocumentLine prnLine = new DocumentLine
               Product = printLine.Product,
               Document = printLine.Document,
               Unit = printLine.Unit,
               Quantity = printLine.Quantity,
               CreatedBy = userByRol.User.UserName


           if (logisticUnit != null)
                logisticUnit.BaseAmount = printLine.QtyPending;

           //Obteniendo el factor logistico antes de enviar a crear los labels
           double logisticFactor = (logisticUnit != null) ? printLine.QtyPending : 1;
           //Manda a Crear los Labels
           IList<Label> resultList = CreateProductLabels(logisticUnit, prnLine, node, bin, logisticFactor, printLot,"", DateTime.Now)
               .Where(f => f.FatherLabel == null).ToList();

           foreach (Label lbl in resultList)

コード例 #9
ファイル: DaoLabel.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        public IList<ProductStock> GetNodeStock(ProductStock data, Node node, Status status)

            string initQuery = "SELECT l.ProductID, l.UnitID, 0 as BinID, Sum(l.SingleQuantity) AS Stock,  Sum(l.PackQuantity) as PackStock, "
             + " Max(l.MaxDate) as MaxDate, Min(l.MinDate) as MinDate "
             + " FROM vwStockSummary AS l Where (l.SingleQuantity > 0 Or l.PackQuantity > 0)  And l.NodeID = :nid And l.StatusID = :sid ";

            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(initQuery);
            Parms = new List<Object[]>();

            Parms.Add(new Object[] { "nid", node.NodeID });
            Parms.Add(new Object[] { "sid", status.StatusID });

            if (data.Product != null && data.Product.ProductID != 0)
                sql.Append(" and l.ProductID = :id1 ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id1", data.Product.ProductID });

            if (data.Bin != null && data.Bin.BinID != 0)
                sql.Append(" and l.BinID = :id2 ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", data.Bin.BinID });

            if (data.Bin != null && data.Bin.Location != null && data.Bin.Location.LocationID != 0)
                sql.Append(" and l.LocationID = :id3 ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id3", data.Bin.Location.LocationID });

            sql.Append(" Group By l.ProductID, l.UnitID ");

            IQuery query = Factory.Session.CreateSQLQuery(sql.ToString());

            IList<ProductStock> ret = GetProductStockObject(query.List<Object[]>(), Factory);

            if (!Factory.IsTransactional)

            return ret;
コード例 #10
        public Label PickUniqueLabel(Document document, Node node, Product product, string serialLabel, SysUser picker, Label packLabel)
            //Valida si el label piquedo esta disponible y pertenece al producto y luego lo manda a PickLabel
            Label label = new Label
                LabelCode = serialLabel,
                //LabelType = new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.UniqueTrackLabel },
                LabelType = new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.ProductLabel },
                Product = new Product { ProductID = product.ProductID }

                label = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(label).First();
            catch { throw new Exception("Barcode " + serialLabel + " does not exists for product " + product.FullDesc + "."); }

            return PickLabel(document, label, node, packLabel, picker, null);

コード例 #11
        //Permite reversar un documento que fue creado y enviado al ERP
        //solo se reversa si en el ERP no lo ha posteado
        public void ReverseShipmentDocument(Document data, Bin binRestore)
            Factory.IsTransactional = true;

            //Revisa si se debe enviar el recibo al ERP, es decir si esta en true la opcion de conexion a ERP
            bool ErpConnected = GetCompanyOption(data.Company, "WITHERPSH").Equals("T");

            Node releaseNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Released };
            Node storeNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Stored };


                //Update document status to Cancelled
                Status cancelled = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.Cancelled });
                Status inactive = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Inactive });
                Status active = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active });

                //Cancelacion del Assembly Order en caso de que haya conexion al ERP y la opcion
                // ERPASMORDER este en True para esa compania
                // 22 Mayo de 2007, Mande el resultado a Notes para poder enviarlo en el mail
                // COMENTARIADO EL 3 Junio de 2009 - Se quita el envio a GP
                if (GetCompanyOption(data.Company, "SHOWCOMP").Equals("T") && GetCompanyOption(data.Company, "ERPASMORDER").Equals("T"))
                    data.Comment += "\n\n" + ErpFactory.Documents().CancelKitAssemblyOrderBasedOnSalesDocument(data);

                data.DocStatus = cancelled;

                //Pasa las lineas del documento a Cancelled                
                IList<DocumentLine> docLines = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(new DocumentLine { Document = data });

                foreach (DocumentLine dl in docLines)
                    dl.LineStatus = cancelled;

                //update NodeTrace
                NodeTrace qNodeTrace = new NodeTrace { PostingDocument = data };

                //Busca todo los registros de ese documento y los reversa
                IList<NodeTrace> nodeTraceList = Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(qNodeTrace);

                Node voidNode = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Voided });

                Label curLabel;

                foreach (NodeTrace trace in nodeTraceList)

                    //Crear un trace que tenga la transaccion del posting eliminado en el nodo void
                    //Registra el movimiento del nodo
                    if (trace.Node.NodeID == NodeType.Released)

                        trace.Node = voidNode;
                        trace.Status = inactive;
                        trace.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                        trace.ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy;
                        trace.Comment = "Released: " + trace.PostingDocument.DocNumber + " Reversed";
                            new NodeTrace
                                Node = storeNode,
                                Document = trace.Document,
                                Label = trace.Label,
                                Quantity = trace.Quantity,
                                IsDebit = trace.IsDebit,
                                CreatedBy = trace.CreatedBy,
                                //PostingDocument = trace.PostingDocument,
                                //PostingUserName = trace.PostingUserName,
                                Status = active,
                                Comment = "Stock: " + trace.PostingDocument.DocNumber + " Reversed",
                                CreationDate= DateTime.Now,
                                //ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy,
                                //PostingDate = trace.PostingDate,

                    //Reversa el trace original para poderlo postear nuevamente o reversarlo a stored
                    if (trace.Node.NodeID == NodeType.Picked)
                        //trace.DocumentLine = null;
                        //trace.PostingDate = null;
                        //trace.PostingDocument = null;
                        //trace.PostingUserName = null;
                        trace.ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy;
                        trace.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                        trace.Node = voidNode;
                        trace.Comment = "Picked: " + trace.PostingDocument.DocNumber + " Reversed";

                    //Recorre los Packages de ese shipment y reversa los labels HIjos
                    //Poner en Void los package Labels de ese documento.
                    IList<DocumentPackage> packList = Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Select(new DocumentPackage { PostingDocument = data });
                    IList<Label> labelList;
                    foreach (DocumentPackage curPack in packList)
                        labelList = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(new Label { FatherLabel = curPack.PackLabel });

                        foreach (Label lbl in labelList)
                            //Reverse labels to node trace stored
                            lbl.Bin = binRestore;
                            lbl.Node = storeNode;
                            lbl.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                            lbl.ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy;
                            lbl.Status = active;
                            lbl.ShippingDocument = null;
                            lbl.FatherLabel = null;


                            //Reversando los Hijos en caso de que ese label tenga Hijos
                                lbl.ChildLabels = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(new Label { FatherLabel = lbl });

                                if (lbl.ChildLabels != null && lbl.ChildLabels.Count > 0)

                                    foreach (Label child in lbl.ChildLabels)
                                        child.Bin = binRestore;
                                        child.Node = storeNode;
                                        child.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                                        child.ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy;
                                        child.Status = active;
                                        child.ShippingDocument = null;

                            catch { }                            


                        curPack.PackLabel.Status = inactive;
                        curPack.PackLabel.Node = voidNode;



                #region Restoring QtyShipped - JM Ene21/2010
                //reversando el ShippedQty to the Original Order Qher is a MergedOrder

                    Document mergedDoc = Factory.DaoDocument().Select(new Document { DocNumber = data.CustPONumber, Company = data.Company }).First();

                    mergedDoc.PostingDocument = "";
                    mergedDoc.Priority = 0;

                    if (mergedDoc.DocType.DocTypeID == SDocType.MergedSalesOrder)

                        DocumentLine mergedLine;
                        DocumentLine oriLine;

                        //1. Toma las lineas del Shipped
                        foreach (DocumentLine shipLine in docLines)
                                //2. Busca las lineas del merged y luego la original
                                mergedLine = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(new DocumentLine
                                    Document = new Document { DocNumber = shipLine.LinkDocNumber, Company = data.Company },
                                    LineNumber = shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber

                                //2. Busca las lineas del merged original
                                oriLine = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(new DocumentLine
                                    Document = new Document { DocNumber = mergedLine.LinkDocNumber, Company = data.Company },
                                    LineNumber = mergedLine.LinkDocLineNumber

                                //3. Actualiza el QtyShipped.
                                oriLine.QtyShipped -= shipLine.Quantity;
                                oriLine.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                                oriLine.QtyBackOrder = 0;
                                oriLine.QtyAllocated = 0;
                                oriLine.QtyCancel = 0;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("Updating ShipQty:" + data.DocNumber + ", Line:" + shipLine.LineNumber, ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("Updating ShipQty:" + data.DocNumber, ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);



            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("ReverseSalesShipment #" + data.DocNumber, ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Persistence);
コード例 #12
        //Permite reversar un documento IA que fue posteado en el ERP, 
        //solo se reversa si en el ERP no lo ha posteado
        public void ReverseInventoryAdjustment(Document data)

            //if (data.Company.ErpConnection == null)
            //    throw new Exception("Please setup Erp Connection.");

            Factory.IsTransactional = true;


            Node storedNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Stored };
            Node voidNode = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Voided });


                //Update document status to Cancelled
                Status cancelled = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.Cancelled });
                Status inactive = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Inactive });
                Status active = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active });

                data.DocStatus = cancelled;

                //Pasa las lineas del documento a Cancelled                
                IList<DocumentLine> docLines = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(new DocumentLine { Document = data });

                foreach (DocumentLine dl in docLines)
                    dl.LineStatus = cancelled;

                //update NodeTrace
                NodeTrace qNodeTrace = new NodeTrace { PostingDocument = data };

                //Busca todo los registros de ese documento y los reversa
                IList<NodeTrace> nodeTraceList = Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(qNodeTrace);

                Label curLabel;

                foreach (NodeTrace trace in nodeTraceList)

                    //Reverse labels que se generaron con el ajuste, si son negativos 
                    //Pasan de nuevo a stored, si son positivos pasan a void.
                    curLabel = trace.Label;
                    curLabel.Node = (trace.IsDebit == true) ? storedNode : voidNode;
                    curLabel.CurrQty = (trace.IsDebit == true) ? curLabel.CurrQty : 0;
                    curLabel.Status = (trace.IsDebit == true) ? active : inactive;
                    curLabel.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                    curLabel.ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy;

                    //Crear un trace que tenga la transaccion del posting eliminado en el nodo void
                    //Registra el movimiento del nodo
                        new NodeTrace
                            Node = (trace.IsDebit == true) ? storedNode : voidNode,
                            Document = trace.Document,
                            Label = trace.Label,
                            Quantity = trace.Quantity,
                            IsDebit = !trace.IsDebit,
                            CreatedBy = trace.CreatedBy,
                            PostingDocument = trace.PostingDocument,
                            PostingUserName = trace.PostingUserName,
                            Status = active, // inactive,
                            Comment = trace.PostingDocument.DocNumber + " Reversed",
                            ModDate = DateTime.Now,
                            ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy,
                            PostingDate = trace.PostingDate,




            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("ReverseInventoryAdjustment #" + data.DocNumber, ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Persistence);
コード例 #13
        //Cuando las lineas deben hacer link con un documento del ERP, solo se permite que el Uom Coincida
        //Con el del documento
        private Object[] SalesLinesForErpDocument(Document shipTask, Document ssDocument)
            Object[] result = new Object[2];


                Node releaseNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Released };
                Node pickNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Picked };
                DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance { Document = shipTask, Node = releaseNode };

                //Obtiene el balance linea por linea, Es decir el cruce contra lo ya Released, porque la linea se
                //asigna una vez se postea, lo que no tiene linea no aparece en el balance
                //es decir el saldo que queda por llenar de cada linea de documento
                IList<DocumentBalance> balanceList = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().DetailedBalance(docBal, shipTask.CrossDocking == true ? true : false);
                balanceList = balanceList.OrderBy(f => f.DocumentLine.LineNumber).ToList();  //Ordernada por LineNumber

                Console.WriteLine("Balance List");

                //Armar las lineas del documento de Shipment
                IList<DocumentLine> ssDocLines = new List<DocumentLine>();
                //NodeTrace qNodeTrace;
                DocumentLine ssLine;
                int line = 1;
                IEnumerable<NodeTrace> nodeTraceSameUnit;
                IList<NodeTrace> allNodeTrace = new List<NodeTrace>();
                Dictionary<long, double> acumLines = new Dictionary<long, double>();

                Status lineStatus = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.New });

                //Obtienen los saldos pendientes de lo que se piqueo para ese documento.
                nodeTraceSameUnit = nodeTraceSameUnit = Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(
                    new NodeTrace
                        Document = shipTask,
                        Node = pickNode,
                        PostingDocument = new Document { DocID = 0 }, //0 mean Null
                        //Label = new Label { Product = balance.Product, Unit = balance.Unit }
                    }).Where(f => f.Quantity > 0);

                //Recorre los NodeTrace en Picking que tengan saldo y tengan balance.
                double traceBalance;
                double shipLineQty;
                int xLine = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Before Foreach");

                foreach (NodeTrace curTrace in nodeTraceSameUnit.Where(f => f.Label.Product != null).OrderBy(f => f.Label.Product.ProductID))
                    traceBalance = curTrace.Quantity * curTrace.Unit.BaseAmount; 

                    //Aqui en shipping el despacho es en EA asi que se deben procescar todas las lineas del nodetrace
                    //En EA
                    foreach (DocumentBalance curline in balanceList
                        .Where(f => f.Product.ProductID == curTrace.Label.Product.ProductID
                            //&& (f.Unit.UnitID == curTrace.Label.Unit.UnitID || f.Unit.BaseAmount == curTrace.Label.Unit.BaseAmount)
                            && f.QtyPending > 0))

                        //Para el consecutivo de la linea
                        if (!acumLines.ContainsKey(curline.DocumentLine.LineID))

                        //Si el valor de la cantidad del label actual es mayor o igual a la pendiente.
                        if (traceBalance >= curline.BaseQtyPending)
                            traceBalance -= curline.BaseQtyPending;
                            shipLineQty = curline.BaseQtyPending;
                            curline.QtyPending = 0;
                        else //Si es menor
                            curline.QtyPending -= traceBalance/curline.Unit.BaseAmount; //nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity);
                            shipLineQty = traceBalance; // nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity);
                            traceBalance = 0;

                        //Creado los nuevos traces en el RELEASE.
                        curTrace.DocumentLine = curline.DocumentLine;
                        curTrace.PostingDate = DateTime.Now;
                        curTrace.PostingDocument = ssDocument;
                        curTrace.PostingDocLineNumber = xLine;
                        curTrace.PostingUserName = ssDocument.CreatedBy;
                        curTrace.ModifiedBy = ssDocument.CreatedBy;
                        curTrace.ModDate = DateTime.Now;

                        //Update Anterior.

                        //Nuevo node para el caso de Shipping.
                        if (shipLineQty > 0)
                            allNodeTrace.Add( new NodeTrace
                                Node = curTrace.Node,
                                Document = curTrace.Document,
                                Label = curTrace.Label,
                                Quantity = shipLineQty,
                                IsDebit = curTrace.IsDebit,
                                CreatedBy = curTrace.CreatedBy,
                                PostingDocument = curTrace.PostingDocument,
                                PostingDocLineNumber = xLine,
                                PostingUserName = ssDocument.CreatedBy,
                                Bin = curTrace.Bin,
                                CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                                PostingDate = DateTime.Now,
                                Status = curTrace.Status,
                                Unit = curline.Product.BaseUnit,
                                FatherLabel = curTrace.Label.FatherLabel

                        //Crea el acumulador para cada linea.
                        if (acumLines.ContainsKey(curline.DocumentLine.LineID))
                            acumLines[curline.DocumentLine.LineID] += shipLineQty;
                            acumLines.Add(curline.DocumentLine.LineID, shipLineQty);


                    if (traceBalance <= 0)
                    else //Reportar que hubo overshipment.
                        ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("SalesLinesForErpDocument: Overshipment: " + curTrace.Document.DocNumber
                            + ", Product: " + curTrace.Label.Product.Name,
                            ListValues.EventType.Warn, null, null,



                //Para todos los saldos de las lineas.
                //Crea las lineas respectivas.
                DocumentLine oriLine;
                foreach (long lineID in acumLines.Keys)

                    oriLine = balanceList.Where(f => f.DocumentLine.LineID == lineID).Select(f => f.DocumentLine).First();

                    //Crea una linea para el documento de fullfilment
                    ssLine = new DocumentLine
                        Product = oriLine.Product,
                        Quantity = acumLines[lineID] / oriLine.Unit.BaseAmount, //acumLines[lineID],  //nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity),
                        Unit = oriLine.Unit,
                        Document = ssDocument,
                        CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                        IsDebit = false,
                        LineNumber = line,
                        LineStatus = lineStatus,
                        Location = ssDocument.Location,
                        UnitBaseFactor = oriLine.Unit.BaseAmount,
                        LinkDocNumber = oriLine.Document.DocNumber,
                        LinkDocLineNumber = oriLine.LineNumber,
                        CreatedBy = ssDocument.CreatedBy,
                        Note = oriLine.Note, //If Note=2 indica que es un componente
                        Sequence = oriLine.Sequence,
                        Date1 = DateTime.Now,
                        UnitPrice = oriLine.UnitPrice,
                        ExtendedPrice = oriLine.UnitPrice * acumLines[lineID] * oriLine.Unit.BaseAmount,
                        UnitCost = oriLine.UnitCost,
                        ExtendedCost = oriLine.UnitCost * acumLines[lineID] * oriLine.Unit.BaseAmount


                result[0] = ssDocLines;
                result[1] = allNodeTrace;

                return result;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("SalesLinesForErpDocument", ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                return null;

            //Recorre los saldos pendientes para ese documento
            double curQty = 0;
            foreach (DocumentBalance balance in balanceList.Where(b => b.QtyPending > 0))

                qNodeTrace = new NodeTrace
                    Document = shipTask,
                    Node = pickNode,
                    PostingDocument = new Document { DocID = 0 }, //0 mean Null
                    Label = new Label { Product = balance.Product, Unit = balance.Unit }

                //PASO 1 : Primero buscar los nodetrace que coincidan con la unidad necesitada y traer los pendientes
                nodeTraceSameUnit = Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(qNodeTrace).ToList(); //.Take(int.Parse(balance.QtyPending.ToString()))

                //Si se obtienen registros
                //if (nodeTraceSameUnit.Count > 0)
                if (nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity) > 0)

                    //1.1 Actualiza los que encontro
                    foreach (NodeTrace traceSame in nodeTraceSameUnit)
                        traceSame.DocumentLine = balance.DocumentLine;
                        traceSame.PostingDate = DateTime.Now;
                        traceSame.PostingDocument = ssDocument;
                        traceSame.PostingDocLineNumber = line;
                        traceSame.PostingUserName = ssDocument.CreatedBy;
                        traceSame.ModifiedBy = ssDocument.CreatedBy;
                        traceSame.ModDate = DateTime.Now;



                    //1.2 Disminuye el balance
                    //Ajuste para que trabaje bien cuando hay items repetidos en una misma orden
                    if (nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity) <= balance.QtyPending)
                        balance.QtyPending -= nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity);
                        curQty = nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity);
                        curQty = balance.QtyPending;
                        balance.QtyPending = 0;

                    //Crea una linea para el documento de fullfilment
                    ssLine = new DocumentLine
                        Product = balance.Product,
                        Quantity = curQty,  //nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity),
                        Unit = balance.Unit,
                        Document = ssDocument,
                        CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                        IsDebit = false,
                        LineNumber = line,
                        LineStatus = lineStatus,
                        Location = ssDocument.Location,
                        UnitBaseFactor = balance.Unit.BaseAmount,
                        LinkDocNumber = balance.Document.DocNumber,
                        LinkDocLineNumber = balance.DocumentLine.LineNumber,
                        CreatedBy = ssDocument.CreatedBy,
                        Note = balance.DocumentLine.Note, //If Note=2 indica que es un componente
                        Sequence = balance.DocumentLine.Sequence,
                        Date1 = DateTime.Now,
                        UnitPrice = balance.UnitPrice,
                        ExtendedPrice = balance.UnitPrice * curQty * balance.Unit.BaseAmount



                //1.4 Si encontro todos los que necesitaba se sale a la siguiente linea
                if (balance.QtyPending <= 0)


            result[0] = ssDocLines;
            result[1] = allNodeTrace;

            return result;
        catch (Exception ex)
            ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("SalesLinesForErpDocument", ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
            return null;
             * */
コード例 #14
        //Cuando las lineas no requieren de hacer link con un Documento en el ERP
        private Object[] SalesLinesForTask(Document shipTask, Document ssDocument)
            Object[] result = new Object[2];

                //Node releaseNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Released };
                Node pickNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Picked };

                //Armar las lineas del documento de Recibo
                IList<DocumentLine> ssDocLines = new List<DocumentLine>();

                //Obtiene los nodetrace records a recorrer, 
                //los que no han sido posteados para esa tarea de recibo
                NodeTrace qNodeTrace = new NodeTrace { Document = shipTask, PostingDocument = new Document { DocID = 0 }, Node = pickNode };
                IList<NodeTrace> nodeTraceList = Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(qNodeTrace);
                Status status = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.New });

                DocumentLine ssLine;
                Double line = 0;

                //Leva el conteo del acumulado a recibir
                IDictionary<UnitProductRelation, Double[]> shipmentBalance = new Dictionary<UnitProductRelation, Double[]>();
                UnitProductRelation curUnitProduct;

                //Consolidar las lineas de la misma unidad y hacer una sola linea
                foreach (NodeTrace nodeTrace in nodeTraceList)
                    if (nodeTrace.Label.Product == null)

                    //Armando el consolidado
                    curUnitProduct = Factory.DaoUnitProductRelation().Select(
                        new UnitProductRelation
                            Unit = nodeTrace.Label.Unit,
                            Product = nodeTrace.Label.Product

                    if (shipmentBalance.ContainsKey(curUnitProduct))
                        shipmentBalance[curUnitProduct][1] += nodeTrace.Quantity;
                        line += 1;
                        shipmentBalance.Add(curUnitProduct, new Double[2] { line, nodeTrace.Quantity });

                    //Update Node Trace
                    nodeTrace.Document = shipTask;
                    nodeTrace.PostingDate = DateTime.Now;
                    nodeTrace.PostingDocument = ssDocument;
                    nodeTrace.PostingDocLineNumber = (Int32)line;
                    nodeTrace.PostingUserName = ssDocument.CreatedBy;
                    nodeTrace.ModifiedBy = ssDocument.CreatedBy;
                    nodeTrace.ModDate = DateTime.Now;


                //Recorre la coleccion de balance para adicionar las demas lineas del recibo
                foreach (UnitProductRelation unitProductRel in shipmentBalance.Keys)
                    //Si hay cantidad (elemento 1)
                    if (shipmentBalance[unitProductRel][1] > 0)

                        //Crea una linea para el documento de recibo obteniedo la info del balance
                        ssLine = new DocumentLine
                            Product = unitProductRel.Product,
                            Quantity = shipmentBalance[unitProductRel][1],
                            Unit = unitProductRel.Unit,
                            Document = ssDocument,
                            CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                            IsDebit = false,
                            LineNumber = (Int32)shipmentBalance[unitProductRel][0],
                            LineStatus = status,
                            Location = ssDocument.Location,
                            UnitBaseFactor = unitProductRel.Unit.BaseAmount,
                            CreatedBy = ssDocument.CreatedBy,
                            Date1 = DateTime.Now


                result[0] = ssDocLines;
                result[1] = nodeTraceList;

                return result;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("SalesLinesForTask", ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                return null;
コード例 #15
        //Actualiza el nodetrace y crea los Nuevos Registros de trace
        private void ProcessShippingTransactionTrace(IList<NodeTrace> traceList, Document postedDocument,
            Document taskDocument, Node node)
            if (traceList == null)

            Label curLabel;

            foreach (NodeTrace nodeTrace in traceList)
                //Actualiza el trace actual

                //Pasa los labels de ese nodeTrace a Storedb
                //Registra el movimiento del nodo
                    new NodeTrace
                        Node = node,
                        Document = taskDocument,
                        Label = nodeTrace.Label,
                        Quantity = nodeTrace.Quantity, //GetLabelStockQty(new Label { LabelID = nodeTrace.Label.LabelID }), //nodeTrace.Label.CurrQty
                        IsDebit = nodeTrace.IsDebit,
                        CreatedBy = postedDocument.CreatedBy,
                        PostingDocument = postedDocument,
                        PostingDocLineNumber = nodeTrace.PostingDocLineNumber,
                        PostingUserName = postedDocument.CreatedBy


                //Pasa los labels de ese nodeTrace a Stored o Node defined.
                curLabel = nodeTrace.Label;
                curLabel.Node = node;
                curLabel.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                curLabel.ModifiedBy = postedDocument.CreatedBy;


                //Modificando las hijas
                    curLabel.ChildLabels = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(new Label { FatherLabel = curLabel });
                    if (curLabel.ChildLabels != null && curLabel.ChildLabels.Count > 0)

                        foreach (Label child in curLabel.ChildLabels)
                            child.Node = node;
                            child.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                            child.ModifiedBy = child.FatherLabel.CreatedBy;

                catch { }


            #region Updating QtyShipped - JM Ene21/2010
            //Adicionando el ShippedQty to the Original Order Qher is a MergedOrder
            if (taskDocument.DocType.DocTypeID == SDocType.MergedSalesOrder)
                    //DocumentLine mergedLine;
                    DocumentLine oriLine;
                    //ProductInventory prInventory;

                    //1. Toma las lineas del Shipped
                    foreach (DocumentLine shipLine in postedDocument.DocumentLines)
                            //2. Busca las lineas del merged y luego la original
                            mergedLine = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(new DocumentLine
                                Document = new Document { DocNumber = shipLine.LinkDocNumber, Company = postedDocument.Company },
                                LineNumber = shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber
                            //mergedLine = taskDocument.DocumentLines.Where(f => f.LineNumber == shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber).First();

                            //2. Busca las lineas del merged original
                            oriLine = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(new DocumentLine
                                Document = new Document { 
                                    DocNumber = taskDocument.DocumentLines.Where(f => f.LineNumber == shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber)
                                    Company = postedDocument.Company },
                                LineNumber = taskDocument.DocumentLines.Where(f => f.LineNumber == shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber)


                            //3. Actualiza el QtyShipped.
                            oriLine.QtyShipped += shipLine.Quantity;
                            oriLine.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                            oriLine.ModifiedBy = postedDocument.CreatedBy;

                            if (oriLine.QtyBackOrder > 0)
                                oriLine.LineStatus = new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.InProcess };

                            if (oriLine.Quantity - oriLine.QtyShipped < 0)
                                oriLine.LineStatus = new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.Completed };


                            //4. Actualiza el QtyShipped En el Merged.

                                taskDocument.DocumentLines.Where(f => f.LineNumber == shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber).First().QtyShipped += shipLine.Quantity;
                                taskDocument.DocumentLines.Where(f => f.LineNumber == shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber).First().ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                                taskDocument.DocumentLines.Where(f => f.LineNumber == shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber).First().ModifiedBy = postedDocument.CreatedBy;
                                Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Update(taskDocument.DocumentLines.Where(f => f.LineNumber == shipLine.LinkDocLineNumber).First());
                                mergedLine.QtyShipped += shipLine.Quantity;
                                mergedLine.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                                mergedLine.ModifiedBy = postedDocument.CreatedBy;

                            catch { }

                            //Borrar esa cantidad de lo allocated para ese documento y ese producto.
                                prInventory = Factory.DaoProductInventory().Select(
                                    new ProductInventory { Document = oriLine.Document, Product = oriLine.Product }).First();

                                if (prInventory.QtyAllocated - shipLine.Quantity <= 0 && prInventory.QtyInUse == 0)
                                    prInventory.QtyAllocated -= shipLine.Quantity;
                                    if (prInventory.QtyAllocated < 0)
                                        prInventory.QtyAllocated = 0;
                            catch { }

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("Updating ShipQty:" + postedDocument.DocNumber + ", Line:" + shipLine.LineNumber, ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("Updating ShipQty:" + postedDocument.DocNumber, ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);



コード例 #16
        public void PickAtOnce(Document document, Label sourceLocation, Node node, SysUser picker)
            Factory.IsTransactional = true;
            //Node node = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Picked });

            DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance
                Document = document,
                Node = node

            IList<DocumentBalance> balanceList = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().BalanceByUnit(docBal);

            //Recorre las lineas del documento y las pickea usando PickProduct, pero solo si el balance 
            //existe en la location indicada para todo lo pendiente.

            if (balanceList == null || balanceList.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Document " + document.DocNumber + " not contains product pending to pick.");

            DocumentLine curLine;
            string fullExistence = "";

            foreach (DocumentBalance line in balanceList.Where(f=>f.QtyPending > 0))
                //Define Document, Product, Unit and Qty to send to receiving transaction
                curLine = new DocumentLine
                    Document = document,
                    Product = line.Product,
                    Unit = line.Unit,
                    Quantity = line.QtyPending,
                    CreatedBy = picker.UserName

                fullExistence += CheckForStockInLocation(curLine, sourceLocation);


            //Si alguno no tiene existencia no puede ejecutar el PickAtOnce
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullExistence))
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("PickAtOnce:", ListValues.EventType.Error, null, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                throw new Exception(fullExistence);

            //Ejecutando el Picking despues de que se confirma la existencia
            foreach (DocumentBalance line in balanceList)
                //Define Document, Product, Unit and Qty to send to receiving transaction
                curLine = new DocumentLine
                    Document = document,
                    Product = line.Product,
                    Unit = line.Unit,
                    Quantity = line.QtyPending

                Label packageLabel = new Label { LabelID = -1 };
                PickProduct(curLine, sourceLocation, node, packageLabel, picker, null);
コード例 #17
ファイル: DaoNode.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
 public Node Save(Node data)
     return (Node)base.Save(data);
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Piquea un producto a una orden teneindo en cuanta las tracking options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="label"></param>
        /// <param name="qtyToPick"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="picker"></param>
        public Label PickProductWithTrack(Document document, Label label, double qtyToPick, Node destNode, SysUser picker, 
            Label packLabel)
            //Debe piquear de producto suelto, teniendo en cuanta el Track del Label.
            Factory.IsTransactional = true;

            Node storedNode = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Stored });

            Status status = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active });
            Status locked = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Locked });
            //DocumentType labelType = WType.GetLabelType(new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.ProductLabel });

            Bin destBin = Rules.GetBinForNode(destNode, document.Location);


                //Valida si el docuemnto no es nulo
                Rules.ValidateDocument(document, true);

                Rules.ValidateBinStatus(label.Bin, true);

                //Valida si el producto esta en ese documento
                DocumentLine docLine = new DocumentLine
                    Document = document,
                    Product = label.Product,
                    LineStatus = new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.New },
                    Unit = label.Unit,
                    Quantity = qtyToPick,
                    CreatedBy = picker.UserName

                if (document.DocType.DocTypeID != SDocType.PickTicket)
                    Rules.ValidateProductInDocument(docLine, true);

                    //Valida si hay saldo pendiente por procesar
                    Rules.ValidateBalanceQuantityInDocument(docLine, destNode, true, false);

                //Evaluacion de tipo de source, Bin or Label
                DateTime recDate = DateTime.Now;
                //if (Rules.ValidateIsBinLabel(sourceLocation, false))
                IList<Label> tranLabel = DecreaseQtyFromBin(label, docLine, "Picking Source Track", true, storedNode);
                        recDate = (DateTime)tranLabel.Where(f => f.ReceivingDate != null).OrderBy(f => f.ReceivingDate).First().ReceivingDate;
                    catch { recDate = DateTime.Now; }

                //    //SI el ajustes es sobre un Label
                //else if (Rules.ValidateIsProductLabel(sourceLocation, false))
                //    DecreaseQtyFromLabel(sourceLocation, line, "Picking Source", true, storedNode);
                //    try { recDate = (sourceLocation.ReceivingDate == null) ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime)sourceLocation.ReceivingDate; }
                //    catch { recDate = DateTime.Now; }

                //Creando el package para ingresar la mercancia.
                    if (packLabel == null)
                        packLabel = new Label { LabelID = -1 };

                document.Location = label.Bin.Location;  //Revalidando que el location sea correcto
                    packLabel = GetPackageLabel(packLabel, document, picker).PackLabel;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Package label could not be created.\n" + ex.Message);

                //Increasing the Record of Product on Dest Bin.
                //Oct 09 /2009 Se adiciona el track option.
                Label pickedLabel = IncreaseQtyIntoBin(docLine, destNode, destBin, "Picking Dest Track", true, 
                    recDate, label.TrackOptions, label);

                pickedLabel.FatherLabel = packLabel;
                pickedLabel.Status = locked;
                pickedLabel.ShippingDocument = document;

                return pickedLabel;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("PickProductWithTrack:", ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                throw new Exception(WriteLog.GetTechMessage(ex));
コード例 #19
ファイル: DaoNode.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
 public Boolean Update(Node data)
     return base.Update(data);
コード例 #20
ファイル: PrintMngr.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Print file string to print
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labels">List of labels to print</param>
        /// <param name="template">Template to use for the printing</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String ProcessPrintingLine(DocumentBalance printLine, LabelTemplate template,
            String printLot, Node node, Bin bin, UserByRol userByRol)
            string result = "";
            Status status = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active }); //Active

            //Obteniendo el listado de TAGS que se deben reemplazar en el template
            IList<LabelMapping> labelmappings = Factory.DaoLabelMapping().Select(
                new LabelMapping { LabelType = template.LabelType });

            //Template base
            //int i;
            IList<Label> labelList = new List<Label>();

            //Tipo De impresion
            //1. Normal Imprime standar, sin logistica

            //2. Logistic (Notes tiene data) - imprime normal mas la Logistica
            Unit logisticUnit = null;

            if (printLine.Notes != null && printLine.Notes.Contains("Logistic"))
                string[] dataLogistic = printLine.Notes.Split(':');
                //El primer elemento contiene la unidad logistica.
                logisticUnit = Factory.DaoUnit().SelectById(new Unit { UnitID = int.Parse(dataLogistic[1]) });

                //3. Only print Logistic (notes tiene "ONLYPACK") - no imprime la normal (si las crea), solo imprime las logisticas
                //if (printLine.Notes.Contains("ONLYPACK"))
                    //printOnlyLogistic = true;

            //CReating Document Line to Send
            DocumentLine prnLine = new DocumentLine
                Product = printLine.Product,
                Document = printLine.Document,
                Unit = printLine.Unit,
                Quantity = printLine.Quantity


            //Crea las etiquetas de la cantidad de producto a recibir Logisticas y sus Hijas
            double logisticFactor = (logisticUnit != null) ? (double)(logisticUnit.BaseAmount / printLine.Unit.BaseAmount) : 1;

            labelList = CreateProductLabels(logisticUnit, prnLine, node, bin, logisticFactor, printLot,"", DateTime.Now)
                .Where(f=>f.FatherLabel == null).ToList();

            //Reemplazando el Header
            if (template.Header != null)
                result += ReplaceTemplate(labelmappings, template.Header, labelList[0]) + Environment.NewLine;

            //Reemplazando el Body
            if (template.Body != null)
                foreach (Label label in labelList)
                    result += ReplaceTemplate(labelmappings, template.Body, label) + Environment.NewLine;

            return result;
コード例 #21
ファイル: DaoNode.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
 public Boolean Delete(Node data)
     return base.Delete(data);
コード例 #22
        private void UpdateStock(ProductStock ps, Node storedNode, string comment)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.Bin.BinCode))
                try { ps.Bin = Factory.DaoBin().Select(ps.Bin).First(); }
                catch (Exception ex)
                { //El bin no Existe
                    //Console.WriteLine(ps.Product.ProductCode + " => " + ps.Bin.BinCode);
                    Status active = Factory.DaoStatus().Select(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active }).First();
                    ps.Bin.CreatedBy = WmsSetupValues.SystemUser;
                    ps.Bin.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
                    ps.Bin.IsFromErp = true;
                    ps.Bin.Status = active;
                    ps.Bin.Rank = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating Bin: " + ps.Bin.BinCode);
                    ps.Bin = Factory.DaoBin().Save(ps.Bin);
                ps.Bin = WType.GetBin(new Bin { BinCode = DefaultBin.MAIN, Location = ps.Bin.Location });

            //Procesando el Stock.
            DocumentLine line = new DocumentLine
                Product = ps.Product,
                Quantity = ps.Stock,
                Unit = ps.Product.BaseUnit,
                CreatedBy = WmsSetupValues.SystemUser

            (new TransactionMngr()).IncreaseQtyIntoBin(line, storedNode, ps.Bin, comment, true, DateTime.Now, null, null);

コード例 #23
ファイル: DaoNode.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
 public Node SelectById(Node data)
     return (Node)base.SelectById(data);
コード例 #24
ファイル: Rules.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        public Boolean ValidateNodeInLabel(Label label, Node node, Boolean autoThrow)
            if (label.Node.NodeID != node.NodeID)
                if (autoThrow)
                    throw new Exception("Label " + label.LabelCode + " is not in a valid Node.");
                    return false;

            return true;
コード例 #25
ファイル: DocumentMngr.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        private void ReversePickedProduct(Document data)

            //Node releaseNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Released };
            Node storeNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Stored };
            Bin binRestore = WType.GetBin(new Bin {BinCode = DefaultBin.MAIN, Location = data.Location});

            //Update document status to Cancelled
            Status cancelled = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.Cancelled });
            Status inactive = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Inactive });
            Status active = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active });

            //update NodeTrace
            NodeTrace qNodeTrace = new NodeTrace { Document = data };

            //Busca todo los registros de ese documento y los reversa
            IList<NodeTrace> nodeTraceList = Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(qNodeTrace);

            Node voidNode = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Voided });

            //Label curLabel;

            foreach (NodeTrace trace in nodeTraceList)
                //Reversa el trace original para poderlo postear nuevamente o reversarlo a stored
                if (trace.Node.NodeID == NodeType.Picked)
                    trace.ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy;
                    trace.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                    trace.Node = voidNode;
                    trace.Comment = "Picked: " + trace.Document.DocNumber + " Reversed";

                    // CAA
                    // Vuelve a Stock node
                        new NodeTrace
                            Node = storeNode,
                            Document = trace.Document,
                            Label = trace.Label,
                            Quantity = trace.Quantity,
                            IsDebit = trace.IsDebit,
                            CreatedBy = trace.CreatedBy,
                            Status = active,
                            Comment = "Stock: " + trace.Document.DocNumber + " Reversed",
                            CreationDate = DateTime.Now

                //Recorre los Packages de ese document y reversa los labels HIjos
                //Poner en Void los package Labels de ese documento.
                IList<DocumentPackage> packList = Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Select(new DocumentPackage { Document = data });
                IList<Label> labelList;
                foreach (DocumentPackage curPack in packList)
                    labelList = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(new Label { FatherLabel = curPack.PackLabel });

                    foreach (Label lbl in labelList)
                        //Reverse labels to node trace stored
                        lbl.Bin = binRestore;
                        lbl.Node = storeNode;
                        lbl.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                        lbl.ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy;
                        lbl.Status = active;
                        lbl.ShippingDocument = null;
                        lbl.FatherLabel = null;


                        //Reversando los Hijos en caso de que ese label tenga Hijos
                            lbl.ChildLabels = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(new Label { FatherLabel = lbl });

                            if (lbl.ChildLabels != null && lbl.ChildLabels.Count > 0)

                                foreach (Label child in lbl.ChildLabels)
                                    child.Bin = binRestore;
                                    child.Node = storeNode;
                                    child.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                                    child.ModifiedBy = data.ModifiedBy;
                                    child.Status = active;
                                    child.ShippingDocument = null;

                        catch { }

                    curPack.PackLabel.Status = inactive;
                    curPack.PackLabel.Node = voidNode;
コード例 #26
ファイル: Rules.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
        public Bin GetBinForNode(Node node, Location location)
            switch (node.NodeID)
                case NodeType.Picked:
                    return Factory.DaoBin().Select(new Bin { Location = location, BinCode = DefaultBin.PICKING }).First();
                case NodeType.Process:
                    return Factory.DaoBin().Select(new Bin { Location = location, BinCode = DefaultBin.PROCESS }).First();

                    return Factory.DaoBin().Select(new Bin { Location = location, BinCode = DefaultBin.MAIN }).First();


コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Recolecta= producto, sin etiqueta (recibo manual) toma de los labels virtuales para cada unidad basica de producto
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="packageLabel"></param>
        /// <param name="picker"></param>
        public void PickProduct(DocumentLine line, Label sourceLocation, Node destNode, Label packageLabel, SysUser picker, Bin destBin)

            Factory.IsTransactional = true;

            Node storedNode = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Stored });

            Status status = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active });
            Status locked = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Locked });
            DocumentType labelType = WType.GetLabelType(new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.ProductLabel });

            if (destBin == null)
                destBin = Rules.GetBinForNode(destNode, sourceLocation.Bin.Location);


                //Valida si el docuemnto no es nulo
                Rules.ValidateDocument(line.Document, true);

                Rules.ValidateBinStatus(sourceLocation.Bin, true);

                //Validar si las locations son iguales
                Rules.ValidatePickLocation(line.Document.Location, sourceLocation.Bin.Location, true);

                if (sourceLocation.LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.ProductLabel)
                    //Valida que este activo
                    Rules.ValidateActiveStatus(sourceLocation.Status, true);

                    //Validar que no este vod
                    Rules.ValidateVoided(sourceLocation.Node, true);

                if (line.Document.DocType.DocTypeID != SDocType.PickTicket)
                    //Valida si el producto esta en ese documento
                    DocumentLine docLine = new DocumentLine
                        Document = line.Document,
                        Product = line.Product,
                        LineStatus = new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.New },
                        Unit = line.Unit,
                        Quantity = line.Quantity,
                        CreatedBy = picker.UserName

                    Rules.ValidateProductInDocument(docLine, true);

                    //Valida si hay saldo pendiente por procesar
                    Rules.ValidateBalanceQuantityInDocument(docLine, destNode, true, false);

                //Evaluacion de tipo de source, Bin or Label
                DateTime recDate = DateTime.Now;
                if (Rules.ValidateIsBinLabel(sourceLocation, false))
                    IList<Label> tranLabel = DecreaseQtyFromBin(sourceLocation, line, "Picking Source Product", true, storedNode);
                        recDate = (DateTime)tranLabel.Where(f => f.ReceivingDate != null).OrderBy(f => f.ReceivingDate).First().ReceivingDate;
                    catch { recDate = DateTime.Now; }

                    //SI el ajustes es sobre un Label
                else if (Rules.ValidateIsProductLabel(sourceLocation, false))

                    DecreaseQtyFromLabel(sourceLocation, line, "Picking Source Product", true, storedNode, true);
                    try { recDate = (sourceLocation.ReceivingDate == null) ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime)sourceLocation.ReceivingDate; }
                    catch { recDate = DateTime.Now; }

                //Creando el package para ingresar la mercancia.
                if (packageLabel != null)
                    line.Document.Location = sourceLocation.Bin.Location;  //Revalidando que el location sea correcto

                    try { packageLabel = GetPackageLabel(packageLabel, line.Document, picker).PackLabel; }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("Package label could not be created.\n" + ex.Message);

                //Increasing the Record of Product on Dest Bin.
                Label pickedLabel = IncreaseQtyIntoBin(line, destNode, destBin, "Picking Dest Product", true, recDate, null, sourceLocation);
                pickedLabel.FatherLabel = packageLabel;
                pickedLabel.Status = locked;
                pickedLabel.ShippingDocument = line.Document;


            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("PickProduct:", ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                throw new Exception(WriteLog.GetTechMessage(ex));

コード例 #28
ファイル: DocumentMngr.cs プロジェクト: erwin-hamid/LogPro
 public bool IsTrackRequiredInDocument(Document document, Node node)
     return Factory.DaoDocument().IsTrackRequiredInDocument(document, node);
コード例 #29
        //Cuando las lineas deben hacer link con un documento del ERP, solo se permite que el Uom Coincida
        //Con el del documento

        private Object[] ReceiptLinesForErpDocument(Document receivingTask, Document prDocument)
            Object[] result = new Object[2];


                Node recNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Received };
                Node storedNode = new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Stored };
                DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance { Document = receivingTask, Node = storedNode };

                //Obtiene el balance linea por linea, Es decir el cruce contra lo ya posteado, porque la linea se
                //asigna una vez se postea, lo que no tiene linea no aparece en el balance
                //es decir el saldo que queda por llenar de cada linea de documento
                IList<DocumentBalance> balanceList = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().DetailedBalance(docBal, false);
                balanceList = balanceList.OrderBy(f => f.DocumentLine.LineNumber).ToList();  //Ordernada por LineNumber

                //Armar las lineas del documento de Recibo
                IList<DocumentLine> prDocLines = new List<DocumentLine>();
                NodeTrace qNodeTrace;
                DocumentLine rpLine;
                int line = 1;
                IEnumerable<NodeTrace> nodeTraceSameUnit;
                IList<NodeTrace> allNodeTrace = new List<NodeTrace>();
                Dictionary<long, double> acumLines = new Dictionary<long, double>();

                Status lineStatus = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.New });
                //Label curLabel;

                //Obtienen los saldos pendientes de lo que se recibio para ese documento.
                nodeTraceSameUnit =  Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(
                    new NodeTrace
                        Document = receivingTask,
                        Node = recNode,
                        PostingDocument = new Document { DocID = 0 }, //0 mean Null
                        //Label = new Label { Product = balance.Product, Unit = balance.Unit }
                    }).Where(f => f.Quantity > 0);

                //Recorre los NodeTrace en Receiving que tengan saldo y tengan balance.
                double traceBalance;
                double receivedLineQty;
                int xLine = 0;
                foreach (NodeTrace curTrace in nodeTraceSameUnit.Where(f => f.Label.Product != null).OrderBy(f => f.Label.Product.ProductID))
                    traceBalance = curTrace.Quantity * curTrace.Unit.BaseAmount;

                    //Saca todas las lineas del mismos producto que tenga la misma unidad y tengan saldo pendiente.
                    foreach (DocumentBalance curline in balanceList
                        .Where(f => f.Product.ProductID == curTrace.Label.Product.ProductID
                            //&& (f.Unit.UnitID == curTrace.Label.Unit.UnitID || f.Unit.BaseAmount == curTrace.Label.Unit.BaseAmount)
                            && f.QtyPending > 0))

                        //Para el consecutivo de la linea
                        if (!acumLines.ContainsKey(curline.DocumentLine.LineID))

                        //Si el valor de la cantidad del label actual es mayor o igual a la pendiente.
                        if (traceBalance >= curline.BaseQtyPending) //(traceBalance >= curline.QtyPending)
                            traceBalance -= curline.BaseQtyPending;
                            receivedLineQty = curline.BaseQtyPending;
                            curline.QtyPending = 0;
                        else //Si es menor
                            curline.QtyPending -= traceBalance / curline.Unit.BaseAmount; //nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity);
                            receivedLineQty = traceBalance; //nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity);
                            traceBalance = 0;

                        //Creado los nuevos traces en el STORED.
                        curTrace.DocumentLine = curline.DocumentLine;
                        curTrace.PostingDate = DateTime.Now;
                        curTrace.PostingDocument = prDocument;
                        curTrace.PostingDocLineNumber = line;
                        curTrace.PostingUserName = prDocument.CreatedBy;
                        curTrace.ModifiedBy = prDocument.CreatedBy;
                        curTrace.ModDate = DateTime.Now;

                        //Nuevo node para el caso de Receiving.

                        if (receivedLineQty > 0)
                            allNodeTrace.Add(new NodeTrace
                                Node = curTrace.Node,
                                Document = curTrace.Document,
                                Label = curTrace.Label,
                                Quantity = receivedLineQty,
                                IsDebit = curTrace.IsDebit,
                                CreatedBy = curTrace.CreatedBy,
                                PostingDocument = curTrace.PostingDocument,
                                PostingDocLineNumber = xLine,
                                PostingUserName = prDocument.CreatedBy,
                                Bin = curTrace.Bin,
                                CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                                PostingDate = DateTime.Now,
                                Status = curTrace.Status,
                                Unit = curline.Product.BaseUnit, //curline.Unit,
                                FatherLabel = curTrace.Label.FatherLabel

                        //Crea el acumulador para cada linea.
                        if (acumLines.ContainsKey(curline.DocumentLine.LineID))
                            acumLines[curline.DocumentLine.LineID] += receivedLineQty;
                            acumLines.Add(curline.DocumentLine.LineID, receivedLineQty);


                    if (traceBalance <= 0)
                    else //Reportar que hubo Overreceived.
                        ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("ReceiptLinesForErpDocument: Overreceived: " + curTrace.Document.DocNumber
                            + ", Product: " + curTrace.Label.Product.Name,
                            ListValues.EventType.Warn, null, null,


                //Para todos los saldos de las lineas.
                //Crea las lineas respectivas.
                DocumentLine oriLine;
                foreach (long lineID in acumLines.Keys)

                    oriLine = balanceList.Where(f => f.DocumentLine.LineID == lineID).Select(f => f.DocumentLine).First();

                    //Crea una linea para el documento de fullfilment
                    rpLine = new DocumentLine
                        Product = oriLine.Product,
                        AccountItem = oriLine.AccountItem,
                        Quantity = acumLines[lineID] / oriLine.Unit.BaseAmount,  //nodeTraceSameUnit.Sum(f => f.Quantity),
                        Unit = oriLine.Unit,
                        Document = prDocument,
                        CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                        IsDebit = false,
                        LineNumber = line,
                        LineStatus = lineStatus,
                        Location = prDocument.Location,
                        UnitBaseFactor = oriLine.Unit.BaseAmount,
                        LinkDocNumber = oriLine.Document.DocNumber,
                        LinkDocLineNumber = oriLine.LineNumber,
                        CreatedBy = prDocument.CreatedBy,
                        Note = oriLine.Note, //If Note=2 indica que es un componente
                        Sequence = oriLine.Sequence,
                        Date1 = DateTime.Now,
                        //UnitPrice = oriLine.UnitPrice,
                        //ExtendedPrice = oriLine.UnitPrice * acumLines[lineID] * oriLine.Unit.BaseAmount,
                        UnitCost = oriLine.UnitCost,
                        ExtendedCost = oriLine.UnitCost * acumLines[lineID] * oriLine.Unit.BaseAmount,
                        Date2 = oriLine.Date2, //Pone las fechas en el recibo, siver para las fechas de entrega Date2 en ENTERPRISE
                        QtyOnHand = oriLine.UnitBaseFactor,
                        BinAffected = oriLine.BinAffected,
                        PostingUserName = oriLine.PostingUserName



                result[0] = prDocLines;
                result[1] = allNodeTrace;

                return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("ReceiptLinesForErpDocument", ListValues.EventType.Fatal, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                return null;