コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Validates and returns the duration, a secondary validation in case javascript is disabled on the client system.
 /// </summary>
 public TimeSpan ValidateAndGetPostBackDuration( PostBackValueDictionary postBackValues, Validator validator, ValidationErrorHandler validationErrorHandler )
     if( tooLongOrInvalidCharacters( durationPicker.GetPostBackValue( postBackValues ) ) ) {
         validator.NoteErrorAndAddMessage( "Please enter a valid duration." );
         return TimeSpan.Zero;
     return validator.GetTimeSpan( validationErrorHandler, parseTimeSpan( durationPicker.GetPostBackValue( postBackValues ) ) );
コード例 #2
        internal static ZipCode CreateUsZipCode( ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler, string entireZipCode )
            var match = Regex.Match( entireZipCode, usPattern );
            if( match.Success )
                return getZipCodeFromValidUsMatch( match );

            return getZipCodeForFailure( errorHandler );
コード例 #3
        internal static ZipCode CreateUsOrCanadianZipCode( ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler, string entireZipCode )
            var match = Regex.Match( entireZipCode, usPattern );
            if( match.Success )
                return getZipCodeFromValidUsMatch( match );
            if( ( match = Regex.Match( entireZipCode, canadianPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) ).Success )
                return new ZipCode { zip = match.Groups[ "caZip" ].Value };

            return getZipCodeForFailure( errorHandler );
コード例 #4
        protected override void loadData()
            BasicPage.Instance.Body.Attributes[ "class" ] = CssElementCreator.SelectUserPageBodyCssClass;

            ph.AddControlsReturnThis( new PageName() );

            if( ConfigurationStatics.IsLiveInstallation ) {
                    new Paragraph(
                        new Strong( "Warning:" ),
                        " Do not impersonate a user without permission. Your actions will be attributed to the user you are impersonating, not to you.".GetLiteralControl() ) );

            var pb = PostBack.CreateFull(
                actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction( new ExternalResourceInfo( info.ReturnUrl.Any() ? info.ReturnUrl : NetTools.HomeUrl ) ) );

            DataValue<User> user = new DataValue<User>();
                    "User's email address (leave blank for anonymous)",
                    new EwfTextBox( "" ),
                    validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation(
                                                     ( pbv, validator ) => {
                                                         var errorHandler = new ValidationErrorHandler( "user" );
                                                         var emailAddress = validator.GetEmailAddress( errorHandler, control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), true );
                                                         if( errorHandler.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError )
                                                         if( !emailAddress.Any() ) {
                                                             user.Value = null;
                                                         user.Value = UserManagementStatics.GetUser( emailAddress );
                                                         if( user.Value == null )
                                                             validator.NoteErrorAndAddMessage( "The email address you entered does not match a user." );
                                                     pb ) ).ToControl(),
                new Paragraph(
                    new PostBackButton(
                        new ButtonActionControlStyle(
                            AppRequestState.Instance.ImpersonatorExists ? "Change User" : "Begin Impersonation",
                            buttonSize: ButtonActionControlStyle.ButtonSize.Large ) ) ) );

            pb.AddModificationMethod( () => UserImpersonationStatics.BeginImpersonation( user.Value ) );
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the time and returns the time. The value is expressed in time since 12AM on an arbitrary day.
        /// </summary>
        public TimeSpan ValidateAndGetTimeSpan( PostBackValueDictionary postBackValues, Validator validator, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler )
            if( textBox != null ) {
                return validator.GetTimeOfDayTimeSpan(
                    textBox.GetPostBackValue( postBackValues ).ToUpper(),
                    DateTimeTools.HourAndMinuteFormat.ToSingleElementArray() );

            var selectedItemIdInPostBack = selectList.ValidateAndGetSelectedItemIdInPostBack( postBackValues, validator );
            if( selectedItemIdInPostBack.HasValue )
                return selectedItemIdInPostBack.Value;
            errorHandler.SetValidationResult( ValidationResult.Empty() );
            errorHandler.HandleResult( validator, true );
            return default( TimeSpan );
コード例 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Validates the time and returns the nullable time. The value is expressed in time since 12AM on an arbitrary day.
 /// </summary>
 public TimeSpan? ValidateAndGetNullableTimeSpan(
     PostBackValueDictionary postBackValues, Validator validator, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler, bool allowEmpty)
     return textBox != null
                ? validator.GetNullableTimeOfDayTimeSpan(
                    textBox.GetPostBackValue( postBackValues ).ToUpper(),
                    allowEmpty )
                : selectList.ValidateAndGetSelectedItemIdInPostBack( postBackValues, validator );
コード例 #7
 private static ZipCode getZipCodeForFailure( ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler )
     errorHandler.SetValidationResult( ValidationResult.Invalid() );
     return new ZipCode();
コード例 #8
        public static void Main()
            GlobalInitializationOps.InitStatics( new GlobalInitializer(), "Tester", false );


            Console.WriteLine( new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 0, 0, 4861000 ).ToHourMinuteSecondString() );
            Console.WriteLine( new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 0, 0, 4861000 ).ToHourMinuteString() );
            Console.WriteLine( new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 0, 0, 104861000 ).ToHourMinuteSecondString() );
            Console.WriteLine( new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 0, 0, 104861000 ).ToHourMinuteString() );
            Console.WriteLine( new TimeSpan( 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 ).ToHourMinuteSecondString() );
            Console.WriteLine( new TimeSpan( 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 ).ToHourMinuteString() );
            Console.WriteLine( new TimeSpan( 0, 1, 32 ).ToHourMinuteSecondString() );

            Console.WriteLine( FormattingMethods.GetFormattedBytes( 64 ) );
            Console.WriteLine( FormattingMethods.GetFormattedBytes( 64000 ) );
            Console.WriteLine( FormattingMethods.GetFormattedBytes( 64000000 ) );
            Console.WriteLine( FormattingMethods.GetFormattedBytes( 64500000000 ) );

            Console.WriteLine( "fred".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "\n".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "f".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "1234f".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "1234".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "       f".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "       ".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( " fred".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( " fred died.".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( ".".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( " .".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( " .fred died.".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( " . fred died.".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nfred".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( " \n fred".CapitalizeString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "\n------\nfred".CapitalizeString() );

            Console.WriteLine( "one two three.csv".ToSafeFileName() );

            Console.WriteLine( "One {one one } two {two}".RemoveTextBetweenStrings( "{", "}" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( "This 'quoted text'.".RemoveTextBetweenStrings( "'", "'" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( "A comments looks like /*A comment.*/.".RemoveTextBetweenStrings( "/*", "*/" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( "body.ewf div.ewfIeWarningBanner table a { font-size:1.5em; }".RemoveTextBetweenStrings( "{", "}" ) );

            Console.WriteLine( "one".ConcatenateWithSpace( "two" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( EnterpriseWebLibrary.StringTools.ConcatenateWithDelimiter( ", ", "one", "two", "three" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( EnterpriseWebLibrary.StringTools.ConcatenateWithDelimiter( "|", "", "one", "", "", "two", "", "three ", "   " ) );

            Console.WriteLine( "abcde".Truncate( 4 ) );
            Console.WriteLine( "abcde".TruncateStart( 4 ) );
            Console.WriteLine( NetTools.CombineUrls( @"http://www.redstapler.biz", "/Files", "Carriers", "Hancock/", "blabla.pdf" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( NetTools.CombineUrls( @"http://www.redstapler.biz", "//Files", "Carriers", "Hancock//", "blabla.pdf//" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( NetTools.CombineUrls( @"///http://www.redstapler.biz//", "/Files/", "Carriers/", "Hancock/", "/blabla.pdf/" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( NetTools.CombineUrls( @"http://localhost/ToddPublicWebSite/", "Carriers", "UP", "ComparisonLogo.jpg" ) );

            Console.WriteLine( EwlStatics.CombinePaths( @"C:\Inetpub\", "Files", "orgs", "box.txt" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( EwlStatics.CombinePaths( @"C:\Inetpub\", "Files", "orgs", "anotherFolder", "box.txt" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( EwlStatics.CombinePaths( @"C:\Inetpub\", "Files", @"orgs\" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( EwlStatics.CombinePaths( @"C:\Inetpub", @"\Files\", @"\orgs", "box.txt" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( EwlStatics.CombinePaths( @"Inetpub", @"Files" ) );
            Console.WriteLine( EwlStatics.CombinePaths( @"D:\Source Control Repository\Charette", @"", @"\Aspose.Words.lic" ) );

            Console.WriteLine( EnterpriseWebLibrary.StringTools.CamelToEnglish( null ) );
            Console.WriteLine( "".CamelToEnglish() );
            Console.WriteLine( "L".CamelToEnglish() );
            Console.WriteLine( "l".CamelToEnglish() );
            Console.WriteLine( "LeftLeg".CamelToEnglish() );
            Console.WriteLine( "hits you in the Head and the LeftLeg!  That hurts.".CamelToEnglish() );

            var mySet = new HashSet<string> { "a", "c", "", "b", "fred" };

            var list = new List<string>( mySet );
            foreach( var item in mySet )
                list.Add( item );

            //	mySet = new Set( list );

            var ls = new ListSet<string> { "one", "two", "one", "two" };
            foreach( var item in ls )
                Console.WriteLine( item );

            var validator = new Validator();
            var vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );

            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetUrl( vp, "hTTp://RedStapler.biZ/fRed", false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetUrl( vp, "fred", true ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.Write( validator.GetNullableSqlSmallDateTimeExact( vp, "fred", "MM/dd/yyy", false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetInt( vp, "fred" ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter ); // "myGoodInt" );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetInt( vp, "-342" ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter ); // "myBadDate" );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetSqlSmallDateTimeFromParts( vp, "3", "", "" ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter ); // "myBadDate" );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetSqlSmallDateTimeFromParts( vp, "", "", "" ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter ); // "zip" );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetZipCode( vp, "14580", true ).FullZipCode );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter ); // "zip" );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetZipCode( vp, "14580-1234", true ).FullZipCode );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter ); // "badZip" );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetZipCode( vp, "123", false ).FullZipCode );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            Console.WriteLine( "---------------------------------\nPhone Numbers:\n------------------------------------\n" );
            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "5854556476", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "585 4556476", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "( 585 )455-6476", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "(585)455-6476", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "585-455-6476", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "With lots of spaces: " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "585   872   0291  ", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "With x: " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "5854556476   x   12345", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "With space ext. allowed: " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "5854556476 12345", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "Toni example 1: " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "321-663-4810", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "Toni example 2: " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "585-336-7600 ext 65361", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "Gibberish, should fail^ " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "sodifuoisafdoiu", true, true, true ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "With space no ext. allowed, should fail^ " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "5854556476 12345", false, false, true ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "With extension and no delimeters, should fail^ " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "585455647612345", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
                "With extension and no delimeters, should succeed since allowGarbage is on. " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "585455647612345", true, true, true ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter );
            Console.WriteLine( "Should fail^ " + validator.GetPhoneNumber( vp, "02934", true, true, false ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            Console.WriteLine( "------------------------\nEnd phone numbers.\n-------------------------------\n" );

            vp = new ValidationErrorHandler( errorWriter ); // "badByte" );
            Console.WriteLine( validator.GetByte( vp, "234987234" ) );
            Assert.IsFalse( vp.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError );

            var key = Rijndael.Create().Key;
            Console.Write( "Encryption Key: { " );
            foreach( var b in key )
                Console.Write( b + ", " );

            Console.WriteLine( "SSN length: " + EncryptionOps.EncryptString( EncryptionOps.GenerateInitVector(), "987654321" ).Length );
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Validates the HTML.
 /// </summary>
 public void Validate( PostBackValueDictionary postBackValues, Validator validator, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler )
     mod.Html = validator.GetString( errorHandler, wysiwygEditor.GetPostBackValue( postBackValues ), true );
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Validates the date and returns the date.
 /// </summary>
 public DateTime ValidateAndGetPostBackDate( PostBackValueDictionary postBackValues, Validator validator, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler )
     var date = validator.GetDateTime( errorHandler, textBox.GetPostBackValue( postBackValues ), null, min, max );
     if( errorHandler.LastResult == ErrorCondition.NoError && date.HasTime() )
         validator.NoteErrorAndAddMessage( "Time information is not allowed." );
     return date;