string HyperlinkStyle.GetJsInitStatements(string id) { return(rolloverImageInfo != null && rolloverImageInfo.GetUrl() != imageInfo.GetUrl() ? StringTools.ConcatenateWithDelimiter( " ", "new Image().src = '{0}';".FormatWith(rolloverImageInfo.GetUrl()), "$( '#{0}' ).mouseover( function() {{ $( this ).children().attr( 'src', '{1}' ); }} );".FormatWith(id, rolloverImageInfo.GetUrl()), "$( '#{0}' ).mouseout( function() {{ $( this ).children().attr( 'src', '{1}' ); }} );".FormatWith(id, imageInfo.GetUrl())) : ""); }
internal static FormAction GetHyperlinkPostBackAction(ResourceInfo destination) { var id = PostBack.GetCompositeId("ewfLink", destination.GetUrl()); return(new PostBackFormAction( EwfPage.Instance.GetPostBack(id) ?? PostBack.CreateFull(id: id, actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction(destination)))); }
private string getTransferPath(ResourceInfo resource) { var url = resource.GetUrl(true, true, false); if (resource.ShouldBeSecureGivenCurrentRequest != RequestIsSecure(Request)) { throw new ApplicationException(url + " has a connection security setting that is incompatible with the current request."); } return(url); }
internal HyperlinkBehavior(ResourceInfo destination, string target) { this.destination = destination; Classes = destination?.AlternativeMode is NewContentResourceMode ? ActionComponentCssElementCreator.NewContentClass : ElementClassSet.Empty; Url = destination != null?destination.GetUrl(true, false, true) : ""; var isPostBackHyperlink = destination != null && !(destination.AlternativeMode is DisabledResourceMode) && !target.Any() && EwfPage.Instance.IsAutoDataUpdater; FormAction postBackAction = null; AttributeGetter = () => (Url.Any() ? Tuple.Create("href", Url).ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <Tuple <string, string> >()).Concat( target.Any() ? Tuple.Create("target", target).ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <Tuple <string, string> >()) .Concat( isPostBackHyperlink ? Tuple.Create(JsWritingMethods.onclick, postBackAction.GetJsStatements() + " return false").ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <Tuple <string, string> >()) .ToImmutableArray(); var disabledResourceMode = destination?.AlternativeMode as DisabledResourceMode; if (disabledResourceMode != null) { IncludeIdAttribute = true; Func <string, string> toolTipInitStatementGetter; EtherealChildren = new ToolTip( (disabledResourceMode.Message.Any() ? disabledResourceMode.Message : Translation.ThePageYouRequestedIsDisabled).ToComponents(), out toolTipInitStatementGetter).ToCollection(); JsInitStatementGetter = id => "$( '#{0}' ).click( function( e ) {{ e.preventDefault(); }} );".FormatWith(id) + toolTipInitStatementGetter(id); } else { EtherealChildren = ImmutableArray <EtherealComponent> .Empty; JsInitStatementGetter = id => ""; } if (isPostBackHyperlink) { PostBackAdder = () => { postBackAction = GetHyperlinkPostBackAction(destination); postBackAction.AddToPageIfNecessary(); } } ; else { PostBackAdder = () => { } }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an image with a single source. Use only when you do not know the width of the image resource, or if the resource only supports a single width. /// </summary> /// <param name="generalSetup">The general setup object for the image.</param> /// <param name="imageResource">Do not pass null.</param> public EwfImage(ImageSetup generalSetup, ResourceInfo imageResource) { children = generalSetup.ComponentGetter(() => imageResource.GetUrl(), () => ""); }
internal HyperlinkBehavior(ResourceInfo destination, string target, Func <string, string> actionStatementGetter) { this.destination = destination; Classes = destination?.AlternativeMode is NewContentResourceMode ? ActionComponentCssElementCreator.NewContentClass : ElementClassSet.Empty; Url = new Lazy <string>(() => destination != null ? destination.GetUrl(true, false, true) : ""); AttributeGetter = forNonHyperlinkElement => (destination != null && !forNonHyperlinkElement ? Tuple.Create("href", Url.Value).ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <Tuple <string, string> >()) .Concat( destination != null && target.Any() && !forNonHyperlinkElement ? Tuple.Create("target", target).ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <Tuple <string, string> >()) .Materialize(); var isPostBackHyperlink = destination != null && !(destination.AlternativeMode is DisabledResourceMode) && !target.Any() && EwfPage.Instance.IsAutoDataUpdater; FormAction postBackAction = null; string getActionInitStatements(string id, bool omitPreventDefaultStatement, string actionStatements) => "$( '#{0}' ).click( function( e ) {{ {1} }} );".FormatWith( id, (omitPreventDefaultStatement ? "" : "e.preventDefault();").ConcatenateWithSpace(actionStatements)); if (destination?.AlternativeMode is DisabledResourceMode disabledResourceMode) { IncludesIdAttribute = forNonHyperlinkElement => true; EtherealChildren = new ToolTip( (disabledResourceMode.Message.Any() ? disabledResourceMode.Message : Translation.ThePageYouRequestedIsDisabled).ToComponents(), out var toolTipInitStatementGetter).ToCollection(); JsInitStatementGetter = (id, forNonHyperlinkElement) => (forNonHyperlinkElement ? "" : getActionInitStatements(id, false, "") + " ") + toolTipInitStatementGetter(id); } else { IncludesIdAttribute = forNonHyperlinkElement => isPostBackHyperlink || (destination != null && (actionStatementGetter != null || forNonHyperlinkElement)); EtherealChildren = null; JsInitStatementGetter = (id, forNonHyperlinkElement) => { var actionStatements = isPostBackHyperlink ? postBackAction.GetJsStatements() : destination != null && actionStatementGetter != null?actionStatementGetter(Url.Value) : destination != null && forNonHyperlinkElement ? !target.Any() ? "window.location.href = '{0}';".FormatWith(Url.Value) : target == "_parent" ? "window.parent.location.href = '{0}';".FormatWith(Url.Value) : " '{0}', '{1}' );".FormatWith(Url.Value, target) : ""; return(actionStatements.Any() ? getActionInitStatements(id, forNonHyperlinkElement, actionStatements) : ""); }; } IsFocusable = destination != null; if (isPostBackHyperlink) { PostBackAdder = () => { postBackAction = GetHyperlinkPostBackAction(destination); postBackAction.AddToPageIfNecessary(); } } ; else { PostBackAdder = () => {} }; }
internal HyperlinkBehavior(ResourceInfo destination, bool disableAuthorizationCheck, string target, Func <string, string> actionStatementGetter) { hasDestination = destination != null; userCanNavigateToDestinationPredicate = () => !hasDestination || disableAuthorizationCheck || destination.UserCanAccessResource; var destinationAlternativeMode = hasDestination && !disableAuthorizationCheck ? destination.AlternativeMode : null; Classes = destinationAlternativeMode is NewContentResourceMode ? ActionComponentCssElementCreator.NewContentClass : ElementClassSet.Empty; Url = new Lazy <string>(() => hasDestination ? destination.GetUrl(!disableAuthorizationCheck, false) : ""); var isPostBackHyperlink = new Lazy <bool>( () => hasDestination && !(destinationAlternativeMode is DisabledResourceMode) && !target.Any() && PageBase.Current.IsAutoDataUpdater.Value); AttributeGetter = forNonHyperlinkElement => (hasDestination && !forNonHyperlinkElement ? new ElementAttribute("href", Url.Value).ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <ElementAttribute>()).Concat( hasDestination && target.Any() && !forNonHyperlinkElement ? new ElementAttribute("target", target).ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <ElementAttribute>()) .Concat( // for !isPostBackHyperlink.Value && destination is ResourceBase && !(destinationAlternativeMode is DisabledResourceMode) && !forNonHyperlinkElement ? new ElementAttribute("data-instant").ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <ElementAttribute>()) .Materialize(); FormAction postBackAction = null; string getActionInitStatements(string id, bool omitPreventDefaultStatement, string actionStatements) => "$( '#{0}' ).click( function( e ) {{ {1} }} );".FormatWith( id, (omitPreventDefaultStatement ? "" : "e.preventDefault();").ConcatenateWithSpace(actionStatements)); if (destinationAlternativeMode is DisabledResourceMode disabledResourceMode) { IncludesIdAttribute = forNonHyperlinkElement => true; EtherealChildren = new ToolTip( (disabledResourceMode.Message.Any() ? disabledResourceMode.Message : Translation.ThePageYouRequestedIsDisabled).ToComponents(), out var toolTipInitStatementGetter).ToCollection(); JsInitStatementGetter = (id, forNonHyperlinkElement) => (forNonHyperlinkElement ? "" : getActionInitStatements(id, false, "") + " ") + toolTipInitStatementGetter(id); } else { IncludesIdAttribute = forNonHyperlinkElement => isPostBackHyperlink.Value || (hasDestination && (actionStatementGetter != null || forNonHyperlinkElement)); EtherealChildren = null; JsInitStatementGetter = (id, forNonHyperlinkElement) => { var actionStatements = isPostBackHyperlink.Value ? postBackAction.GetJsStatements() : hasDestination && actionStatementGetter != null?actionStatementGetter(Url.Value) : hasDestination && forNonHyperlinkElement ? !target.Any() ? "window.location.href = '{0}';".FormatWith(Url.Value) : target == "_parent" ? "window.parent.location.href = '{0}';".FormatWith(Url.Value) : " '{0}', '{1}' );".FormatWith(Url.Value, target) : ""; return(actionStatements.Any() ? getActionInitStatements(id, forNonHyperlinkElement, actionStatements) : ""); }; } IsFocusable = hasDestination; PostBackAdder = () => { if (!isPostBackHyperlink.Value) { return; } var postBackId = PostBack.GetCompositeId("hyperlink", destination.GetUrl(), disableAuthorizationCheck.ToString()); postBackAction = new PostBackFormAction( PageBase.Current.GetPostBack(postBackId) ?? PostBack.CreateFull( id: postBackId, actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction(destination, authorizationCheckDisabledPredicate: effectiveDestination => disableAuthorizationCheck))); postBackAction.AddToPageIfNecessary(); }; }
private string getTransferPath( ResourceInfo resource ) { var url = resource.GetUrl( true, true, false ); if( resource.ShouldBeSecureGivenCurrentRequest != RequestIsSecure( Request ) ) throw new ApplicationException( url + " has a connection security setting that is incompatible with the current request." ); return url; }
private void navigate( ResourceInfo destination, FullResponse secondaryResponse ) { var requestState = AppRequestState.Instance.EwfPageRequestState; string destinationUrl; try { // Determine the final redirect destination. If a destination is already specified and it is the current page or a page with the same entity setup, // replace any default optional parameter values it may have with new values from this post back. If a destination isn't specified, make it the current // page with new parameter values from this post back. At the end of this block, redirectInfo is always newly created with fresh data that reflects any // changes that may have occurred in EH methods. It's important that every case below *actually creates* a new page info object to guard against this // scenario: // 1. A page modifies data such that a previously created redirect destination page info object that is then used here is no longer valid because it // would throw an exception from init if it were re-created. // 2. The page redirects, or transfers, to this destination, leading the user to an error page without developers being notified. This is bad behavior. if( requestState.ModificationErrorsExist || ( requestState.DmIdAndSecondaryOp != null && requestState.DmIdAndSecondaryOp.Item2 == SecondaryPostBackOperation.NoOperation ) ) destination = InfoAsBaseType.CloneAndReplaceDefaultsIfPossible( true ); else if( destination != null ) destination = destination.CloneAndReplaceDefaultsIfPossible( false ); else destination = createInfoFromNewParameterValues(); // This GetUrl call is important even for the transfer case below for the same reason that we *actually create* a new page info object in every case // above. We want to force developers to get an error email if a page modifies data to make itself unauthorized/disabled without specifying a different // page as the redirect destination. The resulting transfer would lead the user to an error page. destinationUrl = destination.GetUrl(); } catch( Exception e ) { throw getPossibleDeveloperMistakeException( "The post-modification destination page became invalid.", innerException: e ); } // Put the secondary response into session state right before navigation so that it doesn't get sent if there is an error before this point. if( secondaryResponse != null ) { // It's important that we put the response in session state first since it's used by the Info.init method of the pre-built-response page. StandardLibrarySessionState.Instance.ResponseToSend = secondaryResponse; StandardLibrarySessionState.Instance.SetClientSideNavigation( EwfApp.MetaLogicFactory.CreatePreBuiltResponsePageInfo().GetUrl(), !secondaryResponse.FileName.Any(), null ); } // If the redirect destination is identical to the current page, do a transfer instead of a redirect. if( destination.IsIdenticalToCurrent() ) { AppRequestState.Instance.ClearUserAndImpersonator(); resetPage(); } // If the redirect destination is the current page, but with different query parameters, save request state in session state until the next request. if( destination.GetType() == InfoAsBaseType.GetType() ) StandardLibrarySessionState.Instance.EwfPageRequestState = requestState; NetTools.Redirect( destinationUrl ); }
// Web Forms compatibility. Remove when EnduraCode goal 790 is complete. internal void SetUpClickableControl(WebControl clickableControl) { if (resource == null && action == null && script == "") { return; } clickableControl.CssClass = clickableControl.CssClass.ConcatenateWithSpace(ActivatableClass.ClassName); if (resource != null && EwfPage.Instance.IsAutoDataUpdater) { action = HyperlinkBehavior.GetHyperlinkPostBackAction(resource); resource = null; } Func <string> scriptGetter; if (resource != null) { scriptGetter = () => "location.href = '" + EwfPage.Instance.GetClientUrl(resource.GetUrl()) + "'; return false"; } else if (action != null) { action.AddToPageIfNecessary(); scriptGetter = () => action.GetJsStatements() + " return false"; } else { scriptGetter = () => script; } // Defer script generation until after all controls have IDs. EwfPage.Instance.PreRender += delegate { clickableControl.AddJavaScriptEventScript(JsWritingMethods.onclick, scriptGetter()); }; }