コード例 #1
        public void CreateDocument()
            this.Container.RegisterType<IXmlMapper<XPathProcessor, Parent>, ParentXPathMapper>();
            this.Container.RegisterType<IXmlMapper<XPathProcessor, Child>, ChildXPathMapper>();
            this.Container.RegisterType<IXmlMapper<Parent, XElement>, ParentXElementMapper>();
            this.Container.RegisterType<IXmlMapper<Child, XElement>, ChildXElementMapper>();

            this.Container.RegisterXmlMapper<Animal, AnimalXmlMapper>();
            this.Container.RegisterXmlMapper<Dog, DogXmlMapper>();

            new XmlMappingEngineRegistrar().Register(this.Container);

            var engine = this.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IXmlMappingEngine>();

            var entity = new Dog { Id = 1, Name = "Test", Tricks = "Rollover" };

            var xml = engine.CreateDocument(entity);
コード例 #2
        protected void RoundTripMapping(IXmlMappingEngine engine)
            // Sample xml with namespaces to add complexity
            var xml = @"<Parent xmlns='http://www.sample.com/common' xmlns:Pet='http://www.sample.com/pet' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
                           <Children xmlns='http://www.sample.com/app'>
                                   <Value xmlns='http://www.sample.com/sales'>34.29</Value>
                                    <Animal xmlns='http://www.sample.com/app' xsi:type='Pet:Dog'>
                                   <Value xmlns='http://www.sample.com/sales'>12</Value>

            var d = new Dog { Id = 1, Name = "Fido", Tricks = "Fetch" };
            var expected = new Parent
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Fred",
                Cost = 1500.75M,
                Children = new List<Child>
                     new Child { Id = 1, Value = 34.29f, Start = new DateTime(2011, 9, 15, 15, 0, 0), Dog = d },  
                     new Child { Id = 2, Value = 12f, Start = new DateTime(2020, 12, 31, 4, 0, 0) },

            var processor = this.CreateProcessor();

            var candidate = engine.Map<XPathProcessor, Parent>(processor);
            this.Check(expected, candidate);

            var candidateXml = engine.Map<Parent, XElement>(candidate);
            this.CheckXml(candidateXml, xml);