public Person(string name, SpritesetInstance spriteset, bool destroy) { #if(DEBUG) if (_debug1 == null) _debug1 = new ColorInstance(Program._engine, Color.Magenta); if (_debug2 == null) _debug2 = new ColorInstance(Program._engine, Color.Red); #endif Name = name; DestroyOnMap = destroy; Speed = new Vector2f(1, 1); _innerSS = spriteset; Data = Program.CreateObject(); _base = _innerSS.GetBase(); _sprite = new Sprite(_innerSS.TextureAtlas.Texture); Mask = new Color(255, 255, 255); Scripts = new FunctionScript[5]; string d = GetDirectionAt(0); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(d)) Direction = d; }
public static void GradientRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height, ColorInstance c1, ColorInstance c2, ColorInstance c3, ColorInstance c4) { _verts[0] = new Vertex(new Vector2f((float)x, (float)y), c1.Color); _verts[1] = new Vertex(new Vector2f((float)(x + width), (float)y), c2.Color); _verts[2] = new Vertex(new Vector2f((float)(x + width), (float)(y + height)), c3.Color); _verts[3] = new Vertex(new Vector2f((float)x, (float)(y + height)), c4.Color); Program.Batch.AddVerts(_verts, 4); }
public static ColorInstance BlendColorsWeighted(ColorInstance c1, ColorInstance c2, double w) { int R = (int)((int)c1["red"] * w + (int)c2["red"] * (1 - w)); int G = (int)((int)c1["green"] * w + (int)c2["green"] * (1 - w)); int B = (int)((int)c1["blue"] * w + (int)c2["blue"] * (1 - w)); int A = (int)((int)c1["alpha"] * w + (int)c2["alpha"] * (1 - w)); return new ColorInstance(_engine, R, G, B, A); }
/// <summary> /// Draws this obstruction segement to the System.Drawings.Graphics. /// </summary> /// <param name="g">The System.Drawing.Graphics to use.</param> /// <param name="offset">The x/y offset to use.</param> /// <param name="zoom">The zoom factor to use.</param> public void Draw(ref Vector2f offset, ColorInstance color) { int x = _x1 + (int)offset.X; int y = _y1 + (int)offset.Y; int xx = _x2 + (int)offset.X; int yy = _y2 + (int)offset.Y; GlobalPrimitives.Line(x, y, xx, yy, color); }
public static void GradientCircle(double x, double y, double radius, ColorInstance inner, ColorInstance outer, [DefaultParameterValue(false)] bool antialias = false) { Program.Batch.Flush(); _circle.Radius = (float)radius; _circle.FillColor = inner.Color; _circle.Position = new Vector2f((float)x, (float)y); _circle.Origin = new Vector2f((float)radius, (float)radius); Target.Draw(_circle); }
public static void FilledCircle(double x, double y, double radius, ColorInstance color) { Program.Batch.Flush(); _circle.Radius = (float)radius; _circle.FillColor = color.Color; _circle.Position = new Vector2f((float)x, (float)y); _circle.Origin = new Vector2f((float)radius, (float)radius); Target.Draw(_circle); }
public EmitterInstance(ScriptEngine engine, ImageInstance image, ColorInstance color, double life, double speed) : base(engine) { Image = image; ImgWidth = (int)image.Texture.Size.X; ImgHeight = (int)image.Texture.Size.Y; StartX = 0; StartY = 0; Life = life; Speed = speed; Color = color; PopulateFunctions(); }
public WindowStyleInstance Clone() { WindowStyleInstance wind = new WindowStyleInstance(Engine); wind["color"] = new ColorInstance(Engine, (ColorInstance)this["color"]); wind._backgroundMode = _backgroundMode; _edgeColors.CopyTo(wind._edgeColors, 0); _edgeOffsets.CopyTo(wind._edgeOffsets, 0); wind._edgeWidth = _edgeWidth; for (var i = 0; i < _textures.Length; ++i) { wind._textures[i] = new Texture(_textures[i]); wind._sprites[i] = new Sprite(wind._textures[i]); } wind._version = _version; return wind; }
public void OutlinedRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, ColorInstance color) { _changed = true; }
public void LineSeries(ArrayInstance points, ColorInstance color) { _changed = true; }
public void OutlinedCircle(int ox, int oy, int r, ColorInstance color, [DefaultParameterValue(false)] bool antialias = false) { _changed = true; }
public void GradientRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, ColorInstance c1, ColorInstance c2, ColorInstance c3, ColorInstance c4) { FillVert(0, x, y, c1.Color); FillVert(1, x + w, y, c2.Color); FillVert(2, x + w, y + h, c3.Color); FillVert(3, x, y + h, c4.Color); _batch.AddVerts(_verts, 4); _changed = true; }
public void Line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, ColorInstance color) { Color col = color.GetColor(); Vertex[] _verts = new Vertex[2]; _verts[0] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(x1, y1), col); _verts[1] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(x2, y2), col); _batch.AddVerts(_verts, 2, PrimitiveType.Lines); _changed = true; }
static HWSurfaceInstance CreateSurface(int w, int h, ColorInstance color) { return new HWSurfaceInstance(_engine, w, h, color.Color); }
public void GradientLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, ColorInstance col1, ColorInstance col2) { Vertex[] _verts = new Vertex[2]; _verts[0] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(x1, y1), col1.GetColor()); _verts[1] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(x2, y2), col2.GetColor()); _batch.AddVerts(_verts, 2, PrimitiveType.Lines); _changed = true; }
public void WrapBlitMask(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, ColorInstance col, [DefaultParameterValue(-1)] int width = -1, [DefaultParameterValue(-1)] int height = -1) { Color c = col.Color; float w = width < 0 ? (float)_image.Size.X : width; float h = height < 0 ? (float)_image.Size.Y : height; Vertex[] array = new Vertex[4]; _image.Repeated = true; array[0] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(x1, y1), c, new Vector2f(x2, y2)); array[1] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(x1 + w, y1), c, new Vector2f(x2 + w, y2)); array[2] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(x1 + w, y1 + h), c, new Vector2f(x2 + w, y2 + h)); array[3] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(x1, y1 + h), c, new Vector2f(x2, y2 + h)); Program.Batch.Add(_image, array); }
public void SetColorMask(ColorInstance color) { _color = color.Color; }
public void ReplaceColor(ColorInstance colorA, ColorInstance colorB) { _changed = true; }
public void BlitMaskSurface(HWSurfaceInstance surf, int x, int y, ColorInstance mask) { if (surf == null) return; if (surf._changed) { surf.Update(); } FloatRect dest = new FloatRect(x, y, _source.Width, _source.Height); _batch.Add(_atlastex, surf._source, dest, mask.Color); _changed = true; }
public static EmitterInstance CreateEmitter(ImageInstance image, ColorInstance color, double life, double speed) { return new EmitterInstance(Program._engine, image, color, life, speed); }
public void ZoomBlitMask(double x, double y, double z, ColorInstance color) { if (!Visible(x, y)) return; float wz = (float)(_source.Width * z); float hz = (float)(_source.Height * z); Program.Batch.Add(_image, _source, new FloatRect((float)x, (float)y, wz, hz), color.GetColor()); }
public void RotateBlitMask(double x, double y, double r, ColorInstance color) { if (!Visible(x, y)) return; Program.Batch.Add(_image, (float)x, (float)y, color.Color, r); }
public void PointSeries(ArrayInstance array, ColorInstance color) { Color c = color.GetColor(); Vertex[] verts = new Vertex[array.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; ++i) { Vector2f vect = GlobalPrimitives.GetVector(array[i] as ObjectInstance); verts[i] = new Vertex(vect, c); } _batch.AddVerts(verts, verts.Length, PrimitiveType.Points); _changed = true; }
public void BlitMaskSurface(HWSurfaceInstance surf, int x, int y, ColorInstance mask) { if (surf._changed) { surf.Update(); } _myBatch.Add(surf._cache, (float)x, (float)y); _changed = true; }
public void Rectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, ColorInstance color) { Color col = color.Color; FillVert(0, x, y, ref col); FillVert(1, x + w, y, ref col); FillVert(2, x + w, y + h, ref col); FillVert(3, x, y + h, ref col); _batch.AddVerts(_verts, 4); _changed = true; }
static ColorInstance BlendColors(ColorInstance c1, ColorInstance c2) { return BlendColorsWeighted(c1, c2, 0.5); }
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, ColorInstance color) { Vertex[] verts = new Vertex[1] { new Vertex(new Vector2f(x, y), color.GetColor()) }; _batch.AddVerts(verts, 1, PrimitiveType.Points); _changed = true; }
public void Draw(ColorInstance color) { GlobalPrimitives.Line(Start.X, Start.Y, End.X, End.Y, color); }
public ColorInstance(ScriptEngine parent, ColorInstance color) : this(parent, color._color) { }
public static void SetPersonMask(string name, ColorInstance color) { Person value; if (PeopleTable.TryGetValue(name, out value)) { value.Mask = color.GetColor(); } }