public Test_QuestTwo() { QuestID = "QST_test02"; Title = "Second Test Quest"; Description = "This is the second test quest. Use the test elevator!"; Repeatable = false; RequiredLevel = 1; RequiredQuests.Add("QST_test01"); EndNPCID = "npc_type_questnpc"; QuestStage firstStage = new QuestStage(); firstStage.Objectives.Add(new QuestObjective() { Type = QST_OBJ_TYPE.OBJECT_INTERACT, RequiredProgress = 1, TargetList = new List <string>() { "321" } }); Stages.Add(firstStage); }
public Test_Quest() { QuestID = "QST_test01"; Title = "First Test Quest"; Description = "This is the first test quest. Kill 4 of those annoying test NPCs!"; Repeatable = false; RequiredLevel = 1; EndNPCID = "npc_type_questnpc"; QuestStage firstStage = new QuestStage(); firstStage.Objectives.Add(new QuestObjective() { Type = QST_OBJ_TYPE.KILL_COLLECT, RequiredProgress = 4, Task = "Kill four TestNPC enemies.", TargetList = new List <string>() { "npc_type_testnpc" } }); Stages.Add(firstStage); }