コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method for calling welcome message and checking employee presence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>

        static void Main(string[] args)
            NLog nLog = new NLog();

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Employee Wage computation Program");
            nLog.LogInfo("Welcome message displayed : Main()");
            string checkForInput = "y";
            ComputeEmployeeWage computeEmployeeWage = new ComputeEmployeeWage();

            //instatiating computeEmployeewage class class for calling calculatemonthlywage method to calculate monthlywage.
            while (checkForInput.ToLower() == "y")
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of company");
                string nameOfCompany = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter wage per hour for company");
                int wagePerHour = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter no. of working days for company");
                int noOfWorkingDays = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter no. of working hours for month");
                int monthlyWorkingHours = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                computeEmployeeWage.AddContactDetails(nameOfCompany, wagePerHour, noOfWorkingDays, monthlyWorkingHours);
                Console.WriteLine("Do you want to compute for another company, press y to compute.");
                checkForInput = Console.ReadLine();
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// calculating monthly wages provides index to array and tranfer values to private monthly method which computes monthly wages and returns it.
        /// </summary>
        public void CalculateMonthlyWage()
            ComputeEmployeeWage computeEmployeeWage = new ComputeEmployeeWage();

            //for(int a=0;a<companyIndex;a++)
            foreach (EmployeeDetails employeeDetails in employeeDetailsList)
                int monthlyWage = computeEmployeeWage.CalculateMonthlyWage(employeeDetails);
                CompanyWageInDictionary.Add(employeeDetails.companyName, employeeDetails);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="employeeDetail"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal int CalculateMonthlyWage(EmployeeDetails employeeDetail)
            //Array for daily working hours and daily wages of workers
            int[] fullDayHour       = new int[employeeDetail.noOfWorkingDays];
            int   workDayCount      = 0;
            int   totalWorkingHours = 0;

            int[] totalDailyWage = new int[employeeDetail.noOfWorkingDays];
            int   monthlyWage;

            Console.WriteLine($"Employee wages for {employeeDetail.companyName}");
            //calculating total monthly wage by applying while loop on working days
            while (workDayCount < employeeDetail.noOfWorkingDays && totalWorkingHours <= employeeDetail.hoursPerMonth)
                //using Random method to generate random no and compare with constants to check presence.
                Random random         = new Random();
                int    checkIfPresent = random.Next(0, 3);
                // instatiating compute employee wage class and calling WorkHours method which returns no of hours according to employee's presence.
                ComputeEmployeeWage computeEmployeeWage = new ComputeEmployeeWage();
                fullDayHour[workDayCount] = computeEmployeeWage.WorkHours(checkIfPresent, workDayCount);
                if (totalWorkingHours + fullDayHour[workDayCount] > employeeDetail.hoursPerMonth)
                    fullDayHour[workDayCount] = 0;
                totalWorkingHours           += fullDayHour[workDayCount];
                totalDailyWage[workDayCount] = fullDayHour[workDayCount] * employeeDetail.wagePerHour;
                Console.WriteLine($"Total daily wage is for {workDayCount + 1} is {totalDailyWage[workDayCount]}");
                //.LogDebug("Successfully Calculated daily employee wage : Main()");
            monthlyWage = totalWorkingHours * employeeDetail.wagePerHour;
            nLog.LogDebug("Successfully calculated monthly employee wage: calculateMonthlyWage()");
            Console.WriteLine($"The monthly wage for employee of {employeeDetail.companyName} is {monthlyWage}");