コード例 #1
ファイル: DumbGroundAI.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public void HandleCollision(GameObject obj1, GameObject obj2, CollisionResult collisionResult)
     //if (!(obj2 is Player) && collisionResult.CollisionTime > 1e-10)
     if (obj2 is BasicGroundEnemy && collisionResult.collisionTime > 1e-10)
         direction *= -1;
         obj1.Velocity.X *= -1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: DumbGroundAI.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public void HandleCollision(GameObject obj, BoundingPolygon p, Vector collisionNormal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
     if (collisionNormal.X > 0.8)
         direction = 1;
     else if (collisionNormal.X < -0.8)
         direction = -1;
     else if (obj.Velocity.X > 0)
         direction = 1;
     else if (obj.Velocity.X < 0)
         direction = -1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: PhysicalObject.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
        //Handle collisions against edges
        public override void Collide(BoundingPolygon p, Vector collisionNormal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
            //if (collisionResult.isIntersecting) return;

            base.Collide(p, collisionNormal, collisionResult);

            // If intersecting, push back
            if (collisionResult.isIntersecting)
                Position += collisionResult.minimumTranslationVector;
                remainingFrameTime -= collisionResult.collisionTime;

                if (collisionResult.hasIntersected)
                    Position -= (1-collisionResult.collisionTime + 1e-6) * Velocity * frameTime;
                    Position -= collisionResult.minimumTranslationVector;

                Velocity = Velocity - ((1.0+objectPhysics.Elasticity)*Velocity.DotProduct(collisionNormal))*collisionNormal;
                Position += remainingFrameTime * Velocity * frameTime;

                 * Run the event handlers
                if (Math.Abs(collisionNormal.X) > 0.8)

                if (collisionNormal.Y > 0.5)
                    if (!OnGround)
                        OnGround = true;
            //	}
コード例 #4
ファイル: Player.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public override void Collide(ICollidable o, Vector edgeNormal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
     if (currentState == dieState) return;
     if (o is Coin)
         if (PlayerState.Coins >= 100)
             PlayerState.Lives += PlayerState.Coins / 100;
             PlayerState.Coins = PlayerState.Coins % 100;
         ((Coin)o).Delete = true;
     else if (o is Mushroom && ((Mushroom)o).MushroomType == Mushroom.ItemType.RedMushroom)
         ((Mushroom)o).Delete = true;
     else if (o is BasicGroundEnemy)
         BasicGroundEnemy e = (BasicGroundEnemy)o;
         if (BoundingBox.Bottom >= o.BoundingBox.Top && e.Stompable && !e.Dying)
             if (collisionResult.hasIntersected)
                 Velocity.Y = 200;
         else if (!e.Dying)
コード例 #5
ファイル: Player.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public override void Collide(BoundingPolygon p, Vector collisionNormal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
     if (currentState == dieState) return;
     base.Collide (p, collisionNormal, collisionResult);
     if (collisionResult.hitNormal.X > 0.8 && sliding)
         sliding = false;
         objectPhysics.Friction = oldFriction;
コード例 #6
ファイル: PlayerController.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public void HandleCollision(GameObject obj1, GameObject obj2, CollisionResult collisionResult)
コード例 #7
ファイル: PlayerController.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public void HandleCollision(GameObject obj, BoundingPolygon p, Vector collisionNormal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
コード例 #8
ファイル: CollisionManager.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public CollisionEvent(ICollidable obj1, ICollidable obj2, Vector normal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
     collisionType = Type.OBJECT_OBJECT;
     object1 = obj1;
     object2 = obj2;
     this.collisionNormal = normal;
     this.collisionResult = collisionResult;
コード例 #9
ファイル: CollisionManager.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
        /// <summary>
        /// Test collision against a series of polygons.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TestCollision(ICollidable o, List<BoundingPolygon> polygons, double frameTime)
            if (polygons.Count == 0) return;

            //Applying Separating Axis theorem
            //First find all the axis. They are the union of the object's edge normals, and the polygon's edge normals.
            //The polygon's edge normals will be retrieved for each polygon that is checked.

            List<Vector>[] edges = {o.BoundingBox.EdgeNormals, null};

            double remainingFrameTime = 1;
            int loopCount = 0;

            int collCount = 0;
            Log.Write("Testing collision object vs polygon, polygon count: " + polygons.Count, Log.DEBUG);

            //As long as we may get another collision in this frame
            while (o.Velocity.DotProduct(o.Velocity) > 0 && remainingFrameTime > 0/* && loopCount < 4*/)
                BoundingPolygon oldBoundingBox = (BoundingPolygon)o.BoundingBox.Clone();
                oldBoundingBox.Translate(-o.Velocity.X*frameTime*remainingFrameTime, -o.Velocity.Y*frameTime*remainingFrameTime);

                //This is the reference to the first edge we're colliding with. If null at the end, we didn't collide.
                BoundingPolygon firstCollisionPolygon = null;
                //The current minimum time until collision
                double minimumCollisionTime = double.PositiveInfinity;
                //Final collision results
                CollisionResult finalResult = new CollisionResult();

                //How far have we actually moved this frame?
                Vector velocity = o.Velocity * frameTime;

                //Set the minimum translation vector to the longest vector possible during a frame
                finalResult.minimumTranslationVector = o.Velocity * frameTime;
                finalResult.frameTime = frameTime;
                int finalNormalOwner = -1;

                //Check each edge
                foreach (BoundingPolygon p in polygons)
                    /*if (p.Vertices.Count == 2 && p.EdgeNormals[0].DotProduct(o.Velocity) > 0)
                        #if DEBUG_COLLISION_OBJECT_POLYGON
                        Log.Write("Polygon has only one edge, which faces the same way as the movement direction. Ignoring.", Log.DEBUG);

                    #if DEBUG_COLLISION_OBJECT_POLYGON
                    Log.Write("Object bounding polygon: " + o.BoundingBox, Log.DEBUG);
                    Log.Write("Testing polygon " + p, Log.DEBUG);

                    //Collision results for the current polygon
                    CollisionResult result = new CollisionResult();
                    edges[1] = p.EdgeNormals;

                    bool separating = false;
                    int normalOwner = -1;

                    for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
                        var poly = edges[i];
                        foreach (Vector axis in poly)
                            // Do the collision test on the polygons
                            testAxis(ProjectPolygon(oldBoundingBox, axis), ProjectPolygon(p, axis), velocity, axis, result, remainingFrameTime, i);
                            if (object.ReferenceEquals(axis, result.hitNormal))
                                normalOwner = i;

                            if (!result.hasIntersected && !result.isIntersecting)
                                separating =  true;
                            if (result.isIntersecting && double.IsNegativeInfinity(result.distance)) result.isIntersecting = false;
                        if (separating) break;

                    //Already intersecting
                    if (result.isIntersecting)
                        finalResult = result;
                        finalNormalOwner = normalOwner;
                        minimumCollisionTime = 0;
                        firstCollisionPolygon = p;
                    //Will intersect with p in the future.
                    //If we're not already overlapping with another polygon, go ahead and update the current minimum collision time.
                    else if (result.hasIntersected)
                        //If the collision time is the smallest so far,
                        if (result.collisionTime < minimumCollisionTime)
                            minimumCollisionTime = result.collisionTime;
                            finalResult = result;
                            finalNormalOwner = normalOwner;
                            firstCollisionPolygon = p;

                //If we have a first collision, call the collision handler
                if (firstCollisionPolygon != null)
                    if (finalResult.isIntersecting)
                        finalResult.minimumTranslationVector = (finalNormalOwner == 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.Abs(finalResult.distance) * finalResult.hitNormal; //o.Velocity * finalResult.distance * frameTime;

                    remainingFrameTime -= minimumCollisionTime;

                    //Subtract a small amount to behave correctly when we have small rounding errors.
                    finalResult.collisionTime = minimumCollisionTime; // - 1e-6;//Constants.MinDouble;

                    o.Collide(firstCollisionPolygon, finalNormalOwner == 1 ? finalResult.hitNormal : -finalResult.hitNormal, finalResult);
                    #if DEBUG_COLLISION_OBJECT_POLYGON
                    Log.Write("COLLISION." + " Time: " + finalResult.collisionTime + " Normal: " + finalResult.hitNormal + " Remaining: " + remainingFrameTime + " Collision polygon: " + firstCollisionPolygon + " Velocity: " + o.Velocity + " Translation vector: " + finalResult.minimumTranslationVector, Log.DEBUG);
                    remainingFrameTime = 0;
                    #if DEBUG_COLLISION_OBJECT_POLYGON
                    Log.Write("NO COLLISION.", Log.DEBUG);

            Log.Write("Collision count: " + collCount + "\n", Log.DEBUG);
コード例 #10
ファイル: CollisionManager.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public CollisionEvent(ICollidable obj, BoundingPolygon p, Vector normal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
     collisionType = Type.OBJECT_POLYGON;
     object1 = obj;
     polygon = p;
     collisionNormal = normal;
     this.collisionResult = collisionResult;
コード例 #11
ファイル: CollisionManager.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
        /// <summary>
        /// Test one axis with SAT.
        /// Updates result if there is a "better" hit
        /// </summary>
        private static void testAxis(Projection prj1, Projection prj2, Vector relativeVelocity, Vector axis, CollisionResult result, double remainingFrameFraction, int axisOwner)
            bool isIntersecting = false, willIntersect = false;
            double t = 0; //Collision time

            //Positive distance means we don't have an overlap. Negative means we have an overlap.
            double distance = prj1.GetDistance(prj2);

            Log.Write("\tTesting axis " + axis + ", relative vel: " + relativeVelocity, Log.DEBUG);
            Log.Write("\tProjection 1: " + prj1 + " Projection 2: " + prj2, Log.DEBUG);
            Log.Write("\tDistance " + distance, Log.DEBUG);

            //Already intersecting?
            if (distance < 0)
                isIntersecting = true;
                Log.Write("\tIntersecting.", Log.DEBUG);
                //Calculate velocity component in direction of axis
                double velAxis = axis.DotProduct(relativeVelocity);

                //if (velAxis < Constants.MinDouble) velAxis = 0;

                Log.Write("\tNot intersecting. Velocity along axis: " + velAxis, Log.DEBUG);

                //If projection of polygon 2 is to the right of polygon 1, AND we have a positive velocity along the axis
                //OR projection of polygon 1 is to the left of polygon 2 AND we have a negative velocity along axis
                //then we might have a collision in the future. If not, the objects are either moving in separate directions
                //or they are staying still.
                if ((velAxis > 0 && prj2.Min >= prj1.Max) || (velAxis < 0 && prj1.Min >= prj2.Max))
                    //If the axis belongs to object 1, and it's facing the opposite direction of the velocity,
                    //then ignore it because it can't collide. Also, if the axis belongs to object 2,
                    //and the axis faces the same direction as the velocity, also ignore it.
                    #if DEBUG_COLLISION_OBJECT_POLYGON
                    Log.Write("\tAxis dot Velocity: " + axis.DotProduct(relativeVelocity) * (axisOwner == 0 ? -1 : 1) + " Axis: " + axis, Log.DEBUG);

                    //Ignore this test if the axis faces the wrong way
                    if (axis.DotProduct(relativeVelocity) * (axisOwner == 0 ? -1 : 1) > Constants.MinDouble)
                        Log.Write("\tIgnoring test because the edge faces the wrong way. Dot: " + axis.DotProduct(relativeVelocity) * (axisOwner == 0 ? -1 : 1) + "Owner: " + axisOwner);
                        distance = double.NegativeInfinity;
                        isIntersecting = true;
                        t = distance / Math.Abs(velAxis);

                        if (t < remainingFrameFraction)
                            willIntersect = true;

                        Log.Write("\tCollision time: " + t, Log.DEBUG);
                    Log.Write("\tMoving the wrong way. No collision.", Log.DEBUG);

            //Find the "best" guess of HOW the objects collides.
            //That is, what direction, and what normal was intersected first.
            if ((!result.isIntersecting && !result.hasIntersected) || //If the result intersection flags are both false, this is the first test.
                (result.isIntersecting && (willIntersect || (isIntersecting && result.distance < distance))) || //Previous result was an overlapping one, while the latest result indicate o1 and o2 will collide in the future instead,
                (result.hasIntersected && willIntersect && t > result.collisionTime)) //Previous result was that o1 and o2 collides in the future, but this result indicates that they collide later.
                result.isIntersecting = isIntersecting;
                result.hasIntersected = willIntersect;
                result.collisionTime = t;
                result.distance = distance;
                result.hitNormal = axis;

                Log.Write("\tNew best axis", Log.DEBUG);
            //No intersection now or in the future.
            else if (!isIntersecting && !willIntersect)
                result.hasIntersected = false;
                result.isIntersecting = false;
コード例 #12
ファイル: CollisionManager.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
        /// <summary>
        /// Test collision between two objects. 
        /// </summary>
        public static void TestCollision(ICollidable o1, ICollidable o2, double frameTime)
            Log.Write("Begin collision test object vs object", Log.DEBUG);
            Log.Write("Bounding box 1: " + o1.BoundingBox.ToString(), Log.DEBUG);
            Log.Write("Bounding box 2: " + o2.BoundingBox.ToString(), Log.DEBUG);

            //Calculate relative velocity between o1 and o2, as seen from o1
            Vector relativeVelocity  = (o1.Velocity - o2.Velocity)*frameTime;
            Log.Write("Velocity 1 " + o1.Velocity + " Velocity 2 " + o2.Velocity, Log.DEBUG);
            CollisionResult result = new CollisionResult();
            result.frameTime = frameTime;
            bool separating = false;
            int normalOwner = -1;

            List<Vector>[] polygons = {o1.BoundingBox.EdgeNormals, o2.BoundingBox.EdgeNormals};

            // Find each edge normal in the bounding polygons, which is used as axes.
            //foreach (var poly in polygons)
            for (int i = 0; i < polygons.Length; i++)
                var poly = polygons[i];

                // If the result is ever null, we have a separating axis, and we can cancel the search.
                foreach (var axis in poly)
                    //Test for collision on one axis
                    testAxis(ProjectPolygon(o1.BoundingBox, axis), ProjectPolygon(o2.BoundingBox, axis), relativeVelocity, axis, result, 1, i);

                    if (object.ReferenceEquals(axis, result.hitNormal))
                        normalOwner = i;

                    //No intersection (now or in the future)
                    if (!result.isIntersecting && !result.hasIntersected)
                        separating = true;
                if (separating) break;

            if (!separating)
                Log.Write("COLLISION. Normal: " + result.hitNormal + " Time: " + result.collisionTime, Log.DEBUG);
                if (result.isIntersecting)
                    result.minimumTranslationVector = result.hitNormal * result.distance * frameTime;

                result.frameTime = frameTime;
                collisionEvents.Add(new CollisionEvent(o1, o2, normalOwner == 1 ? result.hitNormal : -result.hitNormal, result));
                collisionEvents.Add(new CollisionEvent(o2, o1, normalOwner == 0 ? result.hitNormal : -result.hitNormal, result));
                Log.Write("NO COLLISION", Log.DEBUG);
コード例 #13
ファイル: GameObject.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public virtual void Collide(ICollidable o, Vector edgeNormal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
     if (controller != null)
         controller.HandleCollision(this, (GameObject)o, collisionResult);
コード例 #14
ファイル: GameObject.cs プロジェクト: hallgeirl/Hiage
 public virtual void Collide(BoundingPolygon p, Vector collisionNormal, CollisionResult collisionResult)
     if (controller != null)
         controller.HandleCollision(this, p, collisionNormal, collisionResult);